The N A TIO.N AL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE )\\ JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY WASHINGTON, D. C. - - JANUARY, 1932 \ \ \ " The American Horticultural Society ~ P'RESENT ROLL OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS March 1, 1931 OFFICERS President, Robert Pyle, West Grove, Pa. First Vice-Preside?},t, Knowles A. Ryerson, 1601 Argonne Pl., N. W., Washington, D. C. Second V ice-President, Mrs. Francis King, South Hartford, N. Y. Secreta1'Y, C. C. Thomas, 211 Spruce Street, Takoma Park, Md. Treasurer, Roy G. Pierce, 504 Aspen Street, Washington, D. C. DIRECTORS Terms expiring in 1932 Terms expiring in 1933 Miss Mary McD. Beirne, Ashland, Va. Miss Isabel B. Busbee, Raleigh, N. C. Hon. H. F. Fisher, Memphis, Tenn. Mrs. L. H. Fowler, Washington, D. C. Mrs. Mortimer Fox, Peekskill, N. Y. Fa·irman R. Furness, Media, Pa. Mr. F. L. Mulford, Washington, D. C. D. Victor Lumsden, Washington, D. C. Dr. Earl B. White, Kensington, Md. J. Marion Shull, Chevy Chase, Md. AFFILIATED SOCIETIES' Alexandria, Virginia, Garden Club, Garden Club of Somerset Hills, Mrs. F. M. Willard, President, Mrs. J. M. Ellsworth, President, Belle Haven, Alexandria, Va. Bernardsville, N. J. American Fuchsia Society, Georgia State Horticultural Society, Mrs. Elizabeth Madison, Sec'y, G. H. Firor, Secretary, 1025 2nd Ave., Oakland, Calif. Athens, Ga. Blackstone Garden Club, Hartwell Garden Club, Mrs. A. G. Ingham, President, Care of Wm. F. Roberts, W ellsville, Va. 275 Avalon Ave., Cincinnati, O. Chevy Chase (D. C.) Garden Cluib, Highland Park Garden Study CIU:b, Mrs. Truman Abbe, Librarian, Mrs. J. S. Weinberg, President, 3737 Huntington St. N. W., 440 Glencoe Ave., Highland Pk., Ill. Washington, D. C. Chevy Chase Garden Club, Indian Hill Garden Dub, Mrs. G. Thomas Dunlop, Mrs. Robert Sattler, Pres·ident, Manor Road, Chevy Chase, Md. Varner Road, R. F. D. No.1, Civic Study Club, Sta. M., Cincinnati, O. Mrs. O. R. Bruson, Secretary, Lake Forest Garden Club, Michigan, N. D. Lake Forest, Ill. Fairfax Garden Club, Lake Washington Garden Club, Mrs. L. P. Tayloe, Secretary, Mrs. Alexander A. Gardner, Vienna, Va. 5951 49th Ave., S'. W., Seattle, Wash. Fairfield Garden Club, Montgomery Suburban Garden Club, Mrs. John R. Reylburn, James c. Dulin, Jr., President, 523 Old Post Road, Fairfield, Conn. 325 High St., Friendship Hrs., Federated Garden Clubs of Cincinnati and Chevy Chase, Md. Vicinity, Shaker Lakes Garden Club, Mrs. Silas B. Waters, President, Mrs. Frank B. Stearns, 2005 Edgecliffe Point, Cincinnati, O. 15830 S. Park Blvd., Shaker Hts., Galesburg Horticultural Improvement So­ Cleveland, Ohio. ciety, S'I:. Louis Horticultural Society, C. Z. Nelson, Secretary, Missouri Botanical Garden, 534 Hawkinson Ave., Galesburg, Ill. St. Louis, Mo. Garden Club of Cincinnati, Mrs. H. W. Nichols, Takoma Horticultural Club, 2345 Madison Road, E. Walnut Fred C. Duehring, Secretary, Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio. 122 Chestnut Ave., Garden Club of Buzzard's Bay Takoma Park, D. C. Mrs. M. W. Wilcox, President, Town & Country Garden Club, 350 Union St., New Bedford, Mass. Mrs. W. H. Wood, Garden Club of Englewood, Anderson & Green Road, EnglewoOd, N. J . So. Euclid, Cleveland, Ohio. Garden Club of Madison, N. J. Tuckahoe Garden Club of Westhampton, Mr. B. Cutler, Librarian, Mrs. John Coke, 303 Woodland Rd., Madison, N. J . Rio Vista Lane, Richmond, Va. Garden Club of Ohio, Women Gardeners of Ridgewood, Mrs. Kermode F. Gill, President, Mrs. Gail C. Cannon, Corresponding 2178 Harcourt Dr·ive, Cleveland, O. Secretary Garden Club of Peekskill, 331 S. Van Dien Ave., 118 Plne St., Peekskill, N. Y. Ridgewood, N. J. Entereo:! as second· class m atter January 2:7, 1932, at the P ost Office at Baltimore, Md., under tbe Act of August 24, 1912. Jan., 1932 THE NATIONAL HC:>RTICULTURAL MAGAZINE RARE and I IMPORTED Alpines Thompson I list only the most rare and choice va· rieties of alpines-Saxifrages, Androsaces, gentians, drabas, Dianthus, Meconopsis, AND wee dainty alpine roses, prostrate brooms, Morgan's etc. Also native western iris, phlox, lew· isias, Pentstemons, etc. List your Rames for Spring Catalogue now ready. 