PERSOONIA Published by the Rijksherbarium, Leiden Volume Part i, i, pp. 7-9 (1959) Notes on the genus Sarcosoma K.B. Boedijn The Hague forward show that Nannf. & In this paper arguments are put to Galiella Korf is in different from Sarcosoma no way Casp. the the the has the fructifications. In subclass of Discomycetes, genus Sarcosoma largest The of Sarcosoma reach width of and of cm. cups globosum may a 10.5 cm a height 7.5 also known Bessey (1), it is true, mentioned on page 196 a Peziza cacabus, as feet with the Geopyxis cacabus (Fr.) Sacc., which shows a fruiting structure 3 tall, inches and inches and the 16 inches and inches cup 20 high 25 wide, stipe high 3 described thick. In passing it may be pointed out that this species was not by Fries but of whose could be studied by Ljungh (11) instead, a photocopy paper through the kindness of Dr. M. A. Donk. From this it is obvious that Peziza cacabus surely not a the Sundanese word kakabu is . The ‘cacabus’ Peziza specific epithet suggests , kakabu' the used in West for of Calvatia.< Calvatia 'supa being name Java any species gigantea (Pers.) Lloyd is not rare in Java, but this species, although growing very large, does not fit the description. The plate accompanying the original paper shows an inverted bell-shaped structure provided with a rather long stipe. Although to it is impossible arrive at a satisfactory identificationwithout studying the original would material, I suggest that the specimen depicted is no fungus, not even a plant, but the Poterion instead. This cup-shaped sponge pateri (Hardwicke) species neatly agrees with both description and picture. Returning to the genus Sarcosoma, the type species S. globosum is still unchallenged in its of the known This described in position largest cup fungus. species was 1797 by Schmidel as Burcardia globosa. Fries, however, did not admit this genus, and transferred the his where it with such species to genus Bulgaria, was placed together other B. which is Whereas Seaver the species as inquinans an inoperculate. (12) uses generic name Bulgaria to accomodate the operculate, and Phaeobulgaria for the inoperculate species, most recent authors, like Korf (6), prefer Sarcosoma for the operculate species. In a second paper this author (7), in collaboration with Nann- feldt, creates a new genus Galiella Nannf. & Korf for four of the species out of the Galiella Nannf. & Korf the previous genus, indicating rufa (Schw.) as type species. The three remaining species are G. javanica (Rehm) Nannf. & Korf, G. thwaitesii (Berk. & Br.) Nannf., and G. celebica (Henn.) Nannf. It is not clear why Sarcosoma orientale Pat. not in the was incorporated new genus. On carefully reading the generic diagnosis of Galiella, it appears that it fits all species of Sarcosomawith the exception ofS. globosum, ofwhich it must be admitted that 7 Persoonia Vol. Part 8 i, i, 1959 smooth it be that in the Sarcosoma it has spores. However, may pointed out genus series of without and with a continuous species variously developed spore orna- mentations may be found: smooth spores are found in S. globosum, moderately S. and S. whilst the developed spore ornamentation occurs in javanicum celebicum, coarsest markings are to be found in S. thwaitesii and S. orientale. According to Korf, Galiella would differ from Sarcosoma, first, in the callose- of the in the smaller which pectic markings spore-wall and, secondly, apothecia are said to contain no gelatinous fluid. As to the spore markings, it has been shown above that these are absent only in S. globosum. With regard to the size of the apothecia, this character cannot be accepted as of value. There which include with both being generic are numerous genera species small and large fructifications. Moreover, most species of Galiella are nearly as is about large as Sarcosoma globosum. The type species Galiella rufa, for one, 5 cm diameter Seaver's G. diameterand in according to Plate 56 (12); javanica is 4-8 cm in up to 5.5 cm high; G. celebica is 2—6.5 cm in diameter and 1-3.5 cm high. These are measurements from collections made in Indonesia which often consisted ofa few I convinced that when materialbecomes specimens only. am, however, more available, still larger apothecia will be found. Finally, as far as the third character mentionedby Korf is concerned, it is certainly not true that all species of Galiella lack a layer ofliquid. Fresh specimens ofG. javanica and G. celebica known of when are to squirt a jet gelatinous liquid squeezed, as I often had the opportunity to observe. the differences between Sarcosoma and Galiella Thus, as alleged prove unsupported, Galiella is a superfluous name and must be rejected. LITERATURE 1. E. A. and of BESSEY, 1950. Morphology Taxonomy Fungi. K. B. The Sarcosoma in Netherlands Indies. In Bull. bot. 2. BOEDIJN, 1932. genus Jard. Buitenzorg, ser. 3, 12: 273-279, 1 fig. Bull. 3. 1940. The Mycetozoa, Fungi and Lichenes of the Krakatau Group. In Jard. 16 bot. Buitenzorg, ser. 3, (4): 366. E. 4. FRIES, 1822. Systema mycologicum 2 (1). Lundae. R. la Rev. 5. HEIM, 1958. Propos sur nomenclature. In Mycol. 23: 127-135. 6. KAVINA, K. 1928. Contribution a l'etude de la biologie et la morphologie du Sarcosoma Rehm. In 6: globosum (Schm.) Mykologia. 105-113. 7. KORF, R. P. 1957. Nomenclatural Notes. II. On Bulgaria, Phaeobulgaria and Sarcosoma. In Mycologia 49: 102-106. 8. Two In 1957- Bulgarioid genera: Galiella and Plectania. Mycologia 49: 107—m. N. G. Zur Kenntnis der Fr. 9. LAGERHEIM, 1903. Bulgaria globosa (Schmid.) ( Sarcosoma globosum et S. In Bot. platydiscus auct.). Not. 249-267, 1 fig., t pi. Boedijn: Sarco.wma 9 LE M. Observations Sarcosoma orientale Pat. Sarcosoma to. GAI., 1951. sur et rufum (Schw.) Rehm. In Bull. Soc. France mycol. 47: 101-106, 3 fig. Rev. 11. '958. Petitepromenade a travers le maquis de la nomenclature.In Mycol. 23: 121-126. S. I. Cacabus och frSn In Svcnsk 12. LJUNGH, 1804. Peziza en ny besynnerlig svamp Java. VetAkad. Handl. nya 25: 39-41, 1 pi. F. The North 13. SEAVER, J. 1942. American Cup Fungi (Operculates), Supplemented edition, 194-198, fig. 2; 318-320, pi. 56-57..
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