Airport Diagram Airport Diagram 13178 a Tis Fiel D 134 8 Ele V

Airport Diagram Airport Diagram 13178 a Tis Fiel D 134 8 Ele V

SW-3, 06 FEB 2014 to 06 MAR 2014 MAR 06 to 2014 FEB 06 SW-3, 13178 AIRPORT DIAGRAM AIRPORT DIAGRAM 13178 ATIS FIELD 134.8 ELEV LINDBERGH TOW ER 17 118.3 338.225 3244.5'N GND CON 123.9 CLNC DEL 125.9 ASDE-X Surveillance System in use. D Pilots should operate transponders E .3 with M ode C on all twys and rwys. 12 ELEV AIR R CARGO VA 9 14093 .7 RAMP EMAS FIRE TW R JANUARY 2010 10 ION B STAT ANNUAL RATE OF CHANGE 9 B B NORTH RAMP 0.1 W 9400 ISLAND A 8 GENERAL B X 200 IATION RAMP 6 AV 7 C B PARKING AL-373 (FAA) B W EST 5 C F C RAMP B 6 B 3244.0'N EAST 4 5 C RAMP B 3 C C B 4 B 273 .7 2 B C 1 ELEV TERMINAL 1 C TERMINAL 2 W EST 16 TERMINAL 2 EAST B COMMUTER D 1 27 U.S. CUSTOMS COMMUTER B INAL RAMP AND TERM 1 INTERNATIONAL AND B GATES ARPT ADMIN G SAN DIEGOINTL SAN DIEGO INTL 175 RW Y 09-27 PCN 78 F/B/W /T SAN DIEGO,CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO,CALIFORNIA U.S. COAST GUARD AIR STATION 3243.5'N CAUTION: BE ALERT TO RUNW AY CROSSING CLEARANCES. READBACK OF ALL RUNW AY HOLDING INSTRUCTIONS IS REQUIRED. (SAN) (SAN) 11712.5'W 11712.0'W 11711.5'W 11711.0'W 11710.5'W SW-3, 06 FEB 2014 to 06 MAR 2014 (BRDR6.BROWS)12264 SAN DIEGO INTL(SAN) BORDER SIX DEPARTURE SL-373 (FAA) SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA ATIS 134.8 NOTE: Runway 9- RADAR REQUIRED. CLNC DEL 125.9 GND CON 123.9 NOTE: Runway 27- DME REQUIRED. JULIAN LINDBERGH TOWER 114.0 JLILJ 118.3 338.225 2 I 8 Chan 87 SOCAL DEP CON 1 - N3308.43’ - W11635.16’ EAST 124.35 279.625 R L-4, H-4 WEST 119.6 363.1 MISSION BAY 117.8 MZBM Z IMPERIAL B 00 Chan 125 5 ) 115.9 IPLI P 8 L 7800 Chan 106 32 PGY 002 ( * N3244.93’ - W11530.51’ 19 L-4, H-4 275 R-096 090 50 25 7000 R-250 120 096 V317 *6100 R-260 070 080 069 (64) BROWS 25 (11) N3237.87’ POGGI W11646.20’ 109.8 PGYYGP Chan 35 SW-3, 06 FEB 2014 to MAR TAKEOFF MINIMUMS N3236.62’ - W11658.75’ Rwy 9: 400-1 with minimum climb of 610' per NM to 1900 or standard with minimum climb of 686' per NM to 1900. 1 Rwy 27:400-2 2 or standard with minimum climb of 353' per NM to 400. TAKEOFF OBSTACLE NOTES Rwy 9: Obstruction light, sign and trees beginning 11' from DER, 258' left of centerline, up to 38' AGL/77' MSL. Antenna on building, pole and lighted barrier beginning 18' from DER, 5' right of centerline, up to 35' AGL/50' MSL. Obstruction light on localizer 272' from DER, on centerline, 19' AGL/38' MSL. Vent on building, multiple buildings, and trees beginning 741' from DER, 104' right of centerline, up to 173' AGL/317' MSL. Electrical system, pole, multiple antennas on lighted buildings and trees beginning 792' from DER, 135' left of centerline, up to 66' AGL/138' MSL. Buildings and trees beginning 5834' from DER, 19' right of centerline, up to 280' AGL/394' MSL. Lighted stack, poles and trees beginning 1 NM from DER, 492' left of centerline, up to 132' AGL/419' MSL. SW-3, 06 FEB 2014 to MAR Rwy 27:Light pole 195' from DER, 