nfb.ca/mytribe An interActive documentAry thAt Allows us to experience the worlds of 8 music fAns And see how the internet trAnsforms their interpersonAl relAtionships And helps forge their identity. 8 chArActers, 8 music styles, 8 views of the web And sociAl networks. PRESS KIT An interActive documentAry thAt Allows us to experience the worlds of 8 music fAns And see how the internet trAnsforms their interpersonAl relAtionships And helps forge their identity. 8 chArActers, 8 music styles, 8 views of the web And sociAl networks. nfb.ca/mytribe from reallife? is it a powerful conversely, engine for the distinctions construction or, of new communities? Can the virtual even be dissociated apprehend the world’s diversity if they are systematically searching for what is But “the can same?” Does the the reassurance Internet offered erase cultural by this virtual social life result in isolation, even to the exclusion of reality? “safe virtual home”,aspaceinwhichtoopenupandrevealone’strueself. How do users a becomes thus Web The validated. been has identity their that proof opinions—all and approval, of signs comments, receive to for their “fellows,” they choose a tribe to which to belong. In return for expressing themselves, sharing and posting, they expect Online social networks enable people to images share and music, emotions. information, Looking vehicle for forging an identity. each To his own “tribe”: Goth, emo, reggae, rap, vampire … Music is often more than a simple cultural product; it acts as a born between1982and1996.Thispermanentconnectionnecessarilychangeshowtheyseetheworld. users “connected”)—Web (for “C” Generation is This online. week a hours twenty than more spending are Quebecers young went, goes virtual, the definition remains unchanged but the practice revolutionizesTwenty everyday years after life. the first website A social network is a space where individuals linked by shared interests, tastes and needs When meet that one space another. t the eraofconnectivityandmicrosocieties. in up link to how illustrate encounters Their lives. daily their in tools these use who women and men young to voice a providing Far removed from expert views and preconceived notions, oranentirelyseparateworld? oronlyamplify personality?Islifeonlineanextensionofreality, identity, Are social media an opportunity to increase social interaction, or a factor contributing to isolation? Does the Web transform isatooltoconnectwithothers,whomtheysharethesametastesin musicandclothing,thesamecodes. Web the fringe, the on living people young singular these For identity. their forge helps and relationships interpersonal their transforms My Tribe Is My Life t heythem he phenomenon he project when he first Arrived in is an interactive documentary that takes us into the worlds of eight music fans to see how the Internet Quebec city eight yeArs Ago, this nAtive-born tunisiAn used Facebook, his blog <king-Abid.blogspot.com>, myspAce, My Tribe Is My Life twitter And soundcloud to promote the 40 or is an exploration based on the human journey, so reggAe concerts he orgAnizes eAch yeAr. press kit 2 nge ve A A ctive A while nis ge 12, t’s A on i she A jA looks. nd fluo. t s become Quebec’s ince then, however, A A s A n the forums, ikes electro been electro scene. o s politely ignored. s politely A since her first r w she h where she drew str interActivity And nAvigAtion: how does it work? The Web user is welcomed onto the My Tribe Is My Life site by an avatar. Randomly generated, the virtual character sports a particular musical style (say, Goth) and addresses the user directly: “Could this avatar be you?” If the answer is yes, the user keeps that avatar. If the answer is no, an anonymous avatar is offered, which can be personalized later. The user then discovers nine silhouettes: those of the eight characters from My Tribe Is My Life (see below) and one of their own avatar. eight chArActers The Web user can access the eight leading characters: Patrick, Heythem, Jimmy, Janis, Laurianne, Sébastien, Pierre-Luc and Shana. Each character grants access to his or her documentary portrait. During the viewing, users respond to a series of questions about how the Internet fits into their life. They can also comment on the portrait they are looking at, and access the interactions of any other user. AvAtArs Web users can personalize and style their avatar, choosing clothing and accessories that correspond to their own favourite musical identity. They can also upload a photograph of their own face, add it to their avatar, and bring up tattoos or specific marks on their arms. To build depth into their avatar, users must answer numerous questions on the impact of social media in their daily lives. They may look at other visitors’ answers, as well as at statistics compiled for all responses. Users can share the experience by inviting their friends to