Index of Keywords A Acidification, 361, 1804, 1891, 1892, 1914, Aammiq wetland, 1156 1916, 1917, 1963 Aapa mire, 261, 1541 drainage basin, 1409 peat layer, 284 lakes, 139 vs. raised bog, 283 ocean, 12, 82, 451, 456–458, 502 Abay in Ethiopia, 1247 Acinonyx jubatus, 1303, 1372 Aberdare Range, 1389 Acioa deweverei, 207 Abies, 938 Acipenser A. pindrow, 1608 A. baerii, 1444, 1455, 1474, 1480, 1481 A. sibirica, 1537 A. baerii baicalensis, 1481 Abramis brama, 939, 953, 1443 A. brevirostrum, 633 Abu Dhabi Gulf coast, 1175 A. fulvescens, 428 Abutilon A. gueldenstaedtii, 900, 918, 939, 953 A. longicuspe, 206 A. medirostris, 569 A. mauritanum, 206 A. nudiventris, 905, 918, 939, 953 Acacia, 207, 1302 A. oxyrinchus, 633 A. caven, 816 A. persicus, 940 A. dealbata, 1313 A. ruthenus, 900, 905, 940, 953, 1480 A. fistula, 1294 A. schrenckii, 1513 A. mearnsii, 1313 A. sinensis, 1569 A. mellifera, 1385 A. stellatus, 900, 918, 939, 953, 1629, 1630 A. nubica, 1272 A. sturio, 928, 1131 A. polyacantha, 1236 A. transmontanus, 569, 642 A. seyal, 206, 1262, 1272, 1293, Aconitum spicatum, 1609 1294, 1302 Acrocephalus A. sieberiana, 206, 1236, 1294, 1302 A. arundinaceus, 1621, 1708 A. stenophylla, 1901 A. familiaris, 2020 A. thailandica, 208 A. griseldis, 1688 A. tortilis, 1353, 1368, 1385, 1386 A. melanopogon, 1621 A. xanthophloea, 201, 1236, 1357, 1386 A. rufescens, 192 Acacia savanna, 1236 A. scirpaceus, 1337 Acanthobrama hulensis, 1161, 1169 A. tangorum, 1788 Accipter brevipes, 1255 Acrochordus granulatus, 1955 Accretion, 162, 167, 411, 709, 714, 840, 969, Acronychia pedunculata, 1815 1019, 1102, 1109, 1120, 1258, 1749 Acrostichum, 1823 Acer, 938 A. aureum, 96, 750, 765 A. negundo, 817 Acrotelm, 234, 296, 309 A. rubrum, 177, 581, 672, 673 Actitis hypoleucos, 1336, 1385 A. saccharinum, 525 Active blanket bog, 290 # Springer Science+Business Media B.V., part of Springer Nature 2018 2027 C. M. Finlayson et al. (eds.), The Wetland Book, 2028 Index of Keywords Active raised bog, 290 Agathis dammara, 239 Adaptive management, 351, 720, 1906, 1907 Agave cundinamarcensis, 777 Kakagon, 434 Agelaius phoeniceus, 612 Lake Chilika, 397–402 Ageneiosus caucanus, 763 Lake Fuquene, 781 Aggressive urbanization, 1146 Addax nasomaculatus, 1303 Agmon restoration project, 1171 Adenostemma lavenia, 1746 Agriculture, 12, 31, 58, 61, 62, 89, 135, Aechmophorus occidentalis, 597 138, 146, 152, 1156, 1163, Aegialitis rotundifolia, 1737 1193–1194, 1254 Aegiceras corniculatum, 1728 Azraq Oasis wetland, 462, 466, 467 Aegopis, 339 Congo Basin, 1209 Aeluropus Danube Delta, 890, 891, 917, 919–921 A. lagopoides, 1728 Ebro Delta, 119, 1114, 1118 A. littoralis, 916, 1117 food recession, 118, 1229, 1239 Aepyceros Gangetic-Brahmaputra Plains, 1713, 1716, A. melampus, 1358, 1405 1720, 1721 A. melampus rendilis, 1385 Indus Basin, 1699, 1701, 1702 Aerial roots, 94, 100, 217 karst wetland, 316, 325, 326, 328 Aeschynomene, 194 Kilombero Valley Floodplain, 1345–1347 A. indica, 205 Lake Seyfe, 1108, 1193–1194 A. pfundii, 1353, 1354 Lake Wular, 1706, 1709 Aeshna New Zealand, 114 A. isosceles, 1030 Nile Delta, 1254–1257 A. sitchensis, 571 Nile River Basin, 1248, 1249 A. subarctica, 571 peatlands for, 237, 238, 240, 938 Africa, 9, 11, 28, 29, 59, 81, 96, 113, 116, 131, pocosin, 675 145, 146, 150, 171, 175, 176, 1156, Prairie Pothole Region, 685, 686 1160 Rhine River Basin, 927, 928 Bahr el Ghazal, 1270, 1274 Rhone River Delta, 1102, 