A&A 642, A3 (2020) Astronomy https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/202038445 & c ESO 2020 Astrophysics The Solar Orbiter mission Special issue The Solar Orbiter Science Activity Plan Translating solar and heliospheric physics questions into action I. Zouganelis1, A. De Groof1, A. P. Walsh1, D. R. Williams1, D. Müller2, O. C. St Cyr3, F. Auchère4, D. Berghmans5, A. Fludra6, T. S. Horbury7, R. A. Howard8, S. Krucker9, M. Maksimovic10, C. J. Owen11, J. Rodríguez-Pacheco12, M. Romoli13, S. K. Solanki14,15, C. Watson1, L. Sanchez1, J. Lefort1, P. Osuna1, H. R. Gilbert3, T. Nieves-Chinchilla3, L. Abbo16, O. Alexandrova10, A. Anastasiadis17, V. Andretta18, E. Antonucci16, T. Appourchaux4, A. Aran19, C. N. Arge3, G. Aulanier10, D. Baker11, S. D. Bale20, M. Battaglia9, L. Bellot Rubio21, A. Bemporad16, M. Berthomier22, K. Bocchialini4, X. Bonnin10, A. S. Brun23, R. Bruno24, E. Buchlin4, J. Büchner25, R. Bucik26,14, F. Carcaboso12, R. Carr1, I. Carrasco-Blázquez7, B. Cecconi10, I. Cernuda Cangas12, C. H. K. Chen27, L. P. Chitta14, T. Chust22, K. Dalmasse28, R. D’Amicis24, V. Da Deppo29, R. De Marco24, S. Dolei30, L. Dolla5, T. Dudok de Wit31, L. van Driel-Gesztelyi11, J. P. Eastwood7, F. Espinosa Lara12, L. Etesi9, A. Fedorov28, F. Félix-Redondo1, S. Fineschi16, B. Fleck32, D. Fontaine22, N. J. Fox33, A. Gandorfer14, V. Génot28, M. K. Georgoulis34,35, S. Gissot5, A. Giunta6, L. Gizon14, R. Gómez-Herrero12, C. Gontikakis34, G. Graham1, L. Green11, T. Grundy6, M. Haberreiter36, L. K. Harra36,37, D. M. Hassler38, J. Hirzberger14, G. C. Ho39, G. Hurford20, D. Innes14, K. Issautier10, A. W. James1, N. Janitzek1, M. Janvier4, N. Jeffrey40, J. Jenkins11,41, Y. Khotyaintsev42, K.-L. Klein10, E. P. Kontar43, I. Kontogiannis44, C. Krafft22, V. Krasnoselskikh31, M. Kretzschmar31, N. Labrosse43, A. Lagg14, F. Landini16, B. Lavraud28, I. Leon1, S. T. Lepri45, G. R. Lewis11, P. Liewer46, J. Linker47, S. Livi26, D. M. Long11, P. Louarn28, O. Malandraki17, S. Maloney48,49, V. Martinez-Pillet50, M. Martinovic51,10, A. Masson1, S. Matthews11, L. Matteini7, N. Meyer-Vernet10, K. Moraitis10,52, R. J. Morton40, S. Musset43, G. Nicolaou11, A. Nindos52, H. O’Brien7, D. Orozco Suarez21, M. Owens53, M. Pancrazzi54, A. Papaioannou17, S. Parenti4, E. Pariat10, S. Patsourakos52, D. Perrone55, H. Peter14, R. F. Pinto28,23, C. Plainaki55, D. Plettemeier56, S. P. Plunkett33, J. M. Raines45, N. Raouafi39, H. Reid11, A. Retino22, L. Rezeau22, P. Rochus57, L. Rodriguez5, L. Rodriguez-Garcia12, M. Roth58, A. P. Rouillard28, F. Sahraoui22, C. Sasso18, J. Schou14, U. Schühle14, L. Sorriso-Valvo59,60, J. Soucek61, D. Spadaro30, M. Stangalini55, D. Stansby11, M. Steller62, A. Strugarek23, Š. Štverák61,63, R. Susino16, D. Telloni16, C. Terasa64, L. Teriaca14, S. Toledo-Redondo65, J. C. del Toro Iniesta21, G. Tsiropoula17, A. Tsounis1, K. Tziotziou17, F. Valentini66, A. Vaivads67, A. Vecchio10,68, M. Velli46, C. Verbeeck5, A. Verdini13, D. Verscharen11,69, N. Vilmer10, A. Vourlidas39, R. Wicks40, R. F. Wimmer-Schweingruber64, T. Wiegelmann14, P. R. Young3,40, and A. N. Zhukov5,70 (Affiliations can be found after the references) Received 19 May 2020 / Accepted 19 August 2020 ABSTRACT Solar Orbiter is the first space mission observing the solar plasma both in situ and remotely, from a close distance, in and out of the ecliptic. The ultimate goal is to understand how the Sun produces and controls the heliosphere, filling the Solar System and driving the planetary environments. With six remote-sensing and four in-situ instrument suites, the coordination and planning of the operations are essential to address the following four top-level science questions: (1) What drives the solar wind and where does the coronal magnetic field originate?; (2) How do solar transients drive heliospheric variability?; (3) How do solar eruptions produce energetic particle radiation that fills the heliosphere?; (4) How does the solar dynamo work and drive connections between the Sun and the heliosphere? Maximising the mission’s science return requires considering the characteristics of each orbit, including the relative position of the spacecraft to Earth (affecting downlink rates), trajectory events (such as gravitational assist manoeuvres), and the phase of the solar activity cycle. Furthermore, since each orbit’s science telemetry will be downloaded over the course of the following orbit, science operations must be planned at mission level, rather than at the level of individual orbits. It is important to explore the way in which those science questions are translated into an actual plan of observations that fits into the mission, thus ensuring that no opportunities are missed. First, the overarching goals are broken down into specific, answerable questions along with the required observations and the so-called Science Activity Plan (SAP) is developed to achieve this. The SAP groups objectives that require similar observations into Solar Orbiter Observing Plans, resulting in a strategic, top-level view of the optimal opportunities for science observations during the mission lifetime. This allows for all four