2014 THE BERLIN JOURNAL ALL f A Magazine from the American Academy in Berlin Number Twenty-Seven Fall 2014 NUMBER 27 THE BERLIN JOURNAL THE BERLIN THE AMERIcAN AcAdEMy Celebrating Twenty Years fIcTION IN BERLIN Jonathan Lethem, Mynona, Nicole Krauss, Adam Ross barkOw LEIBINgER Architectural Portfolio with an Essay by Hal Foster beatriz colomina Collaboration in Modern Architecture THE holbrookE fORUM Harold Hongju Koh and Louise Arbour on Peace and Justice MONIcA black Spiritual Redemption in Postwar Germany Zeit für eine Revolution. ø U n i t e . Nie wieder Einzeltarife. Ein individueller Preis für Ihr gesamtes Unternehmen. Minuten-, SMS- und Datenkontingente fl exibel nach Ihrem Bedarf defi nieren. Ein System, so intelligent wie keines zuvor. ø Unite. ø Business – Mehr unternehmen. Jetzt 3 Monate kostenlos testen* 0800 - 10 90 878 | o2unite.de Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. 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O2_Lightning_AZ_Berlin_Journal_210x280_M1407003_F39.indd 1 31.07.14 15:39 CONTENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS focus features notebook 4 24 66 THE blot collaborations pREsIdENT JoacHIM Gauck HONORs by Jonathan Lethem by Beatriz Colomina THE AMERIcAN AcAdEMy BLINd REstaurant portfOLIO: barkOw LEIBINgER Not AN AccIdENT Of HIstory by Nicole Krauss Speech by President Joachim Gauck ARcHITEcTURE As INsTRUMENT EMpIRE Of fAdINg sIgNs by Hal Foster THE 2014 HENRy A. KissINgER pRIzE by Richard Kämmerlings Celebrating former Secretary ExtraordINARy EMERgENcy of State James A. Baker, III MARINA by Hillel Schwartz by Adam Ross THE AMERIcAN AcAdEMy’s THE cURE BRINgER TwENTIETH ANNIvERsARy Celebration IN A cITy Of monuments by Monica Black by Susan Stewart A CrucIBLE Of Culture THE holbrookE fORUM Keynote Speech by Leon Botstein THE creator Essays by by Mynona (Salomo Friedlaender) Harold Hongju Koh nothing pOssIBLE wITHOUT peopLE translated by Peter Wortsman and Louise Arbour Keynote Speech by Frank-Walter Steinmeier book REvIEws by Porochista Khakpour, A BeautifUL Mind Hans Vaget, Andrew Bacevich, by Gahl Hodges Burt and Andrew Nathan and John C. Kornblum Jonathan Lethem, the author of nine novels, tecture and director of the Program in Media essayist, is the author of Sons and Other was the Mary Ellen von der Heyden Fellow and Modernity at Princeton University. Art Flammable Objects and The Last Illusion. in Fiction in spring 2014. Nicole Krauss, the historian and critic Hal Foster is the Town- Hans Vaget is Helen & Laura Shedd Professor author of three novels, was a Holtzbrinck send Martin 1917 Professor of Art and Archae- Emeritus of German Studies at Smith Fellow in spring 2007. Richard Kämmerlings ology at Princeton University and was the College and was the fall 2012 Berthold is the editor of Litera rische Welt. Adam Ross 2011 Siemens Fellow. Hillel Schwartz, a fall Leibinger Fellow. Andrew Bacevich, a pro- is the author of Mr. Peanut and is the fall 2014 Holtzbrinck Fellow, is a poet, cultural fessor of history and international relations 2014 Mary Ellen von der Heyden Fellow in historian, and author. Monica Black, a his- emeritus at Boston University, held a Berlin Fiction. Susan Stewart, a John P. Birkelund torian of modern Germany, is an associate Prize in spring 2005. Andrew Nathan, a fall Fellow in spring 2014, is Avalon Foundation professor of history at the University of 2013 Axel Springer Fellow, is the Class of 1919 University Professor in the Humanities and Tennessee at Knoxville and a fall 2014 John Professor of Political Science at Columbia the director of the Society of Fellows in the P. Birkelund Fellow. Harold Hongju Koh, University. Joachim Gauck is the president Liberal Arts at Princeton University. Mynona co-moderator of the Holbrooke Forum, is of the Federal Republic of Germany. Franz- (aka Salomo Friedlaender, 1871–1946) was Sterling Professor of International Law at Walter Steinmeier is the foreign minister a German-Jewish avant-garde writer of Yale Law School and was legal adviser at of the Federal Republic of Germany. Leon novellas, criticism, and philosophy. Peter the US Department of State from 2009 to Botstein is a conductor, scholar, and the Wortsman, a spring 2010 Holtzbrinck Fellow, 2013. Louise Arbour, the former UN High president of Bard College. Gahl Hodges Burt is a literary translator, playwright, and author, Commissioner for Human Rights, is counsel