INFORMATION MEMO TO COUNCIL Ci ty of Delta Engineering To: Mayor & Council From: Steven Lan, P.Eng., Director of Engineering Date: July 16, 2019 Subject: TransLink's Summer Bus Servi ce Changes File No.: 52 20-25/TL cc: Sean McGill, City Manager On June 24,2019 TransLink implemented the summer bus service changes (Attachment A), funded by Phase One of the 10-YearVision. Bus service changes are implemented every April, June, September and December, both to reflect seasonal changes in demand and to respond to customer feedback. TransLink's website has been updated to include detailed service information, which can be found at www.translink.ca/servicechanges. The changes in service through Delta are as follows: Seasonal: 620 Tsawwassen Ferry/Bridgeport Station Extra late-night trips available everyday as needed to accommodate ferry service schedules. Permanent: 104 22 nd Street Station/Annacis Island Increased northbound service on weekday afternoons to every 12 minutes from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. (previously every 15 minutes to reduce overcrowding. 301 Newton Exchange/Richmond-Brighouse Station Service doubled all day Sundays to every 30 minutes (previously every 60 minutes) to reduce overcrowding. 319 Scott Road Station/Newton Exchange Increased service every day to reduce overcrowding. • Weekdays: o Every 6 to 10 minutes from 5:00 p.m . to 11 :30 p.m. (previously every 8 to 12 minutes) / City of Delta Enginee ring Subject: TransLink's Summer Bus Service Changes Page 2 of 2 File No: 5220-25!TL o Every 20 minutes from 11 :30 p.m. to 1 :00 a.m. (previously every 20 to 30 minutes) • Saturdays: o Every 10 minutes from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. (previously every 12 minutes) o Every 10 minutes from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (previously every 12 minutes) o Every 10 minutes northbound from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. (previously every 12 minutes) • Sundays: o Every 10 to 12 minutes from 1 :00 p.m . to 8:00 p.m. (previously every 15 minutes) 340 Scottsdale/22nd Street Station Increased service on Saturdays to reduce overcrowding. • Saturdays: o Every 20 minutes from 5:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. (previously every 30 minutes) o Every 20 minutes from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (previously every 30 minutes) o Every 20 minutes, eastbound from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (previously every 30 minutes) 640 Scott Road Station/Ladner Exchange Increased service all day on Saturdays to every 30 minutes (previously every 60 minutes in the morning and evening) to reduce overcrowding. Please contact me if you have any questions at 604-946-3299. Steven Lan, P.Eng., Director of Engineering Attachment: A. TransLink's 2019 Summer Service Changes Summary KU/bm f:\eng\20"19 docs\kll\memos\translink serv ice cha llge\info rmation memo to cOli nciUinal.docx Attachment A Page 1 of 11 2019 Summer Bus Service Changes by Municipality translink.ca/servicechanges Effective une 2 ,2019 TransLink makes bus service changes every April, June, September and December, to reflect seasonal changes in demand and deliver more permanent service where customers need it most. As part of Phase One of the 1O -Year Vi sion, we're able to extend bus service hours and provide more freq uent servi ce with changes taking effect June 24, 2019. TransLink's 2018 Transit Servi ce Performance Review provided data on which bus routes are most in need of add itional service. 52 routes were id entified as overcrowded last year, and TransLink is addressing this by implementing 26 permanent improvements on those routes. Additiona lly, we are adding seasonal capacity on select routes to accommodate in creased summer demand . Highlights of th is Summer Bus Service Changes include: I» Seasonal changes to the 2, 5/6, 15, 19, 23, 25, 50, 150, 179, 227, 236, 262, and 620. o Increases to provide extra service to popular summer destinations o 'IO-Yea r Vision improvements to the 25, 33,41 ,43,84,95 B-Line, 100, 101 , 104, 123,144, 210,240,301, 319,323,324,335,340,34'1, 345,403,430,640, and N19. o Frequency and span of service improvements Attachment A Page 2 of 11 Vancouver and UBC SEASONAL 2 Macdonald/16th AvelDowntown Increased afternoon and evening service. • Saturdays o Service every 8 - 12 minutes from 1 to 10 p.m. (increase from every 10 - 15 minutes) • Sundays o Se rvice every 8 - 12 minutes from 1 to 8 p.m . (in crease from every 10 - 15 minutes) 15 Cambie/Olympic Village Station In creased weekend