Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-84382-9 — Deceptive Majority Joel Lee Index More Information Index Names marked with an asterisk (*) are pseudonyms. Ab-e Hayat, 71 Arya Samaj, 10–12, 45–46, 50, 78–80, Abhyuday, 103 99–100, 104, 108, 119, 123, 153, Abstinence Department (Madh 156–58, 160, 167, 169, 172, 189, Nishedh Vibhag), 168–69, 177 198–99, 206, 237, 292, 294, 301 Achhutanand, Swami, 33–34, 97 competition with Christian achhutodhhār (untouchable uplift), 10 missionaries, 85–86 Adcock, C. S., 49, 88, 128, 132 shuddhi or “purification” Ad Dharm, 24, 33–34, 134–35, 150 campaigns, 82–99, 114, Adi-Dravida, 24 118–20, 131–33 Adi Hindu Mahasabha, 97 Aurangzeb, Emperor, 284–85 Adi Hindu, 33 Awadh, 21–25, 55, 163–66, 275 Ahmad, Mirza Ghulam, 46, 72, 118 Azad, Muhammad Husain, 71 Ahmadiyya, 45 Al Biruni, 19 Baba, Khak Shah, 167–68, 303 All-India Shuddhi Sabha, 89 Babri Masjid dispute, 25 al-Tusi, Nasir al-Din Muhammad, Bacon, Francis, 218 268 Bahadur, Tegh, 284 Ambedkar, Bhimrao, 14–17, 20, Baleshahi, 160 24, 33–34, 38, 67, 77–78, 98, Bal Mik/Balmik (of Lal Begi oral 100, 124–31, 135–36, 147–51, tradition), 57–60, 109–10, 156–57, 161, 165, 291, 305 112–16, 173, 186–87, 303 Ambedkar Jayanti, 234–36 Balmiki, Achhe Lal, 178, 182, Amritsar Congress session of 1919, 84 197–202, 205–06, 246 Anand, Mulk Raj, 11, 147–48 Balmiki, Kanhaiya Lal, 165–73, Untouchable, 147–48 178–79, 187, 205, 207, 239, 279, Andrews, C. F., 84, 106 285, 289 Appadurai, Arjun, 10, 91 *Balmiki, Munnu, 179, 246–47, Article 17 of the Constitution, 205 279–83, 297–98 Arunthatiyar, 20, 122 Balmiki, Narain Din, 174–75, 177, Arya Patrika, 85 205, 207 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-84382-9 — Deceptive Majority Joel Lee Index More Information Index 328 *Balmiki, Tara, 23, 247–48 census of India, 3–9, 25–26, 42–43, Baniya, 122, 231 50, 69–70, 110–11, 125, 135–36, Bansphor (Basor), 18, 20 222, 304 Bara Banki, 166, 178, 181, 187–88, chai vendors, 206, 208, 289, 296 208, 258, 262, 273–74 Chamar, 5–6, 20, 24, 86, 98, 122, barbers, 104, 205–06, 208, 262, 296 147, 295 bartan samiti, 199 Chandal (chānḍāla), 21, 73, 100, Benares (Varanasi), 6, 20, 32, 35, 111–15, 139 44–45, 54, 61, 65, 70, 117, 131, *Chaudhury, Amin, 200–02 133 Cherian, Divya, 73–74 bhagaunās, 195–203 Christianity, 46, 49, 53, 56, 78, 86, 96, Bhaktamāl, 112 150, 157, 216, 218, 220, 224 bhakti tradition, 80, 144 Christopher, K. W., 148 Bhangi, 17, 104, 121–24, 137–42, Chuhra Christians, 46–47 160, 173 Chuhra, 18–20, 34, 57, 216, 244, 284 Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), 170, clans (qabīle), 21 229–31, 293–94, 296–97 mass conversions, 45–47, 49, 52 bifurcation paradigm, 41, 52, 73, 195 oral traditions, 21, 64 Birla, Ghanshyamdas, 12, 131–34, Punjabi, 21, 42–46, 48, 109n4 151, 161, 169–70, 174, 294 treatment of, 68–72 brahmin, 6, 25–26, 36–37, 59, 83, 96, Clark, Lynne, 268 102–03, 110–12, 145–46, 242, Clean People and an Unclean 245, 297, 304 Country, 159 broom (jhāṛū), 31, 57, 213, 232 cohabitation controversy, 179–86 “broom-people” (jhāṛū-wāle), Communal Award, 125–27, 129–31 236, 239–40, 296 concealment, 220–22, 255, 269–70, Butalia, Urvashi, 32–33, 35, 68 272, 274, 278, 281–83 Congress Balmikis, 172, 207–08, 250 carrion, 45, 155–56 Conrad, Dieter, 162 caste, 3–9, 13–16, 27–28, 56 Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Ambedkar’s