CN- INCOMING CODE CABLE TO: VAUGHAN ONLY FROM: AMACHREE, LEOPOLDVILLE DATE: 19 MAY 63 (Sent 1913382; Rovd 19l4l2z) NUMBER: UNNUMBERED It is my considered opinion that it is of the utmost importance that you should visit Leopoldville urgently s« that you., Dorsinville and I, can enquire into and rectify the serious administrative problems which are affecting the entire ONUC operations here. Quite apart from the po«r personal relations of the Chief of Civilian operations and the Chief Administrative Officer, there is evidence of maladministration and disturbing reports of misuse of PX and Commissary facilities. Morale is low and I feel that in order to assist Dorsinville we should now make an effort to eradicate the •bstacles to the smooth functioning of our operations here. I have talked to Dorsinville who agrees with me that your presence is absolutely necessary. I would suggest, f~\ therefore, that you endeavour to take the first flight to . Leopoldville this week. You may perhaps appreciate the serious- ness of the situation if I state that it may be necessary for a recommendation to be made to the Secretary General to change both the Chief of Civilian Operations and the Chief Administrative Officer because from what I have seen here we cannot entrust our operations to ifficers who do not appear to be able to work together and who, as a result of their petty bickerings are jeopardizing the good name of the UN in this country. Please cable back very urgently and let me know when to expect you. Dorsinville would like you to be his guest. End. OUTGOING: CODJL CABLE NO__DISTRIBUTIQN DECLASSIFIED » TO: AMAGHREE ONLY F8R ST/AI/326, 28 DEC 1984 { IEOPOLDVILLE FROM: VAUGHAW DATE: 20 May 1963 NUMBER: UNNUMBERED Matter raised jour cable 19th being referred to Secretary-General since he alone makes such decisions. Distribution: SG (original) Bunche Vaughan (same distribution as Incoming Code cable of 19th) W April 1965 Hoar As yew. aa^r tew, wa rasa fato 4iff4-sult?.«® ia «s«euttag <SOT Satfomasl quito ^^mtiGall^r tfcat fiecwal. tfe* 2 froa Ac«m tlm% fe@ fea^ mm tefaHxi® ©f th® psisitima. I %ill to Ma to ia£tes@ Ma sscplleitl^ a&OB$ tfee Sss ttem <84j?e«s%i»e«» «« «f em siir«? £0 kmnm to ^eu. to STSF me^r smws^ esui sittoj^a te ten in a la villiiag t® to fee in to?|^MTlUL@ if ^ all : ^^ April in order that he ;sl;;Jht irvs ••- - r' o; -~-.i 01 with yovi. If Sfex «%e So Isalf & Hi ar® loe&iag ttaemfA to jmir fbTtiacosds® rtait fesr®, aat to eas&le «s to pluc^; jtnir EiisS out ^mRl« Imt t&la tlss to boawwr to you* 10 April y0w lotto? <*C k> j&ps'li 19®5a 1 to to our piss to imv& fou ge t® tfe© Gsags* t® jfOttd @ust tossw tSUAt ^» ma te§9 @®s® 8®^®s^ di^'fiGuI'fel®® %Sj£eh €©ulid TMSflt® tomlljeS «®sily wra it not ^SOP %&® f&efe t£yg& £ to^a just Britten to dke-Sta®?, ®feic!^ is fuller ic ©fff for tte tla» TO saty teT» ©ISBB «fe^y iiaoa to tak® up wlt^ jou, ftB'QB caaryisag csit tfes Guncv&goMBfeft ®® 18 tS B«ai«l A* $ istieoa ,, | 3* 10 awH 1963 vats sersta tr&© rmHumiilraftnt d® bien voaioir d'ilstii, * J'ai 1* homes? d.e (Jfflaa&jsdes1 & ?o&r® f&scwllmiee la d© fi, fex i«, E^Kilnvi dss Jfetims fteic-g.a ttt tm ^3 aaa Secretariat da K. BeraJtoill© osara® Fsmet4«msir® mpislciaE' de l®r la la da E-iissicn at la p@ramjm» toot.® <£$st0t$i salt® sett® tajs^r I sa d.ssiafjd'S' ®t js lmjifej, fotf® iasa3® un fe.aifara @^*viGS doesfe Je lei saisi© cstt® «em^.@a dtea^xjjimr SL Votre a m ts^t iumte U R. 17, B.I April 1963 KJBunehft SOH rMHGOts Be?& WL m U H£PUBUqy$ ^ HAITI PORT-AlWftIl«K (KAXTI) 1© de a® rdflrep S, iaoa siessag© <ju 10 avril q«i ¥ous a par les soins de votre repr^sezitant peasoaanent aupr&s des Hations Unies* ^e MSB p@rasts fflalntesait d© vous prier de pp^ndre uae decision saris tarder sazr ma d^aaiide, car 3$ post© dont 11 s'agit au Goaga dolt §tre pourvu d© toute urgenc©. II est tres iiajsortaat pour xaoi tie pcmvoir eonsMSrer COCT^ accjals tjie la persorme es quesfcloai sera dispoaibl© pour cs poste, Je MDUS-, serais dors trfes oldig<§ de bien voulolr Bte false part de voire oonea'itesieat aussitSt qua possil>iB» Soyez assart qas 0eul0 la trSs gmixie urgence de la question m'sasfens J6 saisis eeite occasion pour vcms , Monsieur 1© Fr^sid^at, les haut© le Secretaire g^niral do 1'Organisatd.on des nations Uiaies II cc - S.E. Le Repr^sentanfc Permanent d*Haiti aupr&s des Nations Unies : JSfew York . Draft to "be translated into French Cable treat Secretary-General to President of Baiti His Excellency * . Dr. ft-anijois Duvalier President of the Bepublic of Haiti Port -au -Prince. - -- 1 have Tine aonour to refer, Your Excellency, to ay message of 10 April, which was conveyed to you by the good offices of your Permanent