Bryant College Thursday, November 14, 1996 Volume 65 Number 10 BY PAUL TOLME ASSOCIATED During nearly four w ek oftes­ HI URI FOOTBALL PLAY­ PRESS WRITER timony, Mann ne....er denied that ERSARRAlGNEDONASSAULT BarrettkilledSilvia, butsaidhe was CHARGES PROVIDENCE R.I. (AP)_ Re­ insane at the time and fired in self­ Two suspended University of jecting claims Dr. David Barren defense. Submitted by The Office of matchsince their most likely chance Rhode Island ~ otball players were was insane when he hot to death Psychiatrist testified Barren bad Student Activities. of finding a match i from someone arraigned Tuesday on a ault Joseph Silvia, a jury W dne day een iagnosed wilh manic depres~ • of a similar ethnic background. charges stemming from an attack convicted the former Brown Uni­ sian, and witnesse from Barrell Imagine for a moment that you Becoming a donor is easy. Th on a fraternity house. versity psychiatry re .dent f sec­ father to his colleagues at Brown could be the 1 in 20 000 match to fir t tep is to have a smaU amount William Edwards and Frank ond-degree murder. recalled episodes in which Barrett save the life ofyoung child. Tolllat of blood taken which is typed for Rom nolr., both 20 pleadedinno­ JUT rs deliberated 11 hours be­ acted "grandjo'e' and ·'manic." cbild you would be ahero and to the marker called HLA antigen .. Thjs cent to one count each of simple fore Iling mto the courtroom and Bello argued Barrell was using rest of us a life aver. information is entered in theNMDP assault and conspiracy to commit delivering the verdict. Several ap­ his emotional troubles as an excuse Memb rs ofthe Bryant Comrnu- computerized registry. While listed simple assault. peared shaken. to avoid responsibility for shooting nily will have Lhe opportunity to on the registry, ifa donor's antigens District CowtJudge Gilbert Indeglia Barrett, in a blu nit and with hi Silvia on July 1 , ]995, after an regi ter La become a hero. No burn- match a patient in need, the donoris releasedeach on$2.<XXlpersonaJ recog­ tie loosened, closed his eye when argument at an East Pr vidence gas ing buildin arc in 01 ed jU 'l a c nta ted and un 'eled a utlhe nizance and ordered them ~ ha\ no the erdicl read. Hi' parent statJ n i pI . Bluv\J",J,U ntact with the vi ·m.A !rial 'd n I d an lh r­ I murd r B n • nnd ulcd - [ 10 hin uhi' I lighl' 1 M' December 2 nd in Janiki '5 A u it ­ Mo il convenience store, and bad rium. poruored hy the Orfice of exchange with a clerk he R I I urn I hi ilh da r re B r-ell inn ti ili . ha n d d r r J d n' u ri n i ju­ thr I: li e nizan . h there are more than 2 federal matching grant recei v d by or ' did "a magni Icentj b." when II ia Lhe lore erk' friend, Acco. 'ngto ,m ~ than Jl1j Ii n don regi ler d n ti D­ the Office of Student Activities. '1 can Ii e with it, .. aid Manny u ed hi van to pin Barrett against 30 URI football pJaye went to the aily ther are till alien who 0 Fundr3lSiog is currently underway Silvia. 72, of the second-degree his Saab. n 1 find matehe . There is still a which wil1allow tudents who wish 'ThelaDeltaChihouseonOct7.S vernl murder C 'Tlvi tion. "We can put it "1 think the system worked," At­ entered ilandbeattbreefratem.ity mem­ sen us n~ed formoredonor ,espe­ to regi ter, can do so for free. to rest" torney General JeffPine said. "He s cially from mm rity p pu­ Please join us at the Blood and bers, who were hospitalized but have donor Valerie Glass Silvia's si ter, facing a very evere sentence. ' lation. Of the 2,453.678 volun­ Bone Marrow Drive on Dec m­ recovered. fought lears while speaking ut­ If Judge Robert Krause gives teeIS Ii ted with the National Mar­ ber 2nd and learn more aboul the Theattack apparently was relaliarion ide. She and Manny Silvia aid Barrett a life sentence, he will be row Donor Program, only 526,076 National Marrow Donor Program fOT lhe fraternity's refusal to allow a they would pray for Barrett par­ eligible for parole in 20 year . are from minority ethni ' gr ups," or call the R.L Bio C oter Mar­ player into an Oct 4 party. enIS, who sat alone in the courtr m Barrett also faces up to 20 years for Valerio and Carl Zschuschen we aid Laura McDonald ofthe Rhode r w Donor Program al 1- 2 3­ I ng aile the verdict was read. gun . n c nvictions and tIp to kicked offthe team. Buller, a star wide Island Marrow Donor Program. 