MddJetown Mayor Backs Police in Issue SEE STORYBELOW Chance of Showers Variable cloudiness with FINAL chance of showers today. Partly cloudy tonight and to- morrow, ) -ear / EDITION Monmouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper 30 PAGES VOL.95 NO.l RED BANK, N.J. MOIVDAY, JUNE 26,1972 TEN CENTS mranunfiiiiiiiiiiuiiitiiiiiiniHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiuuiuiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiWfiwanMauiHfuininiiiiii Toll 117^ Still Growing As Flood Waters Drop By The Associated Press sons killed when a civilian ters in Pennsylvania, New was covered by flood insur- many of whom had been kept • helicopter crashed near Hor- York, Virginia and Maryland. ance. In nine states hit by the shut in by the heavy rains, Flood waters receded more ncll in flood-ravaged south- Thousands of houses and, storm, only 27,000 flood Insur- turned out to watch and ham- rapidly than expected in the western New York State. businesses from New York to, ance policies were reported in per cleanup and rescue oper- devastated East Sunday and Meanwhile almost half the Virginia and west to Ohio effect, including only 800 in ations. the massive task of cleaning 35,000 residents of Auburn, were destroyed. Vast tracts of Pennsylvania and two in hard- "They're slowing up the up and rebuilding began. N.Y., were evacuated when farm land were under water, hit Wllkes-Barre, a city of utilization of all emergency The death toll stood at 117, parts of a dam broke loose the crops washed out. 60,000. vehicles, ambulances, fire tens of thousands remained and it was feared the whole Property damage was more In Harrisburg, relief work- trucks, vehicles supplying homeless and property dam- dam would give way under than $1 billion in Pennsylvania ers who had been on duty food," said State Police Com- age soared well past the bil- the pressure of floodwaters. alone, and damage to houses since midweek encountered a missioner Rocco P. Urella. lion-dollar mark. But with The Red Cross said it was in New York State was put at new problem yes- Sightseers also were report- swollen rivers and streams caring for 112,000 homeless $100 million. terday—curious people. ed hindering operations in rolling back to their banks, of- people at 330 emergency shel- Only a "minuscule fraction" Thousands of sightseers, Pittsburgh. ficials saw a break in the crisis that began a week ago BARN CRASHES INTO BRIDGE — A barn ripped from its foundation by when a storm named Agnes flood waters In Mlddletown, Pa., lies floating trapped against the side of slammed Into the Florida the Pennsylvania Turnpike bridge over the 8watara Creek. The owner of coast. the barn and his dog are at right in a rowboat. Normal traffic continues At Harrisburg, Pa., five State Maps Aid to Pa. on bridge. governors and representatives, of two others met with George By The Associated Press B. Kelly and National Guard Hew Jersey was not as devas- to help the flood victims with- A. Lincoln, director of the Of- tated." out depleting its own re- fice.of Emergency Pre- Commander Gen, William R. The governor has also asked sources. Apparently; the paredness, who promised the New Jersey Gov. William T. Sharp to contact authorities in New Jersey Civil Defense Di- armed forces officials were governors swift federal aid Cahill is awaiting word from" Pennsylvania to determine rector Morgan Van Hise to thinking along the same lines. 6 Earle Protesters for housing, food and repair of other state officials who have what aid New Jersey can pro- dispatch some CD personnel Before Cahill went to Penn- roads, bridges and other facil- mobilized men and machines vide. to Pennsylvania so they Could sylvania some 22 Army, Ma- ities. to help Pennsylvania's flood victims. A spokesman for the gover- help flood victims with their rine and Navy helicopters But two of the governors, nor's office said Cahill also knowledge gained from ex- took off to help in the evac- Milton Shapp of Pennsylvania The governor made a 2'^- Set for Court hour trip to the Keystone .asked to be kept abreast of perience last August when uation of the homeless. -A- Today and Marvin Mandel of Mary- the situation. At one point Hurricane Doria swamped spokesman at the Lakehurst land, both Democrats, ex- State yesterday to view the MIDDLETOWN - Six Marine Police for allegedly of Denver Colo., Ronald Por- during his trip, after flying more than -300 New Jersey Naval Air Station, where the pressed fears the aid would be damage brought on by ramp- members of "The People's failing to heed an officer's di- basco of 680 Hopping Road, over Harrisburg, one of the communities. flights originated, said some far from enough. aging rivers and on returning Blockade" were scheduled to rection and reckless operation Belford, and Bruce R. Curtis to New Jersey directed State