9 Psychoactive Drugs Lesson PLanning CaLendar Use this Lesson Planning Calendar to determine how much time to allot for each topic. Schedule Day One Day Two Day Three Traditional Period (50 minutes) What are Psychoactive Drugs? Stimulants Prevention Alcohol: A Depressant Marijuana Hallucinogens Block schedule (90 minutes) What are Psychoactive Drugs? Marijuana Alcohol: A Depressant Prevention Stimulants Hallucinogens 156a B2E3e_book_ATE.indb 1 3/19/12 11:19 AM 9 MODULE 9 aCTiviTy PLanner From The TeaCher’s resourCe maTeriaLs Psychoactive Drugs Use this Activity Planner to bring active learning to your daily lessons. Topic Activities What are Psychoactive drugs? Getting Started: Critical Thinking Activity: Fact or Falsehood? (10 min.) What Are Psychoactive Drugs? Analysis Activity: Signs of Drug Abuse (15 min.) Alcohol: A Depressant Analysis Activity: The Internet Addiction Test (15 min.) Stimulants ● Caffeine Building Vocabulary: Crossword Puzzle (15 min.) ● Nicotine Enrichment Lesson: Factors in Drug Use (15 min.) ● Cocaine ● Amphetamines alcohol: a depressant Digital Connection: (2nd ed.), Module 22: “Depressants and Their Addictive Effects on the Brain” The Mind ● Ecstasy (10 min.) Hallucinogens Digital Connection: The Mind (2nd ed.), Module 29: “Alcohol Addiction: Hereditary Factors” (10 min.) ● LSD Marijuana Enrichment Lesson: Alcohol Consumption Among College Students (15 min.) Prevention Enrichment Lesson: Rohypnol—A Date Rape Drug (15 min.) Cooperative Learning Activity: Blood Alcohol Concentrations (30 min.) Many people drink coffee in the morning to “get going.” The chemical in coffee that stimulants Enrichment Lesson: Caffeine—Is It Harmful? (15 min.) achieves this effect is actually a psychoactive drug. Surprised? Let’s take a close hallucinogens Enrichment Lesson: The LSD Experience (20 min.) look at psychoactive drugs and how they affect us. marijuana Enrichment Lesson: Is Marijuana Good Medicine? (30 min.) Prevention Digital Connection: The Mind (2nd ed.), Module 30: “Treating Drug Addiction: A Behavioral Approach” (10 min.) What Are Psychoactive Drugs? Application Activity: Eyescube Drug Addiction Simulation (40 min.) WHAT’S THE POINT? Portfolio Project: Public Awareness Campaigns 9-1 What are psychoactive drugs, and what is dependence? psychoactive drug Most adults and young adults in this country regularly take psychoactive Chemical substance that drugs, chemical substances that alter mood, behavior, or perceptions. Sur- alters perceptions, mood, or behavior. prised? If so, perhaps you don’t associate the phrase “psychoactive drug” dependence State of with the three most commonly used psychoactive substances: caffeine, alco- physiological or psycho- hol, and nicotine. These everyday chemical substances are drugs; as such, logical need (or combined they can induce an altered state of consciousness. They also can lead to need) to take more of a drug after continued use. dependence— a state of physiological or psychological need (or combined 157 156b B2E3e_book_ATE.indb 2 3/19/12 11:19 AM 9 MODULE 9 inTroduCe The moduLe Psychoactive Drugs Getting Started TRM Have students list drugs that they think are used by people in their age group. Then have them brainstorm What Are Psychoactive about reasons why people choose to Drugs? use drugs in the first place and what Alcohol: A Depressant factors in life lead them to become drug addicts. Stimulants You also may wish to use Critical ● Caffeine Thinking Activity: Fact or False- ● Nicotine ● Cocaine hood? as a prereading strategy to ● Amphetamines find out what students already know ● Ecstasy about drugs. The activity, along with Hallucinogens its results, will prime students to note terms and concepts in the text that ● LSD confirm or dispel their preconceptions Marijuana about this topic. Prevention Building Vocabulary TRM Building Vocabulary: Crossword Many people drink coffee in the morning to “get going.” The chemical in coffee that Puzzle is designed to engage students achieves this effect is actually a psychoactive drug. Surprised? Let’s take a close as they learn the definitions and terms look at psychoactive drugs and how they affect us. for the major concepts in this module. TeaChingTea TiP Drug use can be a difficult topic to What Are Psychoactive Drugs? discuss because the social stigma of drug use is so profound. If students are WHAT’S THE POINT? using drugs, they or their parents may 9-1 What are psychoactive drugs, and what is deny that there is a problem. Parents dependence? may also be unaware of their child’s problem. In discussions, be sensi-sensi psychoactive drug Most adults and young adults in this country regularly take psychoactive Chemical substance that tive about accusing anyone of being drugs, chemical substances that alter mood, behavior, or perceptions. Sur- alters