Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-66109-6 - Revolution, Counter-Revolution and Union: Ireland in the 1790s Edited by Jim Smyth Index More information Index Abercromby, General Sir Ralph, 23±5, 29, Bantry Bay, 16, 22, 59, 62±3 30±1, 40, 118 Barker, William 116, 125 Aberdeenshire fencibles 49 Barnard, Toby 6, 13 Adams, Jane 94 Barrington, Sir Jonah 37, 157 Agar, Charles, archbishop of Cashal 169 Bartlett, Thomas, 18±19, 204 Alexander, Henry, 44, 133 Bartolozzi, Francesco 179 Allen, Viscount 138 Battle of Ballynahinch, painting 187±90, 193 America 113±15, 117, 129, 133, 141, Battletown 88 143±5, 213, 224 Baytonrath 110 loyalists 104, 119±21, 125 Beckett, J. C. 3, 5 nationalism 12 Belfast 18, 25±7, 51, 53, 55±8, 63, 67±8, revolution 90±1 70, 75, 79, 99, 159, 197, 206, Ancien reÂgime 1, 3±4, 16, 20, 206 217±18, 220 Ancient Britons (fencible regiment) 33 Harpers festival 224±5, 237 Ancram, Col. Lord 114 Belfast Newsletter 71, 153±4, 187±9 Anderson, Aeneas 77 Belhaven, Lord Anglican clergy 36, 45±8, 125±4, 199±201 Bellew, Christopher 126 Antrim, county 34, 43, 45, 49, 53, 55, Belmore, Lord 133 58±9, 99, 102, 112, 156 Beresford, John 52, 148 Archer, Thomas 99 Beresford, John Cladius 156 Arigna, (ironworks, cloalmines) 212 Belanagare 213 Arklow 89, 92, 96, 99, 101 Betts, Luckyn 128 Armagh, county, 7, 27, 33±4, 36, 41, 43, Binns, John 143 44±5, 47, 52±3, 201 Birch, Revd. Thomas Ledlie 46, 112±13, city 47 210 Armstrong, John 101 Bird, John (alias John Smith) 24, 27 Arthur, Francis 108 Bishop, Thomas 113 Asgill, Major General Charles, 111 Bishop, William 113 Ascendancy, Protestant, 2, 8, 12±13, 46, Blaris, army camp 128 93, 147, 156, 159, 197 Blessington 99, 100, 112 Auckland, William Eden, 1st Baron 177±9 Bonaparte, Napoleon 143±4 Australia 117, 129, 139, 144±5 Bond Oliver 56±7, 59±60, 63±4, 140 Bossy, John 200 Ballinacloon 123 Boston 91 Ballingale 121 Botany Bay, penal colony 75, 77±8, 82, Ballymanus 92, 126 103, 107, 110, 128, 134±38 Ballymoney 51, 126 Braughall, Thomas 63±4 Ballynahinch 99±100, 112, 126, 161, Brien, Moses 118 187±90 British Army 15, 33, 73±4, 107, 129, Ballyvaskin 139 134±7, 142±4 Bangor 187 British Navy 129, 135, 139 Bank of England 15±16 Brownlow William 27 Bantry, Lord 123 Bryan, James 115 238 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-66109-6 - Revolution, Counter-Revolution and Union: Ireland in the 1790s Edited by Jim Smyth Index More information Index 239 Buck, John 46 `Charlemontites' 34 Burke, Edmund 69, 70, 74±75, 165, 194, Chouans 10 219 Church of Ireland 5, 45±6, 84±95, 194, Burnettstown 123 197, 200±2, 206±7 Burns, Robert 198 Clare, Lady 139 Burrowes, Peter 116, 163 Cleaver, Euseby bishop of Ferns? 