PREVIEW Encyclopedia of Jewish History and Culture Editor-in-Chief: Dan Diner, on behalf of the Saxonian Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Leipzig Editorial Staff: Markus Kirchhoff (Head), Philipp Graf, Stefan Hofmann, Ulrike Kramme, Regina Randhofer, Frauke von Rohden, Philipp von Wussow Consulting Editors of the English Edition: Cornelia Aust, Philipp Lenhard, Daniel Mahla Print Edition (7 vol. Set) • ISBN 9789004309401 • First volume, of 7 total, published in October 2017 • Complete set planned to be published by June 2021 From Europe to America to the Middle East, North topics like autonomy, exile, emancipation, literature, Africa and other non-European Jewish settlement liturgy, music or the science of Judaism. The seventh areas the Encyclopedia of Jewish History and volume index offers a detailed list of persons, places Culture covers the recent history of the Jews from and subjects that creates a reliable reference for 1750 until the 1950s. working with the encyclopedia. The encyclopedia Translated from German into English, approximately provides knowledge in an overall context and offers 800 keywords present the current state of academics and other interested readers new insights international research and depict a complex portrait into Jewish history and culture. It is an outstanding of Jewish life - illustrated by many maps and images. contribution to the understanding of Judaism and About 40 key articles convey central themes on modernity. Online Edition • ISSN 2468-8894 • More information and purchase options: brill.com/ejhc This booklet is a preview of Encyclopedia of Jewish History and Culture. The format and paper used for this preview are not indicative of the final printed version of the Encyclopedia. Encyclopedia of Jewish History and Culture Volume 1 A-Cl Editor in Chief Dan Diner On behalf of the Saxonian Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Leipzig Philipp Graf Ulrike Kramme Simon Mahling Christian Otto Frauke von Rohden Philipp von Wussow Alexandra Schröder, Alexandra Tyrolf (Assistants) Consulting Editors of the English Edition Cornelia Aust Philipp Lenhard Daniel Mahla Editor in Chief Dan Diner Advisory Board Jacques Picard (Basel) Gertrud Pickhan (Berlin) Marion Aptroot (Düsseldorf) Anthony Polonsky (Waltham, MA) Jacob Barnai (Haifa) Renée Poznanski (Beer Sheva) Israel Bartal (Jerusalem) Peter Pulzer (Oxford) Omer Bartov (Providence, RI) Aron Rodrigue (Stanford) Esther Benbassa (Paris) Manfred Rudersdorf (Leipzig) Dominique Bourel (Paris) Rachel Salamander (Munich) Michael Brenner (Munich) Winfried Schulze (Munich) Matti Bunzl (Vienna) Marcos Silber (Haifa) Lois C. Dubin (Northampton, MA) Gerald Stourzh (Vienna) Todd M. Endelman (Ann Arbor, MA) Stefan Troebst (Leipzig) David Engel (New York) Feliks Tych* (Warsaw) Shmuel Feiner (Ramat Gan) Yfaat Weiss (Jerusalem/Leipzig) Norbert Frei (Jena) Christian Wiese (Frankfurt am Main) Saul Friedländer (Los Angeles) Carsten L. Wilke (Budapest) Sander L. Gilman (Atlanta) Susanne Zepp (Berlin) Frank Golczewski (Hamburg) Moshe Zimmermann (Jerusalem) Andreas Gotzmann (Erfurt) Steven J. Zipperstein (Stanford) Michael Graetz (Heidelberg) Raphael Gross (Berlin) Heiko Haumann (Basel) * deceased Johannes Heil (Heidelberg) Susannah Heschel (Hanover, NH) Yosef Kaplan (Jerusalem) Cilly Kugelmann (Berlin) Mark Levene (Southampton) Leonid Luks (Eichstätt) Ezra Mendelsohn* (Jerusalem) Paul Mendes-Flohr (Chicago/Jerusalem) Dan Miron (New York) Gabriel Motzkin (Jerusalem) David N. Myers (Los Angeles) Publisher’s Note to the English Edition Brill’s Encyclopedia of Jewish History and sheds new light on established ones. Brill’s Culture (EJHC) is the English edition of the Encyclopedia of Jewish History and Culture original Enzyklopädie jüdischer Geschichte continues and extends this tradition into und Kultur (EJGK), published by Verlag J.B. the English language. Metzler from 2011 to 2017. The innovative The entries have been translated by an approach and high academic standard of the international team of professionals. We encyclopedia, as well as its clear and acces- have aimed at producing a reliable transla- sible presentation, make the Encyclopedia of tion which follows the style of English lan- Jewish History and Culture an irreplaceable guage encyclopedias. We have also tried to reference work for the history and culture of accommodate the English-speaking read- modern Jewry. ership by updating and adding new bib- Why an English edition of the Enzyk- lopädie jüdischer Geschichte und Kultur? The encyclopedia is less a classic work of collect- have been responsible for editing the English edition. new approaches to the experience of Jew- We would like to thank the editor of the ish existence in the modern world follow- EJGK Professor Dan Diner of the Hebrew ing three