TANE 24, 1978 VASCULAR PLANTS OF HEN ISLAND (TARANGA) NORTH-EASTERN NEW ZEALAND by A.E. Wright Department of Botany, University of Auckland, Private Bag, Auckland SUMMARY An annotated list of vascular plants found on Hen Island includes a total of 278 taxa (235 native and 43 adventive species). The position of less common species is shown on a map as an aid to their relocation in the future. Information on distribution and abundance is included and almost all records are supported by Herbarium specimens. Thirty-two taxa are listed for the first time from Hen Island. INTRODUCTION Hen Island (Taranga) lies 40km southeast of Whangarei City in the outer Hauraki Gulf (latitude 174° 43' E and longitude 35° 58' S - Fig. 1). The island is characterised by a steep, rocky coastline, with gentler slopes and wide valleys in more elevated areas and scattered rock outcrops along the summit ridges. Vegetation types vary greatly from dense coastal scrub through more open taraire/tawa (Beilschmiedia) forest, mixed coastal forest, kanuka (Lepto• spermum ericoides) scrub of a variety of ages to exposed meadow and scrub communities on the high rock outcrops. During a nine day scientific expedition to Hen Island (24 August — 1 September, 1977) a species list of vascular plants was compiled and a collection of specimens was made. The species are listed below in families, together with common names, general notes on abundance, distribution and habitat, and the Herbarium number of the specimen deposited in the Herbarium of the Auckland Institute and Museum (AK). Nomenclature and ordering of families follows Allan (1961) and Moore and Edgar (1970) for native plants except grasses. Adventive species and their common names follow the New Zealand Weed and Pest Control Society (1969). Authorities are given for exceptions to these sources. Records made by Cranwell and Moore (1935) following two weeks fieldwork in the early summers of 1933 and 1934, but not found during the present survey have been included to make the list as complete as possible. Cranwell and Moore lodged a comprehensive collection of specimens from the Hen and Chickens Islands with AK and their specimens have been cited (where they exist) if no collection was made during the present survey. Genera are listed alphabetically within families, as are species within genera, •denotes adventive species; denotes adventive families listed at the end of the appropriate section of the list; N.C. denotes species seen during present survey, but not collected. 77 WILSON BAY LIGHTHOUSE BAY DRAGON'S MOUTH COVE PUKANUI BAY N SIBSON BAY REISCHEK BAY KEY : 1 Agathis australis ( + Gahnia setifolia) A TRIG STATION 2 Hymenophyllum scabrum 0 • PROMINENT POINTS 3 Trichomanes elongatum jf^ INLAND ROCK OUTCROPS 4 Xeronema callistemon KILOMETRES Fig. 1. Location of place-names and unusual and interesting plants. Inset shows the position of Hen Island «ff «™ Family Species Comments AK No. PSILOPSIDA Psilotaceae Tmesipteris elongate Dang. Rare in high areas, growing from the bases of epiphytic 142772 Collospermum. Up to 60cm long, branching. T. lanceolate Dang. Occasional epiphyte on Cyathea dealbata in damp 142731 shady areas. T. tannensis Common in damp valleys in upper part of island; 142890 both terrestrial on rich soils and epiphytic on Cyathea dealbata. LYCOPSIDA Lycopodiaceae Lycopodium billiardieri Clubmoss. Occasional, growing from bases of 142765 epiphytic Collospermum in damp areas. FILICOPSIDA Schizaeaceae Lygodium articulatum Mangemange. Very thick tangles scattered through 142702 dry, open, coastal forest in lower areas. Hymenophyllaceae Hymenophyllum demissum Abundant on damp rocks around The Pinnacles; 142673 common in damp valleys throughout. 142988 H. dilatatum Common on damp shaded rocks around The Pinnacles; 142984 occasional in damp valleys on the northern side of the island. H. flabellatum Listed by Cranwell and Moore as rare on exposed interior rocks. No specimen in AK. H. rarum Listed by Cranwell and Moore as rare (on Astelia leaf 114409 bases) in climax coastal forest. AK 114409 coll. Moore & Cranwell 30.11.34 "under rock near fort". H. revolution Common on rock faces and lower tree trunks 142679 around the highest Pinnacle. H. sanguinolentum Occasional; growing below Astelia and Collospermum 142671 on rock outcrops on ridges. H. scabrum Rare; terrestrial beneath mature kanuka forest in 142775 wide valley between Taranga and the Pinnacles. Family Species Comments AK No. Trichomanes elongatum Rare; very small, juvenile plants in one deeply 142672 incised valley in the centre of the northern side of the island. T. endlicherianum Common on shaded clay banks of deeply incised 142680 valley in the centre of the northern side of the island. T. reniforme Kidney fern. Common on damp rocks around The 142670 Pinnacles; terrestrial on damp soil in central valleys on the northern side of the island. Dicksoniaceae Dicksonia squarrosa Wheki. Rare around base of highest Pinnacles: 142678 common in one damp valley in the centre of the northern side of the island. Cyatheaceae Cyathea dealbata Ponga. Common in dry valleys throughout. 