create an avatar or by creating one for them and e-mailing it to them. supplementAry informAtion The site includes additional content about the My Tribe Is My Life project and the phenomenon surrounding it. • “Protagonists” gives users access to the personal files of each of the eight young people being followed in the Web documentary, their biographies, and links to other social networking sites (blogs, forums, etc.). • “The Process” provides information on the genesis of the project and the approach its creators have adopted. • “The Phenomenon” offers an analysis of the role of music, the Internet, and social networking throughout history, asking how the latter fits into society and influences modes of communication. • “Related NFB Films” is a list of National Film Board of Canada productions with a connection to the project. All components of the My Tribe Is My Life project (avatars, videoclips, commentary, etc.) can be shared on social media networks. 3 kit nfb.ca/mytribe press nfb.ca/mytribe t lAuriAnne he ch knew when she moved to sAyAbec A in the mAtApediA vAlley r A thAt her clothing cters projects. Jimmyalsothrillstohissecondlove:fishing for northern pike. his way out of drinking, drugs and violence. In it, he found friends with whom to share creative and sends out his own music well beyond Route 117. This There, tightly-knit he listens to new work by other up Quebec with MCs, the keeps “battles,” and promotes community has been Park gates, Jimmy joined the specialty La the past forums get to seemed never that sounds new < the hear hiphopfranco.com To it. with do to something > and < hhqc.com >. early Quebec hip hop artist, also from Abitibi, was his physical education teacher probably had a.k.a. Jimmy, Lerycal, is a big name on the Abitibi hip hop scene. The fact that an Anodajay, j bottom-line businessapproach.” like reggae, belong to everyone, offering a freedom “completely separate from the all-pervasive media, social Heythem, For Everythingrent. computer. his apartment,of his front in in happens In addition to his freelance graphic design contracts, concert promotion means he can pay the under the watchful eye of Riddim, his of terrier. Jack them Russell even happen on his balcony, and SoundCloud to promote the 40 Twitter or so reggae Some concerts he organizes each year. ago, used his this Facebook, blog native-born < Tunisian king-abid.blogspot.com >, MySpace, Heythem listens to reggae, and only reggae. When he first arrived in Quebech City eight years workout,heplanstostudyaccounting. that doesn’t also writes erotic literature in the hopes of living from the proceeds of his And pen if someday. he time, free his In receives. he comments the to responses thoughtful his to attributes he which people in his network since 2006. His devotion has drawn an average rating of 9.9 out of 10, the of most met has he where , > vampirefreaks.com < at profile his to trappings) medieval and Goth other and swords (wearing himself of photos and information posts regularly he basement, feel time passing as much. You don’t feel as dissatisfied.” And so, at night, is film favourite fromPatrick’s his parents’ p style immy: atrick: eythem: would probAbly mc shock g r oth, loner fromAbitibi some of the locAls. eggae man but she InterviewVampire the with does not Apologize for her uniQue look. since she wAs Adopted by and he feels most alive at night. “You don’t don’t “You night. at alive most feels he and the members of [www.forum-gothiQue.com], Vérendrye press kit 4 nfb.ca/mytribe t jimmy he ch AliAs lerycAl, is A big nAme A on the Abitibi hip-hop r A scene. cters to bedoingafirst-ratejob. in Quebec to have adopted the gothloli style. And to read the comments he receives, he seems male “Gothic dandy” look. Based on his research on the forums, he believes he is the only boy the mastered also has He fashion. Japanese off-beat this of devotees for forum a [Qc-Harajuku], on profile to his outfits prettiest his wearing himself fine-art portraits of posts he and ruffles, and his closet is filleda withJapanese corsets,gothloli crinolines and his eyes were opened! Today, sharing the musical tastes of that movement. And then, in a Quebec City video arcade, he met In high school, using the share function s on MySpace, Sébastien was emo without actually art ofallkinds.Shealsoknowsthereareidiotseverywhere—Goths arenoexception. reminded her that true Goths because do she not loves listen to metal, Laurianne does anyway, has perfected her own style and shares her innermost she language, feelings. of choice their And Imitating them. of while any met actually some never has she have although friends, sharply she was adopted by the members of < forum-gothique.com >, some have even would probably shock some of the locals. But become she does not apologize for her unique look.
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