Volume 7. Number 4 nublished at UCSD 15th vear of ~ublication Nov. 3-Nov. 16. 1911 CIA responds to SCU ... CIA Discloses Ties with University of California The Central Intelligence Agency referendum. The SCU has held that one . (CIA) recently responded to a request of the major reasons for the for the release of the Agency's administrations's union-bustind tactics documents concerning its relationships was the SCU's substantial support for a with the University of California. The widely popular and growing anti-CIA request was submitted by the UCSD movement throughout the UC system. Student Cooperative Union (SCU) The movement was sparked by 1975 under the terms of the Freedom of disclosures that the CIA planned to Information Act (FOIA). (See letters on increase recruitment of women and .A 3 ---- 1\ TL-PWI ----- >-_ ( ..I . .- . page 9). I ne unagreca to comply wlrn rnlnorlry sruaenrs Irom several major the request. universities in the U.S. The SCU has been investigating UC ties with the CIA and other intelligence INSIDE THIS ISSUE: agencies since 1975. At that time. the Draft Flramlgn Thaatar, SCU was the "student government" at "UCS~34", lnaupuratlon, UCSD, and adopted a resolution calling Funky La Jolla and mora... upon the UC Board of Regents to' disclose and sever all UC ties with the Following a Statewide Conference on November, 1975. Anti- CIA protestors pursue UC Pres~dentSaxon, demanding CIA. Similar resolutions were adopted the CIA sponsored by the UCSD Anti- that UC-CIA t~esbe termmated. by the Third College Council, and the CIA Coalition in 1976, Nathan Gardels. Chicano Studies Program at UCSD, as a UCLA graduate student in Political Committee for Democracy attacked ... well as by numerous student, faculty and Science, filed a FOIA request with the staff organizations throughout the UC CIA for disclosure of all CIA relations system. The UCSD faculty's Academic with the University of Calilfornia. By RightmWing forces Senate passed a disclosure and swtrance 1978 over 700 pages of partially censored motion at one of its regular sessions, but documents had been released to Gardels a parliamentary manuever led by and distributed to numerous mobilize at UCSD scientists in Scripps Institution of organizations, including the SCU. The Across the country right-wing forces political film series (currently in its fifth Oceanography forced the measure into a SCU has recently completed a study of are unleashing attacks against year) has come under increased scrutiny mail ballot-subsequently defeated by a the Gardels papers. including the cross progressives-ranging from criminal by the same students who have in th past 2 to 1 margin. indexing of the collection to facilitate prosceutions to harassment and tned unsuccessfully to eliminate or The UCSD administration decertified future studies. Copies of the index may bombings. At UCSD.--- , such- - - - - activist*- - - - ---- -have - - - drasticallv reduce the series. the SCU as the representative body for be purchased at th; new indiator off&. ' been iistorisally res t ricted to bst *iring,during the Associated UCSD Gudents during the 197677 Also available are copies of the widespread surveillana, prosceution of Students*.(AS) election a slate of th* academic year. This was accomplished Disorientation Manual published by the selected activists and budget fmzes by people ran on a platform to eliminate by means of a blatantly fraudulent continued on page 4 the Administration. Committee for World Democracy from Currently, however UCSD is facing the AS budget. One of the members of UCSD cruel to Animals an attack from right-wing forces several the slate-David Tollner was elected students. The Committee for World Activity Fee Chairperson but lost his County Sunervisors call for Democracy, a UCSD student initialeffortstostoptheASfundin~for organization. which sponsors the weekly ' rontlnued on pa& 2 urnummw urn mrnm IwuIrn~wwrnwwI Two county supervisors. Jim Bates take sworn testimony would have public and Paul Fordem, have asked for a confidence and be able toget at the truth. The Palestine question grand jury investigation of charges of "It won't be difficult because it's not the neglect and mistreatment of laboratory sort of complex, highly specialized Anwar Sadat alienated animals at the UCSD Medical School matter that the university would like research facilities. The charges, made in everyone to believe it is. This is a simple. sworn affidavits by a lab technician and straightforward matter of animal cruelty Arab World two former animal resource technicians, and neglect.lt has nothing to do with To the American public at large, would interview him, listen to him, talk detail a pattern of.indifference, neglect, science or the complexities of Mohammed Anwar Sadat was, an to him from the American media. After a and overt cruelty in the care of sophisticated research techniques." eloquent and indefatiguable exponent of while, as if by a