348' right of centerline, 20' AGL/30' MSL. Obstruction light on DME 287' from DER, 315' left of centerline, 18' AGL/28' MSL. Trees beginning 633' from DER, 321' left of centerline, 52' AGL/62' MSL. Trees beginning 777' from DER, 163' right of centerline, 55' AGL/78' MSL. Light on flagpole 2517' from DER, 706' left of centerline, 99' AGL/118' MSL. Tower and trees beginning 2595' from DER, 15' right of centerline, 97' AGL/196' MSL. Trees beginning 4772' from DER, 532' left of centerline, 92' AGL/269' MSL. Building and trees beginning 5418' from DER, 96' right of centerline, 88' AGL/253' MSL. Trees beginning 1.7 NM from DER, 1301' left of centerline, 100' AGL/379' MSL. NOTE: Chart not to scale. T DEPARTURE ROUTE DESCRIPTION TAKEOFF RUNWAY 9: Climb on heading 090 to intercept MZB VORTAC R-096 to BROWS INT. Thence. TAKEOFF RUNWAY 27: Climb on heading 275 until PGY 19 DME, then left turn on heading 120 to intercept PGY VORTAC R-260 and R-069 to BROWS INT. Thence. IMPERIAL TRANSITION (BRDR6.IPL): From over BROWS INT to IPL VORTAC. JULIAN TRANSITION (BRDR6.JLI): From over BROWS INT to JLI VORTAC. SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA BORDER SIX DEPARTURE SAN DIEGO INTL(SAN) (BRDR6.BROWS)12264 (LNSAY3.LNSAY)12264 SAN DIEGO INTL(SAN) LNSAY THREE DEPARTURE SL-373 (FAA) SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA SEAL BEACH ATIS 134.8 115.7 SLIS IL CLNC DEL 125.9 Chan 104 GND CON 123.9 N3347.00’ - W11803.29’ LINDBERGH TOWER R - L-3-4, H-4 148 118.3 338.225 SOCAL DEP CON SANTA CATALINA EAST 124.35 279.625 111.4 SXCS CX WEST 119.6 363.1 Chan 51 FALCC OCEANSIDE N3322.50’ - W11825.19’ 8000 1500 115.3 OCNO * N3315.68’ 328 C L-3-4, H-4 N ( Chan 100 34 W11734.11’ V208 ) -458 8000 R-091 R-264 *3200 8000 271 34 2000* 8000314 JULIAN ( 114.0 JLI (30 R J ) *20008 - L ) 155 I Chan 87 HARBR 271 ( N3314.28’ 19) W11751.38’ LNSAY 25 314 R-256 TAKEOFF MINIMUMS N3308.77’ ( 5 R-249 Rwy 9: 400-1 with minimum climb W11729.13’ ) 16 of 610' per NM to 1900 or R-241 SW-3, 06 FEB 2014 to MAR standard with minimum climb 20 ( MAFAN 7 of 686' per NM to 1900. ) BOKNE N3304.10’ 1 N3258.41’ Rwy 27:400-2 2 or standard with W11725.78’ W11721.71’ minimum climb of 353' per ( 8000 6 NM to 400. ) 314 MISSION BAY 23 117.8 MZBBZM NOTE: RADAR REQUIRED Chan 125 NOTE: Aircraft filed at or above 14000 expect CLSTR R 2 N3252.16’ R - 7 clearance via FALCC TRANSITION. - 314 5 335 297 W11720.41’ NOTE: Aircraft filed at or below 13000 expect 4000 clearance via SLI or SXC TRANSITION. 2 9 NOTE: Rwy 27, minimum climb of 310' per NM to O R 0 - C 4000 155 SW-3, 06 FEB 2014 to MAR 8000 required between CLSTR INT and MAFAN INT. N 092 TAKEOFF OBSTACLE NOTES Rwy 9: Obstruction light, sign and trees beginning 11' from DER, 258' left of centerline, up to 38' AGL/77' MSL. Antenna on building, pole and lighted barrier beginning 18' from DER, 5' right of centerline, up to 35' AGL/50' MSL. Obstruction light on localizer 272' from DER, on centerline, 19' AGL/38' MSL. Vent on building, multiple buildings, and trees