SLH NEWSTETTER æ"Íi{": ( è Þ t ö '¿a (Í. { IJJ o 2& ,YtÐ PRESIDENT PRES¡DENT-EtECT Laura Kalman Thomas A. Green Department of History Law School University of California, University of Michigan Santa Barbara SECRETARY.TREASURER Donald G. Nieman Department of History Bowling Oreen State University MANAGING EDITOR R. Mark Phillips Department of History Bowling Green State University ,rtuitE 29, Iro. I TABLE OF CONTENTS Socict)' News of thc Frorl tlre lì'csitlelrt's l)esk I l99tì Ànnual Mce ting 2 r\ll Abotrt Us 2 Who Are'Wc? 4 Sponsoring and Sustaitring Memtrers 4 Don¡ltl St¡tht'rl¿ìlìd Prizù 5 1998 Elcctions/lliographics of the Candiclates 5 44lr9u!!cc!!9rls National Humanities Center Fellows () Wilson Ceuter Fellows, 1998-99 9 Americatr Antitlrrarian Socicty Iìellows 10 Massacht¡sctts Historical Society Fellows 10 Grrggenheir-r-r Fellows for 1998-99 l0 Y¡lc l-aw Jourtr¿l Cottfelt'ltct' l0 Massachusctts I-egal Flistory Journal 10 Stlrtlent Ììssay Compctitiotr 11 National I Iurnanitics Cerrter Fc-llowships, 1999-2000 il Woot-lrow Wilson Center Fellowships for 1999-2000 t1 U.S. Independent Counsel lnvcsti¡¡ations Projcct t2 Suprcmc Court I listorical Society Lecture Serics 12 National Archivcs Digital Classroonr Project t2 Rccent Publications of Interest Articlcs 13 Books 27 UNC Press'l'itles 30 lr !-- Midvvt'st C'l IlAt't'ANlil-Ll for all his u'olk ort ot¡r beh¿rlI in Soattle . Nrl¡!l¡-c¡'st ()ctolrer. 2s (23) Illinois s4 ( s3) Wc krok forn,¿rrd kr sccing yorr in ln thc rÌìt'¿ìntirìl(', n,c hopc y()ll arc having a C()ntìcctictlt 2( 3) I rrcl iana 20 ( le) r.r'ondr.r'ful sunrnìet antl "let's Lre' carcfttl out thcre!" Maiuc 62 (47) lorv¿r 6( 10) M¡ss¡cht¡st'tts 2( ó) Michigan 26( 27) I 99tì Anntrrrl Mcctirrs: .Seattle, October 22-24 Ncrv I l.rnrPshilt' ( s( 3) Minnesota )) )l\ Rhotlc Islarrcl r(2) Missouri 13 ( 13) Make nou' to attencl thc Socir-ty's l!)9tl nrccting in Seattle, rvhere n¡e rt,ill ¡rcct at VorI:ront ¡rlans Ohio 37 ( 35) thc Scattlc I lilton. For rcscrvatious, c¡ll l-f100-42(r-t)535 (for uon-rcsirle-rtts of Washington 'lìrfrr/ e7 (84) Wisconsin 13( 6) Statc) or 1-u00-542-7000 (for Wrshirrgkn resiclents) by October l. Pleast' me lttion that yot¡ are /ìr3irrrrrr/ attcntling tho Al.rrcric¿¡n Socit'ty for Lcgal I Iistory Meeting itr orcìer to roceivc cotrfcrcllce rates. /ù1;iorral ?ìrÍrr/ lel 084) l)re.sitlc.nt LAUIìA KALMAN has appointccl Danicl Ernst of thc Cctrgc'tor.r'n Uuivcrsity Sotrthryc--s! I-an'Cc.ntcr chair of thc progranr committee. I Iis committce incluclcs Charlcs l)onarhtte, Jr. of v\&!t thc I larvanl Lan,School, Christian F'ritz of thc University of New Mexico School of I-an1 8r ( 82) Arizona 10( 7) Ariela Cross of thc Univcrsity of Southcrn Califorrria School of l-aw, Williarr Novak of the California it Oklahonra 8( 7) University of Chicago, Sclrlegel! ()f the SUNY-Buffalo School of Law, Barbara Wcìke of thc Coloracltr 