/v\ Digitized by the Internet Arciiive in 2009 witii funding from University of IVIassacliusetts, Boston http://www.arcliive.org/details/pocketalmanackfo1844amer : <^^ ^'t/^^*-€x>r-^ '\ M^ . J^^ MASSACHUSETTS REGISTER, 2lnftttr States ©alen^iar. 1844 STATE AND OTHER VALUABLE INFORMATION. Boston JAMES LORING, PUBLISHER. 132 Washington Street. ECLIPSES IN 1844. There will be five Eclipses this year, three of the Sun and two of the Moon. I. There will be an Eclipse of the Moon on the 3 1st of May in the evening, of which a small fragment only will be seen here, the Moon will rise (1 62 digits eclipsed) at 7h. 27m. and the Eclipse will end at 7h. 35m. II. There will be an eclipse of the Sun on the 15th of June, at 7h. 30m. in the evening, invisible here, visible in the South Pacific and Great Southern Oceans. III. There will be an eclipse of the Sun on the 10th of November, at4h. 40m. in the morning, invisible. Visible only in a small por- tion of the Great Southern Ocean. IV. There will be an eclipse of the Moon on Sunday, November 24th, in the evening, visible and total. Beginning, • - 5b. 7m. Beginning of total darkness, - 6h. 17m. Middle of the Eclipse, - . - 6h. 45m. End of total darkness, - - - 7h, 49m. End of the Eclipse, - - - - 8h. 57m. Duration of total darkness, - Ih, 33m. Whole duration, 3h. 50ni. V. There will be an Eclipse of the Sun on the 9th of December, in the afternoon, visible. Beginning, ------- 3h. 47m. Greatest obscuration, - - - 4h. 30m. Sun sets (1.18 digits eclipsed,) 4h. 34m. Duration of visibility, - - - Oh. 59m. *-;^* For Justices, &c. appointed in 1843, see Appendix. Correspondents are requested to forward their Communicationfl for the Register by the first of December, or earlier if possible. Mil INDEX. Academy of Arts & Sciences 155 Court, Counsel, Circuit, U.S. 184 Academy of Music - - - J57 " Supreme Judicial - 20 Amherst College - - - - 146 " S. J. Calendar of - 22 Andover Institution - - - 148 " Common Pleas - - 20 Antiquarian Society - - - 156 " C. P. Calendar of - 23 Anti-Slavery Societies - - 158 " Municipal - - - - 20 Ancient &. Hon. Artillery Co. 110 " Police 20 Army of the United trtates 197 " Probate 25 Assessors, Boston - - 231 Clay Club 165 Attorneys in Boston - - . 47 Chinese Tariff 216 Attorneys, Circuit Court, U.S. 184 Commerce of U. S. - - - 221 Athenseum ------ ]57 Cruises of Revenue Cutters 240 Auctioneers in Boston - - 236 Custom House Officers - - 186 Banks in Boston - - - - 166 Debt of U. S. - . - - - 223 Banks in Massachusetts - 174 Deaths in Boston - - - - 40 Barnstable Justices, &c. - 49 Dispensary, Medical - - - 160 Baptist Convention - . - 151 District Officers of U. States 182 Berkshire Justices, &c. - - 51 Dukes County Justices, &c. 60 Bible Societies - - - - 1.52 Education Societies - - - 151 Bishops, Episcopal, Method- Electoral Votes - - - - 120 ist & II. Catholic, in U.S. 123 Essex Justices, &.c. - - - 61 Blind Asylum 162 Eye and Ear Infirmary - - 160 Board of Education - - - 95 Farm School 162 Bristol Justices, &c. - - - 56 Federal Courts 183 British and American Trade 185 Fellows of Mass. Med. Soc. Ill Census of Towns, Mass. 3840 17 Fire Society - - - - - 164 Charitable Societies - - - 159 Fire Department, Boston - 232 Churches and Ministers - 124 Fires in Boston - - - - 237 Cincinnati of Massachusetts 162 Foreign Ministers - - - 189 Circuit Courts ----- 182 Franklin Justices, &c. - - 66 City Officers