service to Queen Elizabeth Park. • Saturdays o Service every 12 minutes from 11 to 8 p.m. (Increase from every 15 minutes) Sundays o Service every 12 minu tes from noon to 7 p.m. (In crease from every 15 minutes) 19 Metrotown Station/Stanley Park In creased weekd ay service betwe en Main Street-Science World and Stanley Park Weekdays o Service every 5 - 7 minutes from 10 a.m . to 5 p.m. between Main Street­ Science World Station and Stanl ey Pa rk (t his is an add ition al shuttle service) 50 Waterfront Station/Fa lse Creek South Increased weekend service to Granville Island. Saturdays o Service every 12 minutes from 11 a. m. to 8 p.m . (increase from every 15 minutes) Sundays o Service every 12 minutes from noon to 7 p.m. (increase from every 15 minutes) Attachment A Page 3 of 11 PERMANENT 25 Brentwood Station/UBC Increased afternoon servi ce on Saturdays to reduce overcrowd in g. o Saturdays • Increased to every 10 minutes from 3 to 6 p.m . (from every 12 minutes) 33 29th Avenue Station/UBC Increa sed mornin g service on Saturd ays to red uce overcrowding . • Saturdays o Increased to every 20 minutes from 9 to 11 a. m. (from every 30 minutes) 41 Joyce Station/UBC In creased evening servi ce on weekends to reduce overcrowding. • Satu rdays o Increased to every 10 to 12 minutes from 6 to 8 p.m. (from every 12 - 15 minu tes) o Increased to every '12 mi nutes, westbound 8 to 9 p.m . (from every 15 mi nutes) • Sundays o Increased to every 10 min utes, westbound from 6 to 7 p.m. (from every '12 minutes) 84 VCC -Clar~\ Station/USC Extra eastbound eveni ng service added on Saturdays to reduce overcrowding. • Saturdays () Increased to every 20 minutes, eastbound from 6 to 7 p.m . (from every 20- 30 minutes) 100 Marpole/22nd Street Station Increased se rvice on weekdays and weekends to reduce overcrowding. • Weekdays o All morn in g trips novv ru n th e full ro ute between Mari ne Drive -Gateway Stati on and 22nd Street Station (trips from 4 a. m. - 5 a.m. previo Li sly beg an at Ma rine and Knight Street) e Saturdays o In creased to every 12 minutes from 7 a. m. to 7 p.m. (from every 15 minutes) • Sundays o Eastbound tri ps depart ing Marpo le Loop at 6:25 p.m. and 9: 03 p.m . will now run al l th e way to 22nd Street (previously term inated Marin e and Kn ight Street) Attachment A Page 4 of 11 Burnaby and New Westminster E 0 No seasonal changes planned in this service change. PERMANENT 95 SFU/Burrard Station In creased afternoon and evening service on Sundays to reduce overcrowding. • Sundays o In creased to every 12 minutes from 2 to 9 p.m. (from every 15 minutes) o Increased to every 15 minutes from 9 to 10 p.m. (from every 20 minutes) All tnps now run full route between Burrarc1 Station and SFU Burnaby. 101 Lougheed Station/22nd Street Station Weekday morning im provements to reduce overcrowding. • Weekdays o All trip s now run the full route between Lougheed Town Centre Station and 22nd Street Station (formerly beg an at 8th and 8th) o Increased to every 20 minutes from 5:30 to 7 a.m. (from every 30 minutes) 104 22nd Street Station/Annacis Island Increased service on weekday afternoons to reduce overcrowdin g. • Weekdays o In creased to every 12 minutes, northbound from 2 to 3 p.m. 123 Brentwood Stationl Jew West Station Increased evening service on weekdays to reduce overcrowding. • Weekdays o Increased to every 10 minutes from 6 to 7 p.m. (from every 15 minutes) 144 Metrotown Station/SFU In creased even ing service on Sa turdays to reduce overcrowding. • Saturdays o Increased to every 20 minutes from 5 to 8 p.m. (from every 30 minutes) Attachment A Page 5 of 11 Richmond, Delta, and Tsawwassen SEASONAL 620 Tsawwassen Ferry/Bridgeport Station • Everyday o Extra late-night tri p avail able as needed to accommodate ferry service schedules. PERMANENT ' 104 22nd Street Station/Annacis Island In creased northbound servi ce weekday afternoons to reduce overcrowd ing. • Weekdays o Increased to every 12 minutes, northbound from 2 to 3 p.m. (from every 15 minutes) 301 Newton Exchange/Richmond-Brighouse Station Increased service on Sundays to reduce overcrowding. o Sundays o Increased to every 30 minutes all day. (from every 60 minutes du ring some parts of the day) 403 Three Road/Bridgeport Station In creased southbound serv ice weekday evenings to redu ce overcrowding. Weekdays o Increased to every 12 minutes, southbound from 6 to 7 p.m. (from every 15 minutes) 430 Metrotown Station/Brighouse Station Increased early morning service weekd ays and Saturdays to reduce overcrowdi ng.
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