672 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE January 17, 1967 5 o'clock and 10 minutes p.m.) the Sen­ sitive to the needs of others, understand­ Mr. PELLY. I am happy to yield to ate took a recess until Wednesday, Jan­ ing amid our differences, and determined the minority leader. uary 18, 1967, at 12 o'clock meridian. to live in the spirit of good will. May Mr. GERALD R. FORD. Mr. Speaker, we ever be mindful of the fact that we I thank the gentleman for yielding. &re one family in Thee, and in this one­ Walt Horan was a very close, and dear NOMINATIONS ness may we do our work and live our friend of mine. We served together for lives. a number of years on the Committee on Executive nominations received by the Our minds and hearts reach out in Appropriations. He was an invaluable Senate January 17 (legislative day of prayer for those in the Armed Forces of Member of the House of Representatives. January 12), 1967: our country. Keep them strong in No one was more gentle, kind, or more FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION temptation, resolute in duty, and faith­ cooperative than Walt Horan. Gen. William F. McKee, U.S. Air Force, re­ ful to Thee, who art ever with them and I join the distinguished gentleman from tired, of Virginia, to be Administrator of the with us. Lord God of Hosts, be with us the State of Washington [Mr. PELLY] in Federal Aviation Adininistration (new posi­ all-lest we forget, lest we forget Thee. extending to his lovely wife, Sally, and tion). David D. Thomas, of Virginia, to be Deputy Amen. to his family our deepest condolences at Adininistrator of the Federal Aviation Ad­ this time. Ininistration (new position). Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, will the THE JOURNAL gentleman from Washington yield? DIPLOMATIC AND FOREIGN SERVICE The Journal of the proceedings of Mr. PELLY. Mr. Speaker, I yield to Clarence A. Boonstra, of Michigan, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipoten­ yesterday was read and approved. the distinguished majority leader. tiary of the United States of America to Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I also join Costa Rica. · the distinguished gentleman from Wash­ !dar Rimestad, of North Dakota, a Foreign THE LATE HONORABLE WALT ington, and our distinguished minority Service officer of class 1, to be Deputy Under HORAN, A REPRESENTATIVE IN leader in paying tribute to a longtime Secretary of State. CONGRESS FROM THE STATE ·OF friend of mine, Walt Horan. IN THE AIR FORCE WASHINGTON If ever in my life I saw a man who was Lt. Gen. Joseph J. Nazzaro, FR1241 (major a friend of mine, it was he. He was kind, general, Regular Air Force), U.S. Air Force, Mr. PELLY. Mr. Speaker, I a<Sk unan­ he was gentle, he was considerate, but to be assigned to positions of importance and imous consent to address the House for through it all he was a worker. He per­ responsibility designated by the President in 5 minutes, to revise and extend my re­ formed his work above the call of duty the grade of general, under the provisions of marks, and to include extraneous matter. in this House of Representatives. He section 8066, title 10 of the United States The 'SPEAKER. Is there objection was a great Member of the Congress of Code. to ;the request of the gentleman from the United States, and I extend my sym­ IN THE NAVY Washington? pathy to his entire family. Having designated, under the provisions of There was no objection. Mr. BOGGS. Mr. Speaker, will the title 10, United States Code, section 5231, Mr. PELLY. Mr. Speaker, it is with Vice Adm. Arnold F. Schade,• U.S. Navy gentleman yield? for commands and other duties deterinined profound sorrow that I inform the Mem­ Mr. PELLY. Mr. Speaker, I yield to by the President to b~ within the contempla­ bers of the House of the passing on the distinguished gentleman. tion of said section, I noininate· him for ap­ December 20, 1966, of one of our former Mr. BOGGS. Mr. Speaker, I should pointment to the grade of vice admiral while colleagues, Walt Horan, of Washington. like to associate myself with the remarks so serving. Walt Horan served 22 years in this that have been made here about our late The following-named officer, when retired, body. At the time he left Congress, he former colleague, Walt Horan. He was for appointment to the grade of adiniral pur­ was a ranking member of the Committee indeed a friend of every Member of this suant to title 10, United States Code, section on Appropriations, where he performed 5233: body. Adm. JohnS. Thach, U.S. Navy. yeoman service for his