4 9 r PERIODIC REPORTING EXERCISE ON THE APPLICATION OF THE WORLD HERITAGE A CONVENTION I I I A SECTION I .A Application of the World Heritage Convention by the State Party State Party: ... Republic of Uzbekistan I I I Periodic Reporting Exercise on the Application of the World Heritage Convention a Section I: Application of the World Heritage Convention by the State Party a PERIODIC REPORTING ON THE APPLICATION OF THE WORLD HERITAGE a CONVENTION a m EXECUTIVE SUMMARY a SECTION I: APPLICATION OF THE WORLD HERITAGE CONVENTION BY THE STATE PARTY a I.1. Introduction a a. State Party b. Year of ratification or acceptance of the Convention c. Organization(s) or entity(ies) responsible for the preparation of the report d. a Date of the report e. Signature on behalf of State Party a 1.2. Identification of cultural and natural heritage properties A a. National inventories a b. Tentative List c. Nominations 1.3. Protection, conservation and presentation of the cultural and natural heritage A a. General policy development b. Status of services for protection, conservation and presentation a c. Scientific and technical studies and research d. Measures for identification, protection, conservation, presentation and rehabilitation e. 2 Training A 1.4. International co-operation and fund raising 1.5. Education, information and awareness building 1.6. a Conclusions and recommended action 4 a. Main conclusions b. Proposed future action(s) 4 c. Responsible implementing agency(ies) d. Timeframe for implementation A e. Needs for international assistance. 1.7. Assessment of the Periodic Reporting exercise for Section I A 4 I A A a A A A I Periodic Reporting Exercise on the Application of the World Heritage Convention Section I: Application of the World Heritage Convention by the State Party 1.1. Introduction a. Country (and State Party if different): Republic of Uzbekistan 001 b. Year of ratification or acceptance of the Convention: 1993 002 4 Organisation responsible for the preparation of this report: 003 A Organisation: Ministry of Cultural Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan a Person responsible: Minister-Prof. (Mr.) Bahrom Tuhtayevich QURBONOV in Address: 30, Navoi Street a City and post code: Tashkent, 700129 (+998-71) 139.49.57 . Telephone: . Fax: (+998-71) 144.18.30 E-mail: min cult(a,dostlink.net a a d. Date of the report: July-S Member 2002- --- 004 A 005 Signature on behal f t tate Par)} - - J 11 I Signature: ! Name: Bahrom URBONOV~'', "1 Function: Minister of Culture ~fthe'Republ(c of-U,zbekistan 1.2. Identification of the cultural and natural properties A This item refers in particular to Articles 3, 4 and 11 of the Convention regarding the identification of cultural and natural heritage and the nomination of properties for inscription on the World Heritage List. 41 41 Inventories of cultural and natural heritage of national significance form the basis for the 006 41 identification of possible World Heritage properties. Indicate the organisation(s) or I institution(s) responsible for the preparation and updating of these national inventories (if different from those named under question 003). A Organisation(s) / Institution(s): Principal Department for Preservation and Management of Cultural Monuments and Properties, Ministry of Cultural Affairs of the it Republic of Uzbekistan Person(s) responsible: Dr. (Mr.) Ravshan Abdunuzarovich MANSUROV Address: 30, Navoi Street Iq City and post code: Tashkent 700129 Telephone: (+998-71) 139.49.57 .14 Fax: (+998-71) 144.38.94 E-mail: meros2002(a inail. ru 3 l I 14 If the space on the Questionnaire is not sufficient, please continue on a separate page, clearly labelling the answer with the corresponding number of the question (e.g. 006). -3 14 4 L2.a continued a Indicate if and to what extent inventories lists and/or registers at the local, state and/or national level 4 exist: a Inventories are conducted regularly by governmental organisations on national and local levels regarding their significance. Except for listing the cultural heritage properties they also 007 a control the condition of safety of monuments. a Have you undertaken the preparation of lists or of national inventories on one or several of the following levels: a NATIONAL (p STATE / PROVINCE (yes) LOCAL (yes) 008 A NO inventory (list or registry) has been developed () A A When was (were) the inventory (inventories) compiled, please give date(s): 1973, 1981, 1983 and 2002- 2003 a A 009 A Article 11 of the Convention refers to the submission by States Parties of inventories of properties 010 suitable for inclusion in the World Heritage List, so-called Tentative Lists. Have you submitted a 1 Tentative List of natural and/or cultural properties in your country since your adhesion to the World 1 Heritage Convention: YES I Provide the dates of submission of the Tentative List (if any): November 1996 Provide the Oil date of any revision made since its submission (if any): 012 A Several cultural properties (Ulughbek's Observatory, the Ensemble of Shakhi-Zinda, Site of ancient settlement of Afrasiab, Ishrathona mausoleum, Gur-Emir ensemble and the ensemble of a Registan) were united as one cultural object "Samarkand - Crossroads of Cultures" (2001). 