IR5/f!lR-0T/5/4S talpo.it HRnDBOOK OF THE talpo.itDRcnmsnTio n TDDT talpo.it[ml miRS-tonpon HI Illi 'nrflJIBRCH 1945 PART V ORDER OF BATTLE OP OT UNITS Table of Contents ABBREVIATIONS INTRODUCTION AMT BAU-OT ZENTRALE WESTERN EUROPE (FRANCE, BELGIUM, HOLLAND) A. Binsatzgruppe TOST NORTHERN EUROPE (NORWAJ, DENMARK) B. Binsatzgruppe WIKING EASTERN1 EUROPE C. Einsatz FINNLAND D. Einsatzgruppe JAKOB E. Sondereinsatz WOLG-A P. Einsatzgruppe RUSSLAND-NOHD G. Einsatzgruppe RUSSLAIO-MITTE H. Einsatzgruppe RUSSLAND-Sto talpo.itJ. Einsatzgruppe SOUTHEASTERN EUROPE ( K. Einsatzgruppe SthX)ST SOUTHERN EUROPE (ITALT) L. Sinsatzgruppe GBEATER GERMAN AT© BORDER REGIONS M. talpo.it Sinsatzgruppe Deutschland I (later EG H. Einsatzgruppe Deutschland U 0. Einsatzgruppe Deutschland III "HANSA", "BHEIN-RUHR" P. Sinsatzgruppe Deutschland IV "KIPPH&Ea" Q. Einsatzgruppe Deutschland V "SHEIN" R. Einsatzgruppe Deutschland VI S. Einsatzgruppe Deutschland VII T. Einsatzgruppe Deutschland VIII "ALPEN" U. Sondereinsatz RIESE Sondereinsattalpo.itz FLOS HANDBOOK of the ORGANISATION TODT (OT) talpo.it talpo.it MIRS/MR-OT/5A5 LONDON March 19kb talpo.it .1 Abbreviations x Indicates a grade in the Civil Servioe hierarchy of Construc­ tion Officials. ABL Abschnittsbauleitung (Local Supervisory Staff) Abschnittsblti Abschnittsbauleiter (Chief of Local Supervisory Staff) Arch Architect (Architect) Araeeoberkdo Aroieeotorkanmando (Army HQ) Bauass Bauasse8sor * Baudir Baudirektor * Bauf Bauftthrer (Construction Supervisor (Assignment) or Hank Equivalent to Lieutenant Baaing Bauingenieur * Bauinsp Bauinspektor * BBL Bruokenbauleitung (Bridge Construction HQ) BL Bauleitung (Sub-sector of an OBL) Bltr Bauleiter (Construction Supervisor (Assignment) or Rank Equivalent to Major) Bmstr Baumeister * BR Baurat * Dg Durchgangstrasse (through route) Diplom Ingenieur (Engineering Diploma) Dipl.Ing Einsatz (Area Control Staff, Army Level) E Einsatzgruppe (Area Control Staff, Auny Group EG Level, outside Germany) i)GD Einsatzgruppe Doutsohland (Area Control Staff, inside Germany) EGT Einsatzgruppe West (Area Control Staff, Army Group Forstaaa Forstassessox (Grade in the Civil Service Hierarchy of Forestry Officials) talpo.itProntf Frontfflhrer (Rank in the OT equivalen t to Lieutenant) GI General Ingenieur (General of Engineers on Army Group Staff) HB Hafenbau (Harbour Construction) Hptfrontf Hauptfrontfohrer (Rank in. the OT Equivalent to Captain) Hptrf Haupttruppfohrer (Rank in the OT Equivalent to M/agt or EHS) Hpttrof HaupttruppfOhrer (Rank in the OT Equivalent • to U/Sgt or BMS) i.A Im Auftrag (By Order of) K talpo.itEreisbmstr Kreiabauneister LW Luftwaffe (German Air Force) Ministerial Rat (High Grade in Civil Service Hierarchy) Obertrpfa Obertruppfflhrer (Rank in the OT Equivalent to S/Sgt) Oberbaudir Oberbaudirektor * OBL Oberbauleitung (Basio OT Construction Sector and Administrative B3) Obtr(p)f ObertruppfQhrer (Rank in the OT Equivalent to S/Sgt) ORBB Oberregierungsbaurat * OTZ Organisation TQDT Zentrale (Organisation TQDB? Central HQ, BERLIN. Merged with Amt Bau in talpo.itJune 1914.) Prov Provinzial (Regional) RBR Regierungsbaurat z Reg Regierung (Governmental) Reg.Bau Insp Regierungsbauinspektor « Regierungsbauinspektor * Reg.B.I Rustuogsinspektion (Axmamont Inspectorate) RI Rustun^komnando (Armament HQ) RK Sioherheitsdienst (Security Service of the SD Sonderfuhrer (Specialist) St Strasse (road; Stadt bmstr Stadtbaaaeister « . tadt-Ing Stadt-Ingenieur * -185­ GE R MAN Y OT EINSATZGRUPPEN, AUTUMN 1944 SCALE 1:4,000,000 OR 63-13 MILES TO I INCH MILES 5O O SO IOO I5O MILES Boundaries of Einsatzgruppen LI T H U A N I A " " Rustungsinspektionen " •> Riisfcungskommandos Number of Einsatz£ruppe " " Rustungsinspektion International Boundaries 1937 19 43 THE HAGUE/ 0UtrTcht 0bidsm'" -» oUrankFurt talpo.itRotterdam •v Dresd talpo.itBELGIU M Wie^den IYbTo p p s U^^dt* ' Oslrav e t \ Saar^rucken talpo.it S L Q V A K I A .j\/~> - .