The 2007 Notices Index January issue: 1–184 May issue: 585–688 October issue: 1113–1272 February issue: 185–336 June/July issue: 689–816 November issue: 1273–1448 March issue: 337–464 August issue: 817–952 December issue: 1449–1592 April issue: 465–584 September issue: 953–1112 2006 Annual Survey of the Mathematical Sciences in the Index Section Page Number United States (Third Report), 1333 2006 Election Results, 299 The AMS 1570 2007 American Mathematical Society Election (Special Announcements 1571 Section), 1036 Authors of Articles 1573 2007 AMS Department Chairs’ Workshop, 543 Deaths of Members of the Society 1575 2007 AMS Election (Nominations by Petition), 300 Education 1576 2007 Award for an Exemplary Program or Achievement in Feature Articles 1576 a Mathematics Department, 633 Letters to the Editor 1577 2007 Conant Prize, 519 Mathematicians 1578 2007 E. H. Moore Prize, 532 Mathematics Articles 1581 2007 Morgan Prize, 521 Mathematics History 1582 2007 Robbins Prize, 534 Meetings Information 1582 2007 Satter Prize, 523 Memorial Articles 1583 2007 Steele Prizes, 514 New Publications Offered by the AMS 1583 2007 Veblen Prize, 527 Officers and Committee Members 1583 2007 Wiener Prize, 525 Opinion 1583 2007–2008 AMS Centennial Fellowship Awarded, 755 Opportunities 1583 American Mathematical Society Centennial Fellowships, Prizes and Awards 1584 1009, 1350 The Profession 1586 American Mathematical Society—Contributions, 651 Reference and Book List 1586 AMS-AAAS Mass Media Summer Fellowships, 51, 1166 Reviews 1586 AMS Committee on Science Policy, 1017 Surveys 1587 AMS Congressional Briefing, 424 Tables of Contents 1587 AMS Congressional Fellow Chosen, 895 AMS Congressional Fellowship, 1351 AMS Department Chairs Workshop, 1170 About the Cover AMS Email Support for Frequently Asked Questions, 271 34, 239, 428, 502, 636, 800, 925, 1012, 1177, 1356, 1527 AMS Epsilon Fund, 1166 AMS Lecturers, Officers, Prizes, and Funds, 1371 The AMS AMS Menger Awards at the 2007 ISEF, 1006 2006 Annual Survey of the Mathematical Sciences in the AMS Names 2007 Mass Media Fellow, 895 AMS Officers and Committee Members, 1178 United States (First Report), 252 AMS Scholarships for “Math in Moscow”, 1009 2006 Annual Survey of the Mathematical Sciences in the AMS Short Course in San Diego, 1218 United States (Second Report) (and Doctoral Degrees AMS Sponsors Capitol Hill Exhibit, 1355 Conferred 2005–2006, Supplementary List), 876 AMS Sponsors NExT Fellows, 424, 1355 1570 NOTICES OF THE AMS VOLUME 54, NUMBER 11 2007 Index Applications and Nominations Invited for Position of AMS Announcements Associate Secretary, 916 2006 Information-Based Complexity Young Researcher Applications and Nominations Invited for Position of Award, 49 Executive Editor of Math Reviews, 550, 659 2006 John von Neumann Theory Prize Awarded, 756 Applications and Nominations Invited for Position of 2007 AMS Department Chairs’ Workshop, 543 Publisher of the AMS, 549, 658 2007 Award for an Exemplary Program or Achievement in Bulletin Digitization, 1891–1991, 1355 a Mathematics Department, 633 Bylaws of the American Mathematical Society, 1366 2007 Clay Research Awards Announced, 757 Call for Nominations for AMS Exemplary Program Prize, 2007 CMS Prizes Awarded, 757 430 2007 Conant Prize, 519 Call for Nominations for Bôcher Memorial Prize, 553 2007 E. H. Moore Prize, 532 Call for Nominations for Distinguished Public Service 2007 International Mathematical Olympiad, 1347 Award, 552 2007 JPBM Communications Award, 640 Call for Nominations for Frank and Brennie Morgan AMS- 2007 Morgan Prize, 521 MAA-SIAM Prize, 554 2007 Robbins Prize, 534 Call for Nominations for Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Num- 2007 Satter Prize, 523 ber Theory, 553 2007 Steele Prizes, 514 Call for Nominations for Joseph L. Doob Prize, 552 2007 Veblen Prize, 527 Call for Nominations for Leonard Eisenbud Prize for Math- 2007 Wiener Prize, 525 ematics and Physics, 551 2007–2008 AMS Centennial Fellowship Awarded, 755 Call for Nominations for Leroy P. Steele Prizes, 429 AAAS Fellows Chosen, 420 Call for Nominations for Levi L. Conant Prize, 552 AAUW Educational Foundation Fellowships and Grants, Current Events Session at Joint Meetings, 53 1352 Deaths of AMS Members, 544, 763, 896, 1018, 1170, 1356, Abouzaid, Galatius, and Maulik Named Clay Research 1523 Fellows, 890 Epsilon Awards for 2007, 763 Allen Receives ACM Turing Award, 755 Epsilon Scholarships Awarded for 2007, 1523 American Academy Elections, 890 Erdo˝s Memorial Lectures, 53 American Mathematical Society Centennial Fellowships, Fan China Exchange Program Names Awardees, 895 1009, 1350 General Information Regarding Meetings & Conferences AMS-AAAS Mass Media Summer Fellowships, 51, 1166 AMS Committee on Science Policy, 1017 of the AMS, 78 AMS Congressional Briefing, 424 Joint Meetings