Plant Galls and Invertebrates, Fromus, 2015

Plant Galls and Invertebrates, Fromus, 2015

FROMUS RESERVE RECORDS 2015 compiled by Jerry Bowdrey Group Species Common Name Date Compart- Comment Status ment ACARINA Aceria fraxinivora a gall mite 11/05/15 F6 on Fraxinus flowers I12 10.9.15 ACARINA Aceria goniothorax a gall mite 27/05/15 I12 on Crataegus monogyna D6 22.10.15 ACARINA Aceria macrochela a gall mite 22/10/15 H10 galls on Acer campestre ACARINA Aceria myriadeum a gall mite 22/10/15 H10 galls on Acer campestre ACARINA Aceria similis a gall mite 27/05/15 G8 on blackthorn ACARINA Eriophyes campestricola a gall mite 22/10/15 D6 galls on Ulmus ACARINA Eriophyes convolvens a gall mite 22/10/15 G10 galls on Euonymus europaeus ACARINA Eriophyes similis a gall mite 22/10/15 H10 galls on blackthorn AMPHIBIA Rana temporaria Common frog 22/04/15 F6 by pond under tin AMPHIBIA Triturus cristatus Great-crested newt 10/09/15 I11 under tin Protected ANGIOSPERMS Ceratophyllum submersum Soft hornwort 11/05/15 I10 pond ANGIOSPERMS Eleocharis palustris 13/07/15 G8 pond ARACHNIDA Araneus cucurbitanus a spider 11/05/15 G9 AVES Hirundo rustica Swallow 22/04/15 F6 by pond AVES Buteo buteo Buzzard 02/05/15 F8 F6 22.5.15 C6 22.10.15 COLEOPTERA Agapanthia villosovirescens a longhorn beetle 13/07/15 G8 by river Local COLEOPTERA Agrilus pannonicus Oak jewel beetle 27/05/15 F6 under oak Notable A COLEOPTERA Altica lythri a leaf beetle 13/07/15 G8 on Epilobium by river Common COLEOPTERA Anthonomus pedicularius a weevil 22/04/15 G7 Common COLEOPTERA Badister bullatus a ground beetle 11/05/15 F6, G9,I10 riverbank Common COLEOPTERA Bembidion illigeri a ground beetle 22/04/15 A4 river bank Common COLEOPTERA Bembidion lampros a ground beetle 11/05/15 I10 riverbank Common COLEOPTERA Cionus tuberculosus a weevil 27/05/15 I11 on figwort by stream Local COLEOPTERA Coccinella 7-punctata Seven-spot ladybird 11/05/15 I10 Common COLEOPTERA Curculio villosus a weevil 11/05/15 D6 on Quercus robur Notable B COLEOPTERA Donacia marginata a reed beetle 11/05/15 G6 by pond Local COLEOPTERA Donacia versicolorea a reed beetle 13/07/15 F6 on Potamogeton by pond Local COLEOPTERA Eutrichapion ervi a seed weevil 27/05/15 I12 on yellow vetchling G8 13.7.15 Common COLEOPTERA Galerucella nymphaea/sagittariae a leaf beetle 11/05/15 F5 by pond a species complex Local COLEOPTERA Glischrochilus hortensis a pollen or sap beetle 11/05/15 J12 Common COLEOPTERA Grammoptera ruficornis a longhorn beetle 11/05/15 G9 on Malus flowers Common COLEOPTERA Gyrinus substriatus a whirligig beetle 22/04/15 I12 R.Fromus F7 2.5.15 Common COLEOPTERA Harmonia axyridis Harlequin ladybird 13/07/15 G8 alien COLEOPTERA Hypera postica Clover leaf weevil 13/07/15 F6 Common COLEOPTERA Leptura livida a longhorn beetle 13/07/15 G8 on yarrow flos Local COLEOPTERA Lesteva longelytra a rove beetle 11/05/15 5D, I10 riverbank Common COLEOPTERA Oedemera nobilis Thick-kneed flower beetle 27/05/15 I11 Common COLEOPTERA Oulema melanopa (s.l.) a leaf beetle 27/05/15 G7 Common COLEOPTERA Pirapion loti a seed weevil 13/07/15 J11 on Lotus corniculatus Common COLEOPTERA Propylea 14-punctata 14-spot ladybird 11/05/15 5D G8 13.7.15 Common COLEOPTERA Pyrochroa serraticornis Cardinal beetle 