AN ASSESSMENT OF PAK-AFGHAN RELATIONS, SINCE 1947 UPTO 2001 BEING A THESIS PRESENTED BY ABDUL MANAN BAZAI TO THE DEPARTMENT OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS UNIVERSITY OF BALOCHISTAN QUETTA, PAKISTAN. IN APPLICATION FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE SUBJECT OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 2008 DECLARATION BY THE APPLICANT I, Abdul Manan Bazai, do solemnly declare that the Research Work under the Title “An Assessment of Pak-Afghan Relations, Since 1947 Up to 2001” is hereby submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy and has not been submitted elsewhere for any Degree. The said research work was carried out by the undersigned under the guidance of Supervisor appointed by the University of Balochistan, Quetta, Pakistan. Abdul Manan Bazai a CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Mr. Abdul Manan Bazai has worked under my supervision for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. His research work is original. He fulfills all the requirements to submit the accompanying thesis for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Prof. Dr. Mansoor Akbar Kundi Research Supervisor & Dean of Languages University of Balochistan Quetta, Pakistan. Prof. Dr. Seemi Naghmana Tahir Dean Faculty of State Sciences University of Balochistan Quetta, Pakistan. b DEDICATED TO THOSE AFGHANS, WHO BECAME THE VICTIMS OF UNDECLEARED WAR ON AFGHANISTAN The continent of Asia is made of water and clay is but one body in that body the heart is the Afghan Nation the destruction of that nation will bring about the prosperity of Asia as long as the heart remains free, the body will be free otherwise it will become like a straw on the path of the wind : (Allama Iqbal) It is not difficult to conquer Afghanistan it is difficult to keep it (Amir Abdur Rehman) c Acknowledgments First of all, I own my deep gratitude to Allah Almighty for holding me strength to complete this task. In the course of my last four years now and when I was registered as doctoral candidate, I have incurred a considerable number of debts of warm gratitude. Indeed I am grateful to more people that I can count. I take pride in expressing my deep appreciation and gratitude to my supervisor, Professor, Dr. Mansoor Akbar Kundi, -Dean faculty of languages and ex- Chairman Department of International Relations University of Balochistan Quetta for his constant guidance,interest and suggestion in the complation of this dissertation. No appropriate words of thanks can express my feeling to him. He has been an unfailing source of encouragement and aspiration to me at every stage of this study. He was keen to know the progress of my research throught this period.His valuble suggestions helped me to formulate my hypothesis. No appropriate world of thinks can express my feeling to him. I express my special Thanks and gratituded to Prof Dr Ibrahim Shah Bukari Ex V.C of Jamshoro UOS, who encouraged me at every step in this laborious work.I deserve my greatest regard and respect for his valuable suggestion and guidance. His gentleness, magnaimity and affection have always impressed me. I am also thankful to DR.Azmat Hayat khan, Vice Chancellor (U.O.P) University of Pashawer, a renewed scholar and writer who provdid me different types of books, magazine, journals, and other related information which proved very useful in furnishing me fruitful information. In the course of my research various scholars and organizations helped me to the extent without which this research would not have not been possible.I wish to acknowledge the immense benefits I derived my fruitful discussion with some of my univirsity colleges and friends, especially, Kaleemullah Breach Assistant professor department of history, university of Balochistan, Quetta, who guided and assisted me through suggestion, criticism. and advice in preparing this research work. I am very thankful to him for his assistance whenever I required and asked for it his professionalism and deep source of courtesy help me to complete my research work I would like to express my deep d appreciation to professor Dr, Zulfiqar Ali, ex Chairman department of International Relations University of Balochistan, Quetta, his company gave me an unstinting help for my research work.I am also thanks to the Chairperson Dr,Mussaret Jabeen Department of International Relations, who always force me for the completion of my thesis. I wish to offer my thanks to the library staff of the main library, University of Balochistan, staff, and Command College Quetta, and Area Study Center of Peshawar University, for eventually allowing me to the valuable library sources. I am greatful for interviewes to that professor,s docrors, scholars, polatitions and foreigners who enlightened me with usful informations. I also express my warm sense of obligation to my family members, especially my brothers and sisters, who always been a tower of strength and sport to me,And a large number of my friends especially Muhammed Sharif kaker, M.Hussan A. Raziq and A. Manan .k, which always encouraged me to fulfill my objectives. My God Almighty helps them all. I must thank to my wife, who remained a continuous source of encouragement throughout