is the vice chair of the American Academy most recently of Cold Earth Wanderers. at Borden Ladner Gervais LLP and a par- in Berlin. John C. Kornblum, a former US Beatriz Colomina is the Berthold Leibinger ticipant in the Holbrooke Forum. Porochista ambassador to Germany, is the co-secre- Fellow in fall 2014 and a professor of archi- Khakpour, an Iranian-American novelist and tary of the American Academy in Berlin. THE BERLIN JOURNAL fOUNdER Richard C. Holbrooke fOUNdINg cHAIRMEN Thomas L. Number Twenty-Seven Farmer, Henry A. Kissinger, Fall 2014 Richard von Weizsäcker cHAIRMAN & pREsIdENT pUBLIsHER Gary Smith A. Michael Hoffman Editor R. Jay Magill Jr. vIcE cHAIR Gahl Hodges Burt MANAgINg Editor cO-sEcretaries Stephen B. Johana Gallup Burbank, John C. Kornblum AdvertisINg Berit Ebert dEsIgN Susanna Dulkinys TRUsTEEs Manfred Bischoff, & Edenspiekermann Stephen B. Burbank, Gahl Hodges Burt, Caroline Walker Copyright © 2014 Bynum, Roger Cohen, Mathias American Academy in Berlin Döpfner, Marina Kellen French, ISSN 1610-6490 Michael E. Geyer, Hans-Michael We are deeply Giesen, C. Boyden Gray, Vartan Cover Image: Barkow Leibinger, Gregorian, Andrew S. Gundlach, grateful to Model for the Tour Total Helga Haub, Wolfgang A. building, Berlin, photo © Herrmann, A. Michael Hoffman, Werner Huthmacher, 2009 Stefan von Holtzbrinck, Dirk Ippen, Wolfgang Ischinger, TELEFÓNICA DEUTSCHLAND HOLDING AG Printed by Ruksaldruck, Berlin Josef Joffe, Michael Klein, John C. Kornblum, Regine Leibinger, Wolfgang Malchow, Nina von THE AMERIcAN AcAdEMy Maltzahn, Kati Marton, Julie IN BERLIN Mehretu, Adam Posen, George Rupp, Volker Schlöndorff, Peter ExEcUTIvE dIREctor Y. Solmssen, Kurt F. Viermetz, Gary Smith Christine I. Wallich, Klaus cHIEf Operating OffIcER Wowereit (ex officio), Pauline Yu Christian U. Diehl cHAIRMAN EMERITUs Am Sandwerder 17–19 Karl M. von der Heyden 14109 Berlin Tel. (49 30) 80 48 3-0 TRUsTEEs EMERITI John P. Fax (49 30) 80 48 3-111 Birkelund, Diethart Breipohl, americanacademy.de Gerhard Casper, Wolfgang Mayrhuber, Norman Pearlstine, and 14 East 60th Street, Suite 604 Fritz Stern New York, NY 10022 Tel. (1) 212 588-1755 Fax (1) 212 588-1758 STEFAN VON HOLTZBRINCK for their generous support of this issue of The Berlin Journal. Support The Academy is entirely funded by private, tax-deductible donations. Contributions may be made: IN gERMANy IN THE UNITEd states by bank transfer to: by check payable to: American Academy in Berlin American Academy in Berlin Berliner Sparkasse 14 East 60th Street, Suite 604 BLZ 100 500 00 New York, NY 10022 Account: 660 000 9908 by bank transfer to: IBAN: JPMorgan Chase, 500 Stanton DE07 1005 0000 6600 0099 08 Christiana Road, Newark, DE BIC: BELADEBEXXX 19713 Account: 967 33 12 77 ABA: 021 00 00 21 SWIFT CODE: CHASUS 33 DIRECTOR’S NOTE Designing the Future HEAdy TIMEs during these last few months, as we reflected I belong to the generation that first experienced upon what the American Academy in Berlin has become Germany through relatives who were forced to flee it; in twenty years after its founding. Ever mindful of the in- my case, the cultural sensibility my mother and her fam- flections of history, Academy founder Richard Holbrooke ily brought from Zerbst and Königsberg. The first gift I -re understood that Germany’s relationship with the United call from my Tante Ruth was Mörike’s Ausgewählte Gedichte States, just five years after the fall of Berlin Wall, would fun- und Erzählungen, in the Blaue Bücher series. And I can still damentally change. He wanted to establish an institution recite more of Prometheus than any comparable English such as the Academy that would be committed to cement- poem, even if self-consciously, just having discovered ing those bonds in ways that were yet to be articulated. Oskar Werner’s otherworldly declamation. Understanding Our work has concentrated on this task—understand- and translating this culture has become a lifelong preoccu- ing how to articulate a new future for German-American ties. pation, one that brought me to Germany three decades ago Our method is what we have come to call “slow diplomacy,” and that will keep me busy as I move on to new projects generated by bringing America’s best talents and having after my departure from the American Academy at the end them build relations with Berliners and other Germans, of this year.
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