process of semantic laboratory animals. The third alternative before the peace. He went to the Israeli Knesset and infiltration, his voice appeared to be the only one from the Arab world to pillory In response to the charges, Humane county Board of Supervisors is to fund told its parliamentarians that he Director Bill Virden opened an Phase Two of the Humane Society's welcomed Israel as a state in the Middle the senselessness and folly of conflict. investigation into the university's animal aborted investigation. in which case East with its own secure, recognized Other Arabs appeared intransigent, facilities in September. However, on Virden has promised to hire a "capable borders. He supported a settlement at unreasonable, because of their October 16, Virden announced that he and competent investigator." But the Camp David that trivialized the disagreement with him. The American was pulling out for lack of funds and AWC claims that Phase Two is of even Palestine question to the point where it public loved Mohammed Anwar Sadat, expertise. He urged a continuation of the less value than Phase One. "Virden spent was reduced to a fragment known as the Egyptian president. who "dared" to take "bold" steps for peace. investigation, "I still think there are a lot of time and money inspecting "autonomy." He expressed genuine some things that need to be looked at out facilities that had been cleaned up for his sentiments. of friendship to Israeli And Mohammed Anwar Sadat. the -. there," Virden said. "I think I would visit. Now he wants to look at all the leaders. He offered and proceeded to Egyptian president, who had "dared" to ultimately have been critical of post- research protocols. But that's implement normalization of diplomatic, take "bold" steps for peace, sat back, operative care." meaningless since nothing a researcher economic and cultural relations between along with his adoring American public, his country and Israel. And in his frantic, In Phase One of his investigation, does to an animal as part of an to await what he and they considered an experiment is illegal. No matter how at times extremist, effort to show good easy and imminent implementation of Virden characterized one animal surgery faith. to facilitate the "peace process." he room at the university's Elliot Field cruel or hellish or pointless. You can the agreement that he had signed with inject glass into a dog's veins and watch disengaged the Arab-Israeli conflict Israel. There was nothing. after all. to facility as "filthy" and asked that the from all its historical imperatives and room be temporarily closed. him chew off his leg in agony and it's bicker about. The Camp David perfectly legal. In fact that's one from all its core concerns. defining it to agreement called for mere "autonomy" As an alternative to a grand jury experiment they do here at UCSD. It's the whole world as a problem derived for less than half the Palestinian investigation the university has highly funded and perfectly from "psvchological barriers" separating population in less than one quarter of suggested an investigation conducted by respectable." Arabs from Jews. their homeland. And what Israeli leader, themselves with the help of an outside "Actually. the most interest~ngthing Thus isolating himself, so drasticaliy. what Israeli government, would pass the "expert" and input from local humane so dramatically. from the Arab world, opportunity of gaining peace in return group representatives. about Virden'q so-called investigation was that when he showed those technical and from its consensus on what for such trivial miniaturization of the "What they basically want is an in- protocols to some doctors they said. constituted the basic and necessary Palestine question? house pseudo-investigation." 'Yes, I understand the words. but I don't building blocks of a settlement of the Matters, however, were not so commented Steve Kowit of the Animal know what the guy's trying to issue around which the whole Arab- straightforward. For Sadat was not Welfare Coalition. "It's a bit like asking accomplish.' And that about sums up the Israeli dispute revolved-the Palestine prepared to believe that the liberating Himmler to investigate Buchenwald." bio-med research racket. Most of it's question-the Arab world severed itself function of reconciliation betwrtn Kowit, whose group is pressing for a pointless and the only thing it from him. adversaries lies not in the act of grand jury investigation, claims that accomplishes is to give another Still Sadat forged ahead, speaking so dreaming against the world of historical only an independent group with researcher a juicy NTH grant to publish trustingly, so innocently. so helplesssly, fact-which he did when he agreed to authority to subpoena witnesses and continued on page 2 on behalf of his beliefs. to whoever continued on page 6 Speaking of student money. The run.
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