of Boston - - 229 Fraternity of Churches - - 164 Colleges in Massachusetts - 143 Governors of Massachusetts 29 Collectors of Customs - - 188 " of the several States 227 Colonization Society - - - 158 Hampshire Justices, &c. - 71 Commerce of Boston - - 239 Hampden Justices, &c. - - 69 Commissioners of Mass. - 95 Handel and Haydn Society 157 " of other States 98 Harvard University - - - 143 Constables jn Boston - - 236 Harvard Musical Association 157 Congress, 28th 177 Health Officers, Boston - - 230 Consuls Foreign, in U. S. - 189 Historical Society - - - - 1,55 Convention of Cong. Min. 121 Howard Benevolent Society 163 Congregational Char. Soc. 122 Hospital Corporation - - 159 Counsellors in Boston - - 47 Horticultural Society - - 165 County Commissioners - - 21 House of Reformation, In- " Meetings of - - - 24 dustry and Correction - 232 IV INDEX. Houses built in Boston - - 240 Police Court in Boston - - humane cjociety - - - - Iti4 iolice Officers, Boston - - 236 Imports and Exports - - 220 Postage - 104 Importations in Boston - - 238 Post Offices Instructers in Public Schools 234 Population of U. States - - Insurance Comps in Boston 241 " Massachusetts - 17 Intercourse with Foreign Na " Cities ... - 98 tions ..-.--- 188 Presidents of U. S. - - - 226 Library Associations - - 156 Prison Discipline Society - 163 JLunatic Hospital, Worcester 159 Probate Courts - - - - 25 Lying-in Hospital - - - - 161 Public Administrators - - 94 Lyceum, Boston - - - - 156 Rail Road Corporations - - 175 Manufactures of Mass. - - 40 Representatives of Mass. - 33 Marine Society, Boston - - 163 Revenue Cutter Hamilton - 187 " Hospital, U. S. - - 161 Sabbath School Societies - 158 Masters in Chancery - - - 94 Salaries of State Officers - 28 Mass. Char. Mechanic Asso. 247 " U. S. " - - 181 McLean Asylum - - - - 159 Savings Banks in Boston - 161 Medical Society of Mass. Ill ,152 Secretaries of Department - 181 " Schools - - - - 154 Seamen's Societies - - - 163 " Dispensary - - - 160 Senators and Represent's Mercantile Library - - - 156 in Cong, for Mass. from Merchants Exchange - - - 165 1789 to 1843 ----- 224 Middlesex Justices, &c. - 74 School Committee, Boston 231 Militia of Massachusetts - 105 Slaves in U. States - - - 228 Ministers of the Gospel - - 124 South Cove Corporation - 165 - - - - - Missionary Societies . - - 150 State Prison 165 Mount Auburn Cemetery - 165 State Inspectors - - - - 237 Municipal Court - - - - 20 Suffolk Justices, &c. - - 43 Institute - - • - 157 Supreme Court of Mass. 20 Musical " Nantucket Justices, <fec. - 80 U. States 181 Natural History Society 156 Surveyors of Lumber - - 235 Navy of the United States Tariff of Duties, 1844 - - 204 Navy Yards - _ - - - 202 " of Great Britain - - 215 Navy Agents - - - - - 202 " of China 216 Naval Store Keepers - - - Theological Institutions 148 Naval Constructors - - - 203 Thursday Lecture - - - 126 Newton Institution - - - 146 Tract Society 158 Norfolk Justices, &c. - - 81 Undertakers in Boston - - 236 Notaries Public in Boston - 46 Unitarian Association - - 150 Overseers of the Poor, Bost. 231 Vessels of War - - - - 203 - Orphan Asylum - - - - 163 Vessels built in U. S. - 222 - Peace Society - - - - 155 Votes for Governor - - 40 - Physicians in Bost. 117, IH 1,238 Ward Officers, Boston - 233 - in Mass. - - - 111 Williams College - - - Pilgrim Society - - - - 155 Worcester Justices, &c. - - - - 251 Pl> mouth Justices, &c. - • 84 Weather Table JANUARY, 1844, begins on Monday. Full Moon, 5th day, Oh. 30m. evening. Last Quarter, 12th day, 4h. 24tn. evening. New Moon, 19th day, Ih. 10m. evening. First Quarter, 27th day, 7h. 32m. morning. MjW| Observable Days, &c. | r.