11/05/15 F6 on Quercus robur Common COLEOPTERA Rhagonycha fulva a soldier beetle 13/07/15 F6 Common COLEOPTERA Rhagonycha limbata a soldier beetle 11/05/15 D6 on Quercus robur Common COLEOPTERA Rhyzobius litura a ladybird 10/09/15 I12 Common COLEOPTERA Rhynchites caeruleus Apple twig cutter 22/10/15 H10 on A.campestre Local COLEOPTERA Strangalia maculata a longhorn beetle 13/07/15 F6 Common COLEOPTERA Subcoccinella 24-punctata 24-spot ladybird 13/07/15 G8 I12 10.9.15 Common DERMAPTERA Forficula auricularia Common earwig 22/04/15 F6 by pond I11 10.9.15 Common DIPTERA Bibio marci St Mark's fly 02/05/15 E5 G9 11.5.15 Common DIPTERA Bombylius major Bee fly 02/05/15 2A on cuckoo flower Common DIPTERA Chloromyia formosa a soldier fly 27/05/15 F6 DIPTERA Contarinia coryli a gall midge 22/10/15 G9 galled catkin Corylus avellana DIPTERA Dasineura urticae a gall midge 27/05/15 G7 gall on Urtica dioica G9 22.10.15 DIPTERA Episyrphus balteatus Marmalade hoverfly 27/05/15 F6 DIPTERA Eriothrix rufomaculatus a fly 07/08/15 G8 DIPTERA Euleia heraclei a picture-winged fly 27/05/15 I11 on fool's cress DIPTERA Haematopota pluvialis Cleg fly 13/07/15 J11 on me! DIPTERA Helophilus pendulus a hoverfly 02/05/15 2A on cuckoo flower I11 26.6.15 DIPTERA Jaapiella veronicae a gall midge 27/05/15 I11 on germander speedwellG8 13.7.15 DIPTERA Leptogaster cylindraca a fly 13/07/15 G8 DIPTERA Odontomyia tigrina a soldier fly 11/05/15 F5 by pond Local DIPTERA Placochela nigripes a gall midge 27/05/15 F6 galled Elder flowers DIPTERA Rondaniola bursarius a gall midge 10/09/15 F7 gall on Glechoma hederacea A7, H7 22.10.15 DIPTERA Tachina ferox a fly 10/09/15 I11 DIPTERA Urophora cardui a picture-winged fly 11/05/15 F5 on Cirsium arvense J12 26.6.15 I12 10.9.15(gall) DIPTERA Urophora stylata a picture-winged fly 27/05/15 I10 on thistle HETEROPTERA Acanthosoma haemorrhoidalis Hawthorne shieldbug 10/09/15 I11 nymph on hawthorn Common HETEROPTERA Campyloneura virgula a plant bug 13/07/15 G8 on oak Common HETEROPTERA Capsus ater a plant bug 13/07/15 G8 Scattered HETEROPTERA Coreus marginatus a squash bug 10/09/15 I12 Common HETEROPTERA Cymus melanocephalus a plant bug 11/05/15 G6 by pond Common HETEROPTERA Elasmostethus interstinctus Birch shieldbug 11/05/15 D6 Common HETEROPTERA Dictyla convergens a lace bug 13/07/15 J11 nymphs on water forget-me-not by pond scattered HETEROPTERA Gerris lacustris a pondskater 22/04/15 I12 R.Fromus Common HETEROPTERA Harpocera thoracica a plant bug 11/05/15 E7 on Quercus robur Common HETEROPTERA Heterotoma planicornis a plant bug 13/07/15 G8 Common HETEROPTERA Leptoterna dolobrata a plant bug 13/07/15 G8 Common HETEROPTERA Pantilius tunicatus a plant bug 22/10/15 G9 on Corylus avellana Widely scattered HETEROPTERA Pentatoma rufipes Forest bug 10/09/15 H9 Common HETEROPTERA Podops inuncta a plant bug 10/09/15 I12 under wood Common HETEROPTERA Saldula saltatoria a bug 22/04/15 I12 R.Fromus waterside mud Common HETEROPTERA Tingis cardui a lace bug 02/05/15 A2 I7,H7 on Cirsium G6 11.5.15 Common HETEROPTERA Velia capraea Water cricket 02/05/15 I11 R.Fromus Common HOMOPTERA Eriosoma ulmi an aphid 27/05/15 G7 on elm HOMOPTERA Euconomelus lepidus a plant hopper 13/07/15 G8 on Eleocharis palustris by pond HOMOPTERA