Electoral Area Directors Committee Agenda October 9, 2019; 10:30 AM Pemberton Community Church - Meeting Room 7420 Dogwood Street, Pemberton, BC Item Item of Business and Page Number Page 1. Call to Order We would like to recognize that this meeting is being held on the Traditional Territory of the Líl’wat Nation. 2. Approval of Agenda 3. Electoral Area Directors Committee Closed Meeting THAT the Committee close the meeting to the public under the authority of Section 90(1)() of the Community Charter. 4. Rise & Report from the Closed Electoral Area Directors Committee Meeting 5. Consent Agenda (Voting rule on each item may vary; unanimous vote required) Items appearing on the consent agenda which present a conflict of interest for Committee Members must be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately. Any items to be debated or voted against must be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately. THAT the resolutions set out in the Consent Agenda be approved, and those Consent Agenda items which do not have resolutions related thereto be received. 5.1 Approval and Receipt of Minutes 5.1.1. Electoral Area Directors Committee Meeting Draft 5 - 11 Minutes of September 5, 2019 THAT the Electoral Area Directors Committee Meeting Minutes of September 5, 2019 be approved as circulated. 5.2 Staff Reports & Other Business 5.2.1. September 2019 Select Funds Report 12 - 16 THAT the following resolution of the September 5, 2019 Electoral Area Directors Committee meeting with respect Item Item of Business and Page Number Page to the Request for Funding - Rotary Club of Pemberton & Lions Club of Pemberton - 19th Annual Pemberton Barn Dance be rescinded as this grant was already authorized in February 2019: THAT funding of $2,500 be granted to the Rotary Club of Pemberton & the Lions Club of Pemberton from Area C Select Funds (Cost Centre #2903) on behalf of Director Mack, for a Gold sponsorship to help cover costs (insurance, permits, public notices, licenses, advertising, tickets and other expenses) for the 19th Pemberton Barn Dance fundraising event to be held on Saturday, September 21, 2019 at the “Downtown Barn” with proceeds from this event to go towards the sports fields being constructed at Pemberton Farm Road East, with funding support from SLRD Electoral Area C recognized in all promotional materials; and THAT the 6 tickets associated with such sponsorship be provided to the SLRD CAO for distribution to SLRD staff members. 5.2.2. Information Report - Building Report for Q3 2019 17 - 35 (July, August, September) 6. Business Arising from the Minutes 7. Staff Reports and Other Business (Unweighted All Vote, except as noted) 7.1. CAO Verbal Update 7.2. Request for Decision - McCullough/Bernoties, WedgeWoods 36 - 43 (Electoral Area C) Development Variance Permit Application #150 THAT it be recommended to the Regional Board: THAT the Board approve the issuance of a development variance permit (“Permit”) for the property legally described as “Strata Lot 32, District Lot 2248, Group 1, New Westminster District, Strata Plan BCS3916, together with an interest in the common property in proportion to the unit entitlement of the strata lot shown on form V; P.I.D. 030-252-695” to vary the minimum front parcel line setback by 3.5 meters, from 7.5 m to 4 m; and THAT the Chief Administrative Officer or Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the Permit subject to the following: Page 2 of 99 Item Item of Business and Page Number Page 1. Approval of the 4 m setback by the Ministry of Transportation and Highways; and 2. Approval of Building Envelope Covenant EPP70822 amendment. 8. Director's Reports 8.1. BC Parks - Pavilion Lake Concerns (Director Birch-Jones) 44 - 45 Request to set aside $200 from Area B Select funds towards meeting costs for a community meeting on Pavilion Lake concerns. 9. Correspondence for Action 9.1. Request for Funding - N'Quatqua Golf Tournament - Youth 46 - 48 Outdoor Rink Fundraiser The N'Quatqua Band requests funding in the form of a sponsorship for their 2nd Golf Tournament Fundraiser held on September 20, 2019 or a donation for their youth outdoor rink fundraiser to support their growing youth needs. 9.2. Request for Funding - St’át’imc Government Services - Lifelong 49 - 53 Learning Scholarship Fundraising Event The St’át’imc Government Services requests funding by way of a sponsorship for the St’át’imc Scholarship fundraising and networking event (and golf tournament) held on September 27, 2019. The funds will go to the Scholarship Awards Program to support St’át’imc lifelong learners attending Post-Secondary, Skills & Trades and or personal professional development. 9.3. Request for Funding - Royal Canadian Legion - Branch 66 54 (Lillooet) The Royal Canadian Legion - Branch 66 (Lillooet) requests up to $4,300 from Area B Selects Funds towards the purchase of new chairs ($2,400) and an ice machine ($1,900) for the Lillooet Legion facility. 