my studies.Her love, patience and devotion were invaluable in completing this study. I express my deep appreciation to my sons and doughters who remained aperennial source of motivation throughout my studies. At last, the pains taken by Mohamme Yousf for undertaking the typing job without pleading pleasure of time is also acknowledged. e LIST OF ABBREVIATION ACBL Afghan Campaign to LAN dminesan ACF Action Contra IA Faim ACB Asian Development Bank AIG Afghan Interim Government AIHRC Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission AIP Afghan Islamic Press AKDN Agha Khan Development Network AMOPH Afghan Ministry of Public Health ANDA Afghan National Defense Islamic Front ANF Afghan Narcotics Force ANLF Afghan National Liberation Front ASF Afghan Students ‘Federation ASO Afghan Students’Organization BBC British Broacasting Corporationd BEMOP Bamyan Emergency Operation CBR Central Board of Revenue CID Crime Investigation Department DP’s Displaced Person DPS Demand for peace & Security EC European Community ECOSOC Economic and Social Conncil EPC Eastern Provincial Council HII Harkate Inqilabe Islami ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross f ILO International Labor Organization ISAF International Security Assistance Force ISI Inter-Services Intelligence IUAM Islamic Unity of Afghan Mujahedeen JI Jamaat-e-Islami JMC Joint Minstrel Commission MUC Muttahida Ulema of Pakistan NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization NDS National Directorate NIF National Islamic Front NSC National Security Council OIC Organization of Islamic Conference OSCA Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe PDPA People’s Democratic Party Afghanistan PTI Press Trust of India PTV Pakistan Television RAWA Revolutionary Association of war in Afghanistan SAIS School of Advanced International Studies SCCI Shared Chamber of Commerce and Industry UNAMA United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan UNDP United Nations Development Program UNGOMAP United Nations Good Officer Mission for Pakistan and Afghanistan UNHCR United Nations High Commission for Refugees UNODC United Nations office on drugs and Crime WIC World Islamic Council WFP World Food Program g ABSTRACT It’s make the most important issue after Soviet Union’s invasion on Afghanistan in 1979, and event of 9/11/2001, Brought forth an entirely new situation not only for Pakistan, s domestic and external policies but for all the regional countries and world. Its impact on relations between the two historical, traditional friends and neighboring Muslim countries, Pakistan and Afghanistan. The main purpose of the research is to explore and examine the key aspects and interactions between the two countries by focusing attention on the political, economical and other policies of the two countries. The study begins from the time of indepdence of Pakistan in 1947 to 2001. The central point of the study focuses upon the hypothesis that ‘’since 1978 Pak- Afghan diplomacy have remained very successful in achieving their foreign policy objectives.’’ The study analyses the different geo-strategic perceptions and conflicting interests on the regional and global issue, which ultimately made these tradional friends and immediate neighbors’ avirtualrivals and strong competitors. The purpose is to make a good attempt to study the various aspects of Pak-Afghan relations in the context of rapidly geo-strategic environment, and to explore the potentional areas that could provide new avenues for improvement in the bilateral relations between these two brotherly neighboring countries. The study will also help to understand the concerns of the two countries under study vis –a-vis various bilateral as well as multilateral issues that the figure in the overall context of regional peace and stability. The impact of these relations would be analyzed through the local, regional, and International dynamic. Moreover, various turns and twists that Pak-Afghan relations have taken during the five-decad have been elaborate h upon Different theories, approaches and methods have been used in order to examine, analyze, and to access the depth and the nature of relationship between the two countries. i TABLE OF CONTENTS CERTIFICATE a DEDICATED b ACKNOLEDGMENTS d LIST OF ABBRIVIATIONS f ABSRTRACT h TABLE OF CONTENTS i CHAPTER- O1:- INTRODUCTION 1‐9 Introductions of thesis 1 Significance of the study 3 Objective of study 4 Hypothesis 4 Research procedure 4 Organization of chapters 5 References 9 CHAPTER-O2:- Historical Perspective of Pak-Afghan relations since 1947- 10‐49 1979 Durand Line 11 Historical Perspective of Durand Line 11 Border Demarcation conflict between Pakistan and Afghanistan 17 The pashtunistan issue 20 j Afghanistan claims and Pakistan counter claim over 23 Pashtunistan issue Pak-Afghan Relation in the context of Pastunistan issue 1947- 24 1979- Pashtunistan issue in new dimension 33 Daud’s visit to Pakistan...Further improved 34 Bhutto third visit to Afghanistan and its effects on Pak –Afghan 36 relations References 39‐49 CHAPTER-3:- Saur Revolution and its impacts on Pak- Afghan Relations 50‐93 Background of leftist movement in Afghanistan up to PDPA.
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