district, State, His friendship knew no partisanship The following-named officers, when retired, and Nation. or geographic boundaries. It was my for appointment to the grade of vice adiniral Walt was a man of tremendous integ­ great pleasure to know him, to know his pursuant to title 10, United States Code, rity. He sought always to do that which wife, and to know his family. section 5233 : was right, and was one of the finest men All of us will miss him greatly. Vice Adm. Glynn R. Donaho, U.S. Navy. I have been privileged to know. Mr. FOLEY. Mr. Speaker, will the Rear Adm. Howard A. Yeager, U.S. Navy. Walt Horan was a native son of Wash­ gentleman yield? ington, having been born in Wenatchee Mr. PELLY. Mr. Speaker, I yield to on October 15, 1898. He wa.s a veteran of my colleague from the State of Wash­ CONFIRMATIONS naval service during World War I, after ington. Executive nominations confirmed by which he graduated from Wa.shington Mr. FOLEY. Mr. Speaker, I thank the Senate January 17 <legislative day State University. my colleague for yielding. of January 12), 1967: Prior to coming to Congress in 1943, Mr. Speaker, I wish to join in every­ NEW ENGLAND REGIONAL COMMISSION Walt was engaged in a fruitgrowing, thing that has been said by the gentle­ John J. Linnehan, of Massachusetts, to be packing, storing, and shipping business. man from Washington [Mr. PELLY], the Federal cochairman of the New England Re­ Upon leaving Congress he went back to distinguished minority leader, the gen­ gional Commission. the land he loved so deeply and it was in tleman from Michigan [Mr. GERALD R. the Philippines, visiting his daughter, FoRD], the distinguished majority leader, •• •• that he passed away. the gentleman from Oklahoma [Mr. What was perhaps Walt's greatest ALBERT], and the majority whip, the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES moment in this Chamber came when he gentleman from Louisiana [Mr. BoGGs], was no longer a Member of Congress, but I wish to add a personal note. TuESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1967 as he sat here on June 21, 1965, and I am, I think, in a special position in heard the opening prayer offered by his the House in relation to Walt Horan. I The House met at 12 o'clock noon. son, Rev. Howard S. Horan, who had have the honor to be his successor, and The Chaplain, Rev. Edward G. Latch, just been ordained. I am from another party. D.D., offered the following prayer: Mr. Speaker, I will a.sk unanimous con­ On the day that I wa.s seated as a He that dwelleth in the secret place of sent for all Members who desire to do so Member of this House in January 1965, the Most High shall abide under the to extend their remarks in the RECORD Walt was to my knowledge the only man shadCYW of the Almighty.-Psalm 91: 1. on Walt's life and service. I know my to come from another side of the aisle to 0 God, who art a tower of strength to colleagues will want to join me and Mrs. congratulate a successor who had been all who put their trust in Thee, help us Pelly in extending our heartfelt sympa­ his opponent in the previous election. to turn from the noise and clamor of thy to his widow, Helen, and to their I know I do not need to assure my Re­ the world, and to find peace in the as­ five children. publican friends of the esteem in which surance of Thy presence. Keep us sen- Mr. GERALD R. FORD. Mr. Speaker, Walt was held by the Democratic Mem­ will the gentleman from Washington bers of this House. He was a dedicated • Holding an ad interim appointment. yield? Republican, but he could never have Januar y 17, 1967 _CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 673 applied a partisan test to friendship. I join with the distinguished Speaker . Mr. PELLY. Mr. Speaker, I yield to There was simply nothing small or nar­ of the House and the gentleman from my colleague, the gentleman from Wash­ row in his nature. Washington in extending to his family ington [Mr. MEEDS]. When I was introduced as a new and to his lovely wife our sincere Mr. MEEDS. Mr. Speaker, I wish to Member in the Democratic cloakroom sympathy. join my colleagues in paying tribute to many of my new colleagues could not Walt Horan will be missed by all of us. Walt Horan. While I did not have the conceal their deep regret at Walt's de­ Mr. PELLY. Mr. Speaker, I yield to opportunity to serve in Congress with feat and it was clear that no one found the gentlewoman from Washington him, I am keenly aware of the contribu­ any pleasure in it. Walt himself was [Mrs. MAY]. tion he.
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