IN DEFENCE OF. '•/f ••••••• ., • •; ••.,,'\--^•k;-%';/?.r4,f5iVT"^;:;5-'t\ OR "POSTCARDS FROM THE EDGE' of insanity What could our intrepid heroes do but risk life or Gympie, whichever came first. Two Semper and sanity (you have precious little left when orv 11^ pinea Editors, Dave and Cam who for 36 hours straight you're a Semper Editor) and drive all the way worked desperately to keep alive the faint heart to Gympie to get it printed. After substituting beat that was the last edition of Semper. all the blood in their bodies with caffeine they were now prepared to take on one ofthe most This is their story; boring and dangerous stretches of highway in Queensland, Needless to say they made it back With it lying limp and prostrate across the alive (the sanity bit's another question entirely) layout table, Dave and Cam held out little hope Oh! yeh and with some lovely holiday snaps for the latest edition of Semper making from along the way. See there was a point to DEADLiflE. With various computer glitches it after all. Well then again maybe not. and with 4.30 am rapidly approaching - the time when the last courier left for Gympie, they Roll the credits: remained brave in the fate of such adversity. But with the rising sun, their hopes were sunk To Mary Thorpe (Our beloved treasurer): Thank­ and the courier missed. What were they to do you foryour caring memo and in showing your now? What chance did they have of getting deep concem and understanding. To all the execs the edition out on time? More importantly we still love youse all. And to all the staff in the would they find anyone (i) with a car, and (ii) Union who we actually did send postcards to: stupid enough to drive them all the way to We really mean it when we say "We love you!!" Gympie and back at 7.00 am in the moming. A bit pointless really since we arrived back before Well the answer's obviously no, silly! they did. But it's the thought that counts. Running Time: 36 hours/BlacIc & White "This 1i\rn ft"»ay fiavo iX f^iirly odkilt thomo. It iT»«y have some sconos of SOX cyr SiJitaksIci only for porsons of violoncG or somo T5 yoafsi f»nci ovGf t>rxct InnQuuQo. NcH to t)U Sijpplit-J ;o »rty OOrsor> bClQw th.tt .nqc Oir1SA 0 7-^727 CONTENTS .^.THIS PAGE .^.THE OPPOSITE PAGE ^.... JUST HANGIN' ABOUT ,^«..„. "VOICES FROIVI THE FOREST" .^..BOUGAINVILLE .^.....GENERATION X .^ .. EXAIVIS ..«„EUGENE .^.BABY PHOTOS ..^.. TIANANlvlEN ^, RELATIONSHIPS ARE A WASTE OF TIIVIE ,^.. THE ANGSTY PAGE ,.,=. A SHORT STORY .^,.....,HOV/ NOT TO GET BUSTED «.^ CLUBS <& SOCS «,^,]VIARCUS ON TV .^^ICURT COBAIN POET OF PAIN ..^,.., LIFE'S PRETTY BENT REALLY .^«.... COLLEGES ._«...vFACULTY TOWERS: LIFE OF BRIAN ,»-.-,..-cv„.,^,.^^ACTIVITIES ^ ..STAN AND LEONARD ,^».VIEV/S OF THE WORLD .^^WHAT APRANKER! .^.. HITCHIICING THE END OF THE ROAD ,^.,.. LEGAL EAGLES ^«.,.. THE UNION PAGES ,^«C00K:ING .^..COIVIEDY, „ REVIEWS * REVIEWS * REVIEWS ,^v. QUAFF .^^SPORT .^v.SCHONELL.^«A!V[ERICAN PIE . The technical bits: Size; 60 pages. Ediiocx Dare "Digger" Bolion, Stephen "Ijooking Uiiwigh the keyhole with his oOicr eye but aill can'l sec the li&'u" D-ann, GimciOT "ta so fucking self justified" Wild. Proofreading: David Bolton and DizabclhGcoipadc&(SoblanKlhcn,O.K.)Uy-ab«lAitisi: Lindsay "I kjvedi^^ Typesetter AAtaraic "Gone lo lhe Ouixr Bond IMnlerGynpcTimes Pty Li4 Gympie I^^ (When: else) PuWishcn Murray Whal? Union Presidem.ConlnTxiici«s aixiConspiralore (Setnper 3): Anissa Norton, Stephen Goodwin, Arthur''^ M, Maicus Salisbury, Rcv.Cyril KMuUer, Noc&via, Bonia May Tbsker, Emma T. Robinson, Foser AltavAndnw Cato'eU, BImiK Lipp, Davkl May, I>3n Bolton, Kim RxTCSicf, 0»CT Uoyd, Ntichad 0 Tbok, Quis^ (lH>iK;4)-auistine Fitdiew.HizabeihGttxgiades. Stephen Dann Cover fttgesiLintisayColbomeOBnlre Page: Stq La*a GreatCburtphQtooouitesyof$20cashandlhcnioepeopleinGeneralPhotogn4ihics budgel) At least you've been getting ciety; Hilda Brooks from C.A.L.M.; phasis now is towards a new definition your money's worth not like the poor Bob O'Sullivan from Drug Arm for of development and the Malaysian Gov­ Welcome to Ihe the fourth edition of bastards who go to Q.UT. with what is helping wilh and contributing to this ernment. That is to say that Ihe plight of Semper. We've come a long way in Ihis years humorously and politically edition. And before 1 forget the lovely the indigenous people of Borneo is rel­ such a short time, and not without our negligible "Utopia". They've only people from Radio National. Welcome evant to all of us and at a personal lovel fair share of difficulties. Even before managed two editions and