^s. | f.sea. ^s. j 1 2|Cold day. 7 33 5 2 3|C. P. Bos. C. C. Cam. Ply. 3 4iGen. Elec. Mass. 4 5! Newton b. 1642. 5 6 7*s sou. 8h. 7m. () 7 Epiphany. 7 B. 1st Sun. in Epip. 8 2 Luc. Bat. N. O. '15. 9 3 Low tides 4 for the season. 11 5Dr. Dwightd. '17. 12 6 Yd. L. sets 4h. ISra. I3l 7iHalley died, 1772. 14 B.:2d Sun. in Epiph. 2jC. C. P. Wore. ©per. 3 7*s set 3h. 20m. 4 Dr. Frankhn b. '06. 5 Low tides for the 6 Ind. ack. by G. B. '83. 7 season. B. 3d Sun. Epiph. 2 Byron b. 1783. 3:VVil]iam Pitt died, 1806. 4!Fredericthe Great b. 1712. 5 Conversion of St. Paul. 6 Bona. esc. from Elba, '15. 7 7*s sou. 7h. O per. 4th Sun. in Epiph. Low tides. Cold Tuesday, 1815. FEBRUARY, 1844, be MARCH, 1844, begins on Friday. Full Moon, 4th day, 3h. 55in. evening. Last Quarter, 1 Ith day, 8h. 21m. morning. New Moon, 18th day, 7h. 10m. evening. First Quarter, 26th day, 1 Ih. 45m. even. m|w| Observable Days, &c. | r.^s. |f.sea. s. | O 1 APRIL, 1844, begins on Monday. MAY, 1844, begins on JUNE, 1844, begins on Saturday. JULY, 1844, begins on Monday. AUGUST, 1844, begins on Thursday. Last Quarter, 5th day, lOh. 19m. evening. New Moon, 13th day, 9h. 42m. evening. First Quarter, 20th day, 9h. 8in. evening. Full Moon, 27th day, 7h. 26m. evening. w| Observable Days, &c. | r.0s. \ f.sea.| #r. 5Com. Wash. Col. 4 52 8 6 Battle of Blenheim, 1704. 7 7*srisellh. I8m B. 9th Sunday past Trinity. '2 Low tides. SC.C.Ply. 4;Com. V. Uni. 9 apogee. 5jCom. Am. Col. 6iLouis Philippe elected king 7 of France, 1830. B. 10th Sunday past Trinity. 2|C. P. Greenfield. 3|Yd. L. r. Ih. 50m. 4| Middling tides. 5 Sir Walter Scott and Bo- 6 naparte born, 1769. 7 B. 11th Sunday past Trinity. 2C. P. North. «fe Ply. 3 [Williams Col 4 Com. Yale, Middlebury, & 5|Com. Yale &Wm. Col. j6Dr. Herschel died, 1822. 7 Washington burnt, 1814. B. 12th Sunday past Trinity. 2i7*s rise 9h. 40m. 3|Tides lower. 4Com. Harv. University. 5 St. John Bap. beh. 32. 6Jerusalem des. by Titus, 70. 7lGr. fire at N. York, 1816. SEPTEMBER, 1844, begins on Sunday. j OCTOBER, 1844, begins on Tuesday. DECEMBER, 1844, begins on Sunday. United States Census of Mass. 17 CEJ^SUS OF THE TOJVA'S LY M^SS.^CHUSETTS. 9^ The figures in the first column is the date of Incorporation. The figures in the column of towns, show the number of Represen- tatives to whicli each town is entitled, by the amendment of the Constitution. Those towns with a dash {-) before the number are entitled to one representative that number of years in tlie next ten years. The two last columns show the Census as taken by the United Slates for 1840, and the distance from Boston. SUFFOLK. Inc. 1683 Inc. Rep. 1840 1630 Boston 35 93,383 Chelsea 1 2,3^0 2 Total, Suffolk Co. 95,773 ESSEX. 1030 Salem 6 15,082 34 Ipswich 1 35 Newbury 2 32 Lvnn 4 39 Gloucester 3 39 Rowley 1 40 Salisbury 1 43 Wenham -4 45 Manchester 1 45 Haverhill 2 46 Andover 2 49 Maiblehead 2 50 Topsfield -6 68 Amesbury 1 68 Beverly 2 75 Bradford 1 85 Moxford -5 1725 Methuen 1 28 Middleton -4 57 Dan vers 2 64 Newbuiyp'u 3 82 Lynnfield -4 93 Hamilton -5 Saiipiis 1 1819 W.Newbury 1 19 Essex 1 38 Georgetown 1 39 Rockport 1 Total, Essex Co.
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