THE TUFTS DAILY Where You Read It First Thursday, March 16,1995 VoL XXX Number 37 Ex College celebrates 30 years at Tufts University this month by ANDREA GROSSMAN By the late %Os, students were Established in 1972, the Ex- Daily Editorial Board not only voting members of the plorations program was the first In 1962, Nils Wessell, then the Ex College Board, but also were freshman advising program insti- president of Tufts University, de- permitted to serve as course in- tuted by the College. According cided that there needed tobe some structors. to the Fall 1994 Bulletin of the kind of program at Tufts that Also in 1964, the first class, Experimental College, the pro- would allow the faculty to try new “The Contemporary European gram “combined instruction with educational endeavors. His vision Novel,” was taught in an oncam- academic and personal advising.” was carried out in 1964, with the pus lounge by Simches, Provost Other unique programs that official establishment of the Ex- Sol Gittleman,and Romance Lan- are housed in the Ex College in- perimental College. This month, guageprofessorJuan Alonso. “We clude the EPIIC and the Commu- the Ex College will be holding planned that it would be held in nications and Media Studies Pro- The ExDerimental College is currentlv housed in Miner Hall. three events commemorating its Burden Lounge,” said Simchesin grams. 30th anniversary. the 25th anniversary pamptlet, Three events have been Desperately wanting to see a “...and that we would invite all planned for the month of March Two political science unique and educationally stimu- members of the Tufts community to honor the Ex College’s 30th lating program on campus, to participate, not only students, year, Robyn said. ‘‘Opening-UP Wessell formed the Committeeon but members of the janitorial the Classroom,” which was an are hired Innovation and Experiment [I&E staff.” professors Committee] in 1962. Members of by GAYLE BERKOWITZ meet jointly andagree upon which Robyn feels that through the the committee included faculty Daily Editorial Board candidates are qualified and who Ex College’s first class, “We broke The Political Science Depart- will be on their ranked list, from a variety of disciplines, ad- out of that mold of faculty stand- ment is in the process of hiring Messina explained. ministrators, and Wessell as its ing behind the desk.” chairman. three new full-time, tenure-track Regarding when the depart- Today, Robyn said the Ex Col- By 1963, the I&E Committee faculty members as replacements ment expects to reach a decision, lege continues to function as “the had drawn up report and pre- for retired professors in the areas Messina said that the situation is a place where we would try new sented it to the faculty. According of American Politics, Interna- complicated by the fact that “the things for the University, and if to a pamphlet entitled The Ex- tional Relations [IR], and Com- faculty scatters [over spring successful it would move into the perimental College 1964-1989, parative Politics. break], but I hope that a decision curriculum.” Japanese, Arabic, commemoratingits 25th anniver- “We have finished with two of will reached soon.” and Chinese were originally Ex be sary, the faculty approved the for- the searches and offers have been Leaving after this year are Pro- College courses, as were dance, mation of the Ex College in 1964. made and accepted,” Department fessors John Gibson and Bradbury photography and the Peace and The pamphlet states that “the over- Chair Kent Portney said, refer- Seasholes, who are retiring, and Justice Studies Program. whelming majority of the faculty ring to the American Politics and Professor LisaBrandes. However, The Ex College also continues IR positions which were con- according to Portney, the Depart- (there was one dissenting vote) to give students the opportunity to voted in favor of the new college. take.. interdiscidinarv courses. firmed last December and early ment, whichcurrently has 17 full- r Daily rile photo February, respectively. time, tenured or tenure-track pro- It would initially be granted a “Being an organization that has Robyn Gittleman five-year lease and be subject to no set curriculum boundaries we .- Currently, the Department is fessors, wilI be “down it-couple of exploration of what a university interviewing for a professor Of professors next year” because review at the end if that period.” are able to [introduce] new ideas would be like without grades, was Comparative Politics, who will thosewhoareking hired now are The first board met that same and topics and also bring together year, and aside from having pro- new disciplines and subject ar- held last night in the Faculty Din- also Serve as the director of replacementsforfacultywho have ing Room. “It’s a grand opportu- Women’s Studies. “This person departed. One ofthe positions, for fessors from various departments eas,” Robyn said. present, students were asked to nity for faculty and students to will be a