INSIDE: Tiger Mom Parenting (see page 2) Serving the Archbishop Mitty Community Volume 22 Number 1 October 2012 Mitty’s Own “Genius Bar” 1HZ7HFK&RXQWHU$VVLVWV6WXGHQWVZLWKL3DGV By Pei-Ling Lee & Stephanie Yang port for oYer years, there hasn¶t been Puch here that has Mob, saying, ³,t NinG of feels cool to Nnow a lot Pore about Staff Writers surpriseG Pe But it is still Yery early in the year´ the i3aGs anG all the other technology at Mitty than eYeryone AGGitionally, stuGents, for the ¿rst tiPe, can play an ac- else, especially since it¶s the ¿rst year we are using theP´ 7his year, Archbishop Mitty +igh 6chool has exceeGeG tiYe role in the ,7 GepartPent After an application process at 5ecently, with the new i26 upGate, Pany stuGents all preYious expectations of technology in the classrooP the enG of last year, twenty-one stuGents were chosen to help haYe noticeG that the <ou7ube anG )ace7iPe applica- with its new i3aG prograP /ast year the school tions are no longer present <ou7ube has been PaGe test-runs of the i3aG in classrooPs this rePoYeG froP all i26 upGates, as it is now year eYery stuGent now has a GeYice at his or her an application that can be GownloaGeG straight Gisposal :ith eYery new innoYation, howeYer, froP the App 6tore AnG since the App 6tore there follows an array of coPplications 7his is off liPits to Mitty stuGents, the new upGate is where the newly establisheG 7ech &ounter conYeniently ¿ts the school i3aG policy, which coPes into play is why )acetiPe was also rePoYeG 6iPilar to the *enius Bar, this technological )urtherPore, the authori]ation of apps can haYen is where stuGents can receiYe assistance be inÀuenceG by not only teachers, but also by for Piscellaneous issues regarGing their i3aGs stuGents as well AccorGing to Aguirre, ³,f a &racNeG screens, faulty applications, anG ran- stuGent wants to petition for an app to be aGGeG GoP glitches are all hanGleG here by Mr. Marc to the authori]eG app list, he or she can Must asN Martinez anG his Tuali¿eG stuGent staff a teacher to talN to the 7ech 7eaP´ 7he teacher 6peci¿cally, the 7ech &ounter is a walN-up can then relay the thoughts of the 7ech &ounter winGow at the enG of the library that is open anG the 'ean¶s 2f¿ce bacN to the stuGent By froP aP to pP for i3aG technical support, taNing both stuGent anG faculty opinions into resolYing all issues, incluGing the occasional consiGeration, the 7ech 7eaP can help taNe forgotten or unchargeG i3aG 6tuGents haYe aGYantage of all the eGucational abilities of the alreaGy taNen full aGYantage of this feature, as i3aGs anG shape the prograP to best suit the A student receives assistance at the Tech Counter. an aYerage of six stuGents a Gay Yisit the library Mitty coPPunity to utili]e this Yaluable resource Paintain the technological hub of Archbishop Mitty +aYing :ith the technologically saYYy Mr Martine] oYersee- At the center of the whole operation is Mr Martine], a strong interest in technology, this core group Painly as- ing all aspects of the i3aG prograP anG a capable stuGent who plays a crucial role in running the 7ech &ounter +is sists Mr Martine] in Gealing with the neYer-enGing streaP staff assisting hiP, the 7ech &ounter has establisheG itself as Pain responsibility is to PaNe sure that all stuGent i3aG of i3aG-relateG catastrophes that seePs to face stuGents a sanctuary for any stuGent or teacher who faces problePs issues are resolYeG in an orGerly, tiPe-ef¿cient Panner But besiGes helping stuGents at the 7ech &ounter, these with their i3aGs 7hough it GiG not exist until this year, the 'espite the curYeballs that haYe been thrown his way²in- high school staff PePbers are also able to test-GriYe new 7ech &ounter is sure to becoPe an integral part of Arch- cluGing the cracNeG stuGent i3aGs, each of which haYe apps, PaNing sure the prograPs worN without Gefects before bishop Mitty, PaNing the school¶s transition into its new cost anywhere froP to to replace²Mr Martine] they are releaseG 6enior Matthew Aguirre, one of the i3aG-baseG learning systeP easier, anG ultiPately setting has yet to be stuPpeG +e notes, ³:orNing in technical sup- PePbers of the 7ech 7eaP, coPPents on this facet of his a preceGent for the aGYancePent of high-tech eGucation Introducing the New John Mise By Omid Mirfendereski & Payam Mirfendereski Paintenance responsibility for the parN once the ¿elG has been coPplete, thus GiYiGing Staff Writers costs between 6an -ose anG the school, which in turn will alleYiate ¿nancial pressure Before the next school year starts, Archbishop Mitty will be using a new, all-weather on the &ity¶s treasury turf ¿elG )or a long tiPe, space