Oikos OIK-04972 Müller, J., Brandl, R., Brändle, M., Förster, B., de Araujo, B. C., Gossner, M. M., Ladas, A., Wagner, M., Maraun, M., Schall, P., Schmidt, S., Thorn, S. and Seibold, S. 2017. LiDAR-derived canopy structure supports the more- individuals hypothesis for arthropod diversity in temperate forests. – Oikos doi: 10.1111/oik.04972 Figure A1. (A) Study area in the Bavarian Forest National Park. Inset: location of the park in Germany. Dots: 20 sampling sites. (B) Arrangement of four sampling plots covered with plastic sheets on each of the 20 sampling sites (80 plots total). 0.8 0.6 0.4 Vertical distribution ratio (VDR)Vertical distributionratio 0.2 25 30 35 40 45 Canopy height [m] Figure A2. Scatter plot showing the relationship of the vertical distribution ratio and the canopy height (maximal canopy height) on 80 plots with a radius of 4 m. Figure A3. (A) High correlation of the vertical distribution ratio (VDR) derived from leaf-off (January 2016) and leaf-on (July 2016) airborne LiDAR data collected from the same 80 study plots with a radius of 4 m. The intercept indicates in general higher VDR values in winter, which can be explained by a higher penetration rate in stands without leaves. (B) A comparison of VDR values in multi-layered beech stands with a size of 40 × 40 m collected with a terrestrial laser scanner, based on voxels in the study of Juchheim et al. (2017), shows a similar intercept but lower values of VDR in winter than in summer, i.e. VDR in summer > 0.5. This shows that leaves in higher strata are undersampled compared to the lower strata in multi-layered stands. It should be kept in mind that in terrestrial laser scanning, lower canopy layers tend to shade upper layers because of the ground- based perspective. This is in contrast to airborne laser scanning, where the lower layers, particularly the trunks of trees, play a minor role in reflections owing to the vertical-downward perspective from the helicopter. In summary, the two graphs underline that leaf-off and leaf-on VDR values are highly correlated. The decision whether leaf-on or leaf-off conditions are more suitable depends on the target variable. If the focus is more on leaves, then leaf-on data are more applicable, whereas a focus on branches and trunks will probably favour leaf-off data. In general, both approaches demonstrate the high penetration ability of laser scanning in beech forests, but for studies focusing on the vertical distribution of leaves, high-resolution airborne laser scanning under leaf-on conditions seems most promising in dense and shady beech forests. Reference Juchheim, J. et al. 2017. Canopy space filling rather than conventional measures of structural diversity explains productivity of beech stands. – For. Ecol. Manage 395: 19–26. Table A1. List of all specimens and frequencies (number of plots) identified. Note that only species identified to a unique OTU level (x) were used in the analyses. No. of Order/Sub-order Species / OTUs Unique OTUs specimens Frequency Araneae Araneidae juv. 31 24 Araneae Opiliones juv. 2 2 Araneae Amaurobius fenestralis x 4 3 Araneae Callobius claustrarius x 5 3 Araneae Coelotes sp. x 1 1 Araneae Anyphaena accentuata x 2 2 