Donations Benefit New Orleans, 543 AMS Congressional Fellow Chosen, 895 Math in Moscow Scholarships Awarded, 896 AMS Congressional Fellowship, 1351 Mathematics Programs That Make a Difference, 634 AMS Department Chairs Workshop, 1170 Meetings & Conferences of the AMS, 79, 321, 452, 571, AMS Epsilon Fund, 1166 676, 801, 927, 1095, 1221, 1434, 1557 AMS Menger Awards at the 2007 ISEF, 1006 My Summer at Scientific American, 54 AMS Names 2007 Mass Media Fellow, 895 New AMS Service for Students, 271 AMS Scholarships for “Math in Moscow”, 1009 New Publications Offered by the AMS, 65, 309, 442, 561, AMS Sponsors Capitol Hill Exhibit, 1355 667, 785, 919, 1077, 1192, 1406, 1537 AMS Sponsors NExT Fellows, 424, 1355 Officers of the Society 2006 and 2007 Updates, 657 AP Calculus Readers Sought, 540 Presenters of Papers and Program of the Sessions, New Applications and Nominations Invited for Position of AMS Orleans Meeting, 95 Associate Secretary, 916 Presidential Views: Interview with James Arthur, 246 Applications and Nominations Invited for Position of Ex- Presidential Views: Interview with James Glimm, 411 ecutive Editor of Math Reviews, 550, 659 Reciprocity Agreements, 1391 Applications and Nominations Invited for Position of Report of the Executive Director, State of the AMS (2007), Publisher of the AMS, 549, 658 904 Avila and Petermichl Awarded Salem Prize, 757 Report of the Treasurer (2006), 910 AWM Awards Presented in New Orleans, 643 Statistics on Women Mathematicians Compiled by the AWM Essay Contest, 1169 AMS, 1188 AWM Essay Contest Winners Announced, 539 Subsidized Childcare Services at the Joint Mathematics AWM Seeks Executive Director, 1011 Meetings, 1016 AWM Travel Grants for Women, 1010 Trjitzinsky Memorial Award Presented, 1016, 1522 B. H. Neumann Award Given, 1518 Undergraduate Research Conference Proceedings Avail- Bass Receives National Medal of Science, 1161 able, 1170 Bressan Awarded Feltrinelli Prize, 48 Voting Information for 2007 AMS Election, 903 Bulletin Digitization, 1891–1991, 1355 Web Notices Has a New Look, 1016 Call for Applications for Kovalevskaja Award, 1521 DECEMBER 2007 NOTICES OF THE AMS 1571 2007 Index Call for Nominations for AMS Exemplary Program Prize, Interdisciplinary Training for Undergraduates in Biological 430 and Mathematical Sciences, 540 Call for Nominations for André Aisenstadt Mathematics International Dobrushin Foundation, 647 Prize, 1169 International Mathematics Competition for University Call for Nominations for Bôcher Memorial Prize, 553 Students, 646 Call for Nominations for Distinguished Public Service Jefferson Science Fellows Program, 1351 Award, 552 Johnson Receives AAAS Mentoring Award, 644 Call for Nominations for Frank and Brennie Morgan AMS- Joint DMS/NIGMS Initiative in Mathematical Biology, MAA-SIAM Prize, 554 1167 Call for Nominations for Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Num- Joint Meetings Donations Benefit New Orleans, 543 ber Theory, 553 Kenyon Awarded 2007 Loève Prize, 1345 Call for Nominations for Heineman Prize, 761 Kreps Awarded 2007 CME/MSRI 2007 Prize, 1517 Call for Nominations for ICMI Awards, 1168 Langlands and Taylor Awarded Shaw Prize, 1001 Call for Nominations for ICTP Ramanujan Prize, 760 Lebowitz Receives Max Planck Medal, 418 Call for Nominations for Joseph L. Doob Prize, 552 Lenstra Appointed ICM-2010 Program Committee Chair, Call for Nominations for Leonard Eisenbud Prize for Math- 762 ematics and Physics, 551 Lovász to Chair Fields Medal Committee, 1014 Call for Nominations for Leroy P. Steele Prizes, 429 Lynch Awarded ACM Knuth Prize, 756 Call for Nominations for Levi L. Conant Prize, 552 MAA Awards Presented, 1345 Call for Nominations for SASTRA Ramanujan Prize, 760 MAA Prizes Presented in New Orleans, 641 Call for Nominations for Sloan Fellowships, 760 Maggioni Awarded Popov Prize, 757 Call for Nominations for Third World Academy of Sciences Maria Mitchell Women in Science Award, 51 Prizes, 421 Math in Moscow Scholarships Awarded, 896 Call for Nominations for Waterman Award, 1520 Mathematics Awareness Month 2007, 542 Call for Proposals for 2008 NSF-CBMS Regional Confer- Mathematics Student Wins Siemens Competition, 418 ences, 646 MfA Fellowship Program, 1520 Center for Women in Mathematics at Smith College, 541 Minasyan Awarded Emil Artin Junior Prize, 758 Clay Research Fellow Nominations, 1168 Monroe H. Martin, 1907–2007, 1348 CMI Liftoff Program for Summer 2008, 1521 Moody Mega Math Challenge Winners Announced, 891 Computational Science Training for Undergraduates in the MSRI-UP, 541 Mathematical Sciences, 760 Mustata Receives Packard Fellowship, 539 Current Events Session at Joint Meetings, 53 National Academies Graduate Fellowship Program, 1520 Departments Coordinate Job Offer Deadlines, 51 National Academies
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