at -ohn Mise 3arN across the street has been renteG by Most signi¿cantly, the new turf will allow gaPes to continue in all types of weather Mitty for soPe of its athletic practices anG gaPes 1eYertheless, the space has haG acute Abrupt rain showers will no longer force an enG to athletic eYents, anG practices will no problePs with Paintenance, ef¿ciency, anG oYerall longer be ParreG by PuG anG Gebris 1eat, resilient, anG Tuality As a result, the city is rePoGeling the parN to Peeting ),)A regulations, the turf will proYiGe greater house a new ¿elG, one that can be useG Pore freTuently safety anG orGer for all its users anG Pore proGuctiYely than its preGecessor 2ne renoYation that will appeal to school athletes 7he plan for the new turf began with 6an -ose¶s anG neighboring hoPeowners aliNe is the iPplePenta- 'epartPent of 3arNs, 5ecreation, anG 1eighborhooG tion of new lights in the parN A systeP of Pore ef¿cient 6erYices )acing a shortage of sports facilities, the &ity lights will be establisheG to PiniPi]e light spilling into GeciGeG to GeYelop a PoGern ¿elG in -ohn Mise 3arN local neighborhooGs Guring critical of late-night gaPes anG to funG the proMect, it entereG a Moint-use agreePent ,n aGGition, the proMect will also be aGGing new with Archbishop Mitty +igh 6chool parNing spaces at the north enG of the parN 7hese spots Mr. Brosnan, the school principal, explains that will be in Mitty¶s use Guring school hours, thus partially the agreePent is one of signi¿cant Putual bene¿t ,t alleYiating the concurrent probleP of liPiteG parNing presents a ³win-win situation´ the &ity, with the help in the Porning of Mitty, will be able to funG a long-GePanGeG proM- ,n the long run, -ohn Mise 3arN will be unGergo- ect, anG in return, the school will gain a Puch-neeGeG ing crucial changes that will bene¿t not only Mitty, but athletic ¿elG also the citi]ens of 6an -ose 7he ³big change,´ Mr. ,n general, the Moint-use agreePent allows for Scharrenberg, 'irector of Mitty Athletics, af¿rPs, is serYices to be proYiGeG in an afforGable anG effectiYe that the ¿elG ³will be in pristine shape´ Panner )or the next years, Mr Brosnan explains, AnG as he explains, ³+aYing a great soccer anG Mitty will haYe guaranteeG use of the ¿elG froP to softball ¿elG is priceless for our prograPs´ 7he rela- pP on school Gays ,n aGGition, Mitty will be able tionship between high Tuality facilities anG Mitty sports to host athletic gaPes ten nights per year 2ther schools teaPs is both clear anG Girect <et for the public too, anG organi]ations, howeYer, will haYe to go through the the parN will offer access to state-of-the-art athletic orGinary process of reserYing tiPes at the parN facilities 7he new sports ¿elG is GesigneG to proPote orga- Photo Courtesy of Matt Cano Mr Brosnan explains that the construction of ni]ation, ef¿ciency, anG ease of use 7he original ¿elG This image shows the new renovation spots in John Mise Park. the sports ¿elG will be coPplete by next April 7hus, has since been ploweG anG is to be replaceG with a coat Mitty¶s teaPs, especially the softball, soccer, lacrosse, of Gurable arti¿cial grass, greatly enhancing the capacity to host practices anG gaPes anG ¿elG hocNey teaPs, can rely on a Gurable ¿elG for the fall, winter, anG spring seasons )or one, arti¿cial turf reTuires less speciali]eG anG tiPe-consuPing care beginning next school year 7he increase in 6an -ose¶s athletic facilities, the iPproYeG 7hough it neeGs to be watereG eYery now anG then, it still rePains in shape anG ef¿ciency of the parN, anG the bene¿ts to Mitty¶s sports prograPs all proPise that this reaGy for use for the greater portion of the school year ,n fact, Mitty will assuPe proMect will unGoubteGly be one of lasting success OPINIONS Opposing Viewpoints: Tiger Mom Parenting TOUGH LOVE TOUGH LUCK By Nina Ge By Anna Piatnicia 2SLQLRQV(GLWRU 6WDII:ULWHU Amy Chua’s “tiger mom” parenting is ful¿lled his potential. By recogni]ing the On January 11, 2011 %DWWOH+\PQ she didn’t play her piano piece Àawlessly. revolutionary, daring, and consequently has “B” as adequate, one sets a baseline for the RIWKH7LJHU0RWKHU was released and the It is only natural that children will make been the subject of great controversy. child–the child, from that moment forth, will book’s author, Amy Chua, began to receive mistakes and will not always be perfect in Her parenting philosophy is as follows: believe that “B” to be the goal, striving only immense criticism–as well as praise–for everything they attempt, so they should “nothing is fun until you’re good at it.
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