1103, 1106, 1109 Bijagós archipelago, 1334 rice, 407, 584, 587, 1114 Congo River Basin, 1200, 1206, 1210–1212 Rugezi Marsh, 1309, 1310, 1316 Cyperus papyrus swamps, 204, 205 on San Pablo Bay, 644, 647 Itezhi-Tezhi dam, 1230 Volga River Basin, 934, 940, 942 Kilombero floodplain, 1342, 1343 wetland conversion, 362–364, 366, 534 Lake Turkana, 1362 Zambezi River Basin, 1222, 1225, 1227, Mimosa pigra, 385 1229 Nile Delta, 1254 Agropyron pungens, 964 Nile River Basin, 1244, 1249 Agropyrum spp., 851 Papyrus marshes, 184–186, 190–193, 195 Agrostis peatland, 229, 232, 1413–1421 A. mongolica, 1537, 1538 Rift Valley soda lakes, 153 A. stolonifera, 916, 964, 1130 salt lakes, 147 Ailanthus altissima, 1640 Sudd, 1300, 1302 Ailurus fulgens, 1608, 1609 tropical freshwater wetlands, 202 Air Hitam Laut River, 1832, 1836, 1837 wetland loss, 372, 373 Aix sponsa, 583 Zambezi Delta, 1234 Akysis Zambezi River Basin, 1222 A. filifer, 1806 African buffalo, 1227, 1236, 1237, 1240 A. fuscus, 1845 Afro-Syrian rift valley, 1168 Alaria esculenta, 626 Agabus, 660, 661 Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation A. labiatus, 1071 Act, 548, 562 Agamia agami, 750 Alaskan boreal zone, 519, 522, 527, 529, 531, Agarum cribrosum, 626 532, 537, 539 Index of Keywords 2029 Alas lake, 1446, 1467 Hydrilla verticillata, 1746, 1859 Alauda Hymenachne amplexicaulis, 1957 A. alauda, 965 impact assessment, 387 A. arvensis, 1083, 1084 Impatiens glandulifera, 164 Al Bahr al-Azraq in Sudan, 1247 Ipomoea spp., 194 Alberta Provincial Lands, 553 invasion methods, 386–387 Albizia Juncus acutus, 64, 1116, 1117 A. amara, 1272 Lasimorpha senegalensis, 1210 A. inundata, 816 Lyngbya wollei, 603 Albúferas, 827 Lythrum salicaria, 432, 597, 613, 915 Alburnoides bipunctatus thessalicus, 1143 Mimosa pigra, 137, 206, 220, 366, 385, Alburnus chalcoides, 939 386, 1773, 1798, 1859, 1952 Alca torda, 1094 Myriophyllum spicatum, 480, 613, Alcedo 914, 952, 1105, 1106, 1117, 1460, A. atthis, 905 1524 A. cristata, 1345 Phalaris arundinacea, 432, 613 A. euryzona, 1825 Phragmites australis, 58, 67, 149, 159, 163, A. semitorquata, 1345 164, 170, 385, 386, 431–432, 471, Alcelaphus 603, 612, 914, 915, 949, 965, 1105, A. buselaphus, 1282 1116, 1117, 1140, 1156, 1171, 1190, A. lichtensteinii, 1227, 1236 1237, 1398, 1416, 1427, 1524, 1619, Alces alces, 532, 553, 561, 1444 1639, 1642, 1649, 1650, 1653, 1666, Alcolapia grahami, 1386–1388 1686, 1689, 1900 Aldan and Amga rivers, 1449, 1472, 1473 Phragmites karka, 204, 1272, 1302, Alder and Willow communities, 560 1746, 1748 Aldrichetta forsteri, 1912 Pistia stratiotes, 218, 220, 713, 765, 1210, Alectoria, 279 1237, 1353, 1746, 1815 Alestes stuhlmanni, 1344 population growth and migration, 384–385 Aleuropus littoralis, 916, 1117 Potomageton crispus, 613, 914 Al-Hammar, 1686, 1688–1691, 1693 risk assessment, 387 Al-Hawizeh, 1686, 1688, 1693, 1694 Salix cinerea, 915, 1029, 1986 bird counts, 1691 Salvinia molesta, 218, 220, 384, 1237, drained portion, 1692 1357, 1409, 1952 ecological diversity indices for fish, 1690 Spartina alterniflora, 58, 384, 969, 988 water buffalo feeding, 1689 Tamarix, 64, 1140, 1666, 1669, 1730 Alien plants in wetlands Typha angustifolia, 163, 428, 613, 777, 914, Aeschynomene sp., 194 915, 952, 1190, 1639, 1654, 1655, Azolla filiculoides, 1133, 1140, 1237 1679, 1680, 1746 Butomus umbellatus, 603, 952 Typha domingensis, 190, 713, 1156, 1171, control methods, 388 