5( 2) Ncw Mexico 2( 3) University of Oregon, arrtì Roscr.rraric Zagarri of Ceorge Masorr Ur.tivcrsity. Iìric Chiappinclli I Iarr'aii 1( 2( l) Texas 53 (72) of thc Univc'rsity of Soattlc Sclrool of L¿rrv is in charge of local arratrgentelts. Idirhtr Kansas 7( s) 2) R¿'c¡(llnl ]i)frrl 73 (tJe) Check out thc H-LÀW ¡'¡b pagc (www.h-net.msu.eclu/-law/) for tlre complctc pro¡lraltì Motrtau¿r 1( Nebrask¡ s( 3) ancl abstrtrcts of thc papers [¡r b¡ ¡rrcscntetl. Orrct you'r'c stcn the'exciting pr()granl l)an anr] 3 ( l) Nerlllrets! his conrmittee lrave assembled and think about samplittg all Scattle has to offcr, yott rvon't Nt-'rracla 0) want to miss this ycar's r.necting. North Dakota 0( South Dakota l ( 1) Alaska 2 ( i) (16) Utah 3( 4) C)rcgorr 16 All About Us Cìttatn 0( l) Washington 12( 9) Àrr analysis of thc. Socic.ty's mcmbcrship, as of June 199{ì, reveals that r-ncnrbcrship Rr',gioirø/'/ìtfn/ 109 (108) /{rjiorrnl ftirrl 30 (26) rcmains ¿rbot¡t tht¡ sarìlL. ¿ìs it rvas in latc 1996, the last til.uc sttch an analysis was rltttte. I)onrestic r.nenrbership is up slightly, while intcrnatiorral Ine.urbcrshi¡r is dou'u slightly. 'lbtnl LLS. Mentbers 897 (8e2) Of coursc, thc figurcs rverc goneratcrì at cliffcrcnt poiuts in thc ycar; so they are uot conrpletely conì¡r¡¡¿[rls. Assumirrg that lt,e u,ill havc aciclitional 199fÌ uremlrc'rships irr thc corning rnonths, ltowcver, rvc might e.ucl thc ycar with a larger uret.trbe'rship. Thc 1996 nunlt¡ers arc inrlicatcd irt parcrtthcscs. h ú cr t m t i o tt nl Meuúersh i¡t Co rnrl Italy 1 ( 1) LI .5. Mattúarshi¡t Cottrtt Argentina 1(2) Australia 8 (11) Japan 2( 2) r ( 1) lv!gþ!!þrtic Southcast Bclgium o( 1) Mexico Canacla 30 (38) Nctherlands 1 ( r) I)c.umark 1(0) Ncrv Zealantl 3( 3) DC sl ( 43) Alabanra rì( 6) .l) ( South Africa 0( r) l)elaware 4( 2) Arkansas 4( 6) Iìthiopia l Spairr 1( 1) Marylanrl 38 ( 37) Florida 23 ( 27) þ-rance 2( 2) lìrc.nch ltolynesia 0( l) Swcclclt 0( 3) N(ì\^/ Jcrscy 2e ( 27) Cìc.orgia r6 ( 14) 3) Tahiti l(0) Nert, Vrrk 103 ( r03) Kentucky rJ ( 12) Ccrrlany 4( 1e (20) I'cnnsylvania 31 ( 30) I-otrisiana l0 ( lo) Israel 3( 3) Unitetl Kingdonr West Virginia 3( 2) Mississi¡r¡'ri 6( 9) (95) North C¿rrolinrr il( le) liútl ltttunntìtntol M¿lrûcrs tl4 Rijiorrrr/ ?Ìr/rrl 2s6 (244) Sotrth Clarolina s( 6) (987) Tenncsscc e( e) Trtal Incliviclual Mcmbers 9tll Virginia 38 ( 39) Rt',qirrla/ hfrrl 138 (157) È- æw liì:í t I l]J' t,,1 ì )V.lj!¿rcle,l i:iil , lr i,i Our'Ìccords iìdiciìtc tlì11 thc Socicly's rììcìrbcrslìip corìtinucs to coìsist prnìcipâlly of 'r.:.i'.i.rì..,{ô.idivrìvitcsnunìinntiùìslÙr'tlìcl997DorìalclSuLhc'rlanclPì-izc'wÌrjchis¡'iverr thc ¡r ti(lu Llrtnr(rcl k) lre thc nìost sil]nificônt cotrLdbuti(nì to llnBìislì lìistory arìd law profcssors, with practjcjng lawycrs iìnd ¡rdgcs fi¿kjrìg ùp tlìe thjrdlargcst .. 'll:-;l..ì.