o Home ISBN 0-908874-08-1 A Robert McDougall Art Gallery Exhibition organized with the assistance of GTRUST BANK CANTERBURY First published in 1991 Robert McDougall Art Gallery PO Box 2626 Christchurch New Zealand Front Cover: CAT IN A Mr EDEN GARDEN 1981 Claudia Pond Eyley (b.1946) Screenprinf hand-coloured Collection Waikato Museum of Art alld History Publication prepared by: Penelope Jackson Neil Roberts Lara Strongman (editor) Colour photography Lloyd Park Printed by The Caxton Press, Christchurch This publication accompanies the exhibition IMAGES OF HOME A.~D GARDE.'\J 25 October 1991-26 January 1992 FOREWORD Among the multitude of motifs, ideals and beliefs pursued and expressed throughollt arl, the immediate domestic environment, always closest to the artist's eye and hand, has provided the most constant source of visual stimulus. There arc countless renowned examples of stillllle and flowerpieces, interiors and garden scene works which had their origin in the familiar humble contents of the artist's home or a cherished garden. The Robert McDougall Art Gallery's collection is rich in images of the home and garden from the European traditions of art practice. It is the intention of this exhibition to share these, and those on loan from other sources, with the Canterbury public as the summer exhibition of 1991-92. A major acknowledgement must be extended to TRUST BAKK CAI\'TERBURY for their generous sponsorship support. The Gallery would not have been able to mount this present exhibition without TRUST BANK CAt-.'TERBURYS partnership. IMAGES Of HOME k'iD CARDEN would not have been possible without the co­ operation of many other individuals and institutions. We wish to acknowledge with thanks the staff of the following for their willingness to make works available on loan: Auckland City Art Callery, Waikato Museum of Art and History, Taranaki Museum, Covett-Brewster Art Callery, Hawkes Bay Cultural Trust, Sarjeant Art Gallery, Manawatu Art Gallery, Dowse Art Museum, National Art Gallery of New Zealand, National Library of New Zealand, Canterbury Museum, Canterbury Public Library, Aigantighe Art Gallery, Forrester Gallery, Dunedin Public Art Gallery, University of Canterbury, Hocken Library, SouthJand Museum and Art Gallery. We are also indebted to the following for their professional advice and assistance; Spencer Miekle, Robert Watson, Jean Pritchard, Ian Harvey, Warwick Scadden, Richard Doyle and other staff of Christchurch Botanic Gardens. John Coley INTRODUCTION This exhibition highlights the imagery that has developed around the themes of the home and garden over the last two hundred years in New Zealand. Historically, artists in New Zealand, both amateur and professional, have frequently explored subjects relating to their home environment. The European recording of such subjects originated with the artists and scientists who were on board the early explorer ships in the late eighteenth century. Of special interest in this exhibition is a selection of works from Banks's Florilegium, a set of engravings made after the work of Sydney Parkinson (1745-1771) who was on board Captain James Cook's Hrst voyage to New Zealand in 1769-1771. The fascination with botanical art continued well into the nineteenth century and such artists as Margaret Stoddart and Fanny Bertha Good are represented in IMAGES OF HOME M'D GARDE.'l. As the pioneers established their homes and their gardens, artists began to respond to this and make it the subject of their drawings, photographs, and paintings. Ordered gardens were a favourite with Victorians and these can be seen in the work of such artists as James Preston and George O'Brien. Throughout the tw"entieth century, and perhaps more specifically the 19205 and 1930s, artists pursued the garden theme thoroughly, whether independently or in conjunction with figures or other objects. During the last one hundred and fifty years of New Zealand painting, the domestic interior has been used constantly as a subject by artists. Often an accessory, the interior has formed a support to portraiture, to the still-life, or has become an adjunct to other painting subjects. Interpretations have differed accordingly and the works in IMACES OF HOME AND GARDEN range in size, media, and stylistic treatment. A small group of works by non-New Zealand artists included in this exhibition show that there has been a long tradition of the use of the interior as a subject in Western art. Neil Roberts, Curator Penelope Jackson, Education Officer 1991 CATALOGUE OF WORKS BOTANICAL STUDIES 6. FUSCHlA EXCORTICATA 11. KIRKlANELLA NOVAE­ (Fuschia) 1. DlSCARlA TOUMATQU ZEALANDAE Engraved by Gabriel Smith (d. Engraved by Gerard Sibelius (d. RAOUL (Wild Jrishmtln or TUmJltukuru) 1785) after Sydney Parkinson 1785) after Sydney Parkinson (c. 1745--1771). (c. 1745--1771). Engraved by William Tringham (£I Plate 495 Banks Florilegium 1771­ 1750-1784) after Sydney Plate 452 Banks Florilegium 1m­ Parkinson (c. 1745-1771). 