US 20090099.135A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2009/0099135A1 Enan (43) Pub. Date: Apr. 16, 2009 (54) PEST CONTROL COMPOSITIONS AND Publication Classification METHODS (51) Int. Cl. AOIN 57/6 (2006.01) AOIN 47/2 (2006.01) (75) Inventor: Essam Enan, Davis, CA (US) AOIN 43/12 (2006.01) AOIN 57/4 (2006.01) AOIN 53/06 (2006.01) Correspondence Address: AOIN 5L/00 (2006.01) SONNENSCHEN NATH & ROSENTHAL LLP AOIN 43/40 (2006.01) AOIP3/00 (2006.01) P.O. BOX 061080, WACKER DRIVE STATION, AOIP 7/04 (2006.01) SEARS TOWER AOIP 7/02 (2006.01) CHICAGO, IL 60606-1080 (US) AOIN 43/90 (2006.01) AOIN 43/6 (2006.01) AOIN 43/56 (2006.01) (73) Assignee: TyraTech, Inc., Melbourne, FL AOIN 29/2 (2006.01) (US) AOIN 43/52 (2006.01) AOIN 57/12 (2006.01) (52) U.S. Cl. ........... 514/86; 514/477; 514/469; 514/481; (21) Appl. No.: 12/009,220 514/395; 514/122:514/89: 514/486; 514/132: 514/748; 514/520; 514/531; 514/.407: 514/365; 514/341; 514/453: 514/343; 514/299 (22) Filed: Jan. 16, 2008 (57) ABSTRACT Embodiments of the present invention provide compositions for controlling a target pest including a pest control product Related U.S. Application Data and at least one active agent, wherein: the active agent can be capable of interacting with a receptor in the target pest; the (60) Provisional application No. 60/885,214, filed on Jan. pest control product can have a first activity against the target 16, 2007, provisional application No. 60/885,403, pest when applied without the active agent and the composi filed on Jan. 17, 2007, provisional application No. tions can have a second activity against the target pest, and the 60/889,259, filed on Feb. 9, 2007. second activity can be greater than the first activity. Patent Application Publication Apr. 16, 2009 Sheet 1 of 15 US 2009/0099.135 A1 , Patent Application Publication Apr. 16, 2009 Sheet 2 of 15 US 2009/0099.135 A1 Patent Application Publication Apr. 16, 2009 Sheet 3 of 15 US 2009/0099.135 A1 Biogenic amine receptors Coupled Ca2 to intracellular IP3/DAG signaling pathway FIG. 3 Patent Application Publication Apr. 16, 2009 Sheet 4 of 15 US 2009/0099.135 A1 % & O23. w O A. C as O s (9 O Yo Co w s c NN S O ?a N N 3. D SN 2, so M Š S. NN SS E NN N N 9 NN N NN st C SNN wO CD co C O s Se NN Z qm - NN N N S..A. 2, 02 us 12 w s N G S SN w R Mo SN 12OS O O O O o co co r & % KD Patent Application Publication Apr. 16, 2009 Sheet 5 of 15 US 2009/0099.135 A1 Middle Dose of HL1 with Clothianidin: % Knock DOWn at 30 Seconds Post Application of 1 ml of Test Material: Aedes aegypti. 120 & 40 3s | Treatment FIG. 4B Patent Application Publication Apr. 16, 2009 Sheet 6 of 15 US 2009/0099.135 A1 % Knock Down at 30 seconds Post Application of 1 ml of Test Material: Aedes aegypti. 120 4 O is s N N Treatment FIG. 4C Patent Application Publication Apr. 16, 2009 Sheet 7 of 15 US 2009/0099.135 A1 % Knock Down at 30 seconds Post Application of 1 ml of Test Material: Drosophila sp. 120 9 O 8 O N N Treatment FIG. 4D Patent Application Publication Apr. 16, 2009 Sheet 8 of 15 US 2009/0099.135 A1 O Cd N CN N N C N O O Co 0Z), dO CO s Patent Application Publication Apr. 16, 2009 Sheet 9 of 15 US 2009/0099.135 A1 §§ §NN§ +```` %). *$, 62 FIG.6A Patent Application Publication Apr. 16, 2009 Sheet 11 of 15 US 2009/0099.135 A1 120 100 80 60 pyrethrum 40 -v- mix 20 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - O 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Time elapsed after treatment, hrs FIG. 7 Patent Application Publication Apr. 16, 2009 Sheet 12 of 15 US 2009/0099.135 A1 Patent Application Publication Apr. 16, 2009 Sheet 13 of 15 US 2009/0099.135 A1 +––1––1––1––r????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????| VIÐJIVIVI Patent Application Publication Apr. 16, 2009 Sheet 14 of 15 US 2009/0099.135 A1 | |` --|-|-|-|-|(•| 00089 00087 RFU US 2009/0099.135 A1 Apr. 16, 2009 PEST CONTROL COMPOSITIONS AND and the compositions exhibit a greater disablement effect than METHODS the pest control product applied without the active agent. The first activity can persist for a first period, the second activity CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED can persist for a second period, and the second period can be APPLICATIONS longer than the first period. The active agent can include a 0001. This application claims priority from U.S. Provi synergistic combination of at least two receptor ligands. The sional Application Ser. Nos. 60/885,214 filed Jan. 16, 2007, second activity can reflect a synergistic interaction of the 60/885,403 filed Jan. 17, 2007, and 60/889,259 filed Feb. 9, active agent and the pest control product. 