[Indhold] [Contents] 6 P RAKTISKE OPLYSNINGER P RACTICAL INFORMATION 10 F ORORD P REFACE ale.dk 12 U DSTILLERREGISTER E XHIBITORS - IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER 16 U DSTILLERE - STANDORDEN E XHIBITORS - IN STAND ORDER 275 P ROGRAM P ROGRAMME 314 M AD OG ØL F OOD AND B EER 316 S TIKORDSREGISTER S UBJECT INDEX 324 O VERSIGTSKORT O VERVIEW MAPS Velkommen til Ølfestival 2008 Ølentusiaster – her finder du alt om Danske Årets mest velsmagende oplevelse European Beer Festival European PRAKTISKE OPLYSNINGER PRAKTISKE OPLYSNINGER HVEM HVAD HVOR praktiske oplysninger Armbånd Sekretariat i tre måneder efter festiva- ter pr. medlemskab mod forevisning af for glasset. Når du afleverer dit plastik- Du får et festivalarmbånd når du len, hvorefter det indleveres til hitte- gyldigt medlemskort. Du kan melde dig glas igen får du panten (din polet) ankommer til festivalen. Dette gælder godskontoret. Dette gælder også uaf- ind i Danske Ølentusiaster på festival retur. Disse glas kan KUN anvendes på én dag – partoubilletter undtaget – og hentede varer fra festivalbutikken. (stand nr. 13) – du får kr. 50,00 i rabat, British Pavillion (stand 35). giver dig mulighed for at komme og gå de to ekstra poletter og deltager i på festivalen hele dagen i festivalens Personale vores store konkurrence med masser Smageglas åbningstid. De mange frivillige fra Danske af præmier. Du skal anvende det officielle smage- Ølentusiaster er lette at genkende i glas på festivalen. Dog kan du på British 1 Festivalbutik deres røde veste. Røgfri festival Pavillion anvende ⁄2-pint glas af plastik. I den store festivalbutik kan du blandt Du kan møde dem overalt på festi- European Beer Festival er røgfri i såvel Dette udleveres på standen mod 1 andet købe: valen og de svarer gerne på praktiske udstillingshallen som spiseteltet. Der er polet i pant, der returneres når du spørgsmål, vejleder om øl og viser vej opstillet askekummer på udendørs leverer glasset tilbage. • reklameartikler fra Danske til den udstiller du ønsker arealet. Ølentusiaster at besøge. Spisetelt • gaveæsker fra udstil- Siddepladser Det store spisetelt er placeret på area- lerne Poletter Findes kun i spiseteltet – vis hensyn og let udenfor udstillingshallen. Her kan • trøjer, t-shirts, caps Du kan købe ekstra giv plads til andre ølnydere, der træn- du købe mad, kaffe og sodavand til • unikke ølglas poletter til smagsprøver ger til at hvile benene. rimelige priser – se menukortet på i Danske Ølentusiasters side 315. De købte varer udleve- to butikker, stand nr. Smagefestival res i Garderoben når 74 og 99. Festivalen er en smagsoplevelse og Toiletter du forlader festivalen. ingen drukfest. Synligt berusede folk Findes på arealet udenfor udstillingshal- Priserne er: afvises i indgangen og gæster, der er til len mellem spiseteltet og garderobetel- Forsvundne og 1 stk. – 12 kr. gene for andre bliver bortvist fra festi- tet. Se side 324-325. glemte sager 5 stk. – 50 kr. valen. Glemte effekter skal 11 stk. – 100 kr. afleveres i og udle- Smagsprøver veres fra Danske Rabat for På European Beer Festival oplever du Ølentusiasters ølentusiaster øllets mangfoldighed via smagsprøver festivalbutik Hvis du er med- på 10 cl. (koster 1 polet), dog vil sjæld- (stand nr. 99). lem af Danske ne og enkelte udvalgte øl kun blive ser- Uafhentede Ølentusiaster eller veret som en smagsprøve på 5 cl. effekter opbe- andre organisatio- OBS: På British Pavillion (stand 35) 1 vares på ner i European Beer vil du kunne få serveret cask-ale i ⁄2- Danske Consumers Union pint glas af plastik. Disse smagsprøver Ølentusiasters får du to gratis polet- koster 2 poletter plus 1 polet i pant 6 7 PRAKTISKE OPLYSNINGER PRAKTISKE OPLYSNINGER WHO WHAT WHERE Practical information Bracelets Unclaimed effects are stored at Danish get two free tokens per membership Samples You get a festival bracelet when you Beer Enthusiast’s Secretariat in 3 against show from valid membership In order to get a sample you have to arrive to the festival.This is valid one months after the festival, after which card. give 1 token for the chosen beer.A day – partoutickets excepted – and it's handed in to ”Hittegodskontoret”. You can sign up into Danish Beer sample is 10 cl. For an especially cho- offers you the chance to come and go This also concerns unclaimed goods Enthusiasts at festival (stand no. 13) – sen few and rare beers the sample will at the festival all day in the festival's from the festival shop. you get DKK 50,00 in discount, the however only be 5 cl. opening time. two extra tokens and participant at OBS:At The British Pavillion (stand Staff our large competition with lots of pri- 35) you'll be able to get served cask 1 Festival shop The many volunteers from Danish zes. ale in ⁄2 pint glass of plastic.These In the large festival shop you can Beer