Neophilaenus lineatus a plant hopper 10/09/15 I12 HOMOPTERA Philaenus spumarius Cuckoo-spit bug 10/09/15 I12 HYMENOPTERA:Chalcidae Chalcis sispes a parasitoid wasp 27/05/15 F6 by pond, scarce parasite of soldier flies Notable A HYMENOPTERA:Cynipidae Andricus aries Ram's horn gall 22/04/15 F7 on Quercus robur C4 E4 F7 2.5.15 C6 22.10.15 HYMENOPTERA:Cynipidae Andricus corruptrix a gall wasp 11/05/15 H9 on Quercus robur HYMENOPTERA:Cynipidae Andricus curvator Curved -leaf gall 11/05/15 C6, D6 on Quercus robur HYMENOPTERA:Cynipidae Andricus foecundatrix Artichoke gall 02/05/15 E4 on Quercus robur G9 11.5.15 HYMENOPTERA:Cynipidae Andricus grossulariae a gall wasp 22/10/15 D6 galls on Q.robur HYMENOPTERA:Cynipidae Andricus inflator a gall wasp 22/10/15 C6, F6 galls on Q.robur HYMENOPTERA:Cynipidae Andricus kollari Oak marble gall 02/05/15 H7 on Quercus robur C6 22.10.15 HYMENOPTERA:Cynipidae Andricus lignicola Cola nut gall 22/04/15 A4 on Quercus robur C4 E4 E5 2.5.15 HYMENOPTERA:Cynipidae Andricus paradoxus a gall wasp 02/05/15 A2 on Quercus robur 6C 11.5.15 HYMENOPTERA:Cynipidae Andricus quercusradicis Truffle gall 02/05/15 C6 on Quercus robur HYMENOPTERA:Cynipidae Andricus seminationis a gall wasp 11/05/15 C6 on Quercus robur HYMENOPTERA:Cynipidae Andricus solitarius an oak gall 22/04/15 F7 on Quercus robur H10 11.5.15 HYMENOPTERA:Cynipidae Andricus quadrilineatus a gall wasp 02/05/15 2A on Quercus robur D6 11.5.15 HYMENOPTERA:Cynipidae Andricus quercuscalicis Knopper gall 22/04/15 F6 on Quercus robur A5 2.5.15 H10 C6 22.10.15 HYMENOPTERA:Cynipidae Biorhiza pallida Oak apple gall 02/05/15 E5, F7 on Quercus robur D6 11.5.15 HYMENOPTERA:Cynipidae Diplolepis nervosa Spiked pea gall 10/09/15 I12 on Rosa canina HYMENOPTERA:Cynipidae Diplolepis rosae Robin's pin cushion gall 27/05/15 I12 on Rosa canina G10 22.10.15 HYMENOPTERA:Cynipidae Liposthenus glechomae Cat's bollocks gall 27/05/15 F7 galls on Glechoma hederacea HYMENOPTERA:Cynipidae Neuroterus albipes Smooth spangle gall 22/10/15 C6, H10 galls on Q.robur HYMENOPTERA:Cynipidae Neuroterus anthracinus a gall wasp 22/10/15 F6 galls on Q.robur HYMENOPTERA:Cynipidae Neuroterus politus a gall wasp 22/04/15 E6 on Quercus robur C4,F7 G7 2.5.15 HYMENOPTERA:Cynipidae Neuroterus quercusbaccarum Currant gall 02/05/15 A2 on Quercus robur D6, G9 11.5.15 C6 22.10.15 HYMENOPTERA:Cynipidae Phanacis caulicola a gall wasp 10/09/15 F7 galled stems Picris echioides I12 10.9.15 F6 22.10.15 HYMENOPTERA: Aculeata Apis mellifera Honey bee 13/07/15 G8 bramble flos HYMENOPTERA: Aculeata Bombus lapidarius Red-tailed bumblebee 22/04/15 A4,I12 F7 11.5.15 HYMENOPTERA: Aculeata Bombus campestris a cuckoo bumble bee 27/05/15 F6 on Cirsium arvensis HYMENOPTERA: Aculeata Bombus pascuorum a bumble bee 02/05/15 F8 HYMENOPTERA: Aculeata Lasius flavus Yellow meadow ant 02/05/15 H7 nest mound HYMENOPTERA: Aculeata Lasius niger Black ant 22/04/15 I12 HYMENOPTERA: Aculeata Vespa crabro Hornet 22/10/15 C6 LEPIDOPTERA Adela reaumurella a longhorn moth 02/05/15 A5 LEPIDOPTERA Aglais urticae Small Tortoiseshell 27/05/15 I11 G8 13.7.15 LEPIDOPTERA Anthocharis cardamines Orange tip 11/05/15 D6, G9, J12 LEPIDOPTERA Anthophila fabriciana

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