2007, each of which is hereby incorporated by reference in its 0007. The target pest can be selected from the group con entirety. sisting of a fungus, a plant, an animal, a moneran, and a protist. The target pest can be an arthropod species, such as, FIELD OF THE INVENTION for example, an insect, an arachnid, or an arachnoid. The target pest can be a species belonging to an animal order 0002 The present invention relates to compositions and selected from: Acari, Anoplura, Araneae, Blattodea, methods related to controlling insects. Coleoptera, Collembola, Diptera, Grylloptera, Heteroptera, Homoptera, Hymenoptera, Isopoda, Isoptera, Lepidoptera, BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Mantodea, Mallophaga, Neuroptera, Odonata, Orthoptera, 0003. While the first recorded use of chemicals to control Psocoptera, Siphonaptera, Symphyla, Thysanura, and Thys pests dates back to 2500 BC, only in the last 60 years has anoptera. chemical control has been widely used. Early pesticides 0008. The pest control product can be a chlorphenoxy included hellebore to control body lice, nicotine to control compound Such as, for example, 2,4-D Amine and/or 2.4D aphids, and pyrithrinto control a wide variety of insects. Lead IBE. Likewise, the pest control product can be a carbamate arsenate was first used in 1892 as an orchard spray, while at Such as, for example, methomyl, carbofuran, carbaryl, the same time it was discovered that a mixture of lime and BPMC, carbendazim, carbosulfan, captain hydrochloride, copper sulphate (Bordeaux mixture) controlled downy mil and/or cartap. The pest control product can be an organophos dew, a fungal disease of grapes. phate such as, for example, acephate, malathion, diazinon, 0004. The modern era of chemical pest control com chlorpy firos, fenoxycab, edifenphos, febuconazole, chlor menced during World War II. For example, DDT played a phenapyr, magnesium phosphide, metamidophos, and/or major role in maintaining the health and welfare of soldiers fenitrothion. The pest control product can be an organochlo who used it to control body lice and mosquitoes. Further rine such as, for example, DDT. DDE, and/or heptachlorep developments of pesticides followed, and with their relatively oxide. The pest control product can be a pyrethroid such as, low cost, ease of use, and effectiveness, they became the for example, cypermethrin, cynmethylin+2,4-D IBE, lamb primary means of pest control. Protection of crops, produce, dacyhalothrin, dazomet, cyfluthrin, betacypermethrin, pen animals, and humans over extended periods became possible dimethlin, permethrin, deltamethrin, bifenethrin, alphacyper with corresponding increases in food production and methrin, fenvalerate, propanil, and/or esfenvalerate. The pest improved standards of living. control product can be a neonicotinoid such as, for example, 0005. Some modern pesticides are sophisticated com thiomethoxam, fipronil, clothianidin, and/or imidacloprid. pounds that are carefully researched to ensure they are effec The pest control product can include at least one of an aver tive against target organisms, generally safe to the environ mectin, abamectin, spinosad, fluxastrobin, and/or indoxac ment, and can be used without undue hazard to users or arb. The pest control product can be a botanical product Such consumers. Many of these have been developed to target as, for example, rotenone, nicotine, caffeine, a pyrethrum, an specific biochemical reactions within the target organism, essential oil, and/or a fixed oil. The pest control product can e.g. an enzyme necessary for photosynthesis within a plant or be a fungicide, a nematicide, an insecticide, an acaricide, a hormone required for normal development in an insect. and/or a bactericide. Thus, Some modern chemicals are safer, more specific, and 0009. The receptor can be a G protein-coupled receptor friendlier to the environment than the older products they (GPCR), such as a GPCR of the insect olfactory cascade, such have replaced. as, for example, a tyramine receptor, an olfactory receptor Or43a, an olfactory receptor Or83b and/or an octopamine SUMMARY receptor. Binding of the receptor by an ingredient of the 0006 Embodiments of the present invention provide com compositions can result in a change in intracellular level of positions for controlling a target pest including a pest control cAMP and/or calcium, wherein the change can be sufficient product and at least one active agent, wherein: the active agent to permit control of the target pest. can be capable of interacting with a receptor in the target pest; 0010 Control can include a condition such as, for the pest control product can have a first activity against the example, killing, knockdown, repellency, interference with target pest when applied without the active agent and the reproduction, interference with feeding, and interference compositions can have a second activity against the target with a stage of a life cycle of the target pest.
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