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'^--^ .¥>- .y .....1-1. .^ylK'-,- The Manitoba Teachers' Society helpful collection of facts about anitoba Public School Di isions The M:anitoba Teachers' Society a . 20 (information provided based on expired collective agreements @ January 1, 2019) www. mbteach. or facebook. com/ twitter.com/ manitobateachers mbteachers Telephone: 204-888-7961 Toll Free: 1-800-262-8803 Inside MTS The ManitobaTeachers' Society (MTS) is the collective bargainingand professional development organization for all of Manitoba's 15,000 public school teachers. Bylaw I (The Manitoba Teachers' Society Handbook) Preamble The ManitobaTeachers' Federation was established in 1919 at the time of the WinnipegGeneral Strike. In was renamed The Manitoba Teachers' Society in 1942. The Society is a union that is empowered by its members to make bylaws and policies for its general organization and governance. The Society's goals are pursued through participation in collective bargaining, the establishment of professional standards and advocacy in. support of teachers' rights and public education. Mission TheSociety, as a union and professional organization, is dedicatedto advancingand safeguarding the welfare of teachers, the status of the teaching profession and the cause of public education in Manitoba. Societ Goals 1. To promote the profession of teaching, high ethical standards within the profession, professional competence and the ongoing professional development of teachers. 2. To engage in collective bargainingand other relevant negotiations to improve the economic benefits, professional rights, pension benefits and working conditions of teachers. 3. To advocate for a strong, viable, and effective education system capable of accommodating the needs of Manitoba students and teachers. 4. To provide its members with an organization that will give them an equal, effective and democratic opportunity to pursue their professional aspirations. 5. To establish and administer insurance and benefit schemes and programs in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws. 6. To address broad societal issuesthat promote socialjustice, cooperation and understanding. Frequently Asked Questions About Teachers' Contracts Who can offer me a job? When will I receive my contract for A legitimate offer of employment can be made only by signing? a Superintendent on behalfof the Board of Trustees. In Accordingto the PublicSchools Act, the School Division larger divisions, this power may be delegated to a is obligated to provide you with a contract to sign personnel officer. Although principals, consultants and within two weeks of an offer of employment being board members may take part in the interview and/or made to you. When a verbal offer is made you should selection process, the official offer of employment ask when you will receive your contract. You should must come from the Board Office. follow up with the School Divisionif you do not receive your contract in a timely manner. What is the difference between General What if I get a better offer after I have Contract and a Limited Contract? verbally accepted a job? A General Contract is a regular contract between a Whenyou verbally accepta job offer, you haveentered teacher and a school board which offers ongoing into a contract with the employer. A verbal acceptance employment. If you have no prior teaching experience of a teaching position is binding on you, just as a job in Manitoba you are protected by the provisions of offer is binding on the employer. You have the option Section 92 of the PSA regarding termination of of approachingthe employer and askingto be released employment - on the first day of your second year. A from your agreement, asan employer may be willing to LimitedContract offers employment ofa specificperiod accommodate such a request provided there is of time and states the termination date on the contract. sufficienttime and availabilityfor you to be replaced. There is no guarantee of ongoing employment following the termination date. Do I have to accept a temporary contract Do I have to sign an oath of in my first year with an employer? confidentiality? If you have had no