![No!Cor»/Idenc» MAY 11, 1978 Motion 108 [Shri Dajiba Desai] Honesty](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Ll+AloÖ-fabk`Ö K?W //* /756 Klqflk /.6 YQeof B^gf_^ Bbp^f[ j^glofqv fk ma^FZgZmZ LZkmr, Gc ma^r elkbpqv* grpqf`b bq`, A^k eb bumb`q ^``bmq pl`f^ifpj qebk qebv tfii e^sb grpqf`b9 `^k eb bumb`q elkbpqv ^ka ql `e^kdbqebbkqfobpqor`qroblcmi^k+ `^k eb bumb`q pfk`bofqv= Rebob ^ob kfkd, Gkbnr^ifqv `^kklq _b ^_lifpeba s^oflrp moldo^jjbp _bclob qeb `lrk+ _v dfsfkdpljb^ijp qlqebmllo ^ka qovÜqebob fp i^t ^ka loabo mol_ibj dr^o^kqbbfkd dlla molcfq ql qeb fk+ ebob, ?p pq^qba _v pljb lc qeb Kbj+ arpqof^ifpqp, Ni^k e^p bkproba ^ c^fo _bop ebob* tb ^ob ebob ql afp`rpp qeb obqrok ql fkarpqof^ifpqp _rq ^q qeb i^t ^ka loabo mol_ibj _b`^rpb qefp p^jb qfjb qebob fp kl dr^o^kqbb lc fp ^ pq^qb pr_gb`q, J^t ^ka loabo Äobjrkbo^qfsb mof`bp lo kbba+_^pba mol_ibj fp ^cqbo ^ii ^ mol_ibj tef`e t^dbp ql qeb ^dof`riqro^i i^_lro lo qeb orifkd H^k^q^ N^oqv e^p ql c^`b, qeb tlohfkd `i^pp, Reb mobpbkq Ll Alkcfabk`b Klqflk fp ^ t^okfkd ql Reb orifkd m^oqv jrpq e^sb lkb qeb H^k^q^ Elsbokjbkq, Rebv tfii mlifqf`^i ^mmol^`e fk bsbov Qq^qb, Gk e^sb ql `e^kdb bsbovqefkd, G ^j lkbQq^qb qebv prmmloqqeb _^`ht^oa bumobppfkd qefp t^okfkd lk _be^ic lc `i^ppbp9 fk^klqeboQq^qbqebv prmmloq jv m^oqv, qeb p`ebariba `^pqbp ^ka vbq fk ^kl+ qebob Qq^qb lkb pb`qflk lc qeb m^oqv prmmloqp qeb efdebo `i^pp tebob^p qeb RFC NPGKC KGLGQRCP &QFPG lqebo pb`qflk lc qeb m^oqv prmmloqp KMP?PHG BCQ?G'8 Ko, Qmb^hbo* Qfo* _^`ht^oa `i^ppbp, Gc qeb m^oqv qofbp G e^sb _bbk m^qfbkqiv eb^ofkd ^ii qe^q ql afsfab lo_fcro`^qb qeb s^oflrp pb`+ e^p _bbk p^fa _v qeb Jb^abo lc qeb qflkp lo s^oflrp `ljjrkfqfbp lk `^pqb Mmmlpfqflk ^ka ^ii lqebop tel e^sb ifkbp fq tfii klq _b mlppf_ib clo qebj pmlhbk fk prmmloq lc qeb Ll Alkcf+ ql fjmibjbkq ^kv mlpfqfsb ab`fpflk, abk`b Klqflk jlsba _v qeb Jb^abo lc qeb Mmmlpfqflk, Ko, Qmb^hbo* Qfo* q^hb qeb nrbpqflk lc bar`^qflk, Reb mobsflrp orifkd m^oqv _^pba fqp bar`^qflk mlif`v lk G qelrdeq G tlria _bkbcfq _v te^q Ilqe^of Aljjfppflk, Reb H^k^q^ eb p^fa ^ka qe^q fq tlria ebim N^oqv e^p ^ipl _^pba fqp bar`^qflk Elsbokjbkq fk ob`qfcvfkd jfpq^hbp mlif`v lk Ilqe^of Aljjfppflk, Reb tef`e obnrfoba ql _b ob`qfcfba, Reb mobsflrp Elsbokjbkq obifba lk qeb Mmmlpfqflk e^p ^ ofdeq lc jlsfkd Ll ?dof`riqro^i Nof`bp Aljjfppflk qeb Alkcfabk`b KlqflkpÜtebqebo qebv al H^k^q^ Elsbokjbkq fp ^ipl alfkd qeb fq obpmlkpf_iv lo foobpmlkpf_iv fq fp p^jb qefkd, Ql* jv mlfkq fp qe^q qeb qebfo _rpfkbpp, Gq fp klq clo jb ql H^k^q^ N^oqv fp qovfkd ql`lkqfkrb qeb gradb, Gq fp klq clo jb ql l_gb`q ql b`lkljf` mlif`fbp lc qeb Gkafo^ fq, Re^q fp tev G tbi`ljba fq fjjb+ E^kaef Elsbokjbkq, Gkafo^ E^kaef af^qbiv ^ka p^fa* ibq fq _b afp`rppba `^jb lrq tfqe ^ 0.+mlfkq moldo^jjb, fjjbaf^qbiv, @rq qebk G eb^oa kl+ Reb H^k^q^ N^oqv e^p `ljb lrq tfqe qefkd klt G e^sb _bbk eb^ofkd ^ii ^ jfkfjrj kbba+_^pba moldo^jjb qebpb qefkdp bsbo pfk`b qefp Elsbok+ lc 5 mlfkqp, Reb mlfkqp ^ob qeb p^jb, jbkq ^pprjbalccf`b, &Kv afccbobk`b fp qe^q qebv ab`i^oba qe^q qebv tfii fjmibjbkq qebj sfdl+ olrpiv, Rebv `lria klq fjmibjbkq fq Reb p^jb qefkdp ^ob _bfkd obmb^q+ balsbo^ka lsbo^d^fkcoljqeb sbov sfdlolrpiv, Rebk tebob ifbp ^kv afc+ _bdfkkfkd, G `^k molsb fq _v ob`loap cbobk`b, fcqebv t^kq ql e^sb ^kv mollc, Gq fp Rebobclob* Ko, Qmb^hbo* G ^j t^o+ qebob fc ^kv_lav t^kqp ql pbb qeb kfkd qefp H^k^q^ Elsbokjbkq, Reb ob`loa, @rqGalklqt^kqqlq^hbqeb H^k^q^N^oqv pq^oqbatfqe ^ pild^k lc qgco<d lc qebFlrpbfk ob`lrkqfkd qebpb qlq^i obslirqflk, Dlo qe^q qebv jrpq qefkdp(// lsbo ^d^fk, Mkiv qtlkbt e^sbÑ pl`f^ifpq ^mmol^`e, Qljb mbl+ ^odrjbkqp Ubob ^as^k`ba* qtl kbt mib fk qebH^k^q^ N^oqv ^ob bilnrbkq `e^odbp* }c G j^vp^v pl, Gq Sodlla ^_lrq fq _rq qebv pr``rj_ ql qeb qe^q qebv e^sb `ljb lrq tfqe qebpb td9 No-Confiderire VAISAKHA 21, 1900 (SARA) Motion n o charges so that the people may know went to London from Moscow via what the truth is. The two new Tehran. If he had come here and charges are that my Principal Sec­ then gone there, it would have cost retary ig running the whole show. him more money. It was not the There was a caucus before and there Government money that was spent' on is a caucus now and that my son is him. 1 have made it clear so many doing something like this. Now, times before whenever somebody ask­ there cannot be a more fantastic ed me about it. Then it was asked statement than whatever has been why he went there. This was in said in this connection. The Princi­ September last. He went there at his pal Secretary has nothing to do with own expense to sever the last con­ the selection of officers. The appoint­ nection of business he had acquired ment of officers emanates from the in 1970. He used to go there before Ministries concerned and the decision every year with the full knowledge is made by three persons, namely the and permission of the Reserve Bank Minister concerned, the Home Minis­ of India. He wanted to get out of it ter and the Prime Minister. This is so that there is no connection left not a new practice. This practice has with any business whatsoever. He been there since 1947. And there is had severed all other connections no question of my Principal Secre­ with business here in 1964, but this tary trying to influence me in any had remained. He thought that it was way. If he tries to interfere, he will necessary that he should get out even not remain in my office even for a from this so that nobody could raise day. I would, therefore, be obliged to a finger. But what can one say of the hon. Members if they can give people who always want to see some­ me one instance where he has in­ thing wrong in everything which they fluenced my decision and got one man want to imagine? in who should not have got in I shall be very thankful for it. SHRI VASANT SATHE: Why is Chaudhuri Charan Singh wanting to AN HON. MEMBER: He could in­ fluence. try him? SHRI MORARJI DESAI: It is bet­ SHRI MORARJI DESAI: Whom did ween him and me. he influence? That was the old style. This is not the style now. Even the Prime Minister does not influence SHRI VASANT SATHE: It is a other Ministers. They are free to matter of national concern, a Minis­ make the recommendations that they ter writing to you that he wants to want. And I have never suggested try such and such person.. .(Inter­ any name to the Ministers. Therefore, ruptions) what is the use of saying this kind of thing? And then a case was made SHRI MORARJI DESAI: That is a about my son making an unscheduled different matter altogether. The Home flight at Tehran. I do not know what Minister can say and I can also tell is unscheduled flight— him. That shows the freedom with which we work among ourselves; it AN HON. MEMBER: Halt. does not mean anything else. SHRI MORARJI DESAT: It was the SHRI VASANT SATHE: It is a plane which stopped over at Tehran. public matter. It was not done for him. When I had gone earlier, there was also unsche­ SHRI MORARJI DESAI: If any­ duled halt then. It was not for him. thin? prima facie is established, I Whitt is the meaning of saying that would be the first man to prosecute he made an unscheduled flight? He him. I ll No-Confidence MAY 11, 1078 Motion 112 SHRI VASANT SATHE: The Home about them; I am not like them. I do not believe in resorting to such Minister says that there is prima facie case. methods to condemn anybody. But these are matters where if they were SHRI MORARJI DESAI: He has careful, I do not think they would not said that; That is all wrong. He have done what they have done here. has never said so; that is a lie if I cannot compliment them on their anybody says so. performance. What have we done, SBRI A. C. GEORGE; What does lie they ask. Is this not a great change, «ay? the change that has taken place? The change is so remarkable that the SHRI MORARJI DESAI: I am not world knows it. If there is no full going to tell you and oblige you in satisfaction, I can understand.
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