formulation of, Order of 1950, 11, 77, 161–62, 194 14–15 “Cult of Lal Beg,” 40, 55 and communalism, 9, 185–86, 206–08 Da’i-i Islam (The Missionary of nomenclature/titles, 16–18, 140 Islam), 115 slavery, 74 Dalit politics and religion, 23–25, 27, sociability, 195–96 30 127, 215–16, 233, 235, 288, Catholicism, 51, 218–21 296, 298, 305 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-84382-9 — Deceptive Majority Joel Lee Index More Information 329 Index Dalit, 10–12, 16–17, 78, 86 dharma, 102–103, 143 caste clusters, 19–20 dharmparivartan, 9 religious categorization of, 35–39 dharmaśāstra tradition, 73–74, 100, conversion, 42–49 139 literature, 28–30 Dhed, 122 neighborhood or bastī, 3–4, 15, 19, diksha sanskar, 157–58 23, 25–26, 31, 39, 123, 150, disgust. See ghṛṇā 164, 169, 178, 193, 195, 213, Dikshit, Madan, 15 215, 227–30, 232, 234, 240, disavowability, 279–83, 288, 299 243, 246, 255–57, 259, dīkśā, 103 261–65, 274–76, 279, 282, 287, Dom (Domar), 18–20, 92 289, 291, 294, 297, 299–300 Dumna, 92 Dalmia, Vasudha, 36, 69, 82 Dumont, Louis, 15, 37 Daniel, Valentine, 266 Das, Bhagwan, 58, 165 endogamy, 15, 18, 165 Datta, Satyendranath, 144 deception, 281–83. See also Farhang-e Asafiya, 58 concealment, secret/secrecy Favret-Saada, Jeanne, 254 declamatory religion, 216–27, food preparation, controversy over, 247–50, 257, 274, 296, 298 195–203 deg, 195–203, 208 Forster, E. M., 148 Dehlawi, Sayyid Ahmad, 58 Delhi, 20, 24, 44, 54, 61, 94, 97, 99, Gait, E. A., 70 107–09, 115, 120, 123, 138, 140, Gandhi, Mohandas, 11, 35, 77, 98, 142, 150, 158–59, 166, 168, 231, 120–24, 130, 171–72, 177, 208, 253–54, 284–85, 288, 292, 294, 245, 280 301, 303, 305 Ad Dharm, 134–35 Delhi Rowlatt Satyagraha, 84 approach to untouchable uplift, Depressed Classes, 33, 79, 84, 91, 148–58 95, 99–100, 105–06, 108, 114, carrion-eating, 155–56 122–32, 134, 136, 140, 142, 145, characterization of Arya Samajists, 149–58, 160–62, 285 132 Depressed Classes Resolution, 1917, “Harijan tour” of 1933–34, 135 125, 128 mode of engagement with Desai, Morarji, 175 Depressed Class, 142 Devi, Mahasweta, 36 mode of majoritarian inclusion, 80 Dewa Sharif, 21–22, 163, 280 nature of Harijan-ness, 137, 150–51 Dhanuk, 18–21, 40, 230 representational practices, 134–44 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-84382-9 — Deceptive Majority Joel Lee Index More Information Index 330 temple entry, 130–31 Hind Sweepers’ Sevak Samaj (HSSS), views on secrecy and publicity, 174 222–23 Hinduism, 3–4, 6, 10–11, 20, 23–24, Gandhi, Rahul, 245 36, 39, 42, 48, 51 Gandhian nationalism, 79 Hinduism: A Cultural Perspective Gazetteer of Poona, 50 (David Kinsley), 36 Gazetteer of the Gurdaspur District, 48 Hinduization, 12–13, 50, 78, 117, gesture, 9, 13, 31, 213–16, 218–19, 151–58, 165, 179, 187, 190, 232–33, 239, 249, 263–68, 278, 279–80, 292, 303 283, 293, 299 Hindu Mahasabha, 79, 156 ghar wapsi or “homecoming” events, Hindu majoritarianism, 3–4, 9–11, 164, 215 24, 90–93, 99–100, 103–04, 114, Ghazni, 58–61, 110 132–34, 152–58, 240, 274 ghṛṇā (disgust), 80–82, 102, 104–06, Hindu nationalism. See Hindu 113–15, 295 majoritarianism Gordon, Andrew, 216–18, 250 Hindu Sangathan: Saviour of the Gottschalk, Peter, 40 Dying Race, 90–91 Greeven, Richard, 51n4, 57, 60–61, Home Rule, 96 62n5, 65, 70 Husain, Zakir, 174 Griswold, Hervey DeWitt, 52 Husen, Sayyid