L’WUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF CDtJNCJI OF THE ION OF PEACE RIVER HELD )NDAY, MARCH 10,1975 2T 7:00 P .M. IN THE CDUNCIL CHAMBERS PRESENT: Mayor J. M. Friesen; Councillors K. Gall, C.P. Grunewald, R. Horvath, and F. Lockwood, Tan Manager J0W .D. McLeod. I MINUTES A copy of the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held on February 24, 1975 had been forwarded to each Councillor prior to the meeting and receipt of the said minutes was acknowledged by each Councillor present. Councillor Grunewald moved that the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held on February 24, 1975 be adopted as presented. CARRIED II DELEGATIONS AND SUBMISSIONS 1. Delegation fran the Peace River Volunteer Fire Department re Construction of a meeting and training roan in the Fire Hall. Delegation fran Messrs Win. Hr and Bob Newton were present on behalf of the Fire Department Peace River Volunteer Fire Department to discuss with Council Re Construction the possibilities of obtaining financial assistance fran the of Meeting and Tan to meet the estimated cost of $3,500 to crplete the con- Training Roan struction of a meeting and training room in the upper north portion of the Fire Hall. Mr. Newton stated the Fire Departnent had $800 on hand and that they would like to have this construction corrleted as soon as possible. Council discussed various avenues through which the Department could obtain financial assistance and as the Energency Measures Organization is in need of permanent headquarters, the Department was advised to determine if the Ergency Measures Organization would provide financial assistance for the project. Council further discussed the possibility of including the cost of the above mentioned construction within the 1975 Fire Department budget. This item was tabled to the Caumittee Meeting of March 17 for further consideration. III UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) Business arising from the minutes — none b) Catrnittee Reports - none DI ACCOUNTS Councillor Horvath moved that the accounts and payroll be paid as presented. CARRIED V FINANCIAL STATEMENT Councillor Grunewald moved that the Financial Statement for the month of February be adopted as presented. CARRIED VI NEW BUSINESS 1. Resolution re Selection Carinittee for Town Engineer Selection Coimdttee Councillor IDckood moved that the Selection Carmittee to review Town Engineer applications for the position of Town Engineer be comprised of the Chairman of the Public Works Carinittee, Councillor Gall; the Tcivn Manager and Mayor Friesen. CARRIED MINUI’ES OF THE RIGrJI.ZR MBEING OF COUNCIL OF THE ‘IEN OF PEACE RIVER HELD IVNDAY, MNDH 10, 1975 AT 7:00 P .M . IN THE COUNCIL HZMBEI PAGE 2 VI NEW BUSINESS - continued 2. Resolution re .Appointnient of Auditor lppointnnt of Councillor Grunewald moved that pursuant to Section 64 of the Auditor Municipal Government Act, the firm of Canpbell, Sharp, Nash and Field be appointed aitor of the TcMn of Peace River for the year 1975. CARRIED 3. Labour I1ations Sninar — St. Albert Labour Relations Councillor Grunewald moved that the Secretary easurer and the sinar Chairman of the General Purposes Caranittee, Councillor Lockwood, attend the Labour Relations Sinar sponsored by the AUM1 April 10 and 11, 1975. CARRIED 4. Letter fran Enrgency Measures Unit re Telephone E .M .0. Telephone The Enrgency Measures Coordinator for the Tcrwn of Peace River had requested that Council consider paying the cost of maintaining the E .M .0. telephone on an annual basis as they felt it was inportant to keep the number active in the directory. Also enclosed with the letter was a cheque in the amount of $100 to cover the cost of utilities and phone for the E.M.O. office in the Tcn Hall for the past year. Counciilor Lockwood moved that the Tcfwn accept the cheque in the amount of $100 arid that the Tcn pay on an annual basis the cost of maintaining the E .M.0. telephone. CARRIED 5. Letter fran the Museum Board re Sale of Matentos and Alvertising for Position of Museum Director. Museum Board re In a letter fran the Board of the Peace River Centennial Museum, Sale of Momentos Council was requested to consider granting the Museum permission and Pidvertising to sell momentos at the Peace River Centennial Museum. for Director Councillor Lockwood moved that the Museum Board be authorized to sell ntrentos and souvenirs at the Peace River Centennial Museum. CARRIED The Museum Board also requested that Council advertise irrinediately for a museum director and assistants with the canpetition closing pril 5, 1975. Councillor Grunewald moved that the Tcin advertise the position of Museum Director inndiately. CARRIED 6. Letter fran Museum Board re Policy Museum Board Policy The Secretary of the Museum Board respectfully submitted for Council’s ratification an amended policy of the Peace River Centennial Museum which had been approved by the Board February 28. Councillor Horvath moved that this policy be referred to the Camiittee Meeting