103 Butler, Andrew 139 Clelland, Revd. John 27, 46±7, 112±13 Butler, Rev 36 Clifton, James Agar, Viscount 100, 105 Butler, Simon 56 Clone 126 Byrne, Luke 93 Clonegal 93, 95, 98 Byrne, Myles 88, 94, 143 Cloney, Thomas 38, 116±18 Byrne, William 126, 140 Clonmell 111±12 Bryson, Andrew 143 Clonmell, Lord 111 Coates, Thomas 126 Caldwell, James 132±3 Coclough, John 35, 99±100 Caldwell, Robert 132±3 College Green 10, 59 Camden, John Jeffries Pratt, 2nd earl 21, Colley, Linda 12 52, 146±7 Collins, Thomas 27 discredited 130 colonialism 1, 4±5, 7 Camolin 93, 102 Compensation Act 122 Canada 144 confessional state 3, 45, 197, 200 Canny, Nicholas 4±5 Connaught 19, 22, 25, 28, 32±3, 57 (sp?) Carbury, barony of 25 62, 65±6, 130, 218±19 Carey, `a Dublin priest' 63±4 Connolly, Sean 1, 199 Carey, William, 137 Constable, Grace 123 Carhampton, Henry Lutteral, 2nd earl 28, Cooke, Edward, under-secretary 16, 52±3, 32, 52, 62 118±19, 148, 153±4 Carlisle, Fredrick Howard, 5th earl147 Cope, Robert 27 Carlow, county 24, 28±30, 36, 86±90, 95, Corcoran, James 102 99, 124, 136 Corish, Patrick 2 Carnew 93 Cork Carr, Richard 137 city 62, 65, 114, 129, 156 Carrickfergus 48 county 101, 142, 157 Cashel 109±10 Corkery, Daniel 2±3 Castlebridge 93 Cornwallis, Charles, Ist marquess 19, Castlecomer 99 36±7, 102±19, 122, 125, 127, Castle Hill rebellion 144 129±35, 138, 140, 142±5, 147±8, Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, 1st earl of 46, 151±8, 169±71 69, 71±2, 106, 112, 121±2, 130±1, Corry, John 33 134±5, 140±1, 145, 148±9, 151±5, Cosway, Richard 177±9 157±8 Cotter, Sir James 5 Catholics Courtown, Lord 124 Committee 8, 56, 64, 126, 159, 197, courts martial 105±8, 111±18, 127, 217, 219 129±42 Convention 108, 110, 219 Cox, `Watty' Walter 190±1, 194, 228, 230 clergy 83, 199, 202 Crauford, Robert 131 Relief Act (1793) 89, 210, 220 Crosbie, Sir Edward 28±9 Question 8, 147±8 Crowshew, Nathaniel 115 emancipation 37±8, 53, 147, 202 Cruickshank, George 190 Cavan, county 123 Cruickshanks, Isaac 185 Cavan, Richard Ford William Lambert, 7th Cullen, Fintan, 20 earl 41, 44, 47 Cullen, John 167 Chalmers, John 206 Cullen, Louis 18±19, 83±4, 87±90, 93, Chambers, John 60, 63±4, 143 201 Charlemont, James Cau®eld, earl of, 27, Culloden, battle 224, 226 153, 169 Cunningham, Philip 111±12 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-66109-6 - Revolution, Counter-Revolution and Union: Ireland in the 1790s Edited by Jim Smyth Index More information 240 Index Curren, John Philpot 35, 165, 236 Dungannon 48, 202 Curtin, Nancy 18, 168, 181, 202 Dun Laoghaire 70 Curtis, Edmund 2 Dunn, John 138±9 Dunne, Tom 18 Dalrymple, General 44, 51 Durey, Michael 18±19, 105, 107 D'arcy, James 115 Dwyer, Michael 102 Darcy, John 137 Davis, Thomas 193, 222 Eagleton, Terry 7 Declaratory Act 4, 11 East India Company 78 Deering, Col. Edward 109±10 Edinburgh 10±11, 150 Defenders 7±10, 13±14, 27, 33, 37, 48, Elliott, Marianne 17±18, 161±3 56±7, 62, 102, 128±9, 204, 220±1 Ely, Henry Loftus, 1st earl 29, 35, 37 and merger with United Irishmen 33 Emmett, Robert 113, 132, 194, 225, 236 Defoe, Daniel 159 Emmett, Thomas Addis 56, 58±61, 63±4, Delany, Nicholas 137 143 Derry, county 43±5, 51, 58, 63, 133, 154 Enlightenment 213, 222, 224±5, 229 Detroit, battle of 144 Counter-Enlightenment 237 Devereux, John 114±15 Ennis 139 Devereux, Michael 88 Enniscorthy 85, 91±4, 96, 99, 102, 115, Devereux, Walter 