Altaf, 51n4, 57, 60–61, Gupta, Chandra Bhanu, 169, 205 65, 70 Hacking, Ian, 12 icon. See sign hadith, 267 Ibbetson, Denzil, 57, 116 Halalkhors, 17–18, 20, 45, 50, 71, 73, identity politics, 25–30. See also 94, 140, 176 pahchān Halalkhor (book), 94, 115–20 Ilaiah, Kancha, 34 hard Hinduization, 156, 158, 160 Imam al-Din, Mirza, 118–19 Harijan (weekly), 35, 140–41, 143, index. See sign 152–53 Indian Councils Act of 1909, 90 Harijan politics, 23–24, 165, 172, Indian National Congress, 24, 96, 100, 207, 235, 250 124–25, 134, 189, 199, 208, 244 Harijan Sevak Sangh, 11, 78, intimate untouchability, 180 100–01, 123, 127, 131–32, An Introduction to Hinduism (Gavin 134, 149–58 161–62, 171–72, Flood), 36 177, 291–93 Islam, 42, 49, 51, 78, 115, 150 Heer Ranjha, 57 izzat (honor, shame), 185–86 Hela, 18, 20, 176 Jaffrelot, Christophe, 152 Hela-Halalkhor, 176 jāgarans, 23 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-84382-9 — Deceptive Majority Joel Lee Index More Information 331 Index jaisā rājā vaisī prajā, 53–54 Lal Begi–Balmiki muqadma, 200–02, Jamadar/jamādār, 17–18, 231–32, 215 239–40, 296 Lal Begi, 8–10, 12, 16–17, 21, 26, Jamghaṭ, 190–91, 214–15, 256–59, 40–41, 48, 50, 52, 55–68, 77, 261, 263–66, 277–79, 282–84, 150, 194, 202, 205–06, 208, 254, 289–90, 294, 298–301, 306 285, 301 Jaoul, Nicolas, 165 oral traditions, 56, 82, 109–10, Jatav, 24 156, 284, 286, 301 jhāṅkī, 227–40, 250, 296–97 path of salvation, 65 jhāṛū. See broom religious practices, 163–64, 263–67 Jhaumpra, Khwaja, 59, 63, 66–67, The Legends of the Panjab, 51 288 liquor, 155–56, 169, 171, 178–79, Joshi, Dr. Rita Bahuguna, 244–45 196, 200, 208, 214, 216, 246, 257 jāti, 14, 27–28, 101–03, 122 Lucknow, 20, 31, 40, 79, 123, 163, Jullundur committee of the Indian 165, 194 National Congress, 84 bastīs of, 15, 19, 193, 195, 215, 257, 265, 279, 287, 294 kāryakrams, 228, 240–50, 296–97 cantonment, 21, 165–70, 177, 227 Kaul, Pandit Harikrishan, 42 Chowk, 206, 227–29, 232–33, 235, Kaur, Ravinder, 34 246, 248, 250–51, 263, 296 Kaviraj, Sudipta, 90 Daliganj, 231–32, 296 Keane, Webb, 218 Hazratganj, 234 Khalji, Sultan Alauddin, 31, 176 Lal Bagh, 228, 241, 243, 248–51, Khatik, 237 296 Khizr, Khwaja, 62–63, 66 Parivartan Chowk, 227–29, King George’s Medical College 232–33, 235, 246, 248, (KGMC), 170n3, 177, 227, 229, 250–51, 296 262, 264, 294–96, 299 Rakabganj, 183–84 Kipling, Rudyard, 57 sanitation labor castes of, 20, *Kumar, Rishi, 191–92, 262, 284–87, 163–66 290, 294 Valmiki movement in, 165–208 *Lal, Bhairav, 289–90 MacDonald, Ramsay, 84, 126 *Lal, Gauhar, 53–55, 194 Madiga, 20, 122 Lal, Rai Bahadur Hira, 69 Mahar, 20, 24, 98, 147 Lal Beg, 55–68, 186–91, 223, 253–54 majoritarian inclusion, 11–12, 15, rites of, 189–91, 258–63, 266 78–80, 82, 99, 103–04, 114, 149, shrines, 60–61, 71, 117, 163, 188, 158–62, 165, 170, 215, 237, 254, 256–58, 263, 287, 299–300 273, 284–85, 293, 295, 301 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-84382-9 — Deceptive Majority Joel Lee Index More Information Index 332 majoritarianism, 3–4, 9–11, 24, 91, Namashudra, 24, 98, 122, 147 240, 274, 290, 295, 298 Nasir, Shah, 71, 287 Mala, 20, 122 Nehru, Rameshwari, 151, 154, 157, 161 Malaviya, Pandit Madan Mohan, 84, Nizami, Khwaja Hasan, 79, 94 127, 131 Halalkhor, 115–20 Malkana controversy, 93–94 Malkani, K.
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