EQUIPMENT !POISONS P100ICTIIII 10511(55 STUDIOS AGENCIES VOL. 54, NO. 20 NEW YORK, MONDAY, JANUARY 29, 1951 TEN CENTS NAB BOARD FACES SERIOUS PROBLEMS TV Service Complaints Continue To Run High 1,000 Consumer Inter -American Broadcasters To Meet Executive Changes Montevideo, Uruguay (by cable)-Felix Muguerza, secretary ofthe Service Gripes Inter -American Association of Broadcasters, announced here yesterday And Budget Cut that the inaugural session of the Second General Assembly will be held In January in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on March 19th and will continue for ten days. Top Agenda TV service complaints con- Muquerza is arranging details for the convention with the Sao Paulo WasIttngton Bureau ofRADIO DAILY tinue to average over 900 a Association of Broadcasters. Goar Mestre of Havana is president of the Washington - When the month, despite a set of service association. NAB board of directors opens standardsrecommended by itssemi - annual three - day the Better Business Bureau, meeting Wednesday inBel- RADIO -TELEVISION DAILY learn-BAB Refutes Charges Featherbedding Edictaire, Fla., it will face one of ed yesterday. Commenting on the most important agendas TV sales and the ratio of in several years. One of the service complaints coming inOf Press Association' May Affect Radio, TVchief problems will be a sub- (ContinuedonPage 7) - stantial cut in the budget for Broadcast Advertising Bureau Washington Bureau of RADIO DAILY the fiscal year ending March turned its promotional guns on the Washington -A National Labor (Continued on Page 2) Bureau of Advertising of AmericanRelationsBoarddecisionhanded I Miller, Stanton TestifyNewspaper PublishersAssociationdownyesterdayinaso-called last week with the completion of a"featherbedding" case involving the brochure which refutes the pressAmerican Federation of MusiciansMillion Dollar Budget On Educational TVorganization'sclaimsthatretailand a theater in Akron, may have business took a nose dive during thea far-reaching effect on radio and Wash,notou Bureauof RADIO DAILY 1950 newspaper strike in the Pitts-TV. The NLRB ruled that the feath- Set By Liberty Web Washington-The NAB and OBSburgh area. The booklet, producederbedding ban of the Taft -Hartley went on record before the FCC yes- Dallas,Tex.-A milliondollar - terday as favoring the use of TVby Dorrance & Waddell for BAB,Act does not prohibit unions fromplus appropriation for augmenting by educators, but opposing the in-documents the effectiveness of ra-seekingactualemploymentforand bolstering the Liberty Broad- definite reservation of 20 per centdio during the strike and gives factsmembers, even though the employ -casting Sytem's program schedule of the UHF spectrum for non-com- (Continued on Page 6) (Continued on Page 7) has been voted by the LBS direc- mercial educational stations. tors. Gordon McLendon, president President Justin Miller of NABFCC Commissioner UrgesEmphasize Audience of the network, who announced the and President Frank Stantonof board action, said the expenditure CBS were the only witnesses in anCurb On TV Interference Growth Of FM Radiowas voted in the normal course of Liberty's expansion. (Continued on Page 8) Cleveland - FCC Commissioner Claiming there are 7,500,000 FM McLendon disclosed that a series George E. Sterling, speaking herereceivers in use at this time, Morris (Continued on Page 6) Pat Campbell Resigns Thursday before the Institute of Ra-Novik, chairman of the FM indus- Post With Don Lee Webdio Engineers and Industrial Elec-trycommittee,FridayrefutedaTV Manufacturer tronics Organization Meeting, warn-statement attributed to Ross Sira- West Coast Bureau of RADIO DAILY ed that manufacturers of diathermygusa of Admiral Radio CorporationOkays Radio News Series Hollywood - Patrick(Pat) W.machines, and FM and TV receiversthat "FM is a dying art." AllenB.DuMont Laboratories, Campbell, Don LeeBroadcastingmust exercise extreme care in obey - Novik cited figures to show thatInc. has picked up a recorded news System vice-president in charge of (Continued on Page 8) (Continued on Page 6) programfeaturingQuentinRey- station relations since 1943, has ten- nolds and is offering the series to its dered his resignation effective Feb. distributors and dealers for co-op (Continued on Page 6) Regional Program Clinics (Continued on Page 2) Financial Note Planned For .'March By B111 "Show Goes On" Los Angeles - Seaboard Fi- Thcrnatopsis,thesleek ebony nance Company, through Smith BMI will give four program clin-Cott,general manager of WNBC cat which femcees on WCBS-TV's and Bull, has purchased one of ics in the states of Missouri, Iowa, "Tales of the Black Cat" on Tues- the heaviest announcement and WNBT; Robert Saudek, vice- days missed only one show as a schedules consisting of over 1700 Nebraska, and Colorado during