Territoires Infectés À La Date Du 6 Juillet 1961 — Infected Areas As on 6 July 1961

Territoires Infectés À La Date Du 6 Juillet 1961 — Infected Areas As on 6 July 1961

— 292 Territoires infectés à la date du 6 juillet 1961 — Infected areas as on 6 July 1961 Notiücatioiis reçues aux termes du Règlement sanitaire international Notifications received under the International Sanitary Regulations concernant les circonscriptions infectées ou les territoires où la pré­ relating to infected local areas and to areas in which the presence of sence de maladies quarantenaircs a été signalée (voir page 283). quarantinable diseases was reported (see page 283). ■ = Circonscriptions ou territoires notifiés aux termes de l’article 3 ■ = Areas notified under Article 3 on the date indicated. à la date donnée. Autres territoires où la présence de maladies quarantenaires a été Other areas in which the presence of quarantinable diseases was notifiée aux termes des articles 4, 5 et 9 (a): notified under Articles 4, 5 and 9 (a): A = pendant la période indiquée sous le nom de chaque maladie; A = during the period indicated under the heading of each disease; B = antérieurement à la période indiquée sous le nom de chaque B = prior to the period indicated under' the heading of each maladie. disease. * = territoires nouvellement infectés. * = newly infected areas. PESTE — PLAGUE Bihar, State NIGÈRIA — NIGERIA. ■ 1.X.56 CÔTE D’IVOIRE — IVORY COASI Cliamparan, District , . ■ 25.V I8.vi-6.vn RUANDA-URUNDI . ■ ll.Xn.56 Abengourou, Cercle. A 22. VI Darbhanga, District. , . ■ I.VI A 22.VI Gaya, D istric t................ ■ 23.IV Abidjan, Cercle .... SIERRA LEONE . ■ 1.X.56 Agboville, Cercle .... A 15. VI Afrique — Africa Monghyr, District . ■ 20.V Muzaifarpur, District . , « 9.V Bouaflé, Cercle................ A 22.VI Palamau, District .... ■ 29.\'I SOUDAN — SUDAN Bouaké, Cercle................ A 22.VI Territoire situé au sud du CONGO (capitale Léopoldvîlle) Patna, D istrict............... B 20.V Daloa, Cercle.................... A 22.VI Shahabad, District . B 29.IV 12® N. — Territory South Province Orientale of 12® N ............................ « I7.xn.56 Dimbokro. Cercle . A 22.VI District KibalhJturi Jammu de Kashmir, State Cagnoa, Cercle................ A 22.VI Territoire Mahagi . B 2.VI Kashmir Valley .... ■ 20.X.60 Orand<Lahou, Cercle . A 22. VI Katiola, Cercle................ A IS.VI Amérique — America Madhya Pradesh, State Korhogo, Cercle .... A 22.VI Améiiqoe — America Bilaspur, District .... ■ 15.VI Man, Cercle................... A 22. VI Mandia, District .... ■ 3.VI BOLIVIE — BOLIVIA Sassandra, Cercle .... A22.VI Ratlam. District .... ■ 16. VI Séguéla, C ercle................ A 22.VI BRÉSIL — BRAZIL Rewa, D istric t............... ■ 20.VI La Paz, Dep, Murillo, Province Sahta, State Maharashtra, State Z o n g o ........................... B l l.n ÉTfflOPIE — ETHIOPIA ■ 21.V.57 Serra-Preta, Mun. B 23.III Nasik, D istrict............... ■ 15. VI West Khandesh, District. ■ I8.VI Nor Yungas, Province GAMBIE — GAMBIA VENEZUELA Alto B e n i....................... B 18.n Gambia, Protectorate AraguOf State Orissa, State BRÉSIL — BRAZIL Marino, District Balasore, District .... B 6.V McCarthy, Is., Division . B20.V Cuttack, District .... ■ 8.U.S8 Upper River, Division. ■ 28.V Tumcro, Mun................... A 23.VI Amazonas, State Labrea, D e p .................... B 7.H Tripura, State. « 25.V.59 GHANA Asie — Alia Uttar Pradesh, State COLOMBIE — COLOMBIA Accra ( A ) ....................... ■ 2.VI Aligarh. District .... ■ i3.vra.eo Antioqultt, Dep, Allahabad, District . ■ 31.V Puertoberrio, Mun. B 6.H Ashanti, Region INDONÉSIE — INDONESIA Bañaras (Varanasi), Dist. ■ I4.VI.60 Kumasl, District Kheri, D istrict................ ■ 23.V1I.60 Djawa Tengah, Province PÉROU — PERU K u m asi........................... ■ 22.m Surakarta, Residency Meerut, District .... ■ I6 .vm.60 I/uanuco, Dep. Bojolali, Regency .... ■ l.m.59 West Bengal, State Leoncio Prado, Prov. GUINÉE — GUINEA Bankura, District .... ■ 13.VI.60 Âlomias Robles, District « A 23.V SUD VIET-NAM Beyla, R é g io n ................ A 24.VI Burdwan, District . ■ e.n.58 Pita, R égion.................... A17.VI SOUTH VIET NAM Hooghly, District .... B 20.V Junin, Dep. I^ng-Khanh, Province Howrah, District .... B 20.V Jauja. Proy, Xuanloc, District Midnapur, District . B 6.V Satipo, D istrict................A 18.IV HAUTE-VOLTA — UPPER VOLTA 24>Parganas, District . B20.V Canuny, Commune . B 27.V Sem Martin, Dep. Banfora, Cercle .... A 7.VI Bobodioulasso, Cerde . A 21.VI PAKISTAN Rioia, Province RIoja, District • • . B ll.ni Boromo, Cercle .... B 3I.V East Pakistan Dédougou, Cercle . A21.VI Dacca, Division Djibo, Cercle ..... A 2I.V I Bakerganj, District . B27.V Koudougott, Cercle . A 7.VI CHOLÉRA — CHOLERA Kougous$i,’Cercle. A 14. VI 18.VI-6.Vn Nouna, Cercle................ A 21.VI Orodara, Cercle................ A 2I.VI VARIOLE — SMALLPOX Ouagadougou, Cercle . , A 2I.VI Asie — Asia FIËVRE JAUNE 4.VI.6.VH Ouahigouya, Cercle . A 14.VI YELLOW FEVER Tougan, Cercle................ A 7.VI 9JV-6.VH Yako, Cercle.................... BIRMANIE — BURMA Afrique — Africa ' A 7.VI * Akyab (PA ) ................... B I7.VI Afrique — Africa KENYA INDE — INDIA ALGÉRIE — ALGERIA Calcutta (PA) > ................ ■ I7.in.56 Centrai Province (excL ANGOLA....................... ■ 27.V.59 Constantine, Département local area of Nairobi Lucknow ( A ) ................ ■ 15.VI Philîppeville, Arr.. B 20.V (Embakasi) airport) . A24.VI CAMEROUN DU SUD Andhra Pradesh, State SOUTHERN CAMEROUN Nairobi C ity ................... A 17.VI East Godavari, District . ■ 28.XII.59 CAMEROONS . « 1.X.S6 Diamaré, Dép................... A 17.VI Embu, D istrict................ A I0.VI Guntur. District .... ■ 31.XII.59 Margui-Wandala, Dep. A 17.VI Meru, D istrict............... A 24. VI Hyderabad, District. ■ H.IV CONGO (capitale LéopoIdviDe) Nycri, D istrict............... A24.VI Krishna. District .... «27.Viri.59 CAMEROUN DU SUD Nellore, District .... ■ 16.VI Territoire situé au nord du Niramabad, District . ■ 8.VI 10® S. — Territory North SOUTHERN Nyanza, Province . , A 17.VI oflO® S............................. ■ ll.xn.56 CAMEROONS . a 6.H.57 Srikakulam. District . ■ U.VI.60 North Nyanza, District . A 17.VI West Godavari, District . «27.VIII.59 ÉTHIOPIE — ETHIOPIA CONGO (capitale LéopoIdviUe) Gamu>Goffa, Province . B 7.H Rift Valley, Province B 3.VI Equateur, Province . B 27.V Nakuru, District .... B 3.VI * A PexcIusioD de la circonscription GAMBIE — GAMBIA . ■ I.X.56 Katanga, Province . B 30.VII.60 de I’airoport de Dum-Dum. — Excluding Léopoidvüle, Province . B 27.V lo c a l area o f Dum Dum airport. liS G H A N A ....................... 