Index Index2 Index3 Names Name2 Name3 Title Edition Publisher Year B6 JEN 01 WILLIAMS, S. A. Nudjia: a link with early Illawarra S. A. Williams, 1983 B6 BER 01 SWORDS, Meg Alexander Berry and Elizabeth Sndney: North 1978 Wollstonecraft Shore Historical Society, B6 FIE 01 FIELD, Colin G. Personal collection of genealogical Canberra: C. 1984 records (ancestors & descendants of Field, Field, Veness, Slack, Hindson, Mobberley, Bond, Dorrough & Kerslake) B6 ALE 01 ALEXANDER, Pioneer origins: a family history Kiama: K. 1977 Kerrie Alexander, B6 BLA 01 VINE HALL, Nick My name is Blacket Sydney: N. 1983 Vine Hall, B6 McK 01 SMITH, Jean Descendents of John McKenzie and 1985 Charlotte Parmenter B6 ASS 01 ENTWISLE, A. Annie Asser's diary Scone: Scone 1984 M. (ed.) and Upper Hunter Historical Society B6 REI 01 IRVINE, Nance Mary Reibey - Molly Incognita Sydney: 1982 Library of Australian History B6 LAC 01 LACKEY, From five forefathers [n.d.] 1984 Malcolm B6 19 01 TURNER, John Who was who in the Hunter Valley Newcastle: 1984 (comp.) towns in 1888 Hunter History Publications, B6 McK 02 McKENZIE, They paved the way : in the Mudgee: 1980 Keith bushranging days Mudgee Guardian B6 COL 01 BIRD, Moira Collits family: the Collits of Castlereagh, Wollongong: 1985 Hartley & Western Plains of New South M. Bird, Wales B6 EDG 01 ROSS, Bettye Northumberland coalmining family in Oyster Bay: B. 1984? the colony : Robert & Ellan Edgar Ross, ancestry & descendants, 1777-1984 B6 DOR 01 DORROUGH, From Dapto to Dunoon : the Dorrough Gordon Victor family story B6 TIM 01 BELL, Jessie Timms Story Coffs Harbour: 1986 J. Bell B6 WAD 01 Mary Wade to us: a Family history Cromer, NSW: 1986 1778-1986 Mary Wade History Association B6 CHI 01 CHITTICK, A. J. Horsemen from the valley [n.d.] 1985 B6 SWA 02 FRYER, John Swan Estate Sydney: J.H. 1987 Henry Fryer B6 NOB 01 CUNNINGHAM, CUNNINGHAM, A Noble genealogical history: an Irish New Zealand: 1985 John Pearl Australian family J. & P. Cunningham B6 NOB 02 NOBLE, John The Noble family history J. Noble 1981 B6 GOR 01 CUNNINGHAM, Gorrells of Illawarra : a genealogical 1987 John M. history B6 ALC 01 ALCORN, Alcorn early history Sydney: W. [1987] Wesley (comp.) Alcorn, B6 HEW 01 BRAWN, Jean BRAWN, Arthur Hewitson story, 1844-1944 Sydney: J. & c1988 (comp.) (comp.) A. Brawn, B6 BRO 01 CARTY, William Broughton and the Kennedy M. Carty, 1987 Margaret connection B6 LAN 01 KEESING, John Lang & "the forger's wife" Sydney: John 1979 Nancy Ferguson, B6 DAY 01 DAY, Iris Our family history (Northfield, Dobbie, I. Day, 1987 Parson, etc.) B6 BAR 01 PHILLIPS, Bartley of Kerry Lodge: a portrait of a Blackwall, 1987 Yvonne A. pioneer Tas: Y. Phillips, B6 SHE 01 SHEPHERD, Joy From Warwickshire to Marula: the Barrack 1987 Shepherd family history Heights: J. Shepherd B6 BAT 01 BATE, Frank R. Samuel Bate: singular character Forestville: 1987 M. Brookdale Press, B6 MUN 01 MUNRO, Allan Caithness To The Clarence A. A. Munro 1983 Angus B6 18 05 Women of the Monaro [Canberra: 1988 Soroptomists Institutes of Canberra & South Canberra,] B6 DOY 02 DOYLE, A. Peter Descendants of Andrew and Sophia Wollongong: 1988 Isabella Doyle, Illawarra Historical Publications, B6 DEN 01 BODY, Pam CAUNCE, Julia Dennis family of Gate Farm Body, Pam & 1988 Caunce, Julia [for the Dennis Family Reunion] B6 THO 01 