PE 49 December 5, 1969 H CH&INMAH MA(l, UrcE-CTEAIRfrTf,il LIII AilD PREIffiIER GII(IU SEI{II frTE$$ASE &A T(} G(}ffiTADE$ H()X[Ifl, ILE$ffi! AIIII SHEHU - Extending the wormest greetings on the 25th onniversory 4, of the liberotion of Albonio {& U.S.-Jqponese Resctionqries' Criminol Designs ,W Ghaitman tlao's ttlilitary Thinking ls the illagie Weapon Ess 0efeatimg the Ememy ou0TATroils FRoH GHltntttil rlr[0 I$ETUIO Ihe Parties and peoples of China and Albania have cemented a profound revolutionary friendship in socialist revolution and socialist construction and in the struggle against imperialism and modern revisionism. This friendship founded on the basis of Marxist-Leninist and proletarian internationalist principles is eternal and indestructible. The revolutionary friendship between the peoples of China and AJbania has stood the test of fierce international class struggles. No matter what happens in the world, our two Parties and our two peoples will always be united, will always fight together and be victorious together. The time is not far off when all the aggressors in the world will be buried together with their running dogs. There is no es- cape for them. Break down foreign conventions and follow our own road in developing industry, PRETIIER GH(IU $E]ID TIIESSAGE T(} G(}TIRAIIES H(IXHI, ttE$HI IIID SHEHU - Extending the wormest greetings on the 25th onniversory of the liberotion of Albonio I\r OnfnaOE Mao Tsetung, the great leader of the Twenty-five years ago, under the leadership of Chinese people and Chairman of the Central the Albanian Party of Labour headed by Comrade Committee of the Communist Party of China, Com- Enver Hoxha, the Albanian people. taking up arms, rade Lin Piao, Vice-Chairman of the Party Central advancing wave upon wave- fighting indomitably, Committee, and Comrade Chou En-lai, Premier of going through protracted struggles and relying on the State Council of the People's Republic of China, their own efforts, defeated the Italian-German on November 28 sent a message to Comrade Enver fascist occupationists and liberated their ovrn father- Hoxha, the great leader of the Albanian people and land. This is a great victory in the history of the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Albanian people's revolutionary struggle. Albanian Party of Labour, Comrade Haxhi Lleshi, In the 25 years since liberation, under the wise President of the Presidium of the People,s Assembly leadership of the Albanian Party of Labour. the People's of the Republic of Albania, and Comrade heroic Albanian people, holding aloft the red banner Mehmet Shehu, Chairman of the Council of Minis- of Marxism-Leninism, fearing neither hardship nor ters of the People's Republic of Albania, extending peril and'defying brute foice, have crushed the the warmest greetings on the 25th anniversary of subversion, sabotage and trouble-making by the the liberation of Albania. The message reads in full class enemies at home and abroad, defended the in- as follows: dependence of the fatherland and safeguarded the socialist the Tirana state. Upholding the dictatorship of proletariat and persisting in taking the socialist Comrade Enver Ifoxha, First Secretary of the road, the Alhanian people have achieved brilliant Central Committee of the Albanian party of successes in socialist revolution and socialist con- Labour, struction. Albania's revolutionization movement has pushed the socialist revolution to a more Comrade Haxhi Lleshi, President of the Presidium deepening stage, greatly transformed the mental people,s of the Peop1e's Assembly of the outlook of the peopie and further promoted the Republic of Albania, vigorous development of the cause of socialist con- struction. people Comrade Mehmet Shehu, Chairman of the The Albanian have waged valiant struggles Council of Ministers of the people,s Republic against imperialism headed by the United of Albania, States, modern revisionism with the Soviet revision- ist ruling clique as its centre and the reactionaries Dear Comrades: of all countries and made outstanding contributions At a time when the fraternal Albanian people, to the revolutionary cause of the people the world with the pride in victory, are joyously celebrating over. Today, socialist Aibania has become a strong the 25th anniversary of the liberation of their bulwark in supporting the proletariat and revolu- fatherland, we, on behalf of the Communist party tionary people of the world in their struggle for liberation. of China, the Government of the people,s Republie of China and the entire Chinese people, extend the The brilliant victories of the Albanian people warmest greetings to you and to the Albanian party are victories for the proletarian revolutionary line of Labour, the Government of the people,s Republic of the Albanian Party of Labour headed by the of Albania and the entire Albanian people. great Marxist-Leninist Comrade Enver Eloxha. The Deceraber 5, 1Xi9 Albanian Party'6f'ta,bour and the Albanian people modern revisionists and the reactionaries of aII coult- have enriched