political scientist and example, was vacated by recently She added that student involve- attend the meeting as well. “We ment is still highly regarded, as discussissues that havesomecom- will be a full member ofthe [PO- retired Professor Frank Colcord, mon focus,” she said. litical Science] Department, but according to Portney. felt that we needed student input they continue to serve on the and we needed student reaction to college’s Board of Directors and The Ex College will host an the administrative responsibili- “we are going to be requesting anniversary dinner on Thursday, ties will be in the Women’s Stud- more positionsthis springfornext some of our ideas and this was a teach theirpeersinregularclasses, joint project which we were de- March 30. Invited guests include ies Department,” Comparative year in order to compensate for and the Explorations, Connec- signing and it emphasized an tions and Perspective programs, past members of the Ex College Politics Professor Anthony the losses of Gibson, Seasholes Board and former President Messina said. important new relationship,” said which are all intended for first- and Brandes,” Portney said. Wessell. Given this dual capacity, the T~be& the process of hiring Seymour Simches. a former pro- year students. “[The Ex-College fessor of romance languages and is] one place where students, fac- An evening of music is slated Position has required ‘‘a Joint newfaculty;eitherasreplacements. for Friday, March 3 1, in Alumnae search.” Both departments met or for new positions, a depart- oneoftheoriginal membersofthe ulty, and staff really work in a Lounge. “That is going to be our on Tuesday to discuss their pref- I&E Committee, in the 25thanni- collaborative, cooperative fash- erences, and they now have to see FACULTY, Page * versary pamphlet. ion,” Robyn said. ~eeANNIVERSARY, page 4 Faculty vote on amendment to dissolve CFS invalid favor, 14 against. and 3 abstain- and sororitiestol‘achyderni rep- tinued. ing. lations which would end the gen- The prospect of passing the Inside According to Professor Daniel der segregation of the Greek VS- responsibility of overseeing the VieW”pOink3...................... p. 3 Mulholland, chair of the almost- tem. Greek system onto the trustees is Read SOme pin&Of view on student defunct CFS, there were initially However, a similar Committee a controversial and problematic manners,capitalismwronged.andaloiig many faculty members present at subsequently established by the one, according to Associate Dean and glorious Boston tradition. Board of Trustees Supported the of StudentsBruce Reitman. There the meeting, but “they all got up Daily rile photo and left after the discussion on the Daniel Mul~holhnd creation of rush policies which is no provision in the trustees’ Weekender ................pp.1-IV ~~li~i~~Department.” would maintain the gender SPeCi- bylaws at this time for such a The all-encompassing, exhaustive, meetings,” he added. ficity of fraternities and sorori- governing body, Reitman ex- Mulhollandhasrequested that until a proper vote is taken, insightful, and totally complete guide to ties. The repudiation of the plained. the Os cars... and some other stuff. the amendment be voted upon CFS “still has statutory existence” again at the next meeting, faculty’s recommendations “left a Therefore. if CFS were to be but exists as a technicality. situation in which a faculty com- &~olve&i&dutieswouldbet.&n scheduled for April 10. ‘‘Hope- Mulholland said. CFS’S decision sports ....................... pp* mittee of Arts and Sciences was on, at least temporarily, by the ‘-’ fully we’ll do it at the beginning to disband has apparently evolved supposed to implement a policy No’Tufts wasn’t the on’ team in- ofthe meeting and there will be a out of acodictbetween the Board Committee on Student Life, an- volved in NCAA playoffs this year - he said. whichthe facdtyhad repudiated” otherfacultycommittee which had there’s sort of a tournament going on. Of Trustees and the faculty the CFS proposal stated. jurisdiction over the Greek sys- )age two . THE TUFTS DAILY Thursday, March 16,1995 TEE TUFTSDAILY Letters to the Editor Nadya J. Sbaiti Editor-in-Chief Belle’s view refuted most work to alert the public to the threat the guilty as well as the innocent -- and as of HIV. I ask them: who has done all the a colleague of Professor Hunter, I must file Managing Editor: David Meyers fighting for AIDS research, for sex educa- a protest on two counts. .4ssociate Editors: JL McHenry, Jessica Rosenthal To the editor: tion, for better care of people living with First, insofar as the cartoon is meant to Production Managers: Ryan Otto, Marc Sheinkin, At first I wondered why the Daily feels PratikshaThakkar .AIDS? Who knows best, through the loss suggest any personal animosity on my part compelled to print ‘the frequent letters of of beloved friends, just what “the risk of toward my colleague, it is inaccurate and Joseph V.
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