114±15 124 Dickinson, William 179 Enniskillen 202 Dickson, David 5 Enniskillen, William Willoughby Cole, 1st Dickson, William Steele 228 earl 133 Dixon, James 60, 63±4 Evens, Robert 126 Dobbyn, Eliza 101 Evatt, Capt. Henry 187±9 Dodd, William 123 Dolan, Bridget, `Biddy' 114, 140 Fawcett, General Sir William 114 Donaghmore, Richard Healy-Hutchison Fay, John 26 1st earl 155 fencibles 33, 49, 62, 102 Donegal, county 26, 46±7 Fenianism 17 Donnelly, James 204 Ferguson, Henry 113 Down, county 25, 32±6, 43, 45±6, 50, Finucane, James 139 52±3, 55, 58, 68±9, 71, 79, 99, Fitzgerald, Lord Edward 14, 20±1, 58±61, 112±13, 126, 136, 138, 156, 187 63±6, 108, 161, 165±7, 173±6, Downpatrick 69 179±87, 190, 192±4, 236 Downshire, Arthur Hill, 2nd marquess 25, Fitzgerald, Pamela 166 33, 48, 50±2, 64, 100, 102, 112, 121, Fitzgerald, Judkin Thomas 31, 171 126 semi-demented 31 Drennan, Dr William 11, 26±7, 33, 56, reputed madman 109±10 68, 75, 149, 152±4, 156, 159, 166±8, Fitzgibbon, John, earl of Clare 4, 18, 21, 218 119, 148, 161, 169±79, 181, 183, Dromore, Bishop of 45 185, 194 Drogheda 26 Fitzwilliam, earl of 21±2, 28, 33, 56, 64, Dublin 9, 14, 19, 25±6, 28, 31, 34±5, 47, 84 52, 55±61, 70, 99, 126, 148, 150, Fitzwilliam estate 85±8, 93 155±6, 158±59, 165±8, 218 Fletcher, Ruth 101 county 138 Flood, Henry 171, 234 Dublin Castle 5, 10, 19, 21, 27±8, 36, Fogerty, Martin 111 50±3, 57, 61, 101, 117, 127, 141, 216 Fort George, prison and barracks 141, 143 Dublin Magazine 169 Foster, John (Speaker) 25±6, 104, 108, Duffy, Charles Gavan 163, 183 119, 169, 220 Duigenan, Dr. Patrick 156 Foster, Roy 39±40 Duke, John 113 Fox, Charles James 176, 185±7 Dundalk 155 Foxites 19, 181, 185 Dundas, Henry 73±4, 78, 81, 147, 149, France, 147, 149, 167 155 counter-revolution in, 10 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-66109-6 - Revolution, Counter-Revolution and Union: Ireland in the 1790s Edited by Jim Smyth Index More information Index 241 democratic hairstyles and costume 181±2 Hill, Sir George 45, 50, 52, 154 revolution 3, 5,6, 8±10, 15, 195, 208 Historiography 2±18, 21 revolutionary ideas, impact of 3,6,15, 53, Holden, Eleanor 111 90±1, 97, 219 Holt, Joseph 102, 185 war with Great Britain 6, 13, 15±16, 21, Home, Robert 194 55, 129, 138, 185 Hone, Horace 181, 183 Francis, Bridget 115 Hope, Jemmy 98, 220 Freemans Journal 154, 229 Hoppner, John 177±9, 194 Freemasonry 9 Horish, Mr Master Sweep 171 Furlong, Nicholas 92 Horan, James 110 Huffam, T. W. 163 Gahan, Daniel, 18, 19 Humbert, General 221 Galway Hume, David 229 city 65 Hunt, Lynn 181 county 101, 142, 157 Garlike, Benjamin 139 Inch 94 Garylough 2 Inglis, Brian 168 Gaynor, Tony Insurrection Act 18, 28, 32, 40, 130, George III 10, 69, 73, 77±8, 141 138±9 Gibbons (alias Fitzgibbons), James 111 Ireland `Hidden' 1±3 Gibbons, Luke 19±20 Irish language 87, 224 Gillray, James 171, 185±7 Gilmore, Peter 113 Jackson, Henry 56, 59, 60±1, 63±5, 216 Glorious Revolution 74 Jackson, John 63±4 Goldsmith, Oliver 232 Jackson, Revd.
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