1221, 1265, 1272, 1302, 1353, Cyperus papyrus, 170, 177, 184, 190, 204, 1354, 1900 205, 209–211, 1156, 1168–1169, Typha species, 26, 159, 163, 189, 204, 385, 1210, 1237, 1244, 1265, 1272, 1302, 386, 612, 712, 715, 851, 915, 1117, 1313, 1350, 1357, 1398, 1427 1255, 1642 definitions, 384 Urochloa mutica, 765, 1952 Egeria densa, 385, 777 Alien species, 179, 193, 220, 324, 327, Eichhornia crassipes, 117, 134, 137, 189, 384–387, 470, 638, 818, 1798, 1905, 209, 218, 220, 384, 385, 713, 765, 1945, 2014, 2017, 2020 777, 779, 790, 809, 1210, 1237, Alisma 1249, 1255, 1272, 1301, 1305, 1357, A. orientale, 1524 1368, 1720, 1746, 1773, 1859, 1948 A. plantago-aquatica, 949, 1556, 1639 Elodea canadensis, 384, 914 Alkaline, 146, 518, 706, 709, 1362, 1382, Halophila stipulacea,81 1384–1386, 1426, 1582, 1961 2030 Index of Keywords Alkaline (cont.) fauna, 735–736 lakes, 1365, 1382, 1445, 1486 flora, 733–735 swamps, 1386 future challenges and developments, Alkaliphilic bacteria, 1389 739–741 Alligator mississippiensis, 675 interfluvial wetlands, 732 Alligator weed, 1710 large-river floodplains, 729–731 Allium location, 728 A. angulosum, 951 pollution, 740 A. chamaemoly, 1106 river damming for hydropower generation, Allotropic riverine lake, 1365 217, 739–740 Alluvial fan, 698, 1395, 1401, unsustainable use of resources, 740 1649, 1650 wetland types and extent, 204–207, Alluvial terrace, 1453 729–733 Alnus, 525, 545, 560, 1043 Ambystoma, 658 A. acuminata, 1313 A. jeffersonianum, 658 A. glutinosa, 915 A. laterale, 658 A. incana, 612 A. maculatum, 658 A. japonica, 1598 A. opacum, 658 A. rubra, 571 A. tigrinum, 612 Alocasia macrorrhiza, 2009 A. tigrinum tigrinum, 658 Alopecurus turczaninovii, 1539 A. tremblayi, 658 Alosa Ameiurus melas, 1133 A. fallax, 165 Amietophrynus reesi, 1344 A. kessleri, 939, 953 Ammannia, 1117 A. kessleri volgensis, 953 Ammodramus bairdii, 683 A. pontica, 918 Ammophila arenaria, 1104 A. sapidissima, 165, 629 Amoria fragifera, 951 Alpine fens, 1420 Amorpha fruticosa, 915, 918, 1107 Alpine wetlands, 130, 297, 888, 1414, Amphibacillus 1445, 1535, 1553, 1699–1701 A. fermentum, 1388 Alstonia A. tropicus, 1388 A. pneumatophora, 1823, 1834 Amphibians, 100, 101, 113, 149, 165, 176, 191, A. scholaris, 208 192, 214, 236, 323, 352, 377, 584, A. spathulata, 1815, 1816 611, 612, 656, 657, 660, 662, 682, Alternanthera 692, 735, 736, 750, 805, 817, 824, A. philoxeroides, 816, 1710 828, 830, 831, 852, 899, 918, 1067, A. sessilis, 1639 1105, 1107, 1118, 1119, 1142, 1228, Althaea officinalis, 951 1238, 1315, 1368, 1406, 1469, 1474, Althea rosea, 916 1502, 1513, 1516, 1561, 1584, 1679, Althenia filiformis, 1104 1700, 1737, 1859, 1981 Amazonian large-river floodplains, 729–731, in Doñana wetlands, 1128, 1131 733, 737 egg clutches, 471 Amazonian white-sand savannas, 730, 732, in Kakadu National Park, 1953 734, 738 Lake Fúquene biodiversity, 776, 777 Amazon of Europe, see Danube River; Drava in Lake Seyfe, 1190 River; Mura River in Mekong River Basin, 1773, 1778 Amazon River Basin in papyrus wetlands, 193 biodiversity, 733–736 Sanjiang Plain, 1514 coastal wetlands, 733 in Tasek Bera, 1859 conservation status, 737 in tropical freshwater swamps, 212 deforestation, 219, 739 in turloughs, 1071 ecosystem degradation, 739 in vernal pools, 652–654, 658–659 ecosystem services, 738–739 in Volga Basin, 939 Index of Keywords 2031 Amphibolis A.
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