previous teaching experience in Yes, if your employer requests. According to the Manitoba, there is no risk to an employer in signing you Personal Health Information Act, your employer is to a permanent contract, as the first year is considered obliged to ensure the confidentiality of information probationary and you will have no due process rights about students. The Manitoba Teachers' Society and until the beginning of your second year on that the Manitoba School BoardsAssociation haveagreed to contract. The purpose of a temporary or term contract a confidentiality document that is appropriate for is to cover a specific absence for a specific period of teachers to sign. A copy of this agreement can be time which is not to exceed one year. Accepting a viewed on the MTS website. temporary contract means that you may not be able to accumulate sick leave or seniority while on it, even if you continue with that employer for another year. When a choice is available, an employer that offers a permanent contract is preferable to one that doesn't. What about providing criminal record Do I have to agree to do extra-curricular and child abuse registry checks with my duties or to coach? application? Manycollective agreements have provisions governing Criminal Records and Child Abuse Registry checks extra-curricular duties, so you need to check. In any provide prospective employers with information about case, a teacher should be wary of unreasonable your gender, age and marital status to which they are expectations for voluntary work that can interfere with not entitled in the selection process according to a successful year in the classroom. Manitoba Human Rights legislation. These documents should be requested from you at the time a job offer is made but not before. .s St Si S? mooouD<TOinNmrMqNinoq>OrtiOnjoqu)iqcnr~mQior~;i~:mu)mr~r-!Qttn^nii g|5 33C!SS3SS3ri?iC!3ri3a333?JS33S3?33SS3S3SS335ss s'-iia IS§. i^S!. ggSS|g|§S§g|Ss§al!. §3§sp, sgs^3l 3 sls in ri fN oo~ rt '" rt 10 w r? N~ ri 5 m S' ri ni- rt~ 3 5 m N r5 N S' ri- <»- 3 ^ u ^ S S 5' ® ^. ^ g- gill ||5:|||s gS^s^s^ 5s§s8a ss §§^s £§ g ss g ss^ sg s s 3 s§! ^£^ij& - - ^, ........... ^.. " ^y (^ .st. I I^S ^ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOi-IOOOOrtOOOOri c P i 0 Ifps .^n in ^ OOOOOOOOOOOOOrMOOrslOOOOOOOWOO^-lOONOOOOOOmlS I Jlui5 iiiiili^j ^o<t<tONOOOommom20rr>°?1omfN(r>rri30rs*rs*ou?^'f^rMOv-imo ^ £ " E 0 . H^s u ilJJJ a33S"'-. °-Sa5gtS3S°S!Sae!5SSSSiQ3SSF3S°ou, M-cn^pig (/» u Ell! |||S?its I ?!3SS!°<"tS?22R!-"S3§-'SB?;3SSa2SS3SSSS<"r"-^<t^gS| |i|lI i Is 1 (D -Q 's Q ? ..^ c CD ii b .E I <u .I- .s i I w t ^ i I 1 Q) .1 I II £. I s, s S G E 0 +3 I 1 I s s s s .g s I .s I 111111 { s E£ js s E e s j 111111 5 I & s .s 3 ca I. S ^ I i !1 38 ^1 ii J il uf y; z g|^|5||S||| li § 3 3 F wS!uti!sSZK2utu UJ Ill Is3 <">^ ^ ^ ^ 1§ II Q a ^11 z E llls§§§5^SII^NII§ 2 = ^ E 3 3 0 II ?!! EgizsisslSislglls Ig S K V) <fl IIill Metro Winnipeg Public School Divisions ^ S OA FENMETEB HWI RIVEREAS Cili^Um TRANSCO A ,»<. IP REGENT AVE ST. JAMESrASSNIBOIA DUGALO RD 'vnie \ l,1i *^ /;"'"«.. c" 7 aum «»E wus PEMBINAT I UIS RIE PERIMDER HUVY c'3." Cartography by: Manitoba Conservation, GeoManitoba, 2012. MYSTERY LAKE 0IKELS c/ ]^., ^r / Department of Education SCHOOL DIVISIONS C= KELS 0 ^ <f o f^-J 0 0 0 Sfltt.O s^T^-; Q 0 I. FLINFLON p ^y^^ ^^. ic'^& W:,, j d ALLEY SWANfV 0 GRAi-iAM- DALE -.^.i,-, ' ?:OSAF:'YRtyi^ iAWy. ::r. C^ . < f ... ?. < . i. :;!f:;Fr'- ?, !' .. W.V-/ L" OWTAl GAliFj . :^ VIEW 0 ^ '. U'. iCUTM.. .CL !K/!... ir<^tv OCH. -iC ROSE- RW I ALO^$A LAK SHORE TURTLE Q £.;. ;KSDAi.E EVER- . "t1 -t^Cf'^A"'. RIVER GREEN LORDSELKIRK WvW Ot. r. NEt. LA -PARK CI..W- ShOAI. nRBISOF Wl'-.IW "<F STOAn, '^|_E- , - .. Ct^iR rj<. 'ME ?'. 11WT<^ AK.VIE-/ PRAIRIE ROSE ^cr-. ^^, A .^o. ^iyr;- BEAU IFUL ROCKW&O WW. LACDL:E)/-:N *. -*. RISE 1""": --';,..iwn? ^ PLAINS INTEISLAKE ROLLIN CM - W:.^''RN LOR;- ^B»C^N- PINE PORTAGE w.\, t. Ei '^R CREEK ^^. '-'AL^C^ .,'^OD"" .,^rri.""ji ^/._..,^y" Ra. o. PRAIRIt !;ORTiI CYSIl-SS ?';ORTHN. -><FCU F:OS^AG . i, S! FFiAiRjE '-l. l'CHEAB NRISE FORTLAB SSE S . -.. TO"!- - "no, Ol^^i^OO):; ^A' .0 ,,"" s^I ^^ _ IVER HANOVER .A'i-'iF . 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