REGENERATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PORTFOLIO DECISION SCHEDULE Friday 11 February 2011 at 3.30 pm in Committee Room A, Civic Centre, Hartlepool Councillor P Hargreaves, Cabinet member responsible for Regeneration and Economic Development will consider the following items. 1. KEY DECISIONS 1.1 Par king Strategy – Assistant Director (Transportation and Engineering) 1.2 Hartlepool Economic Assesment – Assistant Director (Regeneration and Planning) 2. OTHER ITEMS REQUIRING DECISION 2.1 Dunston Road Bus Lay-By – Assistant Director (Transportation and Engineering) 2.2 Proposed Alleygate Scheme Rear of Marske Street/Stockton Road – Assistant Director (Transportation and Engineering) 2.3 Academy and Apprentice Opportunities – Assistant Director (Regeneration and Planning) 3. ITEM S FOR I NFORM ATION 3.1 Working Neighbourhoods Fund (WNF) – Quarter 3 (2010/11) Update – Assistant Director (Regeneration and Planning) www.hartl epool.gov.uk/democraticser vices Regeneration and Economic Development Portfolio – 11th February 2011 1.1 REGENERATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PORTFOLIO Report to Portfolio Holder 11th February 2011 Report of: Assistant Director (Transport and Engineering) Subject: PARKING STRATEGY SUMMARY 1. PURP OS E OF REPORT To consider and approve the parking strategy document for Hartlepool. 2. SUMMARY OF CONTENTS The report (attached as Appendix 1) outlines the parking strategy for Hartlepool until 2021 considering national and local policies, key actions and identifies objectives. 3. RELEVANCE TO PORTFOLIO MEMBER The Portfolio Holder has responsibility for traffic and transport related issues. 4. TYPE OF DECISION Key Decision (test (ii) applies). Forward Plan Reference Number RN24/10. This has an implication on all areas of Hartlepool and has been identified in the forward plan. 5. DECISION MAKING ROUTE This is an executive decision by the Portfolio Holder. 1.1 R egeneration 11.02.11 P arki ng Strat egy 1 HARTLEPOO L B OROUGH COUNCIL Regeneration and Economic Development Portfolio – 11th February 2011 1.1 6. DECISION(S) REQUIRED That the Portfolio Holder approves the Parking Strategy. 1.1 R egeneration 11.02.11 P arki ng Strat egy 2 HARTLEPOO L B OROUGH COUNCIL Regeneration and Economic Development Portfolio – 11th February 2011 1.1 Report of: Assistant Director (Transport and Engineering) Subject: PARKING STRATEGY 1. PURP OS E OF REPORT 1.1 To consider and approve the parking strategy document for Hartlepool. 2. BACKGROUND 2.1 The document has been compiled to set out a parking strategy for Hartlepool until 2021. The documents considers national and local policies, key objectives, enforcement jurisdiction, and demonstrates how such policies and key actions integrate with transport, planning, economic and environmental strategic aims. 2.2 This report was first considered by the Transport and Neighbourhoods Portfolio Holder on 4th October 2010, when the Portfolio Holder requested that the Parking Strategy be presented to each of the Neighbourhood Forums for consideration and comment before being approved. 2.3 This subsequently took place during December 2010. The draft strategy has consequently been amended to reflect any views / comments which were expressed during the consultation period. 3. PROPOSALS 3.1 The strategy sets out seven key objectives resulting in 20 specific policies. The key objectives being : a) To support the local economy b) To tackle congestion c) To change travel behaviour d) To improve accessibility e) To manage the parking asset f) To improve travel safety g) To protect the environment 4. CONSULTATION 4.3 This document sets out a parking strategy for Hartlepool and as such affects all residents, businesses and visitors to the town. The 1.1 R egeneration 11.02.11 P arki ng Strat egy 3 HARTLEPOO L B OROUGH COUNCIL Regeneration and Economic Development Portfolio – 11th February 2011 1.1 document has been developed with all stakeholders and the original draft strategy has been amended to reflect any views / comments which were received during the consultation period. 5. RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 That the Portfolio Holder approves the Parking Strategy. 6. REAS ONS FOR RECOMM ENDATIONS 6.1 To outline the key service objectives and specific policies as contained within the strategy. 8. CONTACT OFFICER Mike Blair Highways, Traffic and Transportation Manager Traffic and Transportation Regeneration and Neighbourhood Services Hartlepool Borough Council 1 Church Street Hartlepool Tel: 01429 523252 E-mail: [email protected] 1.1 R egeneration 11.02.11 P arki ng Strat egy 4 HARTLEPOO L B OROUGH COUNCIL th Regeneration & Economic Development Portfolio – 11 February 2011 1.2 REGENERATION & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PORTFOLIO Report To Portfolio Holder 11th February 2011 Report of: Assistant Director (Regeneration and Planning) Subject: HARTLEPOOL ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT SUMMARY 1. PURP OS E OF REPORT To consider and endorse the draft Hartlepool Economic Assessment prior to submitting to Cabinet. 