RAMSAY, Janet Women Of Merigool Glebe: Historic 1988 K. Houses of Austraia Trust of NSW B6 GIL 01 LIGHTFOOT, Cow and a haypress : a family history of Coal Point: D. 1988 Daryl H. William & Susannah Gill of Woodville H. Lightfoot, B6 SWA 03 NUNAN, Wendy Black Swan: the story of Edward Dapto: W.E & 1988 E. & Terry D. Hornsby, alias Swan and his T.D. Nunan descendants B6 MOB 01a LEWIS, Beryl LEMON, Alan Mobbs Muster: the descendants of Sydney: B. 1988 Mobbs C. William and Ann Mobbs Lewis & A. C. Lemon B6 COR 01 OVERTON, William Thomas Corby: a family history [n.d.] 1988 Terry B6 18 07 DONOHOE, Catholics of New South Wales 1788- Sydney: 1988 James Hugh 1820 and their families Auchives Authority of New South Wales, B6 NIC 01 PURNELL, Kay Story of John Nichols, First Fleeter, and Sydney: John 1988 5 generations of his family Nichols Family Society B6 HAR 01 MOSS, Julie Rawden to Walcha : a history of the Armidale: J. 1988 Hardaker Hardakers and associated families Moss, B6 WEB 01 FACKENDER, History of the Webb family, Maidstone Dapto: B. 1989? Bessie to Moss Vale,1838 to 1988 Fackender B6 ART 01 ARTHUR, W. E. Arthurs: 150 years in Australia 1838- Mullumbimby: 1988 1988 W. E. Arthur, B6 KEE 01 WEBB, Elizabeth Keevers story [William and Sarah Glenreagh: E. 1989 Keevers] Webb, B6 BRI 01 BRIEN, Colin BRIEN, Noel Brien family: Irish origins [n.d.] 1987? Fleming Wickliffe B6 IML 01 WELLINGS, H. Pioneers of Eden : the Imlay brothers - [n.d.] P. Peter, George and Alexander, pioneers in the pastoral, agricultural and merchandise activities in the Twofold Bay and Bega district of south-eastern section of New South Wales B6 ROU 01 ROUGHLEY, These walls of time: A story of my Chatswood: 1987 Ken forebears Les & Dorothy Woodhouse B6 WEN 01 LISTON, Carol Sarah Wentworth: Mistress of Vaucluse Glebe: Historic 1988 Houses of Austraia Trust of NSW B6 OSB 01 GRIFFITH, John Osborne Family: Henry Osborne of Kangaroo 1988 Marshall Mount and the Osbornes of Valley: Kangaroo Valley Kangaroo Valley Historical Society B6 BAD 01 HARDY, Bobbie From the Hawkesbury to the Monaro: Sydney: 1989 the story of the Badgery family Kangaroo Press, B6 EVE 01 ROSS, Valerie Matthew Everingham : a First Fleeter Sydney: 1988 and his times Library of Australian History, B6 CHA 01 ANTILL, Michael William George Chapman: a pioneer of Sydney: M. 1988 the Hawkesbury district Antill, B6 KEN 01 KENDALL, Kissin cousins : a collecction of family Milton: M. 1989 Marjorie histories of the Harvard, Harrison, Kendall, Bristow, McLean, Kendall, Thomas, Laing, Melville, Evans, Power, Chipp, Langley, Nash, Haynes and Lees and those whom they married B6 THR 01 ROSBURGH, BAGLIN, Throsby Park: an account of the Sydney: NSW 1989 Rachel Douglass Throsby family in Australia 1802-1940 National Parks and Wildlife Service B6 TOR 01 VICKERS, June COCHRANE, Born in the bush: a Torrens history; with Brisbane: J. 1990 (comp.) Bell memoirs of Bell Cochrane Vickers B6 McK 03 WHEELHOUSE, Hugh Victor McKay : the young inventor Hornsby: 1985 Frances Transpareon Press, B6 PYE 01 THOMAS, Family of Significant Substance: 197 Armidale: C. 1989 Christine Years of the Pye family in Australia Thomas B6 MUN 02 RYDER, Valerie W.J. Mundy Of Her Majesty's Customs Kurnell: V. 1988 Ryder B6 EVE 02 ROSS, Valerie Hawkesbury story Sydney: 1989 Library of Australian History, B6 