hardest hit areas, Cahill said, Cahill said New Jersey of the helicopters are nor: 'Drop in Bucket' appear in Municipal Court of a boat. of Pittsburgh, Pa. Police Superintendent David "we are very fortunate in that should do all within its power mally used in antisubmarine, today on charges stemming The group was taken into The six were in three of five Shapp said that "we cannot operations and could carry up from their alleged inter- custody shortly before 10 p.m. canoes launched earlier in the tolerate normal procedures" to 15 passengers in addition to ference with the sailing of a as they allegedly attempted to evening from Atlantic High- and expressed the fear that crew members. "most of the financial load military vessel Friday night interfere with the departure, lands. The others were used to will fall on the back of the Middletown Police Set Relief Drive from an Earle NAD pier. In of an ammunition ship report- Four other protesters of the carry about 12,000 sandbags states..." Mandel said the MIDDLETOWN - A county cepting all contributions at for a pickup," Patrolman Es- direct contrast was a peaceful . edly bound for Vietnam. Philadelphia based antiwar each to fight the rising waters. march and demonstration yes- Held in lieu of $500 bail each group were able\to paddle to money appropriated by the wide food and clothing drive headquarters, Rt. 35, through- tock said. federal government "won't be for flood victims throughout out the day and evening. He added that the depart- The spokesman said the terday by 46 members of the were Patricia Parkman, Alan shore without incident. fourman crew in each of the • same antiwar group. A. Swift and Francis S. Bea- Meanwhile five other mem- a drop in the bucket to what's Pennsylvania has been ment has set a goal to deliver going to be needed." • launched by the police depart- "If people can't get out to a 2^-ton truck loaded with evacuation helicopters showed The six members were ar- denkopf,'all of Philadelphia, bers of the group who refused. some degree of heroics in Eight more victims were ment here. drop off their contributions all food and clothing to the vic- rested Friday night by state Brother Richard J. Lindbardt to pay $f|5 fines last Thursday their maneuvers in flood added to the list of dead yes- Patrolman John Estock said they have to do is call head- tims of floods in the wake of night after being found guilty areas. of violating the township's terday, including three per- yesterday police will be ac- quarters and we will arrange hurricane Agnes. anti-loitering ordinance are Middletown Mayor being held in the county jail on a contempt of court charge. Democratic Platform Fights Looming Backs Police Action Serving 15-day sentences MIDDLETOWN - Police "I would have to believe are Igal Roodenko and Mary WASHINGTON (AP) - The nority proposals would be in- stronger tax-reform and antit- brought closer to their liking entering church property that you are badly misguided and Joann Sheehan, all of al approval from spokesmen speedy Democratic platform troduced, precipitating floor rust planks and a denuncia- overnight, Wallace supporters without permission of the or misled since this group — New York City; Raymond for Democratic presidential drafters, who neatly avoided fights at the drafting sessions tion of strip-mining. said, they would make a floor church has the backing of the People's Blockade — who Ravitz of Manahawkin, and candidates. Back at its labors "intraparty warfare on their of the full 150-member Plat- challenge. Mayor Thomas J. Lynch. distributed leaflets and Kenneth Curtin of Brooklyn. A spokesman for Wallace all day yesterday, the sub- job-prices-taxes plank, headed form Committee today and said the Alabama governor And a number of supporters In a letter to David Rossell, pamphlets prior to coming to A peaceful antiwar protest committee planned to present into storms and slower going Tuesday. considers the subcommittee's of front-running Sen. president of the First Unita- Middletown, filed advance no- by 46 members of the People's a complete eight-plank draft to today on Vietnam, defense Sen. Fred R. Harris of Okla- proposed busing plank — still McGovern reportedly felt ag- rian Church of Monmouth tice of their intention to com- Blockade was held yesterday its parent committee by this spending and school busing. homa also urged platform not disclosed to the public or grieved that the South Dako- County, Lincroft, Mayor mit civil disobedience. outside the main gate of the morning. drafters to revolt against the full drafting committee — tan's positions were in- Lynch stated, "When extraor- "I see no reference or criti- Earie Naval Ammunition De- Spokesmen for Sen. George That body in turn had 48 their 15-member drafting sub- is unsatisfactory.
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