the treasure house of Marxism- tries may struggle, they cannot save themselves Leninism with their brilliant revolutionary practice. from their inevitable doom. Their days are num- proletariat The Chinese people and the Communist Party bered. Let us unite closely with the throughout people of China are immensely elated over the splendid the world and all the oppressed and nations greater achievements and great victories of their close com- to win still victories! rades-in-arms the Albanian people and the AI- Long live the heroic Albanian pmple! banian Party -of Labour. the protracted com- In Long live the everlasting, unbreakable militant mon struggle, our two Parties, two Governments friendship between Chinese and Albanian peoples profound the and two have forged revolution- peoples! ary friendship between them. Our friendship is based on Marxism-Leninism and proletarian inter- Mao Tsetung, Chairman. of the Central nationalism and has stood the test of violent storms. Committee of the Communist Party of The constant growth of the friendship between China China and Albania will certainly produce an in- Lin Piao, Vice-Chairman of the Central creasingly far-reaching effect on the international Committee of the Communist Party of communist movement and the revolutionary cause China of the people of the world. Chou En-lai, Premier of the State Council Today, the revolutionary struggle of the peo- of the People's Republic of China ples of the world has entered a new historical stage. No matter how frenziedly the imperialists, the November 28th, 1969 Chinese Porty ond Governrnent Delegotion Attends Celebrotions ln Tirono rftHE Chinese Party and Government Delegation with eign Trade; and Wang Hsiu-chen, Member of the I Li Hsien-nien, Member of the Political Bureau of Party Central Committee, textile worker and leading the Central Committee of the Communist Party of member of the Shanghai Municipal Revolutionary Com- China and Vice-Premier of the State Council of the mittee. People's Republic China, as head, and Teh- of the Li Seeing the delegation off at the airport were: Chou sheng, Alternate Member of the Political Bureau of the En-Iai, Standing Committee Member of the Political Party Central Committee, Member of the Com- Military Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist mi.ssion the Party Central Chairman of Committee and Party of China and Premier of the State Council; Kang Committee Anhwei Province, of the Revolutionary of Sheng, Standing Committee Member of the Political as the deputy head, left Peking for Tirana by special Bureau of the Party Central Committee; Wu Fa-hsien, plane on November 25 to take part in the celebrations Yao Wen-yuan, Huang Yung-sheng and Hsieh Fu-chih, of the 25th anniversary of the liberation of Albania Members of the Political Bureau of the Party Central and the victory of the people's revolution at the invita- Committee; Chi Teng-kuei, Alternate Member of the tion of the Central Committee of the Albanian Party Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee; Wang of Labour and the Council of Ministers of the People's Hsin-ting, Kuang Jen-nung, Wu Teh and Wu Jui-lin, Republic of Albania. Members of the Party Central Committee; Huang Chih- Members of the delegation are: Keng Piao, lWember yung, Alternate Member of the Party Central Commit- of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of tee; and leading members of the departments concerned. China and Chinese Ambassador to Albania (already in Xhorxhi Robo, Albanian Ambassador to China, was Tirana); Chang Ta-chih, Member of the Party Central also present at the airport. Committee and Commander of the Artillery of the Chi- nese People's Liberation Army; Li Chiang, Member of The Chinese Party and Government Delegation ar- the Party Central'Committee and Vice-Minister of For- rived in Tirana on the afternoon of November 26. Wel- 4 Peking Reoiew, No. 49 I coming the Chinese delegation at the airport were: the Revolutionary Committee of Anhwei Province, as l\{ehmet Shehu, Member of the Political Bureau of the the deputy head. Central Committeq of the A1bani4n Party of Labour Present on the occasion were Beqir Balluku, Gogo and Chairman of the Council of Ministeis; Adil Carcani, Nushi, Haki Toska, Hysni Kapo, Manush Myftiu, Beqir Balluku, Gogo Nushi, Hqki Toska, Hysni Kapo, Mehmet Shehu, Ramiz AIia and Rita Marko, Members Ramiz Alia, Rita Marko and Spiro Koleka, Members of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee'of the of the Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee; Albanian Party of Labour; Xhafer Spahiu, Secretary Abdyl Kellezi, Kadri Hazbiu, Koco Theodhosi, Petrit of the Party Central Committee; Bexhar Shtylla and Dume and Pilo Peristeri, Alternate Members of the Nesti Nase, Members of the Party Central Committee; Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee; and Piro Bita, Director of the International Department Xhafer Spahiu, Secretary of the Party Central Com- of the Party Central Committee.
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