9.4. Request for Funding - Lajoie Lake (Little Gun Lake, Area A) - 55 - 97 Research Project The Lajoie Lake Residents Association (LLRA) requests funding of $14,500 towards continuing a research project on the overall health of Lajoie Lake (also known as Little Gun Lake). 9.5. Request for Funding - Village of Pemberton - 2019 Hallowe'en 98 Fireworks The Village of Pemberton is seeking a financial contribution from Electoral Area C Select Funds for the purchase of fireworks for the 2019 Hallowe'en night fireworks festivities in the village of Pemberton. Page 3 of 99 Item Item of Business and Page Number Page 9.6. Request for Funding - Seton Valley Volunteer Fire Department - 99 Metal Garbage Container The Seton Valley Volunteer Fire Department / Society (SVVFD) requests funding towards the purchase of a bear proof metal garbage bin that is able to hold a week's worth of garbage for the use of the SVVFD and Emergency Management Services. 10. Decision on Late Business (2/3 majority vote) THAT the late business items be considered at this meeting. 11. Late Business 12. Director's Notice of Motion 13. Adjournment THAT the meeting be adjourned. Page 4 of 99 Electoral Area Directors Committee Meeting Draft Minutes of September 5,... DRAFT Electoral Area Directors Committee Minutes September 5, 2019; 9:30 AM Room B, Pemberton & District Community Centre 7390 Cottonwood St., Pemberton, BC In Attendance: Committee: R. Mack, Chair (Area C); V. Birch-Jones, Vice-Chair (Area B); J. Courchesne (Area A); T. Rainbow (Area D) Staff: L. Flynn, CAO (Deputy Corporate Officer); K. Clark, Director of Legislative and Corporate Services (Corporate Officer) 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 9:34 AM. The Chair recognized that this meeting is being held on the Traditional Territory of the Líl’wat Nation. 2. Approval of Agenda It was moved and seconded: THAT the agenda be approved as circulated. CARRIED 3. Electoral Area Directors Committee Closed Meeting None 4. Rise & Report from the Closed Electoral Area Directors Committee Meeting N/A 5. Consent Agenda (Voting rule on each item may vary; unanimous vote required) It was moved and seconded: THAT the resolutions set out in the Consent Agenda be approved, and those Consent Agenda items which do not have resolutions related thereto be received. 5.1 Approval and Receipt of Minutes 5.1.1. Electoral Area Directors Committee Meeting Draft Minutes of July 10, 2019 THAT the Electoral Area Directors Committee Meeting Minutes of July 10, 2019 be approved as circulated. Page 5 of 99 Electoral Area Directors Committee Meeting Draft Minutes of September 5,... Page 2 of 7 of the minutes of the Electoral Area Directors Committee meeting, held on Thursday, September 05, 2019 in the Room B, Pemberton & District Community Centre, 7390 Cottonwood St., Pemberton, BC. 5.2 Staff Reports & Other Business 5.2.1. September Select Funds Report 5.3 Correspondence for Information 5.3.1. Lillooet Society for Wellness Instruction and Mobility Through Swimming (SWIMS) - Thank You Card 5.3.2. Pemberton Secondary School - Area C Bursary - Thank You Cards 5.3.3. Howe Sound Secondary - Area D Bursary - Thank You Letter CARRIED 6. Business Arising from the Minutes None 7. Staff Reports and Other Business (Unweighted All Vote, except as noted) 7.1. CAO Verbal Update None 7.2. Request for Decision - Community Resilience Investment Grant Funding Opportunity - 2019/2020 It was moved and seconded: THAT it be recommended to the Regional Board: THAT the Squamish-Lillooet Regional District send a letter to the Provincial Government requesting that it reconsider how it dispenses funding for FireSmarting activities, especially for rural communities. CARRIED It was moved and seconded: THAT it be recommended to the Regional Board: THAT the Squamish-Lillooet Regional District Board support an application(s) to the 2019 Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) Community Resilience Initiative program for up to $150,000 for development related activities, FireSmart related activities and training in 2020. THAT the CAO be authorized to sign any applications, documents and agreements as required regarding the above grant applications. CARRIED 7.3. Request for Decision - Commemorative Bench Riverside Wetlands Ském’em Community Park Page 6 of 99 Electoral Area Directors Committee Meeting Draft Minutes of September 5,... Page 3 of 7 of the minutes of the Electoral Area Directors Committee meeting, held on Thursday, September 05, 2019 in the Room B, Pemberton & District Community Centre, 7390 Cottonwood St., Pemberton, BC. It was moved and seconded: THAT the Donation Plan attached to this meeting’s agenda regarding a commemorative bench in honour of the late Riva Fisher donated by Hugh Fisher and Hillary Downing, to be placed in the Riverside Wetlands Ském’em Community Park, be approved.
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