This research is dedicated to Mr. Alan Charlesworth Armitage (1915- 2002) of Christchurch, who encouraged this research. His family roots NEW ZEALAND in England were in the West Riding. Originally Independents living at Hightown in the Spen Valley, here they joined the Primitive Methodists and then moved to Leeds. Subsequently some of the family moved to New Zealand where they became Wesleyan Methodists. PRIMITIVE METHODIST MINISTERS by CIRCUITS [2015] In 1988 the late William Leary published his Ministers & Circuits in the Primitive ABBREVIATIONS Methodist Church, a Directory which records the ministerial stationing. Ths accuracy of Leary’s listing in part is complicated by an inconsistency of B - born presenting material for the oversea stations – Australia/Australasia, Canada and CH - children New Zealand. His source for this research was the annual Primitive Methodist Ct. - circuit Conference. D - died - EM - entered ministry When conference met in late spring in the United Kingdom to decide the Kendall - H.B. Kendall, The Origin and History of the Primitive Methodist Church ministerial stationing, it was mid-winter in New Zealand. Given also the time 2 vols (London, Joseph Johnson, nd [c1905]) taken to get there from the United Kingdom, especially prior to the opening of HLP - hired local preacher the Suez Canal in 1869, the newly arrived minister might be go to another circuit LP - local preacher other than that in the Conference Minutes. The New Zealand Conference also M - married met in the spring, mid-winter in the United Kingdom MinTr - ministerial training MT - New Zealand Methodist Times One further complication is not so much that ministers served both in the NZ Meth Ch – New Zealand Methodist Church [post 1913] United Kingdom and New Zealand, but some served both in Australia and New NZ Mins – New Zealand Methodist Minutes of Conference Zealand (Australasia), and a few also in Canada. NZPM - New Zealand Primitive Methodist Petty - John Petty (rev. Macpherson), The History of the Primitive Methodist There are clear differences between what William Leary recorded from the Connexion (1880 ed) Conference Minutes {left column) and what can be concluded from New PM Mag - Primitive Methodist Magazine Zealand sources (right column), which includes J. Guy, W.S. Potter, Jubilee PM Mins- Primitive Methodist Minutes of Conference [UK} Memorial Volume, or, Fifty Years of Primitive Methodism in New Zealand Port - portrait (1897). These can be detected by comparing the two columns. There are also Ref - reference some contradictions within the NZ sources. Rep - representative Sec - secretary It has also been possible to give the circuits of ministers after Primitive supern - supernumerary Methodism joined the united New Zealand Methodist Church in 1913. Tr - training UK - United Kingdom This new listing is an attempt both to reconcile two main sources and also enables contradictions to be identified D. Colin Dews (September 2015; revised, October 2015) SOURCES LEARY NZ SOURCES An Alphabetical Arrangement of the Methodist Ministers in N.Z….. to the year ADAMSON, T.W 1960 (Willis & Wilken Ltd, np, 1960) From England, via Australia. 