142700 142781 C. medullaris Mamaku. Occasional seedlings found in openings N.C. in damp valleys. Polypodiaceae Anarthropteris lanceolata Abundant on rock faces in forest throughout. 142942 Phymatodes diversifolium Hound's tongue. Abundant on coastal and inland 142873 rocks and trees. P. scandens Abundant on rocks and trees in dry valleys 142694 throughout. Pyrrosia serpens Abundant throughout; epiphytic on trees and rocks. 142940 Thelypteridaceae Thelypteris pennigera Occasional in dry valleys throughout. 142982 Dennstaedtiaceae Hypolepis punctata Listed by Cranwell and Moore as occurring in climax coastal forest. No supporting specimen in AK. H. tenuifolia Uncommon; growing on alluvial soil beside stream in 142703 Pukanui Bay. Davalliaceae Arthropteris tenella Common on rocks in dry valleys throughout. 142741 Family Species Comments AK No. Pteridaceae Histiopteris incisa Water fern. Rare in an open area below the highest 142767 Pinnacle. Paesia scaberula Listed by Cranwell and Moore as very rare in Leptospermum forest (on slip with Typha). No specimen in AK. Pteridium aquilinum var. esculentum Bracken. Common in open areas throughout. 142769 Pteris comans Occasional in open coastal forest and on coastal banks. 142751 P. macilenta var. saxatilis Occasional in dry, open coastal forest. 142770 P. tremula Turawera. Common on dry, well-lit coastal banks. 142750 Aspleniaceae Asplenium bulbiferum subsp. Hen and chickens fern. gracillimum Brownsey Rare, finely cut plants in coastal forest. 142740 A. flaccidum subsp. flaccidum Common epiphyte on rocks and trees, usually away 142701 from coast. A. flaccidum subsp. haurakiense Common along coastline; usually terrestrial but 142704 Brownsey occasionally epiphytic on Metrosideros excelsa. A. lamprophyllum Abundant in dry, rocky forest throughout. The most 142752 abundant and striking fern on the island, often forming pure swards up to 10m across. A. lucidum Huruhuruwhenua. Abundant throughout. 142692 A. polyodon Forst.f. Common in dry forest throughout; both epiphytic 142766 and terrestrial. Blechnaceae Blechnum capense Kiokio. Uncommon; occurring in scattered localities 142782 usually near rock outcrops. The 'Green Bay form' was found in coastal areas. B. filiforme Abundant in dry forest; adult plants occasionally 142705 terrestrial. B. lanceolatum Common around streams and seasonal watercourses 142980 throughout. B. membranaceum Occasional on streambanks. AK 69327 coll. N.C. Moore and Cranwell 28.11.34 "near kauri". 69327 Family Species Comments AK No. B. vulcanicum Rare; one colony of approximately 20 plants growing 142771 on stony soil beneath mature Leptospermum in a shallow, sheltered valley. Doodia media Common in coastal areas, particularly beneath 142699 Leptospermum. Dryopteridaceae Ctenitis decomposita Rare; one large colony found in immature coastal 142889 forest. Creeping among rocks on dry ridge. C. glabella Listed by Cranwell and Moore (1935) as occurring in 114836 climax forest. AK 114836 coll. Moore and Cranwell 14.11.33. C. velutina Velvet fern. Occasional in very dry, rocky coastal areas. 142735 Polystichum richardii Abundant in open coastal forest throughout; also 142706 very large plants growing along central ridge. Adiantaceae Adiantum cunninghamii Maidenhair. Occasional in damp stream valleys in 142682 forest. A. diaphanum Occasional in steep dry areas in coastal forest. 142753 A. fulvum Common in dry forest throughout. 142697 A. hispidulum Rosy maidenhair. Common in dry coastal areas and 142711 dry inland forest. Woolly cloak fern. Common in meadows on exposed 143349 Cheilanthes distans rock outcrops around the Pinnacles, Moran's Lookout and Baldy. Very common in crevices on rocky outcrops throughout. 142970 C. sieberi Range in length and breadth of frond considerable depending on degree of exposure. Uncommon in dry forest, particularly in flat areas on 142975 Pellaea rotundifolia headlands. Family Species Comments AK No. SPERMATOPSI DA GYMNOSPERMAE Araucariaceae Agathis australis Kauri. Rare; one mature specimen located (see Fig. 1). 142744 Despite searching, the two younger teees recorded by Cranwell and Moore (1935) were not found. The single tree is approximately 18m tall with a diameter at breast height of 50cm. ANGIOSPERMAE DICOTYLEDONES Lauraceae Beilschmiedia tar air i Taraire. Common canopy tree in shallow valleys 142657 throughout. Often a pure dominant with trees to 14m tall. B. tawa Large-leaved tawa.
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