PILLS-A-GO-GO & © © ® u;orld #21 o from around the ^ your FauoritepiUneu;s © Celebrity Pills Pills south o' the border fc Pill do's and don'ts <& <© e ® Rockm' Victorian Weekend! "in the public market place ... are to be seen ... one stall for vegetables, anoth er for meat, and a third for p/'/Js. " — a Leeds surgeon writing for the Lancet in 1845, describes a typical Saturday night in his home town. "Saturday afternoon the counters of the druggists were strewed with pills of one, two, or three grains, in preparation for the known demand of the evening." — Thomas De Quincey in Confessions of an EngJish Opium-Eater Chile dig those pills... Piils-a-go-go is published 4-6 times "I like pills so much I can feel a warm a year by the Pills-a-go-go Empire. Subs are $12 for a year's worth. PaGG glow in my body when I see a Dristan ad also gladly accepts trades of zines we in the subway." like, pill paraphrenalia, articles, pill — Anonymous stewardess in 1979 book, information, and, of course, artifacts of The Tranquilizing of America pill culture. The Pills-a-go-go mailing list is "People just don't understand... 1 get never given out and all names &c other nervous when I realize how much I have information are kept confidential. to do each day and that I won't get here Right now there are no back issues or there when I'm running late ... I take available, but we hope to remedy this Valium." pretty soon. — Betty Ford, First Lady, 1974 Of course the innards are copy righted by Pills-a-go-go and the name is "I began taking 'nerve pills"... City folk an official trademark, but feel free to call them tranquilizers... Every time I felt reprint anything you want. Try to give credit where credit is due, though. nervous I'd take a pill. And at bedtime I had me still other pills to get to sleep" — Loretta Lynn 1978 Pills-a-go-go 1202 E. Pike St. #849 Seattle, WA 98122-3934 And, on the launching pad Take your protein pills and put your helmet on." — Ground Control to Major Tom QHlls -a-go-go journal of pills You would think with all this hoop-da-da press may not even show up in the damn magazine racks! PaGG has been getting lately (Rolling Stone, GQ, etc.) I might at least make an effort to keep on schedule and So, please expect normal zine-ness from PaGG — crank out an issue "on time". I mean, I called the last the occassional late issue, for instance. Also, since I've issue "Summer" and here it's comin' on Winter and decided not to try to one-up myself each issue, the there was no Fall. price is back to $12/year and you'll probably get about six issues for that. Fair enough? Which just shows the folly of predicting the future. There is no Fall issue, obviously — unless you wanna Hey I do take submissions. I want submissions, think of this one as the Fall issue. Call it what you submissions is what are making this very issue possi like, this is a hurry-one-out-to-my-friends—so- they- ble since yours truly doesn't have to write as much of don't-think-I've-disappeared issue. it. Send me any damn thing you want. Letters are ap preciated, too. Articles torn out of newspapers & By the way, I must get around to saying this soon magazines, photos, random scribblings — I want it all. er or later about subscriptions to PaGG. When the thing first came out (as you may remember) it was a And for all of you involved in the pill industry at humble one-sheeter with some of the pill news & a any level: I WANT GOSSIP! You send me the dirt little commentary by me & sometimes others. Then and I'll go after it and protect your anonymity. Those the zine got bigger and bigger and consequently took of you who contribute articles, research, dirt, etc. can lots more time and effort and... to put it bluntly, a stop paying for PaGG as I consider this trade. Let's year's subscription get's you a year's worth of Pills-a- get some insider stuff, leaked documents, etc. Go-Go — however many issues that might be. It started out as a pretty steady monthly but then became Lessee, anything else? Oh yeah, the next issue may bi-monthly and now it's lookin' more quarterly. Some be a while in coming too since I'm working on an al people gotjmore issues in their year than others. ready wee bit late book version of PaGG for Carol Publishing. Anything you write or send me here has a But nobody's gettin' shorted on pages. I wanna chance of being included in the book, which