2. SUMMARY OF CONTENTS Details of the legislative framework for Economic Assessments and key issue and findings of the draft Hartlepool Economic Assessment and the executive summary and main document are attached in Appendix 1 and 2). 3. RELEVANCE TO PORTFOLIO MEMBER The duty to undertake an Economic Assessments falls within the Regeneration and Economic Development Portfolio. 4. TYPE OF DECISION Key decision (test (ii) applies). Forward Plan Reference Number RN40/10 5. DECISION MAKING ROUTE To be considered by the Regeneration and Economic Development Portfolio prior to submitting to Cabinet at the 21.3.11 meeting. 1.2 R egeneration 11.02.11 Hartlepool ec onomic assess ment 1 HARTLEPOOL BOROUGH COUNCIL th Regeneration & Economic Development Portfolio – 11 February 2011 1.2 6. DECISION(S) REQUIRED For the Portfolio Holder to provide any comments on the draft Economic Assessment prior to submission to Cabinet 21st March 2011 for final endorsement. 1.2 R egeneration 11.02.11 Hartlepool ec onomic assess ment 2 HARTLEPOOL BOROUGH COUNCIL th Regeneration & Economic Development Portfolio – 11 February 2011 1.2 Report of: Assistant Director (Regeneration and Economic Planning Subject: HARTLEPOOL ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 1. PURP OS E OF REPORT 1.1 To endorse the draft Hartlepool Economic Assessment prior to submitting to Cabinet. 2. BACKGROUND 2.1 In 2007, the Review of the Sub-National Economic Development and Regeneration (‘SNR’) proposed that all upper-tier and unitary local authorities carry out a local Economic Assessment which will outline economic development and regeneration matters. Included within the SNR proposal was a commitment to consult with all key partners on a comprehensive assessment which will compliment and underpin the statements and targets of local areas such as: 1. Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS); 2. Local Development Framework; 3. Local and Multi-Area Agreement targets; and 4. Will assist in helping the authority contribute to the development of the Regional Economic Strategy (RES). The Department of Communities and Local Government (CLG) endorsed this new statutory Economic Assessment duty as it believes that it will ‘add value to existing arrangements and practices’. The Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Bill (2009) now places a statutory duty with relevant local authorities expected to complete an assessment by April 2011 which will set out the economic vitality and conditions of their particular area. 2.2 Hartlepool’s Economic Assessment will provide the necessary evidence base to increase knowledge and better understand local economic conditions and to analyse how the town makes a significant contribution to wider sub-regional and regional functional markets. By understanding this wider scope of economic activity across multiple boundaries it will provide an insight into the opportunities that the town could maximise and will also reflect the influence that global market forces have at a local level. 2.3 The guidance is quite clear that the Economic Assessment is an evidence base and not a strategy in itself, however the assessment will 1.2 R egeneration 11.02.11 Hartlepool ec onomic assess ment 3 HARTLEPOOL BOROUGH COUNCIL th Regeneration & Economic Development Portfolio – 11 February 2011 1.2 underpin the development of strategies that respond to economic conditions faced by an area. Hartlepool’s Economic Assessment follows the context of the Tees Valley Wide Economic Assessment which was completed by Tees Valley Unlimited. 2.4 This completed assessment will provide the golden thread between the above stated strategies and the emerging Economic and Regeneration Strategy which will respond to this needs assessment and which will in particular identify: • The authority’s capacity and prioritisation in relation to economic development and regeneration interventions. • Improved interventions to tackle worklessness, skills and enterprise initiatives • Enhanced ways of working to develop commercial activity and business infrastructure; • How it can improve local authority engagement with private sector partners; and; • How the town will respond to the eventual upturn and strengthen jobs and business growth in the long term through sustainable measures. 2.5 Hartlepool’s Economic Assessment has been designed to follow a clear and concise process which compliments good practice guidance as outlined within the Improvement and Development Agency and Planning Advisory Service document, ‘How to do a Local Economic Assessment’ (October 2009). 2.6 The development of the Assessment is currently
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