11418 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE June 20, 2000 Shelby Thomas Thurmond sion to examine U.S.-Cuban policies to Bryan Gregg Robb Smith (NH) Thompson Warner Bunning Hagel Roberts see if we can’t come up with some bet- Burns Hatch NOT VOTING—1 Roth ter answers than the historic debate Campbell Helms Santorum Inhofe which has divided us on this issue. Chafee, L. Hutchinson Sessions I urge adoption of the amendment. Cochran Hutchison Shelby The amendment (No. 3473) was agreed Collins Inhofe The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Smith (NH) to. Coverdell Kohl Smith (OR) Craig Kyl Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, I ator from New Hampshire. Snowe Crapo Lieberman move to reconsider the vote. Mr. SMITH of New Hampshire. I yield Specter DeWine Lott Stevens Mr. DURBIN. I move to lay that mo- myself 1 minute. Domenici Lugar tion on the table. It is not our fault that Cuba is re- Enzi Mack Thomas The motion to lay on the table was pressive. It is Castro who is to blame. Frist McCain Thompson agreed to. Gorton McConnell Thurmond Appeasing Castro by instituting the Graham Murkowski Torricelli AMENDMENT NO. 3475 commission whose stealth objective is Gramm Nickles Voinovich The VICE PRESIDENT. Under the to lift the embargo without Castro hav- Grassley Reid Warner previous order, the Senate will now de- ing undertaken any reforms is nothing NAYS—41 bate for 4 minutes evenly divided the more than a unilateral and unwar- Akaka Edwards Lautenberg Dodd amendment relating to Cuba. The ranted concession to a regime which Baucus Feingold Leahy Senator from Connecticut is recog- refuses to concede even the smallest ef- Bayh Feinstein Levin nized. fort to reform human rights. Biden Fitzgerald Lincoln Bingaman Grams Mikulski Mr. DODD. Mr. President, this This is not the appropriate vehicle Boxer Harkin amendment establishes a 12-member Moynihan for this bill, the Armed Services Com- Breaux Hollings Murray bipartisan commission to review Cuba mittee. There are other important Byrd Inouye Reed Cleland Jeffords policy and make recommendations Rockefeller things with which we need to deal. Conrad Johnson Sarbanes with respect to how that policy might Cuba should first change its policy to- Daschle Kennedy Schumer be altered to best serve the interests of Dodd Kerrey ward its own people, and after that, the Wellstone the United States. United States can change its policy to- Dorgan Kerry Durbin Landrieu Wyden Mr. President, I will not read the ward Cuba. documents, but I will leave them for I yield to Senator MACK. The motion to table was agreed to. my colleagues’ consideration: A letter Mr. MACK. Mr. President, I ask my Mr. GRAHAM. Mr. President, I move signed by Howard Baker, Frank Car- colleagues on both sides of the aisle to to reconsider the vote. lucci, Henry Kissinger, Malcolm Wal- vote to table this amendment. It is bla- Mr. SANTORUM. I move to lay that lop, along with 26 colleagues, 16 from tantly political in its nature. Of the 12 motion on the table. the floor, a letter from George Shultz, positions, 8 will be determined by the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- and one from the leading dissident Democratic Party and 4 by the Repub- ator from California. groups inside Cuba calling for the com- licans; 6 by the President, 2 by the ma- f mission to try to take a look at U.S.- jority in each of the Houses, 1 by the CONGRATULATING THE LOS ANGE- Cuban policy. minority in each. That is 8 of 12—two- LES LAKERS ON WINNING THE It is time to stop, in my view, the ab- thirds. surd fixation we have on one individual 2000 NATIONAL BASKETBALL AS- We should not, today, be telling the SOCIATION CHAMPIONSHIP and to remove an important foreign next President of the United States Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, I policy issue from the small but power- what his policy should be with respect ask unanimous consent the Senate pro- ful group that doesn’t allow us to think to Cuba. This Congress and this Presi- ceed to the immediate consideration of what is in our best interest as a nation. dent should not be doing that. S. Res. 324, introduced earlier today by We ought to listen to foreign policy ex- Third, I only had the opportunity to Senator BOXER and myself. perts. This commission is not predeter- speak with Frank Carlucci and Howard The PRESIDING OFFICER. The mined; it is not shackled. It may very Baker. While they accept the concept clerk will report the resolution by well come back and recommend a con- of a commission, they don’t support title. tinuation of the embargo. But it seems one that is so blatantly political, and The assistant legislative clerk read to me we ought to at least listen. they don’t support one being estab- We are watching the Koreans come as follows: lished at this time. together. We are watching advances in I ask my colleagues to vote against A resolution (S. Res. 324) to commend and the Middle East. Today, we are watch- congratulate the Los Angeles Lakers for this amendment, and I move to table ing efforts around the world to bring their outstanding drive, discipline, and mas- the amendment. people together to resolve historic dif- tery in winning the 2000 National Basketball ferences. The PRESIDING OFFICER. All time Association Championship. Today, Pete Peterson, former POW, is yielded back. There being no objection, the Senate represents U.S. interests as our Ambas- Mr. DODD. I ask for the yeas and proceeded to consider the resolution. sador in Vietnam. Does that mean we nays. Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, I agree with the policies of the Viet- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a join my distinguished colleague from namese Government? No. We recognize, sufficient second? California, Senator BARBARA BOXER, in by trying to tear down the walls that There is a sufficient second. commending and congratulating the have historically divided us, we can try The question is on agreeing to the Los Angeles Lakers for their out- to build a better relationship between motion to table the amendment No. standing season which was culminated the two countries. We will soon be vot- 3475. The clerk will call the roll. last night in winning the 2000 National ing on whether or not to have a trading The assistant legislative clerk called Basketball Association Championship. relationship with China. We are watch- the roll. Without a doubt, the Los Angeles ing improvements in the Middle East. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Lakers are one of the finest franchises Northern Ireland brings hope for re- BUNNING). Are there any other Sen- in the history of professional sports. In solving differences. ators in the Chamber desiring to vote? defeating a gritty and hard-nosed Indi- All I am asking with this amend- The result was announced—yeas 59, ana Pacers team last night, the Lakers ment—it has been recommended by nays 41, as follows: captured their twelfth NBA Champion- Secretaries of Defense, Secretaries of [Rollcall Vote No. 137 Leg.] ship in the true spirit of their State, 26 of our colleagues, in a bipar- YEAS—59 ‘‘Showtime’’ years. tisan letter to the President only a few Abraham Ashcroft Bond The Los Angeles Lakers are a true months ago—is to establish a commis- Allard Bennett Brownback sporting dynasty. They are the second VerDate jul 14 2003 21:51 Oct 15, 2004 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR00\S20JN0.001 S20JN0 June 20, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 11419 winningest team in NBA history. Their Senator BOXER and I thought it Whereas the Los Angeles Lakers have won record of 67–15, the best regular season would be fitting to offer this resolution 12 National Basketball Association Cham- record in the NBA’s Eastern and West- today. pionships; ern Conference. Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I rise Whereas the Los Angeles Lakers are the today to salute the new reigning cham- second winningest team in National Basket- Led by coach Phil Jackson, Shaquille ball Association history; O’Neal and Kobe Bryant the Lakers are pions of the National Basketball Asso- Whereas the Los Angeles Lakers, at 67–15, a formidable opponent. Shaquille ciation—California’s own Los Angeles posted the best regular season record in the O’Neal was named league Most Valu- Lakers. National Basketball Association; able Player, led the league in scoring The tradition of greatness continues Whereas the Los Angeles Lakers have and field goal percentage, won the IBM in Los Angeles. Building on the excel- fielded such superstars as George Mikan, Award for greatest overall contribution lence personified by the likes of Jerry Wilt Chamberlain, Jerry West, Elgin Baylor, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Earvin ‘‘Magic’’ John- to a team, and became just the sixth and Wilt the Silt, and later by Magic and Kareem, today’s Lakers regained son, and now, Shaquille O’Neal and Kobe player in the game’s history to be a Bryant; unanimous selection to the All–NBA that status by players known around the world by two words: ‘‘Kobe’’ and Whereas Shaquille O’Neal led the league in First team. scoring and field goal percentage on his way Shaquille O’Neal also was named ‘‘Shaq.’’ to winning the National Basketball Associa- What can you say about Shaquille Most Valuable Player of the 2000 All tion’s Most Valuable Player award, winning O’Neal? He is the most dominating Star game scoring 22 points and col- the IBM Award for greatest overall contribu- force in the game today. He was the lecting 9 rebounds. And he also domi- tion to a team, and becoming just the sixth most valuable player in the All-Star player in the history of the game to be a nated the 2000 playoffs scoring 38 Game, the regular season and the NBA unanimous selection to the All-National Bas- points per game in the NBA Finals on finals.
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