ROB 01 HEARNE, I.J. Robson Family Tree, 1790-1990 [n.d.]: I.J. 1990 (Jean) (comp.) Hearne B6 CRI 01 SHEPHERD, Joy Critcher family booklet Barrack 1991 (comp.) Heights: J. Shepherd, B6 HUN 01 SHERLOCK, Hungerfords of the Hunter 3rd. rev. Melbourne: P. 1991 Peter Sherlock, B6 18 14 Register of pioneer families, volume 1 Spit Junction: 1989 Pioneer Register, B6 BER 02 BERRELL, Brief history of the exploits of the early [n.d.] 1988 Yvonne Berrell families of County Georgianna B6 ROB 02 HEARNE, I.J. Robson Family Tree, 1770-1990 : Wollongong: 1990 (Jean) (comp.) points of interest chosen at random I.J. Hearne over the period of 220 years B6 RUT 01 HAZLEWOOD, William Rutter, his wife Charlotte and Canberra: L. 1991 Laurence their three Australian daughters K.. Hazlewood Kendall B6 HUM 01 HUME, Stuart MACDOUGALL, GRIEVE, Beyond the borders : an anecdotal Canberra?: J. 1991 Hamilton Jennifer Hume Prudence history of the Hume and related MacDougall & (ed) (ed.) pioneering families in Australia from P. Grieve, 1790 B6 25 01 SMEE, C. J. Third Fleet families of Australia: Artarmon: C. 1991 (comp.) containing genealogical details of three J. Smee, hundred & eleven Third Fleeters, their children & grandchildren B6 HEN 01 THOMAS, Jean Poxwell Hennings' story Quirindi: J. 1991 M. Thomas? B6 GRA 01 RAWSON, Lynn Illawarra Grays [n.d.] (comp.) B6 18 17 SMEE, C. SELKIRK Bicentenary pioneer register, volume 3 2nd. Spit Junction: 1987 J.(comp.) PROVIS, J. The Pioneer (comp.) Register, B6 BEA 01 BEAUCHAMP, Transportation and chains: a family Smithfield: C. 1985 Carl history of the Beauchamp Vane Beauchamp, forefathers B6 JON 01 PARTLETT, WHITE, Leanne John Jones and family : Rocky River L. White, 1987 Launa (comp.) gold B6 DOY 03 DOYLE, A. Peter Hawkesbury Doyles : Andrew, James & Wollongong: 1992 Bridget, 1765-1846 Illawarra Historical Publications, B6 NIC 02 TURNIDGE, Nicolle Family Duramana, 1990 Fred (comp.) NSW: F. Turnidge B6 SHR 01 SHRUBB, Alfred Shrubb Family in Australia [n.d.] B6 AND 01 McFADYEN, Pinetrees, Lord Howe Island 1842- Lord Howe 1992 Kerry 1992: a brief history of the Andrews - Island: Nichols - Kirby families Pinetrees, B6 SCO 01 SHEPHERD, Joy Story of the Scotlock Family & their Barrack 1991 journey to Port Phillip settlement in the Heights: J. colony, 1853: including a full accunt of Shepherd the loss of the sailing ship "Meridan" on Amsterdam Island B6 COO 01 MUNRO, Allan Corkerberg to Cuyahoga and Kiama Padstow: A. A. 1991 Angus Munro, B6 MOB 01a LEWIS, Beryl LEMON, Alan Mobbs Muster: the descendants of Sydney: B. 1988 Mobbs C. William and Ann Mobbs Lewis & A. C. Lemon B6 CAF 01 FLORANCE, Patrick Caffery, an early pioneer : North Nowra: 1991 Robyn Shoalhaven 1832-1890 Frank Caffery, B6 BRO 02 BROWN, Reg Life and times of John Dixon and Alstonville: R. 1992 Caroline Brown and their descendents Brown, B6 ALC O1a Alcorn Early History (2nd Copy) B6 EVE 03 ROSS, Valerie Everingham letterbook : letters of a First Wamberal: c1985 (ed.) Fleet convict Anvil Press, B6 SNO 01 SAUNDERSON, The Corruna connection: Lieutenant Raymond 1988 Moira Colonel Kenneth Snodgrass Terrace: Raymond Terrace Historical Society, B6 MIT 01 MITCHELL, Jean Mitchell family on the Hawkesbury [Gerringong]: 1992 River: John and Jane Mitchell and J.
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