Araneae Araniella alpica x 3 2 Araneae Araniella sp. 6 6 Araneae Cyclosa conica x 5 5 Araneae Clubiona caerulescens x 5 4 Araneae Clubiona comta x 8 7 Araneae Clubiona pallidula x 2 2 Araneae Clubiona sp. 87 35 Araneae Clubiona terrestris x 2 2 Araneae Lathys humilis x 3 2 Araneae Harpactea lepida x 2 2 Araneae Gnaphosa sp. x 1 1 Araneae Cryphoeca silvicola x 1 1 Araneae Agyneta conigera x 2 2 Araneae Cinetata gradata x 2 2 Araneae Diplocephalus picinus x 4 4 Araneae Dismodicus elevatus x 3 2 Araneae Entelecara congenera x 3 2 Araneae Entelecara erythropus x 2 2 Araneae Linyphiidae juv. 31 23 Araneae Mermessus trilobatus x 1 1 Araneae Minicia marginella x 1 1 Araneae Neriene peltata x 70 32 Araneae Neriene radiata x 3 1 Araneae Neriene sp. 48 17 Araneae Pityohyphantes phrygianus x 5 4 Araneae Poeciloneta variegata x 1 1 Araneae Tenuiphantes alacris x 3 3 Araneae Tenuiphantes tenebricola x 3 3 Araneae Troxochrus nasutus x 2 2 Araneae Pardosa sp. x 1 1 Araneae Ero furcata x 1 1 Araneae Philodromus aureolus x 3 3 Araneae Philodromus sp. 7 7 Araneae Evarcha falcata x 2 2 Araneae Salticidae juv. 2 2 Araneae Segestria senoculata x 1 1 Araneae Micrommata virescens x 1 1 Araneae Metellina mengei x 5 3 Araneae Metellina sp. 75 28 Araneae Tetragnatha sp. 16 11 Araneae Enoplognatha ovata x 23 12 Araneae Paidiscura pallens x 17 11 Araneae Parasteatoda lunata x 3 3 Araneae Platnickina tincta x 6 6 Araneae Robertus lividus x 2 2 Araneae Theridiidae juv. 9 8 Araneae Theridion boesenbergi x 2 1 Araneae Theridion mystaceum x 1 1 Araneae Theridion varians x 3 3 Araneae Diaea dorsata x 10 8 Araneae Xysticus sp. x 2 2 Araneae Zora spinimana x 1 1 Astigmata Astigmata x 1 1 Cicada Acericerus heydenii x 2 2 Cicada Alebra spec. x 5 5 Cicada Alnetoidia alneti x 2 2 Cicada Colobotettix morbillosus x 4 4 Cicada Edwardsiana flavescens x 1424 62 Cicada Empoasca vitis x 17 13 Cicada Errhomenus brachypterus x 3 3 Cicada Eurhadina concinna x 44 20 Cicada Evacanthus interruptus x 7 2 Cicada Fagocyba cruenta x 1300 67 Cicada Oncopsis flavicollis x 7 4 Cicada Perotettix pictus x 4 3 Cicada Pithyotettix abietinus x 64 10 Cicada Zygina spec. x 2 2 Cicada Hyledelphax elegantula x 2 1 Cicada Issus muscaeformis x 12 6 Coleoptera Euglenes pygmaeus x 2 2 Coleoptera Gonodera luperus x 2 2 Coleoptera Anobium emarginatum x 7 7 Coleoptera Anobium punctatum x 19 10 Coleoptera Dryophilus pusillus x 16 4 Coleoptera Ernobius abietinus x 13 4 Coleoptera Ernobius abietis x 2 2 Coleoptera Hedobia imperialis x 12 10 Coleoptera Ptilinus pectinicornis x 2 2 Coleoptera Xestobium plumbeum x 2 2 Coleoptera Brachytarsus nebulosus x 1 1 Coleoptera Byturus tomentosus x 1 1 Coleoptera Absidia rufotestacea x 61 35 Coleoptera Absidia schoenherri x 20 10 Coleoptera Cantharis pagana x 2 2 Coleoptera Cantharis pellucida x 3 3 Coleoptera Malthinus biguttatus x 2 2 Coleoptera Malthodes brevicollis x 199 27 Coleoptera Malthodes fuscus x 1 1 Coleoptera Malthodes hexacanthus x 519 58 Coleoptera Malthodes spec. 1 1 Coleoptera Metacantharis discoidea x 6 5 Coleoptera Metacantharis haemorrhoidalis x 1 1 Coleoptera Podabrus alpinus x 3 2 Coleoptera Rhagonycha gallica x 22 12 Coleoptera Rhagonycha lignosa x 28 16 Coleoptera Dromius agilis