Church of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel th 627 East 187 Street, Bronx, New York 10458 | T: (718) 295-3770/ 3771 | F: (718) 367-2240 www.ourladymtcarmelbx.org | Parish E-mail: [email protected] Sunday, February 19, 2017| Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A PARISH STAFF Pastor Rev. Fr. Jonathan Morris Parochial Vicar Rev. Fr. Urbano Rodrigues Coordinator of Religious Education Sister Edna Loquias, S.M.C. Parish Secretary Elizabeth Mannini Music Director & Organist PARISH CENTER Dr. Stephen Rapp 2380 Belmont Avenue Cantor Bronx, NY 10458 Bilen Eminov Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 9:00am to 8:00pm Youth Minister School Principal Thursday & Friday Jesus Vargas Ms. Valerie Savino 9:00am to 5:00pm LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST RITE OF MATRIMONY Saturday: 8:30am (English) | 12:00pm ( English) Wedding dates may be scheduled after initial meeting with a priest. Saturday Evening: 5:00pm (English) PASTORAL VISITS TO THE SICK Sunday: 8:30am (English) | 9:30am (Spanish) If you or someone you know is in the hospital or 11:00am (Italian) | 12:15pm (English) homebound and would be served by a pastoral visit by a Priest, Religious Sister or a lay Extraordinary 1:30pm (Spanish) Minister of Holy Communion, please contact the Parish Center. Weekday: 8:30am / 12:00pm / 6:30pm (All English) NEW PARISHIONERS RITE OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays 4:00pm to 5:00pm or any time by calling We invite new parishioners to register at the Parish the Parish Office. Center. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM RITE OF BAPTISM 2nd Sunday of every month in Spanish at 2:30pm For information please call Sr. Edna at the Parish rd Office at (718) 295-3770. 3 Sunday every other month in English at 2:30pm Attendance at Pre - Baptism Class is required. MOUNT CARMEL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Please stop by the Parish Center to register or Please contact the School Office at (718) 295-6080. call for more information. February 19, 2017 CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL 2 ANNOUNCED MASSES From the Desk of Father Jonathan SUN.FEBRUARY 19th SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORD. TIME Last weekend I spoke at all masses about our 8:30am Rita & Victoria Ippolito campaign to involve every parishioner in some 9:30 Pro Populo parish ministry or service. I explained that we will 11:00 Vincenza e Francesco Bordenga work to achieve this goal of full participation for 12:15pm Anneliese Dower our 100th anniversary on September 2nd. 1:30 Lydia Gonzalez Thank you for responding with such humility and MON. FEBRUARY 20th WEEKDAY generosity to the campaign. I was particularly in- 8:30am Vincenzo, Mariantonia & Gennaro DelVecchio spired by some longtime parishioners who told me that they have been "receiving" from the parish for TUES. FEBRUARY 21st WEEKDAY; many years but have never been active.....until ST. PETER DAMIAN now. 8:30am Nicola Coppola 12:00pm Tina Messina Johnson Getting out of our comfort zones is not 6:30pm For the Good Health of the Jacovic Family easy. Sometimes we are shy and hesitant to work with others. Other times we doubt whether we can WED. FEBRUARY 22st THE CHAIR really make a difference or whether we are OF ST. PETER THE APOSTLE "worthy". The best response to these feelings of 8:30am Giuseppe Ruscigno uneasiness is to trust in the Lord and just do it! Look at the disciples whom Jesus chose. They 12:00pm Rocchitella Fanelli were all weak sinners like you and me. They 6:30pm Salvatore & Sarah Contento weren't all educated. They didn't all have fancy rd jobs. Their worthiness came not from their own THURS. FEBRUARY 23 ST. POLYCARP perfection but rather from God's love for them. 8:30am Giovanni Santaniello & Family 12:00pm Modestina & Luigi Pietroluongo If you have not yet filled out one of the forms with 6:30pm Deceased Members of the Borgatti Family the ministry or service opportunity in which you are th interested, please do so this week and turn it into FRI. FEBRUARY 24 WEEKDAY; ST. POLYCARP one of the ushers, priests, sisters, or to our office 8:30am Jane Verini staff. During the month of March the leader of that 12:00pm Antonio Maiorino ministry will reach out to you to discuss next 6:30pm Ugo Albano steps. SAT. FEBRUARY 25th WEEKDAY Oh....and Spring is in the air!!! Enjoy!! 8:30am Michele and Carmela Navarra & Family 12:00pm Juan Caraballo God bless! 5:00pm Rosa Anastasio Father Jonathan SUN. FEBRUARY 26th EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORD. TIME 8:30am Cosimo & John DeCaprio and John Palladino 9:30 Pro Populo 11:00 Adelfia, Lisa, Ronnie e Bernardo Civitarese 12:15pm PFC Vincent Cannizaro, Jr. (50th Anniversary) 1:30 Hilda Gomez WEEKEND MASS COLLECTION - 2/12/2017 Collection ........................................................