beginning 741' from DER, 104' right of centerline, up to 173' AGL/317' MSL. Electrical system, pole, multiple antennas on lighted buildings and trees beginning 792' from DER, 135' left of centerline, up to 66' AGL/138' MSL. Buildings and trees beginning 5834' from DER, 19' right of centerline, up to 280' AGL/394' MSL. Lighted stack, poles and trees beginning 1 NM from DER, 492' left of centerline, up to 132' AGL/419' MSL. Rwy 27:Light pole 195' from DER, 348' right of centerline, 20' AGL/30' MSL. Obstruction light on DME 287' from DER, 315' left of centerline, 18' AGL/28' MSL. Trees beginning 633' from DER, 321' left of centerline, 52' AGL/62' MSL. Trees beginning 777' from DER, 163' right of centerline, 55' AGL/78' MSL. Light on flagpole 2517' from DER, 706' left of centerline, 99' AGL/118' MSL. Tower and trees beginning 2595' from DER, 15' right of centerline, 97' AGL/196' MSL. Trees beginning 4772' from DER, 532' left of centerline, 92' AGL/269' MSL. Building and trees beginning 5418' from DER, 96' right of centerline, 88' AGL/253' MSL. Trees beginning 1.7 NM from DER, 1301' left of centerline, 100' AGL/379' MSL. NOTE: Chart not to scale. (NARRATIVE ON FOLLOWING PAGE) SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA LNSAY THREE DEPARTURE SAN DIEGO INTL(SAN) (LNSAY3.LNSAY)12264 (LNSAY3.LNSAY)12264 SAN DIEGO INTL(SAN) LNSAY THREE DEPARTURE SL-373 (FAA) SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA T DEPARTURE ROUTE DESCRIPTION TAKEOFF RUNWAY 9: Climb heading 092 to 4000, then left turn on heading 275 to intercept MZB R-314 to MAFAN INT. Thence. TAKEOFF RUNWAY 27: Climbing right turn on heading 290 to intercept OCN R-155 to CLSTR INT. Cross CLSTR INT at or below 4000, then on OCN R-155 and MZB R-314 to MAFAN INT. Thence. .cross MAFAN INT at or above 8000, then on MZB R-314 to LNSAY INT. Then (transition) or (assigned route). Maintain assigned altitude. FALCC TRANSITION (LNSAY3.FALCC): From over LNSAY INT via MZB R-314 to FALCC INT. SANTA CATALINA TRANSITION (LNSAY3.SXC): From over LNSAY INT via SXC R-091 to SXC VORTAC. SW-3, 06 FEB 2014 to MAR SEAL BEACH TRANSITION (LNSAY3.SLI): From over LNSAY INT via SXC R-091 to HARBR INT, then on heading 328 to SLI VORTAC. SW-3, 06 FEB 2014 to MAR SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA LNSAY THREE DEPARTURE SAN DIEGO INTL(SAN) (LNSAY3.LNSAY)12264 (PEBLE4.PEBLE)12320 SAN DIEGO INTL(SAN) PEBLE FOUR DEPARTURE SL-373 (FAA) SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA ATIS 134.8 SEAL BEACH PARADISE CLNC DEL 115.7 SLIS 112.2 PDZ R P L D 125.9 I - Chan 104 148 Z Chan 59 GND CON N3347.00’ - W11803.29’ 123.9 L-3-4, H-4 LINDBERGH TOWER 118.3 338.225 SOCAL DEP CON WEST 119.6 363.1 *2500 4000 32 184 ( - 38 R 8 ) R-0 97 4000 *3400 27 7 OCEANSIDE (32 ) 115.3 OCNNCO Chan 100 R-246 SANTA CATALINA 111.4 SXCS X PEBLE C -222 Chan 51 2 R N3310.92’ 39 9 N3322.50’ - W11825.20’ 3 W11750.17’ (9 L-3-4, H-4 ) SW-3, 06 FEB 2014 to MAR MELDY NOTE: RADAR required.

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