thepresident of ABC and president of result of her recent motherhood, one -minuteannouncements be- week of March 12 to 19, under thethe Radio Executives Club of N. Y.; auspicesoftherespectivestateReggie Schuebel, head of the radio at which she gave birth to six tween 8 a.m. and 11 p.m. on KFI broadcasters youngones.The showshe during payday weeks fornext associations whichdepartment of Duane Jones Co.; and missed was handled in a capa- year. Most of the spots are sked- made therequests. A troupeofRobertBurton,vice-presidentin ble manner by one of her dough- ded for use on Fridays or Satur- speakers from New York will makecharge of publisher relations, BMI. te:s by a former marriage, who days. the tour, augmented by outstanding The clinic will follow the estab- has now returned to her mousing. local speakers from each area cov-lishedpatternofthesuccessful ered. The four speakers will be: Ted (Continued onPage 6) 2 Monday, January 29, 1951 RADIO DAILY-TELEVISION DAILY RIMS NAB Board Meet Must Face WOOLYMINI Budget, Executive ProblemscommGand GomG Established Feb. 9, 1937 Vol. 54, No. 20 Mon., Jan. 29, 1951 10 Cts. (Continued from Page1) DR.PETER GOLDMARK, vice-presidentof 31,1952. Although no figures wererelieved of operational responsibili-CBSinchargeofengineeringresearch and : : Publisher JOHN W. ALICOATE available, it was estimated in someties for that purpose. development,isinClevelandtodeliver an address atthe5thAnnual Banquet ofthe FRANK BURKE Editorquarters that the current budget of In event Judge Miller is elevatedCleveland Technical Societies Council at the Hotel Carter. MARVIN KIRSCH : Business Manageraround three-quarters of a millionto board chairman, it appeared like- dollars would be slashed as muchly that the board then would em- Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays ploy also ANNE C. BALDWIN, photogenic director of York,as 40 per cent. a new president who publicity at WOV, will retere 4,^", HO"- and Holidays at 1501Broadway, New "ver,N.J.,where she spent three days on (18),N.Y., by Radio Daily Corp., 5. W. It was agreed when BAB waswould serveas general manager. Alicoate. President and Publisher; Donald M.established as a separate entity thatOther board members pointed out,business. Tersereau, Treasurer and General Manager; the NAB would lop 30 per cent fromhowever, that President Miller, un- GEORGE BRETT,vice-presidentandsales \larvin Kirsch, Vice President; Chester B. manager of The Katz Agency, stationreps.; Rahn. Vice-Pres.; Charles A. Alicoate, Sec'y.itsoperating budget, inasmuch asdertheby - laws,automaticallyTOM HARKER, vice-president of The Fort In- Reentered as second class mattr, Septem-BAB would take both revenue andserves as chairman of the board anddustry Co.incharge ofnationalsales, and her 15,1950atthePostOfficeat New it would -not be necessary to formal-MIKE FLYNN, also of The Katz Agency, are York, N.Y.,under the Act ofMarch 3,operating expense from the parent spending thie week is Aelneta conferring with 1879. (Originally entered assecond classorganization. Now that the NAB -ly elect him to the post. officials of The Georgia Trio. matter on April 5,1937).Terms (PostageTV has been established as a separ- Still another problem facing the free) United States $15.00 one year. Foreign. HOWARD BLAKE, producer of the "Carna- 020.00. Address all communications to Radioateentity,althoughwithintheboardisthenational emergency.tion Family Party" on CBS,is back in Holly- Daily,1501 Broadway, New York,(18),framework of NAB, an additionalPresidentMillerwillreportaswood following a brief sojourn at Palm Springs, N.Y. PhoneWIsconsin 7-6336,7.6337.10 per cent is expected to be pared Calif. -.6330 Cable address:Radaily, New ork. chairman of the broadcasters advi- from the TV operations. Both BABsory council, which has held two ED HOCHHAUSER and BILL STUBBLEFIELD, WASHINGTON BUREAU and NAB -TV are expected to standmeetings with top government offi-of the stationrelations department at Asso- BillBailey on their own feet financially. ciated Program Service, are visiting affiliates, Office:1277NationalPressBuilding cials. the former in Ohio, the later in Georgia. Telephone: Metropolitan 0823, 0824. Loss of membership the past year The board also will be given a re- Residence: 4315 Russell Ave.. Mt. Rainier. Md. also will be a factor in determiningport on the TV allocation hearings EDWARD BLEIER, program service co-ordina- Telephone: WaffleId 4462. the new budget. Some board mem- tor for the DuMont TV network, on Thursday WEST COAST OFFICES with respect to non-commercial ed-will leave for active duty with the Army. He HerbertBerg EthelRosen bers estimated the NAB operationucational stations. has been a member of the Reserve Corps. Phone: Gladstone 8438 0425 Hollywood Blvd. costs will be
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