$3,613.10 Last year’s Collection …..................................$3,923.54 MEMORIALS OFFERED LAST WEEK (OUR SINCEREST APOLOGIES… WEEKEND ATTENDANCE - 2/12/2017 WE INADVERTENTLY OMITTED THIS!) Adults: …….590 Children: …….215 / Total: ……805 Sanctuary Lamp In Loving Memory of Lenten Mission Vincenzo Marano March 13 - 15 at 7:00 p.m from daughter, Joanne February 19, 2017 CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL 3 REFLECTING ON GOD’S WORD RIFLESSIONE SULLA PAROLA DI DIO Sunday Gospel: (Matt 5:38-48) Vangelo della Domenica: (Matt 5, 38-48) DIVINE WISDOM Gesù Cristo, Dio-con-noi e umanità nuova, The Lord’s message, through Moses, was to insegna ai suoi discepoli il comandamento “take no revenge and cherish no grudge . love dell’amore, la nuova legge del Vangelo che sostituisce per sempre la legge your neighbor as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18). We pagana del vecchio uomo: “Amerai il tuo might think, “Great in theory, but not always prossimo e odierai il tuo nemico”. realistic!” Il nostro spirito trema sentendo le esigenze di Then Jesus in today’s Gospel goes even further. questo nuovo comandamento. Non è forse più Take a slap in the face and then turn the other facile aggredire chi ci aggredisce e amare chi ci cheek? Treat enemies the same as friends? Again, ama? Forse è a questo che ci spingerebbero i nostri sensi, è questa la voce dell’anima umiliata we’re tempted to think that those are nice ideals, but non ancora raggiunta dalla luce del Dio di Gesù not very practical in the “real world.” Cristo, del solo vero Dio. Ecco perché l’amore di Paul echoes Jesus when he tells the Corinthians carità è un precetto insolito, che apre ad un that what passes for human wisdom is absurdity to nuovo orizzonte antropologico la civiltà antica e God. Divine wisdom casts sunshine on the good and ogni civiltà umana possibile. Visto da questo orizzonte, l’uomo, ogni uomo, the bad, showers rain on the honest and the appare creato a immagine e somiglianza di Dio e dishonest—without distinction. We must examine non più formato secondo una natura disuguale e our wisdom and common sense to see how they arbitraria, come invece credevano i pagani. compare to the wisdom of God, and make Liberato dai suoi peccati grazie all’azione adjustments accordingly. redentrice di Cristo e rinnovato dall’azione dello Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. Spirito, l’uomo, ogni uomo, è il tempio in cui risplende lo Spirito di Dio. Dio ama l’uomo per se stesso, a tal punto che consegna alla morte suo Figlio. Dal momento che Dio ci ama in questo modo e ci ha fatti partecipi del suo amore, noi non possiamo che perdonare il nostro prossimo e aiutarlo perché viva e si sviluppi. © la chiesa.it La Cattedra di San Pietro Il 22 febbraio per il calendario della Chiesa cat- tolica rappresenta il giorno della festa della Cat- TIME TO ENRICH OUR FAITH tedra di San Pietro. Si tratta della ricorrenza in cui viene messa in modo particolare al centro la “Celebration of Christian Mysteries” Class memoria della peculiare missione affidata da Continues tomorrow Gesù a Pietro. In realtà la storia ci ha tramandato 7:00pm to 9:00pm at the Parish Center l'esistenza di due cattedre dell'Apostolo: prima Sponsored by the Archdiocesan Catechetical Office del suo viaggio e del suo martirio a Roma, la Bring a family member or friend! sede del magistero di Pietro fu infatti identificata in Antiochia. E la liturgia celebrava questi due Saint of the Week momenti con due date diverse: il 18 gennaio (Roma) e il 22 febbraio (Antiochia). La riforma February 23rd del calendario le ha unificate nell'unica festa di oggi. Essa - viene spiegato nel Messale Romano - "con il simbolo della cattedra pone in rilievo la St. Polycarp missione di maestro e di pastore conferita da pray for us Cristo a Pietro, da lui costituito, nella sua perso- na e in quella dei successori, principio e fon- damento visibile dell'unità della Chiesa". REFLEXIONEMOS LA PALABRA DE DIOS Evangelio del Domingo: (Mat 5, 38-48) SABIDURÍA DIVINA El mensaje del Señor, por medio de Moisés, fue “no te vengarás ni guardaras rencor . , ama a tu prójimo como a ti mismo” (Levítico 19:18). Podríamos pensar, “Excelente enseñanza pero no es muy realista”. Y en el Evangelio de hoy, Jesús se adelanta. ¿Si te golpean, pon la otra mejilla? ¿Tratar a los enemigos como si fueran amigos? Y así otra vez, estamos tentados a pensar que son bonitos ideales, perno no muy prácticos en el “mundo real”. Pablo hace eco a las palabras de Jesús cuando les dice a los corintios que lo que parece ser sabiduría de los hombres es absurdo para Dios. La sabiduría divina brilla sobre los buenos y los malos, llueve sobre los honestos y deshonestos, sin distinción. Debemos examinar nuestra sabiduría y sentido común para ver cómo estos se comparan con la sabiduría de Dios, y hacer los ajustes correspondientes.
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