-•' „'*"' Munich -."'Satul Mare 1.VII SWITZERLAND Vfff''" N' ' ' «^ 1 ROMANI A *l x Klag^nfurt > .•'•'"'•OMaril^ r C. \ Y U\6 O S L A V I A^^^CROATIA \ Handbook of the OT M I R9/ M ft - OT/5/45. Truppf Truppf tlhrer (Rank in the OT Equivalent to Venn Venaessung (Surveying) Vertr Vertreter (Deputy) ZVL Zentral Verpflegungslager (Main Food Supply Depot) Introduction In view of the fact that only a minor part of OT personnel is identifiable by military Order of Battle standards, information in respect to the OT proper, given in this part is confined to locations of OT sectors as controlled by OT staffs on various levels, from the Central HQ in BERLIN down to local supervisory staffs of local OT sectors. Details as to composition of OT personnel units will be found in the appropriate sections of the text, viz.: Transport units (NSKK-OT and Legion SPEER) in UPb; Security Guard units (Schutzkommando), in IlPe; Worker detachnents and units (Bautrupps, Arbeitstrupps, Bereitschaften, Hundert­ schaften, Front-OT Brigaden, Regimenter, Battalionen, Kompanien), in IIIBb, para.ll^ to 123: Penal units attached to tte OT, in IVBn, The OT Order of Battle in Germany requires some special ccranent. There the sector boundaries of the Einsatz coincide with those of the Rtistungsinspektion (Armament Inspectorate). The Chief of the former, moreover, co-operates closely with the Rflstungs­ kommission (Aimament Commission) located in his sector. The OBL co-operates similarly on a lower level with the Rustungskomaando (Armament HQ). Co-operation between Einsatz HQ and the competent Party Gauleiter is likewise close. Accordingly, the boundaries of OT sectors in Germany have been given on the basis of Rustungs­ inspektionen and Party Gaue. The official designation of the Einsatz is given when known, otherwise the equivalent is given in terms talpo.itof the corresponding Rtlstungsinspektion. The OT has at its disposal not only the Army construction agencies (Heeresbauflrater), but, since the summer of 1944, it has also controlled similar agencies of the GAP, the German Navy and the SS, and their equipment. These agencies, however, are not listed in this book, but may be found in appropriate publications and sources. AMT BAU-OT ZENCRALE (BUREAU OONSTRUGPION-OT CENTRAL HQ) HQ: BERLINtalpo.it. Various offices located at: Jan 1945 Kflnigsplatz 6, Berlin MUO. Potsdamerstrasse 88-90, 188, Berlin W35 (Ministerialrat SCHDLTEN at 188) Priesenstrasse 16 (Haus 2) Berlin, SW29 Unter den Linden 78, Berlin NW7 Avus Rundturm, Berlin-Charlottenburg 9 (Ministerialrat SPEH) Avus Nbrdschleife, Berlin-Charlottenburg (GeneralbevolOjoachtigtermr die Regelung der Bauwirtschaft: ALBERT SPEER; Deputy: XAVEtalpo.itR DORSCH, Deputy Chief of the OTj Unter den Linden $6, Berlin M7 (Sondertreuhander der Arbeit fur die OT: Ministerialdirigent Dr. SCHMEIICER) Schwiebusserstrasse 2, Berlin SW29 (Hauptabteilung Bauplanung und Baueinsatz; Constructxon planning and Commitment) -184­ ERRATA (1) Page i, Table of Contents, Part IB should read pp. 16-24 (not 16-124). (2) Chart 10 (8) will be found to precede Chart 10 (1). talpo.it talpo.it talpo.it Pariser Platz 4, Berlin W8 (Prease, Propaganda und Kultur) Chief: Ministerialdirektoar XAVER DORSCH. Historyi&t Ban-OTZ is the result of the merger of itat Bau with OTZ in June 1944, as part of the administrative re­ organisation which put the OT in control of construction within the Reich and in Norway, Denaark and Northern Italy. Previously to this merger, OTZ had been the Central HQ for the OT (at that tame still operating mainly outside of the Reich bou»iaries> The existence of OTZ as an independent HQ of the m fcates from the autumn of 1941, when the OT was removed froa the control of the General Inspektor fttr das deutsehe Strassenwesen (Inspector General ior German Roadways), who at that time was Fritz TODT and who had established an operation HQ for the OT in Wiesbaden. This HQ was removed to the Berlin offices of the Inspector General, some time after the completion of the West Wall in the winter of 1940/41. Subsequently it became, as stated above, independent of the Inspector General, and was installed in the Reich Ministry for Armament and War Production as OTZ, Berlin. (See Charts ka. and 4b). WESTERN EORQPE A. Einsatzgruppe WEST. Extent; HOLLAND, BELGIUM and FRANCE. talpo.itHQ; PARIS, 33-35 Champs Ely sees. Chief; Einsatzgruppenleiter: Oberbaudirektor WEISS. (A3 Einsatz­ gruppenleiter of EGVest, WEISS is ipso facto General- Ingenieur of Holland, Belgium and France). Deputy Einsatzleiter HAUT (until July 1944; promoted to Einsatz- Chief; gruppenleiter and made chief of EGEDI). Born: 2/3/1897 in KAISERLAWEERN, PW until 1920, with OT since June 1938 • June-Nov. 1940 Nachschubleiter an der KANALK&STE. talpo.itHistory: OT activity began in the West in June 192*0 immediatel y upon the German invasion of France and the Low Lands. Loosely organised into what then was called OT-Einsatz WESTK&STE, i t covered the coastal regions extending from Belgium to the Gironde, south of Brittany. Its HQ were said to be at LORIEHT. Only late in 194L, with the re­ organisation of the units in the West into Einsatzgruppe WEST were the HQ transferred to PARIS, allegedly against SPEER's expressed wishes who feared the demoralising effect of the French capital upon the OT workers. The growth of the EG WEST can be well followed from the number of OBLs. in the EG WEST at various times. In talpo.itFeb 1942, for instance, there were 7 OBLs.: Belgien, AUDINGHEM, Kanal, Noimandie, Nord, Mitte and s*Sd. In May 1943, the period of greatest expansion of EG WEST 18 OBLs. were active: Holland, Belgien, BR&GGE, ' AUDINGHEM, Nordwest, ROUEN, Noimandie, BREST, CHERBOURG Stfd, Paula. MiSte, BORDEAUX, BAIONNE ^2" , HW3n, * MARSEILLES and Burgund. After that date, the Germans no longer sure of the impregnability of the Atlantic Wall started building fortifications in the interior of France' TABLE OP CONTENTS (See also LIST OP PARAGRAPH TITLES, pp. iv ff•) TEXT i ••$ MAP OP OT AREAS IN GERMANY (EINSATZGRUEPEN AND E$mT?&&] ry FOREWORD pp. 1-2 BASIC PACTS ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION TQDT pp. 3-4 Part I HISTORY OP THE OT (paras 1-22) pp. 5-24 A. 193 8to D-Day (paras. 1-14) pp. 5-16 B. After D-Day (paras 15-22) pp. 16-124 Part II ORGANIZATION, ADMIMISTHATIQH AND OISRATION pp, 25-115 (paras 23-106) A.
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