Enthusiasts are easy to recognize tastes cost 2 tokens plus 1 token in among other things buy: in their red vests.You can meet them No-smoking festival deposit for the glass.When you deliver everywhere at the festival and they European Beer Festival is no-smoking your plastic glass again you gets back • advertising articles from gladly answer practical que- in both the exhibition hall and the food deposit (your token).These glasses can Danish Beer stions, guides to beers and tent.There is set up ashtrays on the ONLY be used to British Pavillion Enthusiasts show road to the exhibitor outdoor area. (stand 35). • present boxes from you wish to visit. the exhibitors Seats Glass • jumpers,T-shirts Tokens Seats only in the food tent – turn up You have to apply the official taste • unique beer glasses You can buy extra tokens consideration and give in space to glass to the festival. However you can 1 in Danish Beer other beer enjoyers, who need to rest apply ⁄2 pint glass of plastic to the The bought goods are Enthusiasts's two shops, the legs. British Pavillion.This is handed out on handed out in the stand no. 74 and 99. the condition against 1 token in depo- cloakroom when you The prices are: Alcohol policy sit, which is returned when you give leave the festival. We wish for our guests to enjoy their the glass back. 1 piece - 12 DKK visit to the fullest and that experien- Lost and for- 5 piece - 50 DKK cing the world of beer will be a good Food tent gotten effects 11 piece - 100 DKK and educational one without it getting The large food tent is placed on the Forgotten effects out of control.Which is why visibly area outside the exhibition hall. Here are to be delive- Discount for drunk persons will not be allowed insi- you can buy food, coffee and fizzy red in and be beer enthusiasts de the festival and we take the right to lemonades to reasonable prices – the handed out If you are a member say ‘goodbye’ if some of the guests menu see on page 315. from Danish of Danish Beer become a nuisance to other guests or Beer Enthusiasts or other exhibitors. Toilets Enthusiasts's organizations in Toilets are in the area outside the festival shop European Beer exhibition hall between the food tent (stand no. 99). Consumers Union you and the cloakroom tent. See page 324- 325. 8 9 FORORD FORORD Velkommen til t is hard for me to imagine a But that doesn’t mean that the rest of better way to celebrate the Europe hasn’t got interesting beers.At ® 10 years anniversary of Danish European Beer Festival you will find ølfestival IBeer Enthusiasts than with a European beers from many of the European Beer Festival.Therefore it’s a great countries. Besides Denmark, Finland, pleasure for me to welcome you to Germany, England, Norway, Sweden, the first European Beer Festival ever. Belgium and the Czech Republic could AF ANNE-METTE MEYER PEDERSEN, LANDSFORMAND FOR DANSKE ØLENTUSIASTER be mentioned.This should give everyo- It’s an old dream to have a beer festival ne the opportunity to have some new eg kan ikke forestille mig nogen Men det er absolut ikke ensbetydende with a wider experiences – Danish as well as from bedre måde at fejre Danske med at der ikke er meget spændende range of other European countries. JØlentusiasters 10 års fødselsdag, end øl i resten af Europa. På European Beer Many experiences European beers med en Europæisk Ølfestival. Det er Festival kan du som gæst smage øl fra than the beer On the scene different lecturers will derfor en rigtig stor glæde for mig at mange af de europæiske lande, udover to the nose, the festivals of speak about different sides of the beer- kunne byde velkommen til European Danmark er det bl.a. Finland,Tyskland, mouth, the eyes Danish Beer world and will give us the opportunity Beer Festival. England, Norge, Sverige,Tjekkiet, Enthusiast usually to get wiser. Belgien og flere andre. and the ears are to have, and two Det har længe været en drøm for os at Dermed skulle der være rig mulighed years ago the A brand new “old” beer will be intro- holde en festival med en bredere euro- for at få nye smagsoplevelser, danske be expected. preparations duced and that will make the oldest pæisk repræsenta- såvel som udenlandske. started.At that ways of making beer meet the very tion end vores ølfe- point nobody new. Mulighed for stivaler sædvanligvis På foredragsscenen vil skiftende fore- dreamt that an independent festival har, og for to år dragsholdere føre os ind i øl-brygnin- like this could take place on the premi- All in all a great many experiences to mangfoldige siden gik forbere- gens verden, og vi får mulighed for at ses of Carlsberg, but sometimes reality the nose, the mouth, the eyes and the delserne for alvor i blive klogere mens vi nyder det gode goes beyond one's imagination.
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