they weren't home Mary Jane! from the limber wc use in our homes to we got started on our first edition, Sa­ even very long and they don't even dis­ lobbying Ihc weak willed and benign hu­ tan Claws shimmied down the chim­ tribute them anywhere and they do the man rights policies of our federal gov­ ney and left us a little surprise. Well in same boring layout on every page and.., ernment. Ralher than re-iterate the argu- reality, the bastard put a leg over the Oh! I could go on but I haven't got time In a conscious reaction to the rr.cnl within these pages, there remains back balcony, and smashed and crashed for all this self-justification bullshit and marihuana edition all of us had agreed something just as important to say. his way through, and stole al! the com­ 1 don't even really believe it anyway. to subvert the theme of Semper so no puters along with my stereo and all my single issue dominates. If you're con­ 1 was the pcr.son who wrote one-half CD.'s. Just wait until this Christmas, I've been loathe to write an editorial un­ fused then look no further lhan "Eugene of that environmcn'.al article in last yeh, I'll be waiting. Bastard! Never til now, because I feel there is nolhing the Cosmic Hippo", as he generally years Semper and whiit I said then holds trust a big fat old guy in a red junr.psuit. worse lhan a person forcing their own tiny reflects the overriding theme. This is true now. The way the media deals with mind on the unsuspecting and generally nol to say he's always correct as he's a environment is either to ignore the is­ Apart from that minor set back it's al 1 been apathetic student population. Hell! But deceptive little bugger and you can sue completely or when it is mentioned smooth .sailing. You poor unsuspecting it's one of the few pleasures you can af­ never just know when an issue will il is largely reactionary more than any­ fools! Before the elections last year we ford when your a Semper Editor. You see, override even him. I'll let you work it thing else. This is represented in the didn't know each other. This had its ben­ and if you haven't worked il oul by now oul for yourself. 1 hope he continues mainstream media's failure to make any efits as we all came together wilh quite I'm naturally quile cynical and I'll be the in Semper as 1 feel he's one this year's mention oflhe recent "Voices from the different poiilicai outlooks. One editor is first lo admit il. More importantly is the Semper's redeeming features. In re­ Forest Tour". What's even more dis­ a wet liberal with feminist tendencies facl that I feel that I've finally graduated gards to the last "Politically Correct" turbing is thai there is absolutely no (how real these arc I still don't know), the from a clueless wally. Wouldn't you edition everything that needed to be competition now even on a Sunday other's a middle of the road, sort of con­ agree Nick? Well maybe not but il said, I've said in a response to letter lo when al least the Courier Mail shows servative guy wilh labor leanings and the doesn't matter now. Any way here's my the editor. Despite the tliin line of P.C. it true tabloid form. Even our own es­ third editor according to the other two, is account of how we've gone so far:- running through the last edition some­ teemed "The Weekend Independent:" an insidiously cynical, a supposedly left thing important has remain unsaid: "Brisbane's Quality Newspaper" failed minded, closet hippy who uses stand over OhNolNottheHippoi to make any mention of this issue. tactics to force his own slant on Semper. The One Pav of the Year Again refering back to my article last Well he'd have to wouldn't he? Against Afairly innocuous beginning and enough year, it makes feel warm and fuzzy all two ideologically non committed law stu­ has been said about it by the olher two Yes it is unportant that we all remember over just to know that Petal's on the dents such as these two are. I mean one editors anyway. Agood start just the same. aiid commemorate Australia's wai dead. road to recovery while an entire race even signs his name with a dollar sign. Especially now when to a generation of and their culture are being systemati­ F^arQfAH^mpPlann Australians it seems less and less relevant cally removed. There's nothing like Seriously though, if you think your and when the benefits of veterans and burning all your bridges, now is there? views haven't been represented over The 100% roll it up and smoke it edi­ tiieir families arc being undercut by the the past six months, then you just tion of Semper.
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