should be make that clear. As PaGG increases pages, frequency pretty high quality considering that the publisher's a drops per force but you still get the same amount of big deal New York firm. piilophilical news & commentary as you ever would. I'm still looking for pill art and pill artifacts like the Also, this is a zine and I want it to stay that way as legendary Mr. Ritalin statue one of our readers was long as it's just me doing it and I got no money and no kind enough to send me a photo of: staff or advertisers. Some of you may have gotten OK, gang, enough your issues from stores and I'll see if I can keep doing blabbering from me, that, but it's kinda capital-intensive to do that and at the let's get on to the world moment, I'm fresh out of juicy capital! of pills! ButT cannot forget you, my loyal subscribers. First the celebrity You've made the right choice to sign up with PaGG. news... You're the ones I've got in mind right now. This issue HEIDI FLEISS, SENATOR'S WIFE sity of Surrey kind of backed him up saying blood samples from 300 seriously injured patients at two London hospitals showed 16 • The big celeb news to report is Heidi Fleiss's flunking of a % had prescription sedatives in 'em when they crashed and only drug test in September — which showed she'd been using metham- 14% had alcohol. phatimine. This violated the terms of her release from jail pend ing trial and so now she has to go to a rehab program. Mom • Iranian cops grabbed almost 6 tons of drugs after a two-day says it was Heidi's asthma medication. Good one, ma. battle with smugglers near the Pakistani border. They also nailed 74 camels laden with drugs (probably mostly opium). Although • Michael Fay, of Singapore ass-whipping fame also entered Iranian cops have killed 64 smugglers and arrested another 215 some kind of rehab program after getting caught huffing butane. since March 21 they sometimes catch only camels, which are By the way, we forgot to report last ish that, while in jail await trained to get to their destinations a lot like homing pigeons. ing his caning, Michael was given both Prozac and Valium. His Neat, eh? mom was real concerned about the Valium, citing the possibility of addiction. Apparantly that didn't happen. CORPORATE BEEFS • Burroughs-Wellcome is suing SmithKline to stop it from • Cindy McCain, 39-year-old wife of Sen. lohn McCain (AZ) selling its anti-herpes pill Famvir, claiming the pill infringes on squirmed out of drug-stealing charges by agreeing to go to rehab. B-W's patent rights already established by its anti-herpes pill, It seems Cindy started up this charitable organization called Amer Zovirax. Since Zovirax accounts for around a third of the compa ican Voluntary Medical Team in 1988 then started ripping off Per- ny's income, the suit is important. cocets and Vicodins from 1990 to 1992 when she kicked her hab • In London, SmithKline agreed to pay a 2 1/2 percent royalty it. Now, two years after she got off the drugs she's going to to Glaxo on sales of its anti-nausea pill Zofran. SmithKline said rehab as pennance. Glaxo had infringed on its pill Kytril. Maybe B-W can get the same kind of deal out of the Famvir suit? ANIMAL DRUGS • Upjohn finally managed to get an appeals court to reverse the 1992 judgement against it for • "Sick animals should not be denied modern medi $2 million in a suit brought by ex-cop and murder cal treatment," drawled Senator Howard Heflin while er William Freeman, who blamed Halcion for mak promoting a bill that would allow vets to prescribe ing him blow his best friend's head off. Freeman's drugs for whatever species of animal and for whatever doing life. disease they want. • The FDA is accusing Genentech of using a bogus public health program as a way of drumming Of course this was previously illegal. up business. In August, one of its employees was indicted for allegedly paying a doctor $1.1 million in a kickback • Upjohn anounced it would really go to town marketing its — so the company could hardly afford this latest trouble. drug Naxcel now that it's been approved for urinary tract infec Genentech said it would stop its program of going around the tions in dogs. Previously only chickens, hogs, horses, and cattle country "screening" children in public schools for potential short were legally allowed relief by using Naxcel.
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