1932 SEED ROCKMARGE ALPINE GARDENS MRS. EDITH H . BANGHART, F. R. H. S. CATALOGUE MEDINA, W ASINGTON Is the most comprehensive published. PEONIES AND IRISES It describes many novelties and rare The World's Best Varieties species not offered dsewhere, including At Reasonable Prices 3,935 different kinds of Flower Seeds. Our snack has established a national r eputation for quali· ty and vigor-Prize "Yinning P lants. Send for your copy -Free on application to- of the Twenty·first issue of I THE MASTER LIST America's Blue Book of Fine Thompson & Morgan Peonies and Irises. Full of information scien· tifically arranged. London Road, Ipswich NORTHBROOK GARDENS, INC. Northbrook, Illinois ENGLAND P aul L. Battey. Pres. ' ·V. F. Christman, V. P. & Mgr. BECAUSE IT'S ROOTS THAT COUNT HERE is only one sure that we guarantee you full T way to get such roots as satisfaction. And a guaran· these on the Hardy Plants tee from us means something you buy. That is to buy besides just a promise. It Wayside Garden field grown means performance. It plants. Plants that at the means anything not satisfac· very least are TWO years tory is promptly made so. old, and that will positively No bickering. No long back· bloom first year. None of and.forth of letters. We sell them greenhouse coddlings satisfaction and we are going knocked out of pots. to see that you get it. N ew So sure are we of the supe· Catalog is nothing short of rior quality of our plants a masterpiece. S end for it. Roots of Iris Gel"ll1ani (' a. The kind of plants we I would ship you. Reg' . U . S. Pa t. Off. THE NATIONAL HOHTICULTUHAL MAGAZ INE Jan., 1932 Good News for Peony Lovers In order to get the peony manual in the hands of every peony admirer, the Directo rs have made a drastic reduction. This splendid manual, the finest book of its kind published, can now be ob· tained for $3 .00 postpaid. Supply limited. Act at once if you desire a copy. T he manual is a splendid encyclopedia of peony knowledge, and at thi3 bargain price, which is actually below cost of production, it should be in every flower lover's library. A m~mbership in the American Peony Society, which includes four splendid bulletins per year, together with the new peony manual for $6.00. Send all remittances and communications to, W. F. Christman, Secretary AMERICAN PEONY SOCIETY Northbrook, Ill. The American Iris Society THE AMERICAN IRIS SOCIETY was organized January 29, 1920, as a forum wherein garden discussion might center upon Iris. It is now entering upon its twelfth year with a membership of over twelve hundred an:! a record that includes the pubEca. tion of forty.one l::$ ull :.tins devoted to various phases of Iris interest. Although many of our members are growers, breeders or collectors, still more are just amateur gardeners-people with a bit of a garden in their back yard where they grow a few fine Peonies, a few Irises and other precious treasures which they have collected through their gardening years. Therefore, the members of the American Horticultural Society should be particularly interested in this kindred society. Our Bullet:ns in a special field have the same point of view as the National Horticultural Magazine has in the broader field of general horticulture. T o the iso lated gardener our Bulletins have brought notes drawn from the ex­ per:ences of our members in many parts of the world. To the garden: r who is fortunate enough to share his interest with many neighbors, our society offers an op­ portunity to co operate in some sort of community work. Each year many local exhi­ bitions are held under our auspices and we owe much to the members who have aroused local interest. Gradually, also, it is becoming possible for our members to in­ augura t ~ display plantings of Irises, which are not only of interest to all gardeners, but, more important, do much to make public open spaces more sightly. Thus both to the individual member and to the community, The American Ir;s Society offers something of value. Annual Membership, $3 .00 Life Membership, $50.00. JOH N B. WALLACE, JR., Secretary 129 Church Street, N ew Haven, Conn. The National Horticultural Magazine B. Y. MORRISO N, Editor ALFRED B ATES, F . J . CR IDER, F LORE NS D EBEVOISE, S'H ERMA N R. D U1'FY, HELEN M . Fox, MARY T. HENRY, FRA NCES E. McILVAI NE, CA RL P URDY; ]. MARION SHULL, Cont1'ib1ttimg Ed'itors Vol. 11 Co pyrig h t, 1932, by THE A MERI CAN H ORT ICU LTURAL S OC 1ETY No.1 JANUARY, 1932 Flowers of the California S ierras. By LESTER R OW NTREE 5 Notes on Sax ifraga 1. By FLORENS D EBEVOISE ........ ...... .. \) W ater-Lily H ybridizing. By R OBERT V AN T RESS ............. ... .... .... 17 Creating a n "Antique Garden, " O ld Roses. By L ILY L OGA N MORRIL L. ..... _... ............ 22 S anta Fe Gardens. By HELEN M. Fox .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ............ ........ ... ................... 26 A Series of Eng lish R ock Gardens : Photographs by MALBY .. 29 Plant Notes From the New J ersey Pine Barrens. By BERNAR D HARKNES S. 34 A Series of R ock Ga rden P ortra its: Phot og raphs by K. J OSEFSKI... ......... .. ..... 37 The Idealist in the Garden .... ....... .......................... 43 A B ook or · T wo ................. .... 50 The Gardener's P ocketbock: Campal'lIulas. By P. J . VAN MELLE .. ... ......... .. .. ............................... ..... ....... .. 51 Rhododend'rol'L atiant·iw11-l . By BERNAR D H ARK NESS. 54 Notes. By I SABEL B .
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