CONSTITUTIONS AND LEGISLATION IN MALTA 1914 - 1964 volume 2: 1933-1964 Constitutions and Legislation in Malta 1914 - 1964 volume 2: 1933-1964 Raymond Mangion Published by russell square publishing limited Russell Square Publishing Limited was founded with the objective of furthering legal research and scholarship © 2016 Russell Square Publishing Limited Linguistic revision, editing, and mise en forme by Professor James J. Busuttil A.B. (Harv), J.D. (NYU), D.Phil. (Oxon) for and on behalf of Russell Square Publishing Limited The moral rights of the author have been asserted Database right Russell Square Publishing Limited (maker) First published 2016 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written consent of Russell Square Publishing Limited, or as expressly permitted by law. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to Russell Square Publishing Limited, at the address above British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Data Available Printed on demand in the European Union ISBN: 978-1-911301-02-8 The photo on the cover, courtesy of Manwel Sammut, shows the Auberge d’Auvergne, Valletta, Malta, in which the Law Courts of Malta met during the relevant period and which was destroyed during World War Two. To Bernardette TABLE OF CONTENTS ABOUT THE AUTHOR xi ABBREVIATIONS xiii TABLE OF LEGISLATION xxix Malta xxix United Kingdom xxxvii TABLE OF CASES xxxix Malta xxxix United Kingdom xxxix LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS xli FOREWORD 3 PART III - CROWN COLONY RULE AND QUALIFIED REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT, 1933-1947 5 CHAPTER 8. GUBERNATORIAL RULE 7 8.1. IMPERIAL DICTATES 10 8.2. AGRICULTURE V LAND DEVELOPMENT 15 8.3. PUBLIC UTILITY 22 CHAPTER 9. QUALIFIED REPRESENTATION 35 9.1. WORLD WAR TWO 39 9.2. RECOVERY 48 9.3. BREAKTHROUGH 60 PART IV - RestoRed self-GoveRnment and Crown Colony Rule, 1947-1964 69 vii CHAPTER 10. RESTORATION 71 10.1. THE WELFARE STATE 79 10.2. DECLINE 88 CHAPTER 11. COALITIONS 97 11.1. DR BORG OLIVIER V MR MINTOFF 101 11.2. THE MINIMUM 113 CHAPTER 12. MR MINTOFF’S ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 121 12.1. INTEGRATION 125 12.2. CRESCENDO AND COLLAPSE 135 CHAPTER 13. PRE-INDEPENDENCE LEGISLATURES 167 13.1. TRANSFORMATION 167 13.2. CONTROL 179 13.3. FINAL STEPS TO INDEPENDENCE 190 PART V - CONCLUSIONS 203 CHAPTER 14. EPILOGUE 203 14.1. THE GOVERNOR AND THE ARMED FORCES OF THE CROWN 204 14.2. THE ELECTED MEMBERS AND POLITICAL PARTIES 208 14.3. THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 212 14.4. LAWYERS 216 14.5. NOBLES, MERCHANTS AND OTHERS 218 14.6. CONCLUSION 222 APPENDICES 225 APPENDIX A: GOVERNORS OF MALTA (1814-1964) 227 viii APPENDIX B: SECRETARIES OF STATE FOR (WAR AND) THE COLONIES (1814-1964) 231 APPENDIX C: HEADS OF THE MINISTRY/ PRIME MINISTERS OF MALTA (1921-1964) 235 APPENDIX D: CHIEF SECRETARIES TO GOVERNMENT AND LIEUTENANT- GOVERNORS (1814-1964) 237 APPENDIX E: PRINCIPAL LEGAL OFFICERS OF THE GOVERNMENT (1814-1964) 239 APPENDIX F: LEGAL ADVISERS TO THE GOVERNOR (1921-1964) 241 APPENDIX G: PRESIDENTS OF THE COURT OF APPEAL AND CHIEF JUSTICES (1814-1964) 243 APPENDIX H: POLITICAL PARTIES AND GROUPS IN MALTA (1880-1964) 245 APPENDIX I: BRITISH PRIME MINISTERS (1914-1964) 247 BIBLIOGRAPHY 249 INDEX 281 ix About the Author Professor Raymond Mangion, Head of the Department of Legal History and Methodology at the University of Malta, studied at the University of Malta (MA History, LLD) and at the University of Oxford (DPhil). He has been lecturing in legal and legislative history at the Faculty of Laws, University of Malta, since 1993. His first book, Minutes of the Council of Government of Malta, 29 December 1835 to 13 August 1849, was published by Malta University Press in 2009. His volume in two Parts entitled Speakers’ Rulings in the Parliament of Malta - The Legislative Assembly, 1921-1924, was co-sponsored by the University of Malta and the Parliament of Malta in 2013, and chosen as Book of the Year by the Malta National Book Council. Photo credit: Domenic Aquilina Domenic credit: Photo xi ABBREVIATIONS AA Archiepiscopal Archives Floriana AAG Archives of the Attorney General Valletta Abbozzo Leggi di Organizzazione e Procedura Civile per L’Isola di Malta e Sue Dipendenze (Malta 1850) AC Appeal Cases ACJ Archives of the Courts of Justice ACZIntr (Dr) Alexander Cachia Zammit (Interview, 3.iii.2001) A&CE Architect and Civil Engineer AG Attorney General (File) AGA Albert Ganado Archives Aggs Aggs, WH, Chitty’s Statutes 1235- 1910/1925 (London 1912/1926) AHR Archives of the House of Representatives Valletta All ER All England Law Reports AMA Archives of the Museum of Archeology Valletta Amery Report by LS Amery on the Financial and Economic Situation in Malta (London 1919) AM Archivium Melitense ANM