ìì1,,',",. :''lYi]]:;,ìì.;'Ñi;r.,nrti(rns nì¡v jncludc âr{iclcs Pultishcd iÌì ¡)urrrâls ol collcctíôììs of sc¡l1l1ent. u"7 i:ì':.:r l''' r't h r\ c ì l Prrl'lic'rti' rì d'rt( ir8ill'''.i ì..'l'."'., llistoÌy Pr.ofessoÌ-s li.1 ì .' s ôf lìr' rì r! d l'y SePtcrnt'er l, 1998 251 ,n.. ..,. .',brnil rì, r n:ìrrli, ')r- rìrJ 'Pi( ri'l, 'r)rirr'rlt t:rctrìrv'rf I ìw: urìivrrsitv'f i.il::rl l)r'acticing l-¡wyc1s 19a/. ,,mulls'|',"òlLL'vat:''l:'llli':lll'il':1r)'|i'lcr('ìììnrirr(\': i:jìiìi Stuclerìls 1A''/,, Judgcs 2",1, I'olitic¡l ScreÌìiisis i,.1,;i J'ÌrrlosoFlìy ll ofessors 1vÒ thcil dcdrcatron and cìiligcnce irì sclectirìg Lil¡rarians 1'/. illii.tl.:iì . ftranks to rhc 199u Nonììnâtirrg ComNittce for Menìbers of the conìÌìiltee i clud{] lr.:: :-l 1(h .,.... .-.-l]- .i'i' *¡¡iicl¿tcs f.rr this icar"s clectioìs "t Ulìivcrsitv of Orlìcr^rchivists 6t/. "-"^'i)jì'ii À,lil'p ,,f B*1.,n Urìivcrsiiv. chârrj SAIìAlJ llAI{RINGËlì GOltDoN, ílì,."r" VICll,clit GIìOSSßElìG, lndiâ¡a Uììiversity; VICTOIìIA I'IST' Wàslìiììgton "',i", c,¡1",.,, .rnd l(^\ M^N s( ìl oMr ìl\' Nortlì\v'"lcrrì UnivÙr"ii\' lìä'j,it,* "' : '.a::!.:i ',itt lì¿s selected 10 calìdidates to fill S posrtidls for thlcc-year kìrms on the , Tlì(r Neh'slctter grâtefully rlrcogrÌizes thosc,\SI,LI ìÌìcDrlrcrs Wlo Sivc to the Society's ttr" .untlrtittne l.:,t . Gctlcral lìrìd by lrecorÌirì¡] sponsorirrg ând sustaiÌìinfj rìrcùìbeÌs- SpoÌì¡joriììg ard sustainrng ..gnoj,,iU,t..,"t"¿ld4Lìonìirrccstofill2thrcc-yealtennsorìtlìeNominâtiììgCommittee :::.t:,!: ('ììì'lidìl'cLll"w mcùrbcrs cont) ibute !j125 and $75 Dr clues, lcspectiveÌy t}icf t i,'Ir'rplrr." nf rtr' 1r¡.1 . Plcase comPÌetc it ànd i SyonsarhtS Mcnrbcrs lr:, Ârêâì-outbâllotisincludedintlìisissûcof'IlìeNcwslettcì: ',rr,li. DePaltr'''cnt of Hls,o* l]owliìl, I :.:l u O*o¡"t 1,1998 to: Donald G NrìÌìalì, 'ASLll, 'i-ì:! Mary Sâ¡âh BildcÌ B¡ucc IJ. MaDn ,1.:. èrrcn""n,rn_t Si¡tc ljntvcrsity, ßowling Green, O1I43403' I a::i Avcr¡ Cohn Maeva Marcus r'r:. lìobcrt W Cordo¡ Donald C. Nienan : Biagraplies ofBoard of Dn'ccfors Nontittccs Kennetlì W CrahaÌn Stcphcn Il. Prcsscr Sclìool, wlìcÌc h¡'! têâches ::1:ì TlìorÌas Grol]n l].:],. cllÈG ALIIXANDEIì is Profcssor of Law at Corlìell I-âw i:::.:i ,.,:. prnpo.ty law ârìc1 lcg¿ìl history. LIis re.cntiy-Püblished Coltltllod¡hl ^, un qzr'.book, rl.:rli "o.,rroi Atntt icnn t t¿nt Tln'tt'¡ht' I77b I û'âs nâùìcd best S sÍni1iit1g Mrûrb¿ß ,:.. lî,iir¡ty: coìt,l'ríing Visittns^Dìerrcarì <tlProl"rt¡ ii h.,,t ,,t th,! vcrr (19q7) jrì l,lw bV tììc A;*^ i.rri,,rr f Ar¡r'r'rc,rrr ltrLrlish, rs llishi'l"ric.rl x irr N/iì l:]1 Clrcg Akìxaucier N.Ë.l l. lIull in.fuan" "Tjnì' ¡nd l'r"Pcrly in lhc Anx ric'rìì ltaPrrl'ìi' ìn lc¡"rlCrrltur" l:. ".f',,i.,*f,ip rs ¡ l.c8'rl C'ìtc$o ty" itl l'!tt| ¿r l:lislot y l?cuic|I" Chnsbphcr Ë. Arrgelo Ilertrcrt Johnsorì irru it¿¡rn.i' arìd "Tlre Transfo¡ûratroir ¡fiLusts 1:.ì:iJ prirÈ rhc s(,cicry.
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