of March 17, 1975 for further consideration. CARRIED MINUTES OF THE PEGUIJ½R MEETINIG OF COUNCIL OF THE 1DWN OF PE7CE RIVER HELD 4DND1Y, WH 10, 1975 AT 7:00 P .M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS PAGE 3 VI NEW BUSINESS - continued 7. Easement Agrent - Lot A, Plan 4270 T.R. Easement Agreement— Council were in receipt of an easement agreement between Cool Springs Cool Springs Invest— Investments Ltd. and the Town of Peace River. This agreement was merits Ltd. and Tn submitted by Can?bell, Marceau et al for execution. of Peace River Councillor Gall moved that the easement agreent be signed on behalf of the Town by Mayor Friesen and the Secretary Treasurer. CARRIED 8. Letter fran M.O.T. re 1975 Airport Budget Airport Budget Transport Canada advised that the operation and maintenance bedget for the Peace River Municipal Airport had been reviewed, hcMever prior to formal approval they wished to meet with representatives of the Town to discuss the budget further, preferably sanetirne in April. Council advised the Secretary Treasurer to write Transport Canada and suggest a tentative meeting date of April 17. 9. Letter fran the Minister of Culture, Youth and Recreation re 1976 Alberta Winter Games. Alberta Winter Council consdiered an invitation to the Town of Peace River fran Games the Hon. H. A. Schmid to bid to host the 1976 Alberta Winter Games. On a motion by Councillor Horvath this subject was referred to the Carmittee meeting of March 17 for further consideration. CARRIED VIII ENGINEER’s REPORI’ 1. 1975 Flood Prevention Program 1975 Flood A meeting was called, March 5, 1975, by the Department of Envirornent, Prevention Program attended by representatives of the Town, RCMP, and Alberta Disaster Services. Current plans being investigated would be to sand the Peace River (possibly by helicopter) in late March with a view to assisting the Peace River to break up in an orderly manner. Also, during the actual spring breakup, the Department is planning to provide standby personnel for possible emergency blasting. Submitted for Council’ s information. 2. Building Officials Convention Building Canadian Building Officials and Alberta Building Officials Joint Officials Con— Convention — April 22 - 25, 1975 to be held in Calgary. vention. In past years the Building Inspector has attended one of the two semi—annual meetings each year. Reccinmend that Ray Peterson be permitted to attend the spring meeting. Submitted for Council’s consideration. Councillor Grunewald moved that Mr. Ray Peterson, the Building Inspector and Bylaw Enforcement Officer, attend the Building Officials Convention held in Calgary on April 22 to 25, 1975. CARRIED ?tENUTES OF THE REG.JIAR MEEE]JG OF (X)tJNCIL OF THE 1tN OF PEACE RIVER HELD MDNDAY, MAJDH 10, 1975 AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE (X)UNCIL CHAMBEI PAGE 4 VIII FNGINEER ‘S REPORr - continued 3. Annual Engineers’ Convention Engineers’ Association of Engineers of Alberta Convention is to be held in Convention Edmonton, April 10, 11, 12, 1975. Request Councils permission to attend. Suhnitted for unci’s consideration. Councillor Lockwood moved that Mr. J .W .0. McLeo. attend the Association of Engineers of Alberta Convention in Edmonton pril 10, 11, 12, 1975. CARRIED Councillor Horvath moved that the Engineer’s Report be adopted. CARRIED IX INB)RMATION AND SPECIAL ITENS 1. Letter frati the Hon. 0. J. Russell re Senior Citizens Accanmodation. Senior Citizens Council were in receipt of a letter fran the Hon. D. J. Russell, AccaiTnodation Minister of Municipal Affairs, in which the Minister had replied to Mayor Friesen’ 5 letter of January 13 wherein the Mayor had requested the Minister’s strong support in obtaining approval for the construction of senior citizen accannodation for the Town of Peace River in the near future. The Minister had advised that the 1975 construction program for self contained units will be finalized in early March and that if Peace River ‘s application is not approved, it will receive close attention in a future year ‘s program. Councillor Gall moved that a letter be written the Hon. D. J. Russell to further stress the fact that, if the Town’s application is not approved in 1975, the Town unist have senior citizen facilities in 1976 and that the Town shall look forward to receiving official approval of the project within the year. CARRIED 2. Letter fran the Hon. Neil Crawford re 1DAC Counsellor PDAC Counsellor Council were in receipt of a letter fran the Hon. N. Crawford, Minister of Health and Social Developnent, in which the Minister had replied to a request fran Mayor Friesen that the ADAC Counsellor be re located to the Town of Peace River fran the correctional institute and that the counselling staff be increased. The Minister had advised that all funds had been allocated and as a result the Carinission was not able to increase its counselling staff or create a counselling clinic in the Town at the present time.
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