Representative to the United nations. I now send you this message requesting early decision on my original appeal to you only because of the pressure of time in connection with the position in the Congo which must be promptly filled. It is most important for me to be able to proceed on the assumption that the person in question will be available for this post. I would very much hope, therefore, that you could give me your word of consent at the earliest possible moment. Please be assured, Your Excellency, that I approach you now in this -way only because of the very great urgency of this matter. May I take this occasion to again express to you my highest consideration. U Secretary General 17 April 1963 SG: Amb. Auguste ef Haiti called to say he had received late last night a telegram from his Government indicating that his cables had been received and that a decision would be forthcoming. Message did not make reference to your own cable sent yesterday to Pres. Duvalier. Amb. Auguste wishes to assure you that he has done everything in his power to endorse your request and to obtain a quick reply from his Government. It is his personal feeling that the delay is due to some internal troubles which have developed in the last few- days in Haiti - a military conspiracy against the Government was alleged to have been dis- covered, and there seems to be tension in the country. In all probability the attention of the President and his top-ranking ministers must be devoted to the internal situation. Nevertheless, Amb. Auguste hopes to have a definite reply later today or tomorrow morning. (copy to Mr. Bunche) Powealand Unofficial translation from French KCOHING CLSAE CABIE IQi THE SECfiETAKT-GEMERAL PROMt DR. PHANCOIS DUVALIER, FEE3IDEKT OFTHS REPUBLIC OF HAITI (PORT-AU-FRIHCB) BAlli 17 AmiL Mr. Secretary-General, I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your cable dated 16 April concerning the Organization's desire to utilize in the Congo the services of Ambassador Max Eersinvills,^membe•0 r of the Permanent Mission Of Haiti* I have pleasure in informing you that the Haitian Government readily fives its assent to your choice of Mt. Doreinvillee I sincerely hope that he will accomplish the mission you entrust to hint to your entire satisfaction and that he will show the* same tact and good judgment by which he has already distinguished hiaoelf in the service of the Organisation* I trust that he will, to the utmost of his abilities, help to bring to triumph the ideals of peace and brotherhood of the United Nations in the Congo, whose people ar<» yearning with all their might towards security, progress and the prosperity of all. High consideration. f Poweeland Unofficial translation from Fr«aeh PKRKAJ4E>rr KISSKW OF THS RBHffiLIC Cff HAITI TO THE UNITED Rev York, IS April 1963 Dear Mr, I have the hoaowr to send you together with this letter a copy of the cabled reply which the Honourable Jfc* Francois Oavalier, President $f til* Repwbllc, has requested we to transHt to Tour Ifctcelleacy. IB of 10 April 1963 TOO eafred U» kindly to authorize Mr. Sfex a. of Haiti to the tftdted Batio»«» to accept the post of of the Onited Katione Sacratanf^Gkmeral in the . I have pleasure In infamlng yow of the grsat gratification of of' th« S«p«,blic in twins abl* to reply favourably to Tour rccpieet, happy in th* f tct that Haiti can coctribuU, through one of its s«a»? to the great arai historic yfaleh tte .Nations is tha "•' ' "'^ j^Jiji-. ,„ like to t also* Sir, of the prida w|d.ch I . | • ** **«& tf'ijrwit aaric df <Si«tinciion and confidenc»s . -l- .->,.. • do«s honour squally to the iflssioR of the Republic of Haiti to the United ' ' -' ^f «t «bl^ I att the first «pokeajata» and 2 feeg you to accept, tdth tha WswanceB -of iay very high eon«ideratl««, ' • Carlet R. AUGUSTE, Aahaas Hio Excellency U Thant, S«cr«tariH3«neral of tbe UNITED NATIONS Press Services Office of Public Information United Nations,, H.Y, (For use of information media — not an official record) Press Release SG/1465 00/323 19 April 1963 MAX E. DCRSUWILLS APPOIICTED HEW OFFICSR-CT-CEARGE OF UNITED NATIONS OPERATION IN TEE CONGO Secretary^General U Thant today announced the appointment of Max E, Dorsinville of Haiti to be the Officer-in-Charge of the United nations Operation in the Congo (OMJC) as from 1 May 1963.* In this regard,, it will be recalled that in his message to the fifth annual session of the Economic Commission for Africa (EGA), which opened in Leopoldville on 18 February 1963; the Secretary-General announced that he had in train arrangements which would soon make it possible for Robert K.A.
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