ARCHly KARKI e Role of Bamboo, no. 120683 n & Medicinal Plants pment Technica Tb Cti'i [4/TPI /3 4,PRCLfb. The Role of Bamboo, Rattan and Medicinal Plants in Mountain Development Proceedingsof a workshop held at the Institute of Forestry, Pokhara, Nepal 15-17 May 1996 Editors: Madhav Karki, A.N. Rao, V. Ramanatha Rao and J.T. Williams INBAR Technical Report No. 15 International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR) International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI) International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) International Development Research Centre (IDRC) © 1997 International Development Research Centre All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. The presentation of material in this publication and in maps which appear herein does not imply the expression of any opinion on the part of INBAR or IDRC concerning the legal status of any country, or the delineation of frontiers or boundaries. ISBN 81-86247-21-1 Design & production Christopher Samuel & VVT Communications Pvt. Ltd. It INBAR International Network for Bamboo and Rattan 17 Jor Bagh New Delhi 110 003 INDIA INBAR The International Networkfor Bambooand Rattan (INBAR) is a broad-based, multidisciplinary network that develops,provides and promotesappropriate technologies and other bamboo and rattan solutionsto benefit people and the environment. A world-wide network, it con- nects governmental and non-governmental organizations, and the private sector. INBAR pro- vides leadership,coordination and support for research and development. Programs cover natural and cultivated raw materials; genetic resources; processingand utilization; economic and other socialaspects; and supporting services. These programs aimto enhance the quality of life ofpoor and disadvantaged people in developingcountries and make favourable impacts on forests and degraded environments. IPGRI The International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI) is an autonomous international scientific organization operatingunder the aegis of the Consultative Group of International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). IPGRI's mandateis to advancethe conservation and use ofplant genetic resources for thebenefit of present and future generations. IPGRIworks in partnership with other organizations, undertakingresearch, training and the provision of scientific and technicaladvice and information, and has a particularly strong programmelink with the Food and Agriculture Organization ofthe United Nations. Financial support for the researchagenda of IPGRI is providedby the Governments ofAustralia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, China,Den- mark, Finland, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, the Republicof Korea, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, the Philippines, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the UK and the USA, and by the Asian Development Bank, CTA, European Union, IDRC, IFAD, Inter- American Development Bank, UNDP and the World Bank. IPGRI's Plead Office is in Rome, with Regional Offices in Italy, Syria, Kenya,Colombia and Malaysia. The Regional Office for Asia, the Pacific and Oceania(APO) is located in Serdang. UCIMOD Founded out of widespread recognition of degradation of mountainenvironments and the increasing povertyof mountain communities, ICIMOI) is concernedwith the search for more effective development responsesto promote the sustained well beingof mountain people. The Centre was establishedin 1983 and commencedprofessional activities in 1984. Thoughinter- national in its concerns, ICIMOD focusseson thespecific, complexand practical problemsof the HinduKush-Himalayan Region which covers all orpart ofeight Sovereign States. ICIMOD serves as a multidisciplinary documentationcentre on integrated mountaindevelopment; a focal point for the mobilisation, conduct, and coordination of applied and problem-solving research activities; a focal point for training onintegrated mountain development, with special emphasison the assessmentof training needs and the developmentof relevant training mate- rials based directly on fieldcase studies; and a consultative centreproviding expert services on mountaindevelopment and resourcemanagement. Contents FOREWORD Introduction 1 Inaugural Speech 3 Hon. Asst. Minister ofForest and Soil Conservation, His Majesty's Government ofNepal Background to the Workshop 6 MadhavKarki Thematic Papers 13 Sustainable utilization 15 Pitamber Sharma Gender and the environment 24 Vineeta Hoon Research and development 34 fT. Williams Sustainable management of MFP 45 N.K.Joshi Mountainbamboos and rattans 59 A.N. Rao, Abdou Salam Ouedraogo and V Ramanatha Rao Country Reports 77 Bangladesh 79 Priority bamboo research for denuded hills of Bangladesh and other high rainfall zones of South Asia R.L. Banik in China 87 Integrated approaches and existing policies for maintaining development in China with special reference to bamboo, rattan and medicinal plants hangZehui and CaiMantang. Indigenous management of bamboo 97 and rattan processes in the Chinese Himalayan mountains Pei Shengji Medicinal and aromatic plants in mountain 108 enterprise development in China Hu Zhi-hao India Endangered biodiversity of bamboo, 113 rattan and medicinal plants in Indiaii Himalaya SasBiswas, S. Chandra and S.S.Jain Economic and ecological rehabilitation 122 through sustainable commercialization of medicinal plants in the Indian Himalaya D.N. Tewari Nepal Resource management in mountain 131 development through farm forestry in Nepal PradeepDixit and Madhav Karki Bamboo production, use and trade 144 in eastern Nepal: a case study J.B.S.Karki and MadhavKarki Rattan in Nepal 156 Chhotelal Chaudharyand Shyam K. Paudel Medicinal and aromatic plants of Nepal 162 NirmalK. Bhattarai iv Status of commercialization of 174 medicinal and aromatic plants in Nepal Rana Bahadur Rau,al Medicinal plants, markets and margins: 189 implication for development in Nepal Himalaya CS. Olsen Pakistan 207 Medicinal plants of Pakistan Zahoor Abmad A note on bamboo in Pakistan 215 Zaboor Ahinad Thailand 216 Medicinal plants, bamboos and rattans in mountain development of Thailand Songkram Tharninincha,Bunvong Thaivtsaand Wanida Subansenee Working Group Recommendations 219 The Pokhara Declaration 228 List of Participants 230 V Foreword These proceedings of the workshop held 15-17 May, 1996 in Pokhara, Nepal focus on the roles of three important non-timber forest products—bamboo, rattan and medicinal plant—in the development of mountain areas of the Hindu Kush-Himalayaand beyond The workshop was sponsored by a group of international organizations involved with development, povertyalleviation and wise use of natural resources: the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR) and the IDRC Medicinal Plants Network (IMPN) both hosted and headquarteredby the International Development Research Centre of Canada (IDRC); the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI) and the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD). The Institute of Forestry of Tribhuvan University in Pokhara readily consented to co-sponsor the workshop and hosted it. Bamboo, rattan and medicinal plants are renewable natural resources. While rattan is more abundant at lower altitudes, many high-value medicinal plants grow at colder and higher altitudes, and bamboo is common throughout the greater part of the Himalayas. In addition, all three groups of plants are often common property resources and are of direct practical use to rural communities, offering oppor- tunities forincome generation, particularlyfor landless rural households: Therefore, the scope of this workshop encompassed the whole range of ecological zones in the mountains and involved discussions on the environmental, socio-economic, and cultural value systems in integrated development with a specific focus on bamboo, rattan and medicinal plants. While we have some understanding of the present use of these keystone commodities, we also know that the increasing levels of exploitation are not sustainable and that rural communities benefit insufficiently from this exploitation. The workshop participants identified the policies and practices for improved management of these groups of plants that would contribute to environmental stability, conservation vii The Role of -Bamboo, Rattan and Medicinal Plants in Mountain Development of the resources and enhanced utilization for increased incomes and other benefits to the poor mountain households of this region. Innovative mechanisms for improved resource management, processing and trade are required to tap the full potential of these versatile plants. It was clear that much remains to be done in developing a more comprehensive knowledge base and strategic approachesfor not only sustainable but also more productive systems. We hope that the present document can play a role in further promoting collaboration and information exchange in the development of this group of plants. Cherla B. Sastry Egbert Pelinck Abdon Salam Ouedraogo Director INBAR Director General Senior Scientist Director IMPN ICIMOD Forest Genetic Resources IDRC, New Delhi Kathmandu IPGRI, Rome viii Introduction Proceedings INBAR/IPGRI/ICIMOD/IDRC Workshop Inaugural Speech Hon. Mohan BahadurKhat,i Asst.Minister of Forest andSoil Conservation, HisMajesty's Government ofNepal On behalfof His Majesty's Government of Nepal, I extend greetings
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