1784 1784 Collection: University Canterbury, PlDte 426 Banks Florilegium 1711­ Collection: University of Oznterbury, of 1784 Christchurch. Christchurch. Co/tectum: University of Omterlmry, 7. PASSlFLORA TETRANDRA 12. CALYSTEGlA TUGURIORUM Christchurch. (New Zealand Passion-Flow(1) (smaller bindweed) 2. CORYNOCARPUS Engraved by Gerard Sibelius (d. Engraved by William Tringham (fl LAEVIGATUS (Karaka) 1785) after Sydney Parkinson 1750-1784) after Sydney (c. 1745-1771).. Engraved by Gabriel Smith (d. Parkinson (c. 1745-1771). 1785) after Sydney Parkinson Plate 453 Ba"ks FloriIegium 1771­ Plate 512 Bank'S Florilegium 1771­ (c. 1745-1771). 1784 1784 Plate 427 Banks Florilegium 1771­ Collectio,,: Ulliversity of Canterbury, Collectioll: University of Canterbury, 1784 Christchurch. Christchurch. Collection: University of Callieroury, 8. AOPHYLLA SQUARROSA 13. SOLANUM AVICALARE Christchurch. (Wild 5ptmiard, kuri-kun) (poro-poro) 3. SOPHORA TETRAPTERA Engraved by Gerard Sibelius (d. Engraved by William Tringham (£I (KDwluu] 1785) after Sydney Parkinson 1750-1784) after Sydney Engraved by Gerard $ibeliu5 (d. (c. 1745-1771). Parkinson (c. 1745--1771). 1785) after Sydney Parkinson Plate 457 Banks Florikgium 1m­ Plate 5J7 Banks Florilegium 1771­ (c. 1745-1m). 1784 1784 Plate 430 Banks Florilegium 1771­ Collection: University of Canterbury, Collection: University of Canterbury, 1784 Christchurch. Christchurch. Collection: Univosity of Canterbury, 9. CELIMlSIA GRACILENTAS 14. RHABDOrnAMNUS Christchurch. (Slender Celmisia) SOLANDRI (Solander's 4. CLlAL,'THUS PUNlCEUS Engraved by Gerard Sibelius (d. Rhabdothnmus or Taurepo) (KakD-beak or Kowhlli-nguta·kaka) 1785) after Sydney Parkinson Engraved by Gerard Sibelius (d. Engraved by Daniel MacKenzie (c. 1745-1771). 1785) after Sydney Parkinson (01765-1784) after Sydney Plate 480 Banks F/orilegium 1771­ (c. 1745-1771). Parkinson (c. 1745-1771). 1784 Plate 523 Banks Flori/egium 1771­ Plate 432 Banks Florilegium 1771­ Collection: University of Canterbury, 1784 1784 Christchurch. Collection: University of Canterbllry, Christchurch. Collection: University of Canterbury, 10. BRACHYGLOmS REPANDA Christchurch. (Rallgiora) 15. SARCOCORt'JIA 5. METROSIDEROS EXCELSA Engraved by Gerard Sibelius (d. QUINQUEFLORA (Pohldukawa) 1785) after Sydney Parkinson Engraved by Alexander Engraved by Gabriel Smith (d. (c. 1745--1771). Bannerman (b. 1730) after Sydney 1785) after Sydney Parkinson Plate 487 Banks Florilegium 1771­ Parkinson (c. 1745-1771). (c. 1745-1771). 1784 Plate 529 Banks Florilegium 1771­ Plate 445 Banks Florilegium 1771­ Colkction: University of Glnterbury, 1784 1784 Christchurch. Collection: University of Canterbury, Collection: University of Olnterbury, Christchurch. Christchurch. 16. MUEHLENBECKlA 22. RANUNCULUS CELMESIA 30. COROKlA MACROCARPA COMPLEXA (clasping undated (Whakataka) muehlenbeckia) Fanny Bertha Good (1860-1950) 1886 Engraved by Edward Walker (£I oil on canvas Margaret Olrog Stoddart 1775-1784) after Sydney Collection: Taranaki Museum, New (1865-1934) Parkinson (c. 1745-1771) Plymouth. watercolour Plute 534 Banks Florilegium 1771­ Collection: Canterbury Museum, 1784 23. ASTELlA NERVOSA Christchurch. 1898 Collection: University of Canterbury, 31. VERONICA CHATHAMICA Fanny Bertha Good (1860-1950) Christchurch. CALYSTOGlA SOLDANELLA oil on canvas 17. rOLYSTICHUM RICHARDII (Sea-bindweed or Nihi-Nihl) Collection: Tarallaki Museum, New 1887 (Black Shield Fern or Tutoke) Plymouth. Engraved by Gerard Sibelius (d. Margaret Olrog Stoddart (1865­ 1785) after Sydney Parkinson 24. CONVOLVULUS 1934) (c. 1745-1771). undated watercolour Plate 575 Bmlks F/oriIegium 1771­ Fanny Bertha Good (1860-1950) Collection: Callierbury Museum, 1784 oil on canvas Christchurch. Collection: University of Canterbury, Collection: Taranaki Museum, New 32. COPROSMA PROPINQUA Christchurch. Plymouth. undated 18. KNIGHTlA EXCELSIA (Milori 25. CLEMATIS PANICULATA Margaret Olrog Stoddart (1865­ Honey·Suckle or Rewa-rewa) (Puawhanonge) 1934) Engraved by Gabriel Smith (d. undated watercolour 1785) after Sydney Parkinson Fanny Bertha Good (1860-1950) Collection: Canterbury Museum, (c. 1745-1771). oil on canvas Christchurch. Plate 540 Banks FloriIegium 1771­ Colleetion: Taranaki Museum, New Plymouth. 33. CELMISIA CORNACEA 1784 (Mountain Daisy) Collection: University of Canterbury, 26. PODOCARYPUS 1897 Christchurch. FERRUGINEA (Rusty Podacarpus Margaret Olrog Stoddart (1865­ 19. URTICA FEROX (Fierce lIettle or Miro) 1934) or Ollga-Onga) undated watercolour Engraved by Gerard Sibelius (d. Fanny Bertha Good (1860-1950)
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