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CARDS, NOTEBOOKS, JOURNALS, GAMES & more MOON HISTORY REFERENCE VOORJAAR-ZOMER 2019 PRINTEMPS-ÉTÉ 2019 SPRING-SUMMER 2019 Vijf eeuwen terug was Brugge de bakermat van de Vlaamse Primitieven. In dat middeleeuwse Brugge wordt u rondgeleid door Till-Holger Borchert, directeur van de Brugse Musea. De rijkdom van de stad en zijn kunstminnende bewoners trok tientallen kunstenaars aan. De voortrekkers onder de Vlaamse Primitieven - Jan van Eyck, Hans Memling, Hugo van der Goes en Gerard David - ontwikkelden in de loop van de vijftiende eeuw een nieuwe stijl in de schilderkunst, die tot in Zuid-Europa zijn invloed deed gelden. Il y a cinq siècles, Bruges était le berceau des primitifs flamands. A l'époque une des plus grandes villes d'Europe et plaque tournante du commerce international, elle était le lieu de rencontre de nombreux négociants Borchert Till-Holger étrangers. C'est à une visite guidée de cette Paperback | NL, Fr and Bruges médiévale que Till-Holger Borchert, Eng eds. directeur des musées de Bruges, invite le NL - E - F 265 x 200 mm | 128 p | lecteur. La richesse de la ville et les goûts throughout col.ill. raffinés des Brugeois attiraient des artistes € 19,00 | April 2019 par dizaines. [BE] Ludion Herziene uitgave in een nieuwe layout van ISBN: 9789493039094 (NL) het in 2006 verschenen boek. De Vlaamse Primitieven in Brugge ISBN 9789493039117 (E) Les Primitifs flamands à Bruges ISBN 9789493039100 (F) The Flemish Primitives in Bruges I01 - OLD MASTERS (Belgium) Expo: 8/3/2019 - 6/10/2019, Sint-Janshospitaal, Brugge Paperback | E/F/NL/G/Sp ed 280 x 240 mm | 96 p | Prachtige Spaanse kunst uit de zeventiende eeuw. In de throughout col.ill. | monumentale ziekenzalen worden ruim 20 religieuze € 19,95 | March 2019 sculpturen en schilderkunst tentoongesteld, boordevol passie. [BE] Van de Wiele Een zeldzame gelegenheid om kennis te maken met een weinig 9789076297798 bekend aspect van Spanjes Gouden Eeuw. Hoogtepunt van de tentoonstelling, naast schilderijen van beroemde meesters als Murillo en Zurbarán, is een groep van vijf hyperrealistische I01 - OLD MASTERS sculpturen van de grootste beeldhouwer van de Spaanse barok, NL - E - F - G - SP Pedro de Mena. De Mena, Murillo, Zurbarán Masters of the Spanish Baroque 4 Leonardo is the archetypal universal man, a multi-talented genius who left an indelible mark on all the realms of art and knowledge he ventured into painting, drawing and architecture, natural science, anatomy, mathematics, engineering and astronomy. His genius as a painter was reinforced by an analytical understanding of not only the human body but also nature and the physical laws of light. On the five-hundredth anniversary of Leonardo's death in 1519, this book celebrates the artist by highlighting thirty masterpieces, including the Annunciation, the Baptism of Christ, the Lady with an Ermine, the Mona Lisa, the Virgin of Stefano Zuffi the Rocks and the Last Supper, as well as a Hardback with dust jacket | selection of his finest drawings. Eng. ed. Accompanied by clear, concise commentary 320 x 250 mm | 224 p | and arranged according to theme, throughout col.ill. enlargements of significant details from € 39,90 | Feb. 2019 these works guide the reader in discovering [BE] Ludion this greatest exponent of Renaissance ISBN: 9789491819995 (E) humanism. Hardback | Eng. ed. 190 x Leonardo in Detail 150 mm | 224 p | Large edition throughout col.ill. € 14,90 | Feb. 2019 [BE] Ludion Leonardo in Detail ISBN: 9789493039070 (E) The Portable Edition E Expo: 13/2/2019 - 26/5/2019, Städel Museum, Frankfurt Bastian Eclercy & Hans Aurenhammer Hardback | Eng. ed. It is hard to imagine more profoundly influential artists than the 280 x 230 mm | 280 p | Venetian painters of the 16th century. Whether creating 250 col.ill. | € 56,50 | sweeping devotional altarpieces or intimate portraits, the March 2019 Venetian painters changed the way artists employed color and [UK] Prestel + composition. These defining qualities are on brilliant display in 9783791358130 (HB|E) this book that covers fascinating aspects of the work of Titian, Veronese, Tintoretto, Lorenzo Lotto, Jacopo Bassano, and many E others. I01 - OLD MASTERS Titian and the Renaissance in Venice Expo: 6/4/2019 - 2/9/2019, Legion of Honour, San Francisco Sasha Suda, Koen Bulckens This book charts the evolution of Peter Paul Rubens's style from & Bert Timmermans 1608 until 1620 and his rise from relative anonymity to Hardback | Eng. ed. celebrity. In 1600, Peter Paul Rubens left his home in Antwerp 280 x 240 mm | 280 p | to travel to Italy and study the Italian masters. Eight years later, 100 col.ill. he returned to Belgium and quickly established himself as one € 50,00 | April 2019 of the foremost painters in Western Europe. [UK] DelMonico (Prestel) Early Rubens 9783791358444 (HB|E) E I01 - OLD MASTERS 5 Alessandro Vezzosi Shedding new light on the renowned Renaissance artist, this book examines all of da Vinci's known paintings using recent Hardback | Eng. ed. advances in technology and the latest art historical research. 340 x 245 mm | 288 p | While Leonardo da Vinci is one of history's most studied and 230 col.ill. renowned artists, there are many myths surrounding his work. € 81,50 | April 2019 Beginning with his birth and early maturity in the workshops of [UK] Prestel + the Florentine masters, Alessandro Vezzosi delves into the 9783791384979 (HB|E) provenance of disputed works such as Madonna Litta and La Bella Principessa.
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