AGENDA ~ Township Committee Meeting DATE: Tuesday, July 28, 2020 TIME: Executive Session 6:30 PM - Public Session 7:30 PM PLACE Remote Meeting - Via Zoom : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85961902649?pwd=aDRHckhyYTVILzY4TVFjVFhCT2JDQT 09 Passcode: 876475 Page 1. ANNOUNCEMENT OF MEETING (OPEN PUBLIC MEETINGS ACT NOTICE) ◦ I hereby announce that pursuant to Section 5 of the Open Public Meetings Act that adequate notice of this meeting has been provided in the notice which was sent to the Asbury Park Press and Two River Times, posted on the bulletin board in Township Hall and filed in the Township Clerk's Office on July 22, 2020. 2. ROLL CALL ◦ Gregory Buontempo, Mayor Cathy Weber, Deputy Mayor Tom Critelli, Committeeman Rocco Pascucci, Committeeman Prakash Santhana, Committeeman 3. 6:30 PM EXECUTIVE SESSION - REMOTE MEETING VIA ZOOM ◦ Executive Session 2020-118A 5 4. 7:30 PM PUBLIC SESSION - REMOTE MEETING VIA ZOOM 5. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND MOMENT OF SILENCE 6. PUBLIC COMMENT- AGENDA ITEMS ONLY Members of the public are invited to provide comments up to three (3) minutes in duration on agenda items only. Commenters are asked to state his or her full name and address for the record before entering comments. 7. CONSENT AGENDA Resolutions 2020-2019 to 2020-239 All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine by the Township Committee and will be adopted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired of any item by a member of the Township Committee, the item will be considered separately. ◦ Bills Payable 6 - 46 Agenda Item Report - 2020-219 - Pdf Page 1 of 200 ◦ Over $3,500 List for Approval 47 - 51 Agenda Item Report - 2020-220 - Pdf ◦ Approving Alex Finger as a Holmdel Township Firefighter 52 - 53 Agenda Item Report - 2020-221 - Pdf ◦ Accepting Street Lighting for Holmdel Fields 54 - 56 Agenda Item Report - 2020-222 - Pdf ◦ Release of Maintenance Bond Fees Jiah Corporation 57 - 59 Agenda Item Report - 2020-223 - Pdf ◦ Stillwell Estates I Reduce Performance Bond 60 - 62 Agenda Item Report - 2020-224 - Pdf ◦ Geotechnical Engineering Services - Holmdel Firehouse 63 - 67 Agenda Item Report - 2020-225 - Pdf ◦ Approving Personnel and Policy Manual Amendments 68 - 72 Agenda Item Report - 2020-226 - Pdf ◦ Appoint Confidential Finance Assistant to the Finance Department 73 - 74 Agenda Item Report - 2020-227 - Pdf ◦ Resolution Approving the Performance Bond Release for Kimisis Tis 75 - 78 Theotokou Greek Church Phase 1A Agenda Item Report - 2020-228 - Pdf ◦ Resolution Approving the Performance Bond Reduction for Kimisis Tis 79 - 84 Theotokou Greek Church Phase 1B Agenda Item Report - 2020-229 - Pdf ◦ Requesting Middletown Township Assess and Tax the Entire Heritage at 85 - 88 Middletown Agenda Item Report - 2020-230 - Pdf ◦ Appoint Part-time Building Inspector 89 - 90 Agenda Item Report - 2020-231 - Pdf ◦ Recreation Refunds 91 - 92 Agenda Item Report - 2020-232 - Pdf ◦ Approving Shared Services Agreement with the Borough of Sea Bright 93 - 99 for Fiscal Officer Services Agenda Item Report - 2020-233 - Pdf ◦ Approving Shared Services Agreement with the Borough of Lakehurst 100 - 106 for Chief Financial Officer Services Agenda Item Report - 2020-234 - Pdf ◦ Appointing Chief Financial Officer 107 - 114 Agenda Item Report - 2020-235 - Pdf ◦ Reducing Performance Guarantee Stillwell Estates II 115 - 117 Agenda Item Report - 2020-236 - Pdf Page 2 of 200 ◦ Approving Affirmative Marketing Plan 118 - 132 Agenda Item Report - 2020-237 - Pdf ◦ Intent to Fund Affordable Housing Programs 133 - 135 Agenda Item Report - 2020-238 - Pdf ◦ Approving Spending Plan for the Affordable Housing Trust Fund 136 - 147 Agenda Item Report - 2020-239 - Pdf 8. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCES ◦ 2020-14 2020 Salary Ordinance for Non-Aligned Employees 148 - 151 Motion to adopt on first reading and publish in the Asbury Park Press and set public hearing for August 11, 2020. 2020-14 Exhibit A to Salary Ordinance ◦ 2020-15 Bond Ordinance 2020-15 Providing an Appropriation of 152 - 155 $2,000,000 for Various Capital Improvements In and By the Township of Holmdel, in the County of Monmouth, New Jersey and authorizing the Issuance of $1,900,000 Bonds or Notes of the Township for Financing Part of the Appropriation. https://www.holmdeltownship-nj.com/DocumentCenter/View/2575/2020- Proposed-Capital-Expenditures?bidId= Motion to adopt on first reading and publish in the Asbury Park Press and set public hearing for August 11, 2020. 