x 3 3 Coleoptera Dromius fenestratus x 4 4 Coleoptera Harpalus aeneus x 1 1 Coleoptera Alosterna tabacicolor x 1 1 Coleoptera Molorchus minor x 1 1 Coleoptera Obrium brunneum x 6 5 Coleoptera Cerylon ferrugineum x 2 2 Coleoptera Cerylon histeroides x 1 1 Coleoptera Aphthona euphorbiae x 1 1 Coleoptera Chaetocnema laevicollis x 1 1 Coleoptera Gonioctena quinquepunctata x 1 1 Coleoptera Phyllotreta undulata x 3 2 Coleoptera Cis bidentatus x 1 1 Coleoptera Cis dentatus x 5 5 Coleoptera Cis glabratus x 4 3 Coleoptera Cis lineatocribratus x 1 1 Coleoptera Cis punctulatus x 2 2 Coleoptera Cis quadridens x 5 3 Coleoptera Ennearthron cornutum x 2 2 Coleoptera Orthocis alni x 2 2 Coleoptera Orthocis festivus x 2 2 Coleoptera Thanasimus formicarius x 1 1 Coleoptera Thanasimus pectoralis x 1 1 Coleoptera Aphidecta obliterata x 4 4 Coleoptera Cocinella septempunctata x 1 1 Coleoptera Atomaria abietina x 6 6 Coleoptera Atomaria atricapilla x 2 2 Coleoptera Atomaria punctithorax x 5 5 Coleoptera Atomaria turgida x 49 18 Coleoptera Cryptophagus dentatus x 1 1 Coleoptera Cryptophagus deubeli x 1 1 Coleoptera Cryptophagus pubescens x 3 3 Coleoptera Micrambe abietis x 61 29 Coleoptera Pteryngium crenatum x 16 11 Coleoptera Acalles camelus x 1 1 Coleoptera Acalles echinatus x 1 1 Coleoptera Acalles hypocrita x 2 2 Coleoptera Anthonomus conspersus x 1 1 Coleoptera Anthonomus rubi x 1 1 Coleoptera Ceutorhynchus assimilis x 2 2 Coleoptera Hylobius piceus x 1 1 Coleoptera Magdalis nitida x 1 1 Coleoptera Otiorhynchus scaber x 3 3 Coleoptera Otiorhynchus singularis x 5 5 Coleoptera Otiorhynchus subdentatus x 2 2 Coleoptera Phyllobius argentatus x 218 31 Coleoptera Polydrusus pallidus x 3 3 Coleoptera Polydrusus undatus x 113 33 Coleoptera Rhamphus pulicarius x 1 1 Coleoptera Rhynchaenus fagi x 2005 71 Coleoptera Rhyncholus ater x 2 2 Coleoptera Rhyncholus sculpturatus x 1 1 Coleoptera Simo hirticornis x 6 5 Coleoptera Sitona humeralis x 1 1 Coleoptera Sitona sulcifrons x 1 1 Coleoptera Strophosoma melanogrammum x 143 46 Coleoptera Trachodes hispidus x 1 1 Coleoptera Ampedus erythrogonus x 3 3 Coleoptera Ampedus nigrinus x 1 1 Coleoptera Athous subfuscus x 160 53 Coleoptera Athous vittatus x 5 5 Coleoptera Athous zebei x 4 4 Coleoptera Dalopius marginatus x 29 23 Coleoptera Denticollis linearis x 7 5 Coleoptera Melanotus castanipes x 1 1 Coleoptera Brachypterus fulvipes x 7 1 Coleoptera Leptophloeus alternans x 1 1 Coleoptera Cartodere nodifer x 6 6 Coleoptera Corticaria abietorum x 15 13 Coleoptera Corticaria lambiana x 1 1 Coleoptera Corticarina gibbosa x 3 2 Coleoptera Corticarina lambiana x 3 1 Coleoptera Corticarina obfuscata x 11 6 Coleoptera Corticarina similata x 2 2 Coleoptera Enicmus fungicola x 2 2 Coleoptera Enicmus rugosus x 1 1 Coleoptera Stephostethus alternans x 1 1 Coleoptera Agathidium nigripenne x 1 1 Coleoptera Anisotoma castanea x 1 1 Coleoptera Dictyoptera aurora x 1 1 Coleoptera Abdera flexuosa x 1 1 Coleoptera Orchesia micans x 1 1 Coleoptera Xylita livida x 2 2 Coleoptera Dasytes cyaneus x 23 17 Coleoptera Dasytes fusculus x 4 4 Coleoptera Dasytes plumbeus x 8 7 Coleoptera Rhizophagus dispar x 4 3 Coleoptera
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