Tms Index Contains No Reference to the Introductory Tables Which Pre- Sent a Summary of the Finance and Commerce of the United K

Tms Index Contains No Reference to the Introductory Tables Which Pre- Sent a Summary of the Finance and Commerce of the United K

INDEX Tms Index contains no reference to the Introductory Tables which pre­ sent a summary of the Finance and Commerce of the United Kingdom, British I nrlia, the British Colonies, the various countries of Europe, the United States of America, and Japan. AAC AFR ACHEN, 982 Acre (Bolivia), 778 A Aalborg (Denmark), 861 Acre territory (Brazil), 785, 786 Aalesund (Norway), 1275 Adana (town), 1526 ; trade, 1536 Aargau (canton), 1503, 1506 - (vilayet), 1525 Aarhus (Denmark), 861 Adelttide, 356; University, 357 Abaca Island (Bahamas), 305 Aden, 115, 140; boundary, 1530 Abbas Hilmi, Khedive, 1557 Adis Ababa, 667, 668 Abdul-Hamid II., 1520 Adjame (Ivory Coast), 957 Abeokuta (W. Africa), 487 Admiralty Island (W. Pacific), 1023 Abercorn (Rhodesia), 245 Adolf, Grand DnkeofLnxembnrg,1200 Aberdeen, 2il; University, 35, 36 Adolf Friedrich (Mecklen bnrg.Stre· Aberystwith College, 36 litz), 1054 Abeshr (Wadai), 945 Adrar (Spanish Sahara), 1481 Abo (Finland), 1381, 1399, 1427 -(Morocco), 1159. Abomey, 958 Adrianople (town), 1526 Abrnzzi e Molise, 1128 - (vilayet), 1524 Abyssinia, area, 667 Adua (Abyssinia), 624, 668 - books of reference, 670 lEtolia, 1095 - commerce, 668, 669 Afghanistan, area, 671 - education, 668 -army, 672 - minerals, 668 -books of reference, 673 -money, 669 -commerce, 674 - population, 667, 668 -currency, 674 - reigning king, 667 - government, 672 - religion, 668, 1562 -justice, 672j - roads, railways, 669 -land cultivation, 6/3 - tillage, 668 -manufactures, 673 -towns, 668 - mining, 673 - weights and measures, 669 - origin o~ the Afghans, 671 Abuna (Coptic}, 668 - populatwn, 672 Acajutla (Salvador), 1440 - products, 673 Acarnania, 1095 -reigning sovereign, 671 Accra (Gold Coast), 267 - revenue, 672 Achaia, 1 095 - tmde routes, 673 Acklin's Island (Bah~.mas), 308 Africa, Central, Protectomte, 213 ·15 Aconcagua (Chili), 797 Africa East (British), 216-7 5 K 1602 'l'IH~ STATESMAN'S Yb:AR-BOOK, 1907 AFR ALG Africa East (German), 1017, 1021 Alajuela (Costa Rica), 846 --Italian, 1158 Alaska, 410 --Portuguese, 1339, 1341-2 -area and population, 412, 650 -South-West (German), 1017, 1019 -boundary, 280 - (Turkish), 1524, 1525, 1540 - fisheries, 447, 651 -West (British), 262 -gold, 651 --(French), 928, 954 - government, 650 --(German), 1017 - instruction, 650 -colonies in, British, 199 -'-justice, 650 - - French, 927-8 -- mining, 651 --German, 1017 - production, 650, 651 --Italian, 1158 - public land, 434 --Portuguese, 1339, 1341-2 Alawi College, Tunis, 962 - - Spanish, 1468, 1481 Albany (N.Y.), 417, 576, 577 Agai'ta (Ladrones), 661 Albany (W. Australia), 361 Agra (province), 138, 140 Albert, Prince (Monaco), 1213 Agra (town), 146 Alberta (Canada), 277-8, 279, 286 Agone (Dahomey), 958 Albury (N.S. W.), 327 Agram (Zagnib), 727, 730; Univer­ Alcoy (Spain), 1470 sity, 732-3 Aldabra Islands (Seychelles), 248 Aguascalientes (Mexico), state, 1202 ; Alderney, government, 103 ; popula- town, 1203 tion, 26 Ahmadaba<l (Inuia), 146 Alemtejo (Portugal), 1328 Aimaks (tribe), 672 Aleppo (vilayet), 1525 Ainus (Japan), 1168 - town, 1526 ; trade, 1536 Aituiaki Islam] (Cook hlands), 390 Alessandria (Italy), 1127 ; town, Aix (France), faculties, 894 1133 ; fort, 1144 Ajmere-Merwara, agriculture, 159-61 Alexandria, 1560; town, 1561 ; ship- -area and population, 140 ping, 1573 - forests, 159, 161 - Patriarch of, J 562 - government, 138 Alexandropol, 1332, 1381, 1394 - land tenure, 158 Alexand.rovsk Grushevsk, 1381 - religion, 14 7 Alfonso XIII. (Spain), 1457 Ajmer, town, 146 Algarve (Portugal), 1266, 1328 Akassa (Nigeria}, 265 Algeciras (Conference at), 1220 Akita (Japan), 1169 Algeria, 927, 936-944 Akkerman (Russia), 1381 - agriculture, 939 Aksu (Turkestan}, 827 - area and pop., 936 Aksnm (Abyssinia), 668 - army, 903, 904, 939 Akuse (W. Africa), 267 -hank, 942 Alabama, area and population, 466-7 - births, deaths, marriages, 937 -constitution and government, 466 - books of reference, 943 -cotton crop, 437, 468 - commerce, 940-942 ~defence, 467-8 -crime, 938 -·- finance, 467 - finance, 938 -justice and charity, 467 - government, 936 - precious stones, 441 -industry, 939-40 - produetion and industry, 468 - instruction, 938 - public land, 434 - n1ining, 940 -- religion, 467 -money, weights, and measures, ~~2 - - representation, 466 - posts and telegraphs, 942 Alafi Island (Pacific), 971 -railways, 942 Alagoas (, 785 , - religion 938 INDEX 1603 ALG APP Algeri~, shipping, 942 Amur region, Province, 1376 Algiers (Alger), 908, 937,938, 942 Anchorite Island (WestPacilic), 1023 - schools, 894, 938 Ancona (Italy), 1128 ; towu, 1183 .Alhuccm~s Islan<.IR, 1223, 1469 Andaman Islands, 138, 140, ~47, 161, Ali binHamoud, Sultan of Zanzibar, 184 222 Andijan, 1381 Alicante (Spain), 1469 Andorra, 926-7 Aligarh (India), 146 Andros Island (W. I.), 805 Allada (Dahomey), 958 Anecho (Togoland), 1017 Allahabad, 146; University, 148 Angdaphorang (Bhutan), 774 Allegheny (Pa.), 415, U7, 600 Angers, 886 ; faculties, 894 Almeria (Spain), 1461.1 AI!glo-EgYI>tian Sudan, 1577 Alost (Belgium), 758 Angola, 1339, 1342 Alphonse lslapd (Seychelles), 248 Angora (vilayet), 1525 Alsace-Lorraine, area and population, Angouleme, 886 977, 1027 Angra (Azores), 1329 -constitution, 1027 Angra Pequeiia (Ger. S. W. Afi-ica), - emigration, 981 1019 - finance, 1028 Anguilla Islanj} (W.I.) 308, 309 -instruction, 984, 1028 Anhalt, a1·ea and pop., 977 -justice and crime, 1028 -constitution, 1030 - live stock, 1000 - finance, l 030 -manufactures, 1002, 1029 - Imperial representation, 975 - matricular contribution, 990 - matricular contributions, 990 -occupations of the people, 979 - occupation~ of tile people, 979 - production and industry, 1028 - reigning duke, 1029 -railway, 1010, 1029 Anhui or Ngan-hwei, 810, 817 -religion, 983, 1028 Anjouan (Comoro Is.), 952 -representation (Imperial), 975 Ankober (Abyssinia), 668 - Statth~ter, 1027 Ankole (Uganda), 220 Altenburg, 1074 Ann Arbour (Mich.) University, 543 Alto-Caqneta, Ter. (Colombia), 834 Annabon (Spau. A1i-ipa), 1481 Altona, 982, 1071 Annam, !!27, 930, 932, 9!H Alwar, 142, 157, 379; town, 146 Annapolis (Md.), 533 Amapala (Honduras), 1116 Antalo (Abyssinia), 668 Amazonas (Brazil), 785 Antanimarivo, 947, 948, 950 Ambado (Somali Coast), 91)3 Antandroy (Malagasy), 9H Ambala (India), 146 Anta:10sy (Malagasy), 947 Ambato (Ecuador}, 873 Anteqnera (Spain), 1470 