3 5 or Tim Lloyd. AL I tant Di­ Pr e had hoped to c nviet ulors fi marijuana possession. receiverwhohad been scouted by NFL Thi makes it difficult for min rily rector of Student Aclivitie at 232­ Barrett of fir'l-degree murder but 3ld the mosl nvincing teams. and the three other players were patients who are earching for a 6160. said they were pJeased with the ver­ evidence was the ag of marijuana suspended indefinitely and have n t dict. police aid Barrett told a friend to played ince the incid n , Je knew what he was doing throwaway. URIPresident Robert Carothers also that night. ' said Pr eculor Su an "Howcan y u nOl know sho li ng forfeited a game against Connecticut Bello. "He knew it wa wr ng." someon ~ i wrong, butminUle laler Defen e lawyer Robert Mann said think 'I've g l t get rid of this lO-YEAR-OLD ARRESTED a hearing would be held Nov. 15 on hecau'e it's a cnme?'" Bello as ed FOR DEALI G CRACK his request for a new trial. inherclo ingargumems.· Hedidn t PROVIDENCE, RI. CAP) _ A 'Tm very disappOinted," Mann have an excuse for lhi 0 he got rid IO-year-old b y caughl trying to said. "We're tin aU recovering." ofil" sell crack cocaine in South Provi­ dence is one of th younge t in the city ever arrested for dealing drugs policesrud The boy had two bags with a • rock ' ofcrackin eachand was selling the drug totwomaleswhen anofficerim.eoupred the deal Tuesday, said LL John Ryan. The two buyers ran, but the boy was caught ''Initiallv. he didn't think be was that YOWlg,~ittumedouttobealO-year­ old." Ryan said Co 1beboywascarrying no money or weapons when ~ was arrested, Ryan said. He was referred toFamily Court as a juvenile delinquent and was released to his mother. No un date was set by Thursday. Theneighborhocxlwas beingwatchxt for drug activity after neighbors c0m­ plained ro police. Ryan said An inves­ tigation into the arrest continues. HOb 'ously the crime lies in who gave him ~ crack and put him out there," Ryan said. Page 2 THE ARCHWAY Thur: y , November 14 , 1996 T/DfT01(f.9tCIOPfWO!!\[ Babyheadto Ointondeem~-­ grow up? blasp Thanks to a very resourceful man I learned To the editor: early this morning that Club Babyh ad will be officially closing its doors this December, This writer is a oman Catholic and a former with its last live show being on November 30 seminarian. Let it be known that those Chri stian (The S uic ide M achines, A pocalypse who voted for pro-abortion politicians, such as DANIELLE PORfER Hoboken, One Ton Shotgun, and Cretin - $6). William C1inton becam direct a omplices in the Editor-in-Chief After a final dan e party on December 1, it bestial abortion holocaust. As accomplices to m ur­ will cease to exist as a live circuit, and will der. these pseudo-Christian voters committed mor­ MELI SA CRISCUOLO reopen sometime in January or February as a tal sin and defacto excommunicated themselves, Managing Editor "gJitzy dance club called Velvet. Ahh, so Long ago, Catholic preists and especially bishops, that's what the pia ement of the outside such as Pope John Paut should have provided these paneli ng was all about. specific instructions of moral theology .. .long ago! LETIEN In 1948, saintly Pope Pius XII declared the Sports Editor Just what Providence needs, another dance club. And with Desperado's/Slick Willy' sl excommnication ofall Catholics in italy who voted Algier' slPoly ta's just around the comer, for Communist political candidates. PopeJohnPaul, NIGEL FUBARA who was a student at Rome in 1948, has the similar Entertainment Editor Velvet just might not attract 11 th t many people. However, unlike the usual straight­ obligation to employ the remedy of excommunica­ EILEEN DEMJEN edge crowd which frequents Babyhead, the ti on in the matter of Catholic pro-abortion voters A dvertising ales Manager dance crowd is more likely to drink. Hence­ and legislators. Millions of unborn children would forth, money-the initial reason for owner not have been aborted ifthe Polish Pontiff had acted ANNE BRADNICK Bart Scorbo's decision to renovate-should decisively by utilizing the Christ empowered pre­ Production Manager coming in hand over fist. And, of course, rogative of excommunivcation. Pope John Paul the r wd will be a lot less violent. failedto fulfill his responsibility as defender of fai th JONATHAN MATllNAS and morals. The Pope bears guilt in the slaughter of Production t's incredibly d; Providence's one pri­ mariIy hard-core headquarters will lea ve with the unborn innocents.
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