perceptions, mood, a drug user but be open to discussing or behavior. prised? If so, perhaps you don’t associate the phrase “psychoactive drug” privately students’ personal concerns dependence State of with the three most commonly used psychoactive substances: caffeine, alco- physiological or psycho- about their own problems or those of hol, and nicotine. These everyday chemical substances are drugs; as such, logical need (or combined family and friends. they can induce an altered state of consciousness. They also can lead to need) to take more of a drug after continued use. dependence— a state of physiological or psychological need (or combined 157 resourcer managerm Activities TE Web/Multimedia TE Film/Video TE Analysis 158 Digital Connection 160, 165, 166 The Mind (2nd ed.), Module 29 158 Application 158, 170 The Mind (2nd ed.), Module 22 160 Cooperative Learning 160 The Mind (2nd ed.), Module 30 170 Critical Thinking 157, 171 Enrichment 158, 160, 163, 167, 168 Portfolio Project 171 Vocabulary 157 157 B2E3e_book_ATE.indb 157 3/19/12 11:19 AM 9 158 ITS Biopsychology ITS Consciousness Psychoactive Drugs STI Module 9 STI 159 need) to take more of a drug after continued use. Notice that we say depen- withdrawal Discomfort and Take Me Out to distress that follow when a dence, not addiction. While the World Health Organization reports that the Ball Game TeaCh person who is dependent on a over 90 million people suffer from drug and alcohol dependence (2008b), drug discontinues the use of that drug. the concept of addiction has lost much of its meaning. Addicted to love? You wouldn’t know it by Beyond the Classroom TRM Addicted to television? Addicted to popcorn? Addicted to Twitter? True watching these fans, but tolerance Reduced respon- alcohol is a central nervous Analyze Caffeine, alcohol, and nico- siveness to a drug, prompting addictions seriously disrupt a person’s ability to function in everyday life. the user to take larger doses to Gambling and Internet use (online games and social networking) can fit system depressant. Another tine are all legal psychoactive drugs. effect? Lowered inhibitions. achieve the same pleasurable this description, but few other behaviors do (Hoeft et al., 2008). For the Yet other psychoactive drugs discussed effects previously obtained by in this chapter are not legal. Have stu-- smaller doses. purposes of this module, we use the term dependence instead of addiction to discuss psychoactive drugs. dents explore why these drugs are legal When users are deprived of a drug they are dependent on, they have symp- while some are not. Ask: toms of withdrawal (usually discomfort and distress). You may experience ● What U.S. laws have banned the use withdrawal if you normally drink a few cans of caffeinated cola daily and of certain psychoactive drugs? What then go on a weekend camping trip where no soda is available. If you experi- were the reasons those laws were ence grogginess, develop a headache, and “miss” your cola, you are demon- strating caffeine dependence. rAuch AP Photo/LAurA enacted? Withdrawal symptoms often resemble the opposite of a psychoactive ● Why have laws that ban alcohol drug’s intended effect. For a heroin user, this means that the brief, drug- been unsuccessful? induced episodes of euphoria, relaxation, and slowed breathing will give We will study four kinds of psychoactive drugs: depressants, stimulants, ● Given the current public criticism of way to prolonged depression, restlessness, and abnormally rapid breath- hallucinogens, and marijuana. Most discussions of drugs and their effects the tobacco industry, is it possible ing after the drug wears off (Feldman et al., 1997). Withdrawal is even use these four categories, but the drug- taker’s expectations and mood can that tobacco could be outlawed in worse in those with a long history of drug use. Regular drug use usually cause some drugs to jump outside the boundaries of any one classification. the next century? Why or why not? leads to tolerance, a reduced response to the drug, which prompts the user to take larger doses to achieve the same pleasurable effects previously For example, alcohol is a depressant, but it can have a wildly stimulating effect on a drinker who expects to feel stimulated, such as an excited fan cel- Explore this point further with obtained by smaller doses (see Figure 9.1). So, for example, a new drinker Enrichment Lesson: Factors in Drug may get a “buzz” from one beer, but after drinking regularly over several ebrating a World Series championship. Use and Analysis Activity: Signs of weeks, the person will develop a tolerance for alcohol and may require two PAUSE NOW OR MOVE ON Drug Abuse. or three beers to achieve that same feeling. With this increased
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