Ambeno (Timor), 1:.140 Antibes (fortress), 902 Amberg (Bavaria), 1038 Aqtigua, 308, 309 Ambriz (Port. W. ~frica), 1341 Antioquia (Colombia), 834, 836 America, British colonies in, 279, Antipodes Islands (N. Z. ), 391 300-1 Antivari (Montenegro), 1216, 1218 - French colonies in, 928, 966 Antofagasta (prov.), 797 Amhara (Abyssinia), 667 - (town), 798; pm·t, 778, 803 Amiens, 886 Antwerp, province, 756 Amirantes (Seychelles), 248 -town, 758, 759, 763 Amoy, 812, 820 Apeldoorn, 123:1 Amritsar (India\, 146 Apia (Samoa), 662, 1025 Amsterdam, 1233; shipping, 1246; Apolda, 1078 university, 1234 Apolima (Samoa), 1026 Amsterdam Island, 953 Appenzell (cantons), 1503, 1506 5 K 2 1604- THE STATESMA~'s YEAU-BOOK, 1907 .APU ASS Apulia, 1128 Arizona (Ter. ), instruction 420 Aqua-town (Kamerun), 1019 -justice and charity, 470 Aquila dcgli Abruzzi, 1128 ; town, - precious stones, 441 1133 - production and industry, 470, 4il Arabia, 1525 - public lands, 434 Aragua (Venezuela), 1592 - representation, 469 Arad, 696, 730 Arkansas, area and pop., 412, 472-3 Arauco (Chile), 797 - constitution & government, 471- 2 Arcadia, 1095 -cotton crop, 437, 474 Archipelago (Turkish), 1525 - defence, 473-4 Aremlal (Norway), 1275 - finance, 473-4 Arequipa (Peru), 1315; Univ., 1316 -instruction, 420, 473 Arezzo (Italy), 1128 ; town, 1133 -justice and charity, 473 Argao (Philippines), 656 - production and imlustry, 47 4 Argentine Republic, agriculture, 682 - public land, 434 -area and population, 677, 678 -representation, 407, 471-2 -army, 681 Armenia, l525, 1527 -banks, 686 Armenians (in Persia), 1303 ; (in -births, deaths, marriages, 678 Turkey), 1526, 1527 - books of reference, 687, 688 Arnhem, 1233 -boundary disputes, 678 Arnstadt, 1086 - cattle industry, 682, 683 Arolsen (Waldeck), 1087 - commerce, 683-5 Arras (fortress), 902 - constitution, 67 6 Arta, 1095 - currency and credit, 686-7 Artigas (Uruguay), 1584 -debt, ti80 Aruba Island (W. Indies), 1261, 1262 -defence, 681-2 Aruwimi (Congo State), 840 - diplomatic representatives, 687 Ascension Island, 199 -emigration, 678 Aschatfenburg ( Bav. ), :!.038 - finance, 679-81 Ascoli Piceno (Italy), 1128 ; town, - government, 676 1133 - -local, 676, 677 Ashanti (W. Africa), 262, 267-8 -immigration, 678 Asia, British colonies in, Ill - instruction, 678-9 - French colonies in, 929-35 - Jewish Colony, 683 -Portuguese colonies in, 1339-40 -justice, 679 -Russian dependencies in, 1431 - money, weights, and measures, 687 - 'l'urkish, 1524, 1525 - navy, 681, 682 Asia :Minor, 1525 - posts and telegraphs, 686 Asmar (Af~hanistan), 671, 673 -president, 676 Asmara (Eritrea), 1158, 1159 -production and industry, 682-3 Asnieres, 886 - railways, 686 Aspinwall (Colon), 1292 - religion, 67 8 A"sab (Eritrea), 1159 -shipping and navigation, 686 Assam, agrieulture, 159, 161 - universities, 679 -area and population, 140 Argolis, 1095 - births and deaths, 145 Arica, 778, 1316 -finance, 153, 154 Arikis (of Cook Islands), 391 -forests, 159, 161 Arizona (Te.r.), area and pop., 412- - governn1ent, 138 469 -justice, 150 - defence, ·l 70 - land tenure, 158 - tina nee, 4 70 -railways, 172 - government, ,159 -religion, 147 INDEX 1605 ASS AUS Assam, roads, 170 ' Austria, emigration, 711 Assinie (Ivory Coast), 957

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