central areas of Jewish knowledge: University of Jerusalem, the Saxonian Acad- text, institution, and the world of everyday emy of Sciences and Humanities, and former life. Along those concepts, the articles pro- director of the Simon Dubnow Institute at vide academics, as well as the general pub- Leipzig University (1999–2014), the editorial lic, with a complex portrait of Jewish life team of the original edition based in Leipzig, from all of Europe to America, the Middle East, North Africa and other non-European zler and its editorial team in Stuttgart for Jewish settlement areas. The editor in chief their continuous support of the English edi- of the Enzyklopädie jüdischer Geschichte und tion. We are also grateful to the authors who Kultur has taken on the challenge to com- have provided new bibliographic references bine erudition in its best sense with new for their entries. Many thanks also to Diana approaches of cultural studies and cultural history. Through its innovative approach, lish text and to Kayli Brownstein for orga- the encyclopedia develops new topics and nizing the smooth work routines. Introduction Assigned to preserve Knowledge, encyclope- The EJHC considers itself a canonical dias record its respective temporality. Com- project of post-canonical quality. It upholds monly they arise at the threshold of changes in meaning and understanding. The Ency- knowledge that have taken place over time clopedia of Jewish History and Culture (EJHC) and have become consolidated in the mod- ern period, while at the same time allowing respect to a complex transition. More than for deconstructionist disassociations from a lifetime has passed since the manifesta- these conventions when this mode of eva- tion of an ultimate rupture in civilization sion promises a genuine improvement in was brought about by the catastrophe of understanding. This choice of approach in the Holocaust – a veritable epistemological an encyclopedic endeavor in the domain crisis. That exceptional event generates a of Jewish Studies, combining traditional unique phenomenon of perception, by vir- approaches and post-traditional disasso- tually dragging all previous epochs of Jew- acknowledging that fundamental crisis in Zeitgeist but, rather, is a proper response historical comprehension bonded with the event’s vigor, the EJHC simultaneously being treated. For Jewish Lebenswelten, the attempts to regain a perspective of proper habitual and social living environments of historical understanding in its aftermath. Jews and Jewries, are, by and large, manifes- Jewish history, or, more precisely, the his- tations of an eminently diasporic condition tories and cultures of the Jews, are to be whose substance is traditionally enshrined attained onto new foundations both in face within a sacral textual culture. This dia- of this disastrous obliteration and aloof to sporic condition is accompanied by clusters its reverberating devastations. Such a para- of phenomena of spatial transposition and doxical constellation nurtures the expecta- territorial transgression. These textually tion of the formation of a new canon. generated Lebenswelten and their proper Canonization, however, does not appear concepts of understanding and interpreta- topical nowadays, and the prestige of bequeathed wisdom raises suspicion. Thus, majority cultures surrounding them, which the task of canon formation is challenged were largely grounded on concepts of tel- by ubiquitous currents striving toward cul- lurian authority. While the latter generate tural diversity and modes of interpretation themselves by analogy with the geometric and meaning that go along with it. This ten- axiom of a power-supported plane of terri- dency undermines the authority of arsenals tory, so to say, the corresponding analogy for Jewish diasporic existence is contained Western tradition and its proper concepts, in the axiom of the unshielded point – juxta- going back largely to the early modern era posing a culture of land to a culture of text. as the provenance of generated knowledge. Perspectives and Meanings ing argument of the meaning of History, which governs by and large the construction The encyclopedic canon of Jewish history of knowledge and the modes of understand- and culture exposed in the EJHC expresses a ing, originating in Enlightenment tradition. perspectives: the internal perspective of Jew- ish self-understanding and self-awareness, ism were incorporated into Jewish inter- the external perspective on Jewish matters nal discourses on self-understanding and as mediated by academic disciplines, and a self-awareness. perspective that transcends Jews and Juda- The third perspective taken by this ency- ism in its particular sense to trace the uni- clopedic endeavor oversteps
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