4 Name institution(s) responsible for identifying and delineating the properties included in the Tentative 4 List (if different from those named under question 003): the same institution 013 A Organisation(s) / Institution(s): Person(s) responsible: Address: . a City and post code: A Telephone: Fax: A E-mail: A 3 L2.b continued A Describe the process of preparation or revision of the Tentative List and give details (if applicable) 014 concerning the involvement of local authorities and population: 4 1. Collection of applications (from local municipalities) for inscription into the A If the space on the Questionnaire is not sufficient, please continue on a separate page, clearly labelling the answer with the corresponding number of the question (e.g. 006). Periodic Reporting Exercise on the Application of the World Heritage Convention a SectionTentative I: Application list . of the World2. ConductingHeritage Convention of historical-cultural expertise on regional level by the State Party 4 3. Preparation of nomination materials of properties 4. Conducting of historical-cultural expertise on the national level Were the local authorities consulted for the identification: 015 YES Was the local population consulted for the identification: 016 A YES 4 - - fY~?{i JJ/++}:?•: !:f+f.++ ? ? •-f+:L';i ::xr:n i':f 1»i .ri r r:-}i: •... ---: ~fr .................................................. giving the name of the property, the date of submission and, if applicable the date of inscription............. or 017 extensio. Also include propertiesList the that properties were deferred, that have referred, been nominated withdrawn for or inscription not examined onthe by the 4 World Heritage Committee or its Bureau: 1991 - khan-Kala of Khiva (included into the World Heritage List) A 1993 - Historical Center of Bukhara (included into the World Heritage List) 2000 - 4 Historical Center of Shakhrisyabz (included into the World Heritage List) 2001 - Samarkand-Crossroads of Cultures (included into the World Heritage List) 1 4 1 4 a I a 4 L2.c continued 4 Please provide an analysis of the process by which these nominations are prepared, 018 indicating also to which degree this was done in collaboration and co-operation with local .41 authorities and people: Preliminary list of monuments has been prepared on the basis of the prescriptions from 41 the governmental experts. Then the list was approbated in various institutions. The initial information was collected from local municipalities and from local citizens as well. At the is last stage the final documents was prepared by the national institution in charge for protection of cultural heritage (Principal Department for Preservation and Management of Cultural Monuments and Properties of the Ministry of Cultural Affairs of the Republic a of Uzbekistan). is Describe the motivation for entering into the nomination process: 019 Preserve and safeguard the unique historical and architectural properties located within a own territories on the higher level (national and international) 4 Detail the obstacles and difficulties encountered in that process as well as the perceived 020 I1 -9 IN -6- Periodic Reporting Exercise on the Application of the World Heritage Convention Section I: Application of the World Heritage Convention by the State Party benefits of World Heritage listing and the lessons learnt: 1. Technical difficulties (mapping, etc) emerging from the fulfilling forms 2. Attraction of attention of international organizations and foundations as well as local communities to the protection of cultural monuments 3. Adoption of international experience in preserving of monuments If the space on the Questionnaire is not sufficient, please continue on a separate page, clearly labelling the answer with the corresponding number of the question (e.g. 006). IN -7- 1.3. Protection, conservation and presentation of the cultural and natural heritage a This item refers in particular to Articles 4 and 5 of the Convention, in which States Parties recognise their duty of ensuring the identification, protection, conservation, presentation and transmission to future generations of the cultural and natural World 4 Heritage and that effective and active measures are taken to this effect. Article 5 of the Convention specifies the following measures: .a :. a } rrr.vr}rc•r u. .rrrrrr yrri r! rii• rwws rm6++W~+lrr}df.rrr:,:;-raf:r:rr:rtUrrrr..rrrrirr'/ffrrfL: ifr%»L::Sr:R~:: ~ r.. ________________ a Provide information on the adoption of policies that aim to give the cultural and natural heritage a 021 function in the life of the community, including the dates of their elaboration and implementation: i In the mean time the works are carried out on the basis of National Programme "Meros" (Heritage), which has been adopted in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan tf 2 June 1995 and Decree of Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan Ns 9 210 of 3 June 1995.
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