2020-15 9. HEARINGS ON ORDINANCES ◦ 2020-06 An Ordinance Amending Chaper 30, "Development 156 - 162 Regulations" of the Code of the Township o Holmdel by Creating a New Section 30-135A Entitled "AF-MF2 Affordable Housing Multifamily Zone 2." Motion to adopt on final reading and publish in the Asbury Park Press according to law. 2020-06 ◦ 2020-07 An Ordinance of the Township of Holmdel Amending the 163 - 188 General Code of the Township of Holmdel Deleting Chapter XIV, Sections 14-1 Through 14-29A and Replacing it Entirely with a New Section Entitled "Affordable Housing", to Address the requirements of the Fair Housing Act and the Uniform Housing Affordability Controls Regarding Compliance with the Township's third Round Affordable Housing Obligations. Page 3 of 200 Motion to adopt on final reading and publish in the Asbury Park Press according to law. 2020-07 ◦ 2020-08 An Ordinance Amending Chapter XIV, Article II Entitled 189 - 200 "Developmnet Fee Provision" Repealing and Replacing Sections 14-30 to 14-39 with a New Section Entitled "Development Fees" Motion to adopt on final reading and publish in the Asbury Park Press according to law. 2020-08 10. DEPARTMENTS 10.1. Administrator 10.2. Chief Financial Officer 11. PROFESSIONAL REPORTS 11.1. Attorney 11.2. Engineer 12. BOARDS/COMMITTEES 13. BUSINESS FROM THE COMMITTEE 14. PUBLIC COMMENT Members of the public are invited to provide comments up to three (3) minutes in duration. Commenters are asked to state his or her full name and address for the record before entering comments. 15. ADJOURNMENT Page 4 of 200 TOWNSHIP OF HOLMDEL COUNTY OF MONMOUTH RESOLUTION TO ENTER EXECUTIVE SESSION WHEREAS, the Open Public Meetings Act provides that the Township Committee may enter into Executive Session to discuss matters that are of a confidential nature, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 10:4-12; and WHEREAS, it is recommended by the Township Attorney and Township Administrator that the Township Committee enter into Executive Session to discuss matters set forth hereinafter which are permissible for discussion in Executive Session. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Holmdel, County of Monmouth, State of New Jersey, that the Township Committee shall enter into Executive Session to discuss the following matters: Legal Issues, Litigation, Potential Litigation, Contract Negotiation, Attorney-Client Privilege – N.J.S.A. 10:4-12(b)(7) I/M/O COAH – ATOD August 2020 Legal Advice Regarding Shared Services Agreements – ATOD July 2020 I/M/O Somerset Redevelopment Agreement – ATOD July 2020 Employment – N.J.S.A. 10:4-12(b)(8) Chief Financial Officer – ATOD July 2020 Real Property – N.J.S.A. 10:4-12(b)(5) 6 Carla Court – ATOD August 2020 22 East Lawn Drive – ATOD August 2020 2 Yellow Brook Road – ATOD August 2020 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the minutes of the Executive Session shall be released to the public when the need for confidentiality no longer exists, with an estimate of the circumstances and/or time for public disclosure provided in the above-listed anticipated times of decision (“ATOD”). CERTIFICATION I, Wendy L Patrovich, Township Clerk of the Township of Holmdel do hereby certify this to be a true copy of a Resolution adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Holmdel at a meeting held on July 28, 2020. Wendy L Patrovich, RMC/CMR Township Clerk 2020-218A Page 5 of 200 Township Committee AGENDA ITEM REPORT To: Subject: Bills Payable Meeting: Township Committee - 28 Jul 2020 Department: Staff Contact: RECOMMENDATION: It is being recommended that the Township Committee approve the attached Bills Payable List ATTACHMENTS: Bills Payable 7-28 07.28 BL by Vendor ID Page 6 of 200 BILLS PAYABLE RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Township of Holmdel has received certain claims against it by way of vouchers received during the period ending on July 28, 2020; and WHEREAS, the Chief Financial Officer has certified that there is a sufficient budget appropriation amount to cover the payment of said claims; and WHEREAS, certain claims contained herein may have been prepaid by the Chief Financial Officer pursuant to the authority contained in N.J.S.A. 40:5-17, Local Finance Notice 2019-02, and Holmdel Township Committee Resolution 2020-36, but remain subject to formal approval by the Township Committee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Township Committee of the Township of Holmdel that the claims listed below on the Schedule of Bills Payable on July 28, 2020 be and the same hereby are approved and the Chief Financial Officer is authorized to pay said claims: FUND DISTRIBUTION 0-01 CURRENT FUND $ 315,387.48 FUND DISTRIBUTION 0-07 SEWER OPRATING $ 30,479.30 FUND DISTRIBUTION 0-12 $ 7,271.86 FUND DISTRIBUTION 0-26 POOL OPERATING $ 46,658.94 YEAR TOTAL $ 399,797.58 FUND DISTRIBUTION 9-01 CURRENT FUND $ 29,097.54 FUND DISTRIBUTION 9-26 POOL OPERATING $ 750.00 YEAR TOTAL $ 29,847.54 FUND DISTRIBUTION C-04 GENERAL CAPT $ 80,857.50 FUND DISTRIBUTION D-02 DOG TRUST $ 6.60 FUND DISTRIBUTION T-12 OTHER TRUSTS $ 4,821.06 FUND DISTRIBUTION T-24 FAIR HOUSE TRUST $ 31,666.40 YEAR TOTAL $ 36,487.46 TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS $ 546,996.68 TOTAL OF ALL PROJECTS $ 7,043.86 CERTIFICATION I, Wendy L Patrovich, Township Clerk of the Township of Holmdel do hereby certify this to be a true copy of a Resolution adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Holmdel at a meeting held on July 28, 2020.
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