mission goals to be addressed. In this paper, we introduce Solar Orbiter’s SAP through a series of examples and the strategy being followed. Key words. space vehicles: instruments – methods: observational – Sun: general Article published by EDP Sciences A3, page 1 of 19 A&A 642, A3 (2020) 1. Introduction STEREO (Kaiser et al. 2008), SDO (Pesnell et al. 2012) and IRIS (De Pontieu et al. 2014) as well as from ground-based observato- Coordination and planning will be the key to the scientific suc- ries such as Gregor (Schmidt et al. 2012), GST (Cao et al. 2010), cess of Solar Orbiter, the new solar and heliospheric mission NVST (Liu et al. 2014), SST (Scharmer et al. 2003) and ALMA of the European Space Agency (ESA) with strong NASA par- (Shimojo et al. 2017; White et al. 2017) have resulted in a leap ticipation, which was launched in February 2020 (Müller et al. forward in our understanding of the Sun and heliosphere, and 2020). This need for planning originates from the science goals have proven that critical progress in understanding the physics of the mission, the capabilities of the platform and the payload, requires a synergy of remote and in-situ observations. together with the telemetry constraints due to the deep-space Solar Orbiter builds on previous missions and lessons characteristics of the orbit, and this has driven the design of learned to be able to address the central question of heliophysics: the operations concept. To maximise the science return, obser- “how does the Sun create and control the heliosphere and why vations must be coordinated between the remote-sensing and does solar activity change with time?” This, in turn, is a fun- in-situ payload, amongst the remote-sensing instruments them- damental part of the second science question of ESA’s Cos- selves (Auchère et al. 2020), and also amongst the in-situ instru- mic Vision programme: “How does the solar system work?”. ments (Walsh et al. 2020). The science return of Solar Orbiter Solar Orbiter is specifically designed to identify the origins and and other contemporary space missions, particularly the Parker causes of the solar wind, the heliospheric magnetic field, solar Solar Probe (Fox et al. 2016) and BepiColombo (Benkhoff et al. energetic particles, transient interplanetary disturbances, and the 2010), and ground-based facilities such as the Daniel K. Inouye Sun’s magnetic field itself. Solar Telescope DKIST (e.g. Tritschler et al. 2016) or the Square The supersonic solar wind, driven by dynamic plasma and Kilometer Array (Nindos et al. 2019) will also be enhanced magnetic processes near the Sun’s surface, expands to surround through cross-facility coordination, within the constraints under the solar system’s planets and the space far beyond. In the solar which each facility operates (Velli et al. 2020). interior, the solar dynamo drives magnetic fields whose buoy- The Solar Orbiter Science Activity Plan (SAP) has been built ancy brings them to the surface where they form huge arcades of with contributions from a significant portion of the international loops, which store enormous amounts of magnetic energy. These solar physics and heliophysics community. In a structured way, magnetic loops are stretched and sheared by the Sun’s differen- it describes the activities that are to be carried out by the instru- tial rotation and transient surface processes, sometimes erupt- ments throughout all science mission phases in order to fulfil ing in bright explosions, which eject magnetic structures and the science goals of the mission. It tracks how overarching sci- accelerate energetic particles that propagate into the solar sys- ence goals are mapped to more specific objectives, which are tem, occasionally impacting Earth and its magnetic shield with in turn mapped to observational activities scheduled at specific disruptive effects on space and terrestrial systems. Understand- times during the mission. As context information, it also contains ing the complex physical processes at work in this system is the instruments’ operation scenarios and resource modelling, along central goal of heliophysics. Since the Sun and the heliosphere with a description of all mission phases. One of the main reasons are typical of many late-type main-sequence stars and their astro- for mission level planning is to ensure that there will be enough spheres, these studies are relevant to astrophysics, but are unique opportunities to address all of the mission’s science objectives in since the Sun alone is close enough for detailed study. an optimal way and that transferring an optimal amount of data Although Earth’s vantage point at 1 au is close by astrophys- to ground will be possible. More importantly, we need to make ical measures, it has long been known that much of the crucial sure that if, for example, a unique opportunity exists for a spe- physics in the formation and activity of the heliosphere takes cific science goal at a given date or configuration, this goal will place much closer to the Sun, and that by the time magnetic be given higher priority.
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