1 1.X.S6 Orientale, Province . B 6.Y ' LIBÉRIA - UBERU . ■ 13.m.38 293 — MALI Amérique — America INDE— INDIA Indore, District . ■ 18.V Ahmedabad (A) . a 20.X.59 Jabalpur, District . > 25.1.58 Bafoulabé, Cercle .... A 30.VI Mandla. District . ■ S HI Allahabad ( A ) ............... ■ I4.X.59 Bamako, Cercle .... A 30 VI BRÉSIL — BRAZIL Narsinghpur, District . ■ 25.11 Bougouni. Cercle .... A 24, VI Begumpet ( A ) ............... A 10. VI Raigarb, District . ■ I3.XII.57 B 30.VT.60 Dioîla, C e rc le ................ A lO.VI Bêlera ( P A ) ................... Bombay (PA)................... A 24.VI Raisen, District . ■ 17,111 Fortaleza (P )................... B 30.VI.60 Gouttdam, Cercle .... A 24.VI Calcutta (PA )*............... ■ 6.1 Sagar, District .... B 29.1V Manaus ( P ) ................... B 30.VI.60 Schore. Disirict . ■ 3.1V Kayea, Cercle................... A 30. VI Porto Alegro (PA). , . B 30.VI.60 Cuddalore ( P ) ................ ■ 27.XII.60 Delhi ( A ) ....................... ■ 5.1.56 Seoni, District .... B 29.IV Koulikoro, Cercle . B 3.VI Recife ( P A ) ................... B 30. VI 60 Shivpuri, District . B 22.IV Koutiala, Cercle .... A 24.VI Rio de Janeiro (PA) . A 10 VI Jodhpur(A) ................... A 10, VI Surguja, District . 10 1.59 Mopti, Cercle: Salvador ( P ) ................... B 30.Vl.60 Kanpur(A) ................... ■ 11.XII.59 IJjjain, District .... ■ 16.UI Djenné Subd................. A 30, VI Sao Paulo ( A ) ............... B 30.VI.60 Karikal ( P ) ................... m 24.IX.59 . Nioro, Cercle................... A 24.VI Lucknow (A) ............... a 21.1.60 Madras, State « Sikasso, Cercle............... A24.VI GolaSt State Madras (PA)................... ■ 5.V.57 G oiania........................... B 30.VI.60 Chingieput, District . B 20.V Pondicherry (P) .... a 18.XII.59 Coimbatore, District. B 3.VI NIGER Visakhapatnam (P) . A I7.VI Mato Grosso, State Kanya Kumari, District a 13X11.58 A lO.VÏ Madurai, District . B20.V Madaoua, Cercle .... C u îa b a ........................... B 30.VI.60 Andhra Pradesh, State Magarla, Cercle................ A 17. VI Nilgiris, District . B 22.IV North Arcol, District . a 3.11.56 Maradi, C ercle................ A 17. VI Anantapur, District . ■ 13.XII.57 Parana, State ■ 6.III.56 Ramanathapuram, Distr , B 22 IV Niamey, Cercle .... A 24. VI Chittoor, District .... C uritiba........................... B 30.VI.60 Cuddappah, District . ■ 30.1.57 Salem, District .... B 3.VI Taboua, Cercle................ A 24. VI South Arcot, District . B 20 V East Godavari, District . a 11.XII.57 Tera, C e rc le ................... A 17. VI Rio Grande do Sul, Tanjore, District . , B 20.V Guntur, District .... B 3.VI Tiruchirappalii. District Tessaoua. Cercle .... B 3.VI S t a t e ................... B 30.VI.60 ■ 28.III.56 . Tillabéry, Cercle .... A 24. VI Hyderabad, District. a 20.IV.59 Tirunelveli, District . • B20.V Karimnagar, District . ■ 7.XII.60 COLOMBIE — COLOMBIA Krishna, District .... B 27.V NIGÈRIA — NIGERIA ■ 6.H.57 Maharashtra, State Tollma,

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