L’Assemblea Nazionale di Malta, 25 Febbraio 1919-27 Maggio 1921, Processi Verbali e altri documenti dell’Assemblea Nazionale (Malta 1923) APM Associazione Politica Maltese App Appendix/Appendices APR Archives of the President of the Republic xiii constitutions and legislation in malta Art(s) Article(s) ASM Archivio Storico di Malta B Il-Berka/Il-Berqa BA Bachelor of Arts BEduc Bachelor of Education bk book/libro BM Il-Bandiera tal-Maltin c canon(s) C Correspondence/Circular CAR Chamber of Architects CAV Chamber of Advocates CBIntr Carmelo Bartolo (Interview, l.viii.1995) Cc Commercial Court CC Confidential Circular/Criminal Court CCA Court of Criminal Appeal CCAC Chamber of Commerce Archives Correspondence CCR Commercial Courier Cd/Cmd/Cmnd Command CD Circular Despatch CDIntr Consiglio D’Amato (Interview, 1.xi.2000) CEGIntr Carmelo Ellul Galea (Interview, 5.x.2000) Census Census of the Maltese Islands 1891/1948 (Malta 1892/1949) Cf compare CG Council of Government ch chapter/capitolo cl(s) column(s) Cl&F Clark and Fennelly, House of Lords Reports CO Colonial Office COA Court of Appeal xiv abbreviations Cobham Report by AJ Cobham on Malta in relation to future Air Routes (Malta 1928) Codex (1917) Codex Iuris Canonici (Roma 1917) Codice (1889) Codice Penale Italiano (1889) Col Colonial Number Collezione Collezione di Bandi COM(A) Magistrates’ Court (Appeal) COP Commissioner of Police Correspondence Correspondence with the Holy See Relative to Maltese Affairs (Cmd 3588) Cowp Cowper, King’s Bench Reports CP Constitutional Party CP Il Corriere Popolare CPH Chamber of Pharmacists CSL Chief Secretary’s Letters CWP Christian Workers Party D Despatch DAP Democratic Action Party DCG Debates of the Council of Government DHC Hansard Reports, Parliamentary Debates of the House of Common (series 3/5) 1919-1933 (London 1830/1964) DHL Hansard Reports, Parliamentary Debates of the House of Lords (series 5) 1920/1935 Dhn Id-Dehen Dioc La Diocesi, Bollettino Ufficiale Ecclesiastico di Malta Diritto Municipale Del Diritto Muncipale di Malta (1st edn, Malta 1784) xv constitutions and legislation in malta DMC Daily Malta Chronicle/Malta Chronicle Doc document dos dossier DPhil Doctor of Philosophy Dr Doctor edn(s) edition(s) ed(s) editor(s) Edin Edinburgh Educ Education Edw King Edward eg exempli gratia (i.e. for example) EMG L’Eco di Malta e Gozo ER English Reports et (al) and others et seq and the following pages F Forward FHCC First Hall of the Civil Court FL First Legislature FOI Federation of Industries - 35 Years of Service to Industry and the Nation (Malta 1981) FRA Farrugia Randon Archives FS First Session GCIntr (Dr) G Cassar (Interview, 10.xi.2000) Geo King George GG Governor General GGM Gazzetta del Governo di Malta GM Gazzetta di Malta GMR 1363 General Miscellaneous Reports 1814- 1964, 1363 Minutes of Evidence (1919) xvi abbreviations GN Government Notice GP Government Press/Gozitan Party GPO Government Printing Office GWU General Workers Union H Il-Ħabib HA Award by Sir Edgar Harper, FS1, Arbitrator appointed to decide on certain financial questions at issue between the Imperial Government and the Government of Malta (Malta 1922) Hel Ħelsien HL House of Lords HM Head of the Ministry Holy See Holy See Exposition of the Malta Question with Documents (Vatican 1930) Hons Honours I Instructions to the Governor (including those of Malta) 14th April 1921 (London 1921) i.e. id est (i.e. that is to say) IGWU Imperial Government Workers Union IH Il Ħmar IK Il-Kotra IMLI International Maritime Law Institute IP Il-Poplu JFA Journal of the Faculty of Arts JJCIntr (Prof) JJ Cremona (Interview, (24.viii.2000) JMS Journal of Maltese Studies JP Jones Party xvii constitutions and legislation in malta LA Legislative Assembly Leggi di Procedura Leggi di Organizzazzione e Procedura Civile per l’Isola di Malta e sue Dipendenze (Malta 1855) Leggi Prammaticali (Vilhena) Leggi e Costituzioni Prammaticali, Rinuovate, Riformate ed Ampliate Dal Serenissimo ed Eminentissimo Signor Fr D Antonio Manoel De Vilhena (Malta 1724) LGħ Leħen Għawdex LGO Lieutenant Governor’s Office (File) LHR Library of the House of Representatives Valletta Libr. Library LIH Leħen il-Ħaddiem LIS Leħen is-Sewwa LLD Doctor of Laws LP (1907) Letters Patent, Royal Instructions, Orders in Council and Ordinances relating to the Constitution of the Council of Government of Malta (Malta 1907) LPCG Letters Patent constituting the Council of Government (1939) in MGG 8534, 25.ii.1939, 244-257 and 263- 276 LPG (1921) ‘Letters Patent constituting the Office of Governor and Commander in Chief of Malta 14th April 1921’ in MGG 6389, 4.v.1921, 352-366 LPG (1947) ‘Letters Patent constituting the Office of Governor and Commander xviii abbreviations in Chief of Malta 5th September
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