1879 Greendale Oliver A. Beckerlegge, United Methodist Ministers and their Circuits (London, 1880 Thames 1880 Thames Epworth Press, 1968) 1882 Manawatu 1882 resigned, and moved to 1883 disappears Australia. W.A Chambers, Our Yesteryears, 1840-1950, being a short history of Methodism in Canterbury, New Zealand (Christchurch, Willis & Wilken, 1950) ANTLIFF, Samuel [D.D.] B. 5/7/1823, Caunton, son of William & Elizabeth James Guy, William S. Potter, Jubilee Memorial Volume, or, Fifty Years of D. 2/2//1892 Primitive Methodism in New Zealand (Wellington, Primitive Methodist Book President: 1873 (UK); 1875. Depot, 1893) Ref: Barber 161; Kendall i/498; port, Kendall ii/292; PM Mag 1892/6; PM Mins 1892/6. I.J. Whyte, Wesley Historical Society (NZ) journal 1996, no:63 -this is dedicated 1841 Chesterfield to Primitive Methodism 1842 Winster 1843 Nottingham W.J. Williams, Centenary Sketches of New Zealand Methodism (Christchurch, 1844 Sleaford Lyttleton Times, nd [1922]) 1845 Leicester 1847 Earl Shilton 1848 Rotherham 1849 Mansfield 1853 Loughborough 1856 Nottingham II 1861 Derby 1867 Nottingham I 1869 General Missionary Sec. 1874 to Australia (Australasia?) to UK 1875 London 1878 General Missionary Sec. 1880 Mission Fund Treas. 1881 Derby II 1884 Nottingham I 1887 Derby I ARMSTRONG, Archibald A 1913 disappears 1913 to NZ Meth Ch. 1905 East Egmont 1913 Stratford 1906 New Plymouth ` ` 1914 Wanganui (Dublin Street) 1907 ? 1916 resigned; entered Presbyterian 1908 Waikato 1908 Waikato ministry. 1909 Waihi 1909 Waihi 1910 resigned 1911 resigned ? BARLEY, Charles E. President, 1883 BAILEY, Samuel 1875 Mansfield B: 21/12/1871or1872, Staffordshire. to NZ to NZ EM: 1901 1879. 8 Oct, arrived Oamaru M: Gertrude Annie Cotterell (B; 2/2/1872, Staffordshire; D 25/12/1945) 1879 Waimate & Oamaru 26/9/1901 1880 Oamuru CH: Iverna Gertrude (B: 9 July 1906); Corsette Coterell (18/2/1909) 1881 Dunedin II 1881 Dunedin II (Dundas Street) D: 27/10/1949.Wellington 1882 Thames 1882 Thame Ref: NZ Mins 1942/10; 1949/17: MT 15/102; 17/31. 1885 disappears 1885 disappears 1902 Wellington 1902 Wellington I 1905 Otago 1905 Dunedin (Dundas Street) BARNETT, Samuel 1906 South Dunedin [to 1911] MinTr: Manchester College 1910 Wangamma 1910 Wangaui 1892/7 sailed from England. 1913 disappears 1913 to NZ Meth Ch. 1893 Wellington 1893 Wellington I 1913 Otouro 1895 Foxton 1895 Foxton 1918 Willoughby 1897 Stratford & Eltham 1921 Lyttelton 1898 Waihi 1898 Waihi 1926 Invercargill (St. Peters) 1901 ceased 1901 disappears 1931 Christchurch East III (New Brighton) BELLRINGER, J. 1935 Leeston President: 1892 (lay); 1906 (lay). 1939 Port Chalmers BENNING, Job BANDY, Edward B: 9/8/1859, Wednesbury B: 25/7/1882, Buckinghamshire EM: NZ UMFC, 1890; PM 1905. EM: 1909 M: Annie Eliza Ellis (B: Chester, 17/2/1856; D: 20/4/1936) 18/3/1877. M: Florence V.C. Loudon, 25/3/1913. D: 22/11/1915, Roxburgh CH: Olive Sarah (B;1/4/1914, Stratford) Ref: NZ Mins 1916/19. 1909 Dunedin 1909 Dunedin (Dundas Street) NZ UMFC 1910 Dunedin (Kew) 1890 Napier & Waipara 1891 Oxford 1894 Foxton 1894 Foxton 1893 Westport 1895 Thames 1895 Thames 1896 to PM 1899 Bluff Harbour 1899 Bluff 1896 ? 1901 ceased 1901 to WM 1905 Eltham 1905 Eltham 1901 Riverton/Otautau 1909 Waikato 1909 ? 1905 Balclutha 1910 Hamilton 1910 Hamilton 1912 Hawera 1911 Otago 1911 Waikouaiti 1912 furlough in England 1912 disappears Palmerston North (Broad Street) 1913 to NZ Meth Ch. 1919 retired from ill health 1914 Roxburgh 1920? Palmerston North 1923 Palmerston North , supern. BOOTHROYD, Jesse employed as AMP Society rep. 1882 Invercarigill 1884 Auckland II 1884 Auckland II BUCHANAN, S. 1886 Geraldine 1886 Geraldine 1903 Waikouaiti 1887 Omaru 1887 Waimate & Omaru 1904 disappears 1888 Ashburton 1888 Ashburton 1890 disappears 1890, resigned remaining a LP at Timaru CABLE, John H. B: 30/5/1887 BOURNE, J.M. MTr: Queens College LP from Canterbury Ct., England EM: 1912 from South Australia. 2nd yr probationer 1871 Christchurch [HLP] Ref: NZ Mins 1914 1872 ? 1912 Rongotea 1896 Hunterville 1913 disappears 1913 to NZ Meth Ch. 1899 disappears 1913 Franklin (Waiuku) 1915 resigned BOYS, Frederick W. B: 11/7/1870, Dalston, London, son of John Boys (1846-1906) and Emma Edith CAMPBELL, David (née Field) (1843-1895); father a merchants clerk, 1881 Census; silk 1903 Wellington 1903 Wellington I warehouseman, 1901 Census 1904 Canterbury 1904 Geraldine D: 1946, Auckland 1905 Temuka pre 1891, Thomas Champness’ Joyful News Mission 1907 Stratford 1907 disappears 1891 Jul 31 sailed to NZ on Cuzeo [see also Greenwell Carr; G.Grindley]; arrived 1909 ceased late Sept. 1891. 1892 South Invergarill 1893 Timaru 1893 Timaru CARLISLE, D. Brownslow F. CLEMENT, George EM: 1908 B: 10/3/1860, Rowton [Royston?], Yorkhire. 1907 Deniston 1907 West Coast Mission M: Agnes Elizabeth Eskett (B: 26/10/1856, Dunedin; D: 10/10/1954) 5/3/1891 1908 Bongoles 1908 CH: Bertha (B: 5/3/1896, Stratford; Grace (B: 13/3/1899) 1911 Eltham 1911 Eltham D: 4/10/1948, Dunedin 1913 disappears 1912 resigned; later a Baptist minister President: 1903 Ref: MT 6/27; 39/411; NZ Mins 1923/17; PM Mag 1903/464. CARR, Greenwell 1888 South Invercargill 1888 South Invercargill 1891 Jul 31 sailed to NZ on Cuzzeo [see also Frederick Boys; Gridley]; arrived late 1889 Geraldine 1889 Geraldin e Sept 1891. 1891 Greendale 1891 Greendale 1892 New Plymouth 1892 Manawatu 1893 Manawatu 1893 Manawtu [Feilding] 1893 Halcombe 1893 Halcombe 1894 Fielding 1894 Feilding 1894 Westport 1894 West Coast Mission 1895 Stratford 1895 Stratford & Eltham 1895 Denniston 1895 Denniston –Westport & Mokhinhui 1901 Westport 1901 Westport & Denniston 1897 disappears 1897 disappears 1902 West Coast Mission 1903 Canterbury 1903 Geraldine CHARTERIS, James 1905 EM: 1911? – in 1913 continuing theological training, entering 3rd yr. 1910 Christchurch II D: 1912 Edendale 1912 Edendale 1911 Dunedin 1911 Dunedin 1913 disappears 1913 to NZ Meth Ch. (Dundas Street) 1912 Edendale 1912 New Plymouth 1912 New Plymouth 1915 Invercargill (Elles Road0 1913 disappears 1913 to NZ Meth Ch. 1920 Port Chalmers 1914 disappears 1923 supern CLARKE, Henry CLOVER, James 1884 Geraldine B: 11/6/1850, Suffolk 1885 Geraldine EM: 1874 1886 Manawatu 1886 Manawatu M: Sarah Bassett (B: New Plymouth, 20/10/1852; D: 13/11/1939) 26/3/1878. 1887 ? CH: Leonard Albert (B: 16/3/1898) 1888 disappears D: 7/12/1919 1905 Temaku President 1896 1907 Stratford Ref: NZ MIns 1917/17; 1920/15 1909 ? Presumably this is the same as James Clover, UK? viz: 1874 Canterbury 1875 Leighton Buzzard 1876 Saffron Walden 1877 disappears 1903 Christchurch [to 1904] to NZ to NZ 1904 Waikatu 1904 Waikatu 1877 Feb, arrived New Plymouth from UK 1906 Auckland 1906 Auckland II 1877 New Plymouth 1877 New Plymouth 1907 Temuka 1907 Temeku 1878 Manuwata 1878 Manuwatu [Feilding] 1909 ? 1879 Christchurch 1879 Christchurch I 1910 Temeku 1881 Oamaru